Starship troopers (novel)



The single-player game features a campaign mode consisting of a series of missions connected by mission briefings. After a level is completed it is then available to play in a Time Attack mode.

Most missions involve a player completing a single objective, with obstacles on the way. For example, the player’s ultimate objective is to rescue comrades. The player may have to find the soldiers, protect them, retrieve supplies, fix equipment, and then escape.

During the course of a mission, a player may run into one or more bosses, often a Royal warrior or a bug that performs a heavy support role, such as a plasma bug or a tanker.


Multiplayer in Starship Troopers consists of three different modes; Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Co-op. The most popular mode is Co-op which sees players defending a mechanic from an onslaught of arachnids whilst retrieving parts to repair a dropship to escape in. The network and lobby functions of Starship Troopers were provided by Demonware who have now withdrawn the services.

Promised dedicated server and modification tools were never released, along with the closing of the official English forums player numbers in the multiplayer game were very low. The game also lacked any console or server commands which makes it impossible to execute a variety of necessary admin functions such as kick, ban or a map change. Lastly as the balancing of the weapons is directly inherited from the singleplayer mode this means that deathmatch play isn’t very competitive. A player who picks up the rocket launcher for example is likely to dominate the game because it scores significantly more damage compared to many other weapons, has an area of effect, can be fired rapidly and has a very large magazine.

Patches released for the game mainly focused upon improving bringing the game’s multiplayer mode. The latest, version 5.24 released in December 2005, introduced 4 new DM/TDM maps and 3 new co-op maps.

В бой!

Двое — тоже отряд.

Игровая механика «Звездного десанта», в принципе, традиционна для варгеймов. Передвижение отрядами по делениям линейки, броски на попадание и дисциплину, модификаторы в зависимости от действий и местонахождения миниатюр — все это знакомо любому настольному полководцу. Изюминка игры — приказы, которые надо записывать для каждого отряда на особых карточках. В начале хода игрок решает, что будут делать его подразделения: двигаться, атаковать или обороняться. Вместе с этим он распределяет между отрядами очки инициативы (их число зависит от размера армии). Затем все карточки вскрываются, и солдаты выполняют приказы в порядке инициативы. Такая система требует от игроков стратегического мышления и привносит в игру дополнительный элемент неожиданности.

Бойцы людей и форсеров очень разные по своим боевым характеристикам, однако разработчикам удалось добиться хорошего баланса. Сейчас, когда фактически вышло только два комплекта миниатюр, большинство сражений сводится к перестрелке, однако появление тяжеловооруженных солдат и военной техники наверняка сделает популярным и ближний бой. Правила рекомендуют ограничивать игру пятью ходами и после этого подсчитывать соотношение убитых с обеих сторон, чтобы определить победителя. Однако ничто не мешает установить иные условия победы: например, сценарий, входящий в набор «Встречный бой», предусматривает полное уничтожение противника.

К качеству изготовления миниатюр серьезных претензий нет: как и ранние наборы «Кольца Власти», они сделаны мастерски. Соблюдены пропорции, насколько это возможно в масштабе 1:48, детализация на уровне. Разнообразие деталей позволяет собрать весьма непохожих друг на друга и по-разному экипированных солдат. Не забыты и декоративные элементы.

Бойцы из одной коробки непохожи друг на друга.


The Morita rifle has a «Bullpup» configuration in which the action and magazine are located behind the trigger, increasing barrel length and permitting a shorter weapon, saving weight and increasing maneuverability. The rifle uses 7.62x51mm ammunition (.308 caliber), which explains the rifles’ size, range and power. Theoretically, the rounds may be made from more advanced materials such as carbide or composites. The magazines have a 160 round capacity and the weapon itself can be set to semi- or fully automatic fire. The standard add-on is the 8 gauge 3.5″ 16 round semi-automatic shotgun.  (In the first  film there is a brief mention that the Italian arms dealer «Beretta» makes these rifles.)

Несложный выбор

На сегодяшний день в магазинах представлено три коробки с логотипами «Звездного десанта». Для первого знакомства с игрой — да и вообще варгеймами— стоит приобрести стартовый набор «Встречный бой». Однако если вы собираетесь присоединиться к компании игроков, у которых уже есть правила, игральные кости, линейки и прочие необходимые аксессуары, возможно, имеет смысл начать с дополнительных «расовых» наборов.

«Встречный бой»

96-страничная (толщиной с номер «Мира фантастики») книга правил содержит не только художественные тексты и собственно игровые руководства, но и шаблоны для стрельбы по площадям, перечень спецспособностей, рекомендации по расстановке ландшафта и идеи сценариев. В отдельной таблице сведены почти все модификаторы, которые пригодятся вам в разгаре боя. Особо стоит отметить внутренние иллюстрации, львиная доля которых создана известным художником Романом Папсуевым.

В отдельной брошюрке сведены инструкции по сборке моделей, боевые характеристики моделей, сценарий для вашей первой игры и упрощенные правила, с изучения которых и следует начать знакомство с игровой механикой. Из литников можно собрать шестнадцать боевых единиц: восемь человеческих пехотинцев, шестерых форсеров и два форсерских же мини-робота. Клей и краски придется приобретать отдельно, а вот наклейки с эмблемами в коробку вложены. В набор также входят все необходимые подставки и маркеры ранений, две двадцатигранных кости, две линейки с делениями по 2,5 сантиметра, карточки приказов, фломастер и даже лазерная указка, с помощью которой предлагается проверять линии обзора миниатюр.

«Линейная пехота»

Если вы играете за Диктатуру и хотите вдвое увеличить свои силы, эта коробка — для вас. Здесь находятся те же литники, подставки и наклейки для восьми бойцов Диктатуры, что и в стартовом наборе. И, разумеется, брошюрка с инструкциями для сборки и боевыми характеристиками.

«Боевое звено форсеров»

То же самое, что и «Линейная пехота», только для форсерского полководца. Призовет в ваши ряды еще шесть солдат и два автоматических модуля.



Powered Suit (Soft vinyl kit, 1988)

This is the OVA version of the Powered Suit. It is a Soft Vinyl Kit which need to be assembled and painted.

General Products

The Powered Suit (Soft vinyl kit, )

This is the 1/8 scale Powered Suit from the Japanese version of the original novel.

Powered Suit (Metal kit, )

This is the 1/25 scale Powered Suit from the Japanese version of the original novel.
It is specially made for Non Space Club members.


The Revoltech Mobile Infantry

Mobile Infantry Powered Suit (機動歩兵 Kido Hohei, Plastic model, 2001)

This is the 1/20 scale Powered Suit from the Japanese version of the original novel.
  • Mobile Infantry (機動歩兵 Kido Hohei, Revoltech, 2012)

    • Number: Sci-Fi Series 037
    • Accessories: Hand Flamer*1, Optional right hand with an egg*1, Optional left hand*1, Pilot figure*2, Display stand*1, Name plate*1
This is the Revoltech action figure of the Powered Suit from the Japanese version of the original novel.
  • Mobile Infantry Sand Yellow Ver. (機動歩兵サンドイエローVer. Kido Hohei Sando Yerō Ver., Revoltech, 2012)

    • Number: Sci-Fi Series 037
    • Accessories: Hand Flamer*1, Optional right hand with an egg*1, Optional left hand*1, Pilot figure*2, Display stand*1, Name plate*1
This is the repaint of the Revoltech Mobile Infantry in sand yellow. It was only available during Wonder Festival in summer, 2012.


Mobile Infantry (機動歩兵 Kido Hohei, Plastic model, 2004)

This is the 1/12 scale Powered Suit from the Japanese version of the original novel.

Mobile Infantry Phase2 (機動歩兵 Phase2 Kido Hohei Phase2, Plastic model, 2008)

This is the repaint of the 2004 plastic model in yellow.


M11 Babar action figure in package.

  • Starship Troopers 3 Marauder

    Accessories: Mobile Infantry trooper*1

    (Action figure, 2009)

This is an 1/35 scale action figure of Sergeant Sunday’s M11 Babar but with the number «04», Johnny Rico’s number. The figure has die-cast parts, making it with weights.
The figure is also sold with the Japanese version of the Starship Troopers 3: Marauder DVD with only 7000 sets.


The Platoon is the basic tactical maneuver brick of the Mobile Infantry. A Platoon consists of 36 personnel, commanded by a Lieutenant. A Viking Dropship can transport an entire Mobile Infantry platoon.

Each Platoon is divided into four Squads of eight troopers each. A command element of four people is in addition to the squads. The command element consists of the Platoon Commander (LT), the Platoon Sergeant (SGT), a Sniper (PVT), and a Communications Operator (CPL).

The four Squads each consist of a Squad Leader (J/SGT), a Assistant Squad Leader (CPL), and six Private troopers.

A company consist of four platoons and a command element of eight men. The command element consists of, the Company Commander (CAPT), the Company Senior Sergeant (SSGT), three Communication Operators (1 x CPL and 2 x PVT) and a Protection Party of three (PVT).

There are four companies per battalion, commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel.

Four battalions makes a regiment, commanded by a Colonel.

Cultural influences[]


Starship Troopers influenced many later science fiction stories, setting a tone for the military in space, a type of story referred to as military science fiction. John Steakley’s novel Armor was, according to the author, born out of frustration with the small amount of actual combat in Starship Troopers and because he wanted this aspect developed further.Template:Dead link Conversely, Joe Haldeman’s anti-war novel The Forever War is popularly thought to be a direct reply to Starship Troopers, and though Haldeman has stated that it is actually a result of his personal experiences in the Vietnam War, he has admitted to being influenced by Starship Troopers.Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card is also thought by many to have been either a direct response to or influenced by Starship Troopers. Card has flatly denied this, saying that he never read the novel and did not read The Forever War until after writing Ender’s Game.Harry Harrison wrote a satirical book called Bill, the Galactic Hero which he described as «a piss-take on Heinlein’s Starship Troopers.»Template:Dead linkJohn Scalzi’s novel Old Man’s War is, according to the author, explicitly patterned after Starship Troopers. In recent years, John Ringo’s series Legacy of the Aldenata (also known as the Posleen series) featured a more explicit homage to Heinlein’s book. In 1987, a Choose Your Own Adventure-style interactive book set in the Starship Troopers universe, Combat Command in the World of Robert A. Heinlein’s Starship Troopers: Shines the Name by Mark Acres, was published by Ace Publishers.

Film and television

The 1986 James Cameron film Aliens incorporated themes and phrases from the novel, such as the terms «the drop» and «bug hunt», as well as the cargo-loader exoskeleton. The actors playing the Colonial Marines were also required to read Starship Troopers as part of their preparation prior to filming. In 1988, Bandai Visual produced a 6-episode Japanese original video animation locally titled Uchū no Senshi.

The film rights to the novel were licensed in the 1990s. The first film, also titled Starship Troopers, was directed by Paul Verhoeven (RoboCop, Total Recall) and released in 1997. The film diverged greatly in terms of the themes and plot of the novel, and received mixed reviews from critics. A sequel followed in 2004, titled Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation, and another in 2008, Starship Troopers 3: Marauder. An animated series, Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles, which took inspiration from both the novel and the first film, was started in 1999 and lasted for 37 episodes.


In 1976, Avalon Hill published Robert Heinlein’s Starship Troopers, a map-and-counter board wargame featuring a number of scenarios as written in the novel. In 1997, as a tie-in with Verhoeven’s film adaptation, they published Starship Troopers: Prepare For Battle! which entirely focused on the film.Starship Troopers: The Miniatures Game, a miniature wargame which used material from both the novel and the film was published by Mongoose Publishing in 2005. In 1982, Radio Shack/Tandy published Klendathu by Leo Christopherson for the TRS-80 Model I/II/III. In 1998, Mythic Entertainment released Starship Troopers: Battlespace which was available to America Online subscribers. The game, in which players battled each other in overhead space combat, allowed players to assume either Klendathu or Federation roles. In 2000, Blue Tongue Entertainment released the top-down real-time tactics video game Starship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy. A first-person shooter game titled Starship Troopers was released November 15, 2005, based on Paul Verhoeven’s film version rather than on Heinlein’s novel. It was developed by Strangelite and published by Empire Interactive. Starship Troopers is also thought to have influenced numerous computer games including Tribes, Tribes 2, and StarCraft.


In 2006, Markosia began publishing the comics Starship Troopers: Ongoing Series, using, and expanding on, the background from the Mongoose Publishing wargame.

Halo 3: ODST

Необычный вариант десанта представила нам игра Halo 3, а точнее ее самостоятельное дополнение Orbital Drop Shock Trooper. Здесь вы исполните роль орбитального десантника, причем не суперсолдата, а обычного человека. Геймплей не сильно отличается от оригинала – бегаем, воюем, изучаем локации и наслаждаемся отличной историей, которая заполняет пробел между второй и третьей частями.

ODST заслужила похвалу за сценарий, мрачную атмосферу и тот факт, что играть за рядового солдата куда труднее, чем за супербойца, и этот контраст очень чувствуется на фоне серии. Радует и то, что сыграть в это дополнение с сентября 2020 года можно на ПК (входит в состав The Master Chief Collection).

Continuity notes[]

  • According to the official blog, the story of Starship Troopers: Invasion was originally set to take place almost 10 years after the first movie. Since the event from Starship Troopers 3: Marauder takes place 11 years after the fist film, Invasion and Marauder became two parallel universe. However, it was later stated that this film takes place several years after the Marauder on the official blog.

    Johnny Rico is now a general. His promotion was mentioned in the last part of Starship Troopers 3: Marauder.

  • Johnny Rico, Carmen Ibanez, and Carl Jenkins once again appear in a film together.
  • What happened in the Fort Casey is the story arc of mobile game Starship Troopers: Invasion «Mobile Infantry».
  • Carl mind-controls the Federal Intelligence Bugs, much like how he did to his pet, Cyrano, in the first film.
  • The Bug use a human corpse by stabbing into it to communicate with human. This is first seen in Starship Troopers 3: Marauder.
  • Rico, Carmen and Carl have different facial appearances, apparently not base on their original actors.
  • «Friends forever» from the first film is mentioned again in this film.
  • In Starship Troopers: Invasion character bio, it is stated that Rico still has a «thing» for Carmen after he already lost his romantic orientation to Dizzy Flores on Tango Urilla years ago.
  • Sergeant Zim is mentioned by General Rico. Zim is possibly retired from the military and opened a bar or restaurant.
  • Zander Barcalow is mentioned by Carmen Ibanez as «a certain young trooper».
  • The Invasion of Planet P and the destruction of the Rodger Young are mentioned.



Mobile Infantry Troopers on FedNet

The battle gear of the Mobile Infantry differs only slightly from modern day SWAT armor and Army BDUs (the uniforms greatly resemble Wehrmacht battle-gear from WWII). They are equipped with a helmet, thin body armor which is more for personal equipment carrying purposes, gloves and synthetic rubber combat boots. In hot environments, long sleeve field jacket are discarded in favor of the black T-shirt which is normally worn as an undergarment.

Communication operators carry a large backpack, possibly featuring radio and battlefield awareness system. The equipment not only allows surface to surface voice communications, but also surface to orbital, as well as real-time data updates, which keeps the operator well aware of the current battlefield events within 10 km radius. This is similar to the Blue Force Tracking systems developed in the early 21st century.

Eventually, the Mobile Infantry gear transited into Power Suit, a powered exoskeletons, allowing soldiers to operate in Zero-G, jump tall heights, a built-in jetpack allowing soldiers to fly for a short period of time, enhanced ballistic protection in cases of friendly fire and a fully enclosed helmet with a battlefield awareness system, HUD, and life support. Hardpoints for weapons like a minigun for battlefield crowd control or munition launchers and mini missile launchers that can take out entire hordes of Bugs in a single salvo, advancements which gives entire platoons the firepower of an army.


The standard arms used are the Morita Assault Rifle, Morita II Assault Rifle, E-pulse 44 Rifle, Morita III Assault Rifle. They are also trained with combat knifes, E-pulse 88 Rifle, and Rocket launchers and Tactical Oxygen Nukes. Mobile Infantry personnel are seldom seen using pistols and no combat ground vehicles are seen to be used.

with the introduction of the powered exoskeletons, weapons introduced includes the Morita Mark 1 Assault Rifle and Morita Mark 3 SAW which are way stronger then the previous weapons, able to kill a bug with just a small burst without the need of aiming for the eyes where’s previous models takes several bursts and the Morita XXX Sniper Rifle which is able to kill bugs with a single hit, sidearms includes the Vector CT1 for Naval staff and certain mobile Infantry units. The new weapons coupled with the Hardpoint weapons allow entire squads to clear hordes of bugs in minutes, something which would have been suicidal for mobile Infantry troops without power suit



Powered Suit (Soft vinyl kit, 1988)

This is the OVA version of the Powered Suit. It is a Soft Vinyl Kit which need to be assembled and painted.

General Products

The Powered Suit (Soft vinyl kit, )

This is the 1/8 scale Powered Suit from the Japanese version of the original novel.

Powered Suit (Metal kit, )

This is the 1/25 scale Powered Suit from the Japanese version of the original novel.
It is specially made for Non Space Club members.


The Revoltech Mobile Infantry

Mobile Infantry Powered Suit (機動歩兵 Kido Hohei, Plastic model, 2001)

This is the 1/20 scale Powered Suit from the Japanese version of the original novel.
  • Mobile Infantry (機動歩兵 Kido Hohei, Revoltech, 2012)

    • Number: Sci-Fi Series 037
    • Accessories: Hand Flamer*1, Optional right hand with an egg*1, Optional left hand*1, Pilot figure*2, Display stand*1, Name plate*1
This is the Revoltech action figure of the Powered Suit from the Japanese version of the original novel.

The Revoltech Mobile Infantry Yellow Ver.

  • Mobile Infantry Sand Yellow Ver. (機動歩兵サンドイエローVer. Kido Hohei Sando Yerō Ver., Revoltech, 2012)

    • Number: Sci-Fi Series 037
    • Accessories: Hand Flamer*1, Optional right hand with an egg*1, Optional left hand*1, Pilot figure*2, Display stand*1, Name plate*1
This is the repaint of the Revoltech Mobile Infantry in sand yellow. It was only available during Wonder Festival in summer, 2012.


Mobile Infantry (機動歩兵 Kido Hohei, Plastic model, 2004)

This is the 1/12 scale Powered Suit from the Japanese version of the original novel.

Mobile Infantry Phase2 (機動歩兵 Phase2 Kido Hohei Phase2, Plastic model, 2008)

This is the repaint of the 2004 plastic model in yellow.

Mobile Infantry

Mobile Infantry Phase2

Powered Suit

Powered Suit (Commander Type)

Powered Suit (Limited War Type)


There are numerous planets to wage war on throughout the game. Though more are stated, only some of the planets have information about them, what they are used for, and their infestation level.

Listed Planets

These Planets are found in the core rulebook of the game, along with information on the planet and what it can or is used for.

  • Sol
  • Earth
  • Luna
  • Mars
  • Europa
  • Titan
  • Pluto
  • Alpha Centauri
  • Hesperus
  • Hod
  • Proxima
  • Barnard’s Star
  • Castus
  • Pollor
  • Sirius
  • Epsilon Eridani
  • Ursa Majoris
  • Wolf 294
  • Altair
  • Sigma Draconis
  • Eta Cassiopei
  • Rho Eridani
  • The Trio (Vendis, Xi Bootis, and Lelande 25372)
  • Shoreridge
  • Cincinnati
  • Formalhault
  • Alpha Hydrae

Other Planets

These planets can be found in The Arachnid Empire book to battle against the Arachnids for.

  • Berat
  • Culath
  • Gagahna
  • Jokell
  • Halnaugh
  • Hisiwa
  • Klendathu
  • Median
  • Procellus
  • Pyro
  • Regelant
  • Stukkend
  • Surrelesh
  • Urestes

Starship Troopers references[]

Starship Troopers novel
  • The monologue at the beginning of the film is based on the one in the beginning of the original novel.
  • Like the original novel, each trooper wears a Powered Suit.
  • The Queen is introduced in the film universe for the first time on screen.
  • The Cherenkov Drive is shown and it was the first time for the system introduced on screen.
  • Like the novel, the Earth is referred as «Terra».
  • Chow is possibly a nod to Shujumi from the original novel, who is also an Asian martial artists
  • Like the previous film, Starship Troopers: Invasion includes the religious element, which was mentioned for times in the novel.

Starship Troopers anime

  • Similar to the 1988 anime, the troopers use a variety of machine guns as primary armaments instead of a single type of machine gun as seen in the previous films.
  • The depiction of the cap trooper and the capsule

    In the early concept art, the Invasion version of capsule was originally going to have three layers.

    are closer to the 1988 anime than in the original novel, as the capsule seems to be only one layer rather than several layers.

  • Like the 1988 anime, the enemies do come to Earth and stand on Earth’s soil.

Starship Troopers film

  • The main theme from the 1997 film Starship Troopers is used in this film.
  • The quote «Would you like to know more?» and «Everyone is doing their part» are from the propaganda pieces as seen in the first film.
  • Death From Above is painted on Johnny Rico’s Marauder MK-II.
  • Carl Jenkins locks himself in a Bug cage in a way similar to General Owen, who also locked himself up during the massacre in Whiskey Outpost.
  • Carl telepathically guides Carmen, as he did to Johnny in the first film.
  • The scene where Rico stabs the Queen is similar to Carmen’s use of a knife against the Brain Bug in the first film.
  • The conversation between Carl, Carmen, and Johnny near the end of the film is a reference to the one near the end of the 1997 film. However, this time it is Carl who says they can work things out together.
  • An injured Bugspray uses Trig’s Morita XXX Sniper Rifle to make a last stand before he is overwhelmed. This is similar to the injured Rico using the shotgun feature of Morita Assault Rifle to kill bugs before being overwhelmed in the first film.

Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation

  • The quote «What the hell kinda bug is that?!» was reused from were Captain Dax said in Hero of the Federation after encountering the Control Bug.
  • Like Captain Dax, Major Varro is a decorated soldier who gets arrested.


  • Carl becomes cold and harsh, similar to his television counterpart after several incidents.
  • The concept of the Federal Intelligence Bug — fighting Bugs with Bugs — is the same as the X-Bug from the 2005 video game.


Критический ответ

После выхода Starship Troopers получил негативные отзывы американских критиков. В ретроспективе 2017 года, посвященной лучшим фильмам 1997 года, критик AV Club Игнатий Вишневецкий назвал фильм «чертовски хорошо сделанным для собственного блага» и сказал, что он сбил с толку публику и критиков. На веб- сайте с агрегацией обзоров Rotten Tomatoes , который собирает как современные, так и современные отзывы, рейтинг одобрения составляет 65%, основанный на 65 обзорах, со средней оценкой 6,2 из 10. На сайте консенсус таков: «Забавный фильм … если вы можете смириться с чрезмерной кровью и деревянной игрой». На Metacritic он имеет рейтинг 51 из 100 на основе 20 обзоров, что означает смешанные или средние отзывы. Зрители, опрошенные CinemaScore, дали фильму среднюю оценку «C +» по шкале от A + до F.

Джанет Маслин из New York Times раскритиковала «сумасшедшее зловещее зрелище». Джефф Вайс из Deseret News назвал его «беспрерывным сплаттерфестом, настолько лишенным вкуса и логики, что даже самый безмозглый летний блокбастер выглядит умным». Роджер Эберт из Chicago Sun-Times , также назвал его поверхностным и ориентированным на подростков, мужчин-фанатов научной фантастики, но, тем не менее, сказал, что Верховену удалось «хитрой сатиры», сохранив визуальный стиль, напоминающий 1950-е годы, когда книга была впервые опубликована: декорации и костюмы выглядят как нечто среднее между Беком Роджерсом и комиксами Арчи ». Джин Сискель дал фильму незначительную рекомендацию, похвалив сатиру, которая «обнажила удар убийства» и «техническое компьютерное мастерство» эффектов ошибки, но сказал, что фильм стал «повторяющимся» и «можно было сократить на 20 минут. . »

В своей ретроспективе 2013 года Калум Марш из The Atlantic назвал фильм «… сатирой, безжалостно смешным и остро самосознательным посылом правого милитаризма … критикует военно-промышленный комплекс , ура-патриотизм Американская внешняя политика и культура, которая ставит реакционное насилие выше чувствительности и разума ». Тодд Маккарти из журнала Variety назвал его «Зрелищно фанатичной научно-фантастической эпопеей, которая доставляет два часа хорошего, неприятного веселья».

В слайд-шоу, сопровождающем статью комика и писателя Аасифа Мандви для « Салона» в 2012 году , Макс Ривлин-Надлер раскритиковал кастинг Каспера Ван Дина как пример побелки по сравнению с филиппинским происхождением персонажа в книге.


Звездный десант был номинирован на ряд наград в 1998 году, в том числе на премию Оскар за лучшие визуальные эффекты ; фильм получил награду Saturn Awards за лучшие костюмы и лучшие спецэффекты на церемонии вручения наград Академии научной фантастики, фэнтези и фильмов ужасов в США в 1998 году. Он также был номинирован на премию Stinkers Bad Movie Awards как Худший фильм, но проиграл Бэтмену и Робину .

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