Glsl shaders mod 1.18/1.17.1 (change appearance of minecraft world)

Как установить

В самом конце странички вы сможете бесплатно скачать любую из описанных модификаций для Minecraft PE и установить дополнение на свой Android-смартфон. Для того чтобы это сделать, необходимо придерживаться следующей пошаговой инструкции:

  1. Не каждый файловый менеджер позволяет запустить модификацию, даже после того, как она будет скачана. Поэтому открываем магазин приложений Google Play, воспользовавшись поисковой строкой и находим приложение под названием CX Проводник».
  2. Попав на домашнюю страничку программы, жмем кнопку ее установки. Дожидаемся завершения скачивания и автоматической инсталляции.

  1. Дальше открываем программу и на первом этапе просто переходим к следующему шагу. Появится уведомление о необходимости доступа к файловой системе смартфона. Разрешаем, нажав кнопку, отмеченную цифрой «3».

  1. Файловый менеджер запущен и сначала нам нужно открыть папку загрузок. Нажимаем соответствующую иконку, после чего переходим в каталог, в котором находится скачанное дополнение. Нажимаем на него.

  1. Автоматически откроется Minecraft. Тут нужно разрешить доступ к файловой системе смартфона. Это делается для того, чтобы появилась возможность импортировать скачанные дополнения.

  1. В результате запуститься импорт модификации в Minecraft.

  1. Уже через несколько секунд процесс будет завершен, о чем пользователя уведомит игра.

  1. Давайте проверим, корректно ли установилось дополнение для обеспечения реалистичности в Minecraft PE? Для этого нажимаем кнопку настроек.

  1. Дальше в боковом меню выбираем ссылку «Глобальные ресурсы». Именно этот раздел настроек содержит все установленные моды. Как видите, дополнение по улучшению реалистичности установлено и активно. Это значит, что наша миссия завершена.

Кстати, из этого же меню мы можем временно отключать любые модификации.

What’s the current state of development?

Iris has public releases for 1.16 and 1.17 that work with custom versions of Sodium. Iris has made a lot of progress, but it is still not complete software. Though it is already usable for many people, and generally provides a big performance boost over alternatives, there is still much to be done before Iris can be a complete replacement for OptiFine’s shaders features. As Iris continues its development, it will only become more and more complete with time.

Compatibility with Sodium is an ongoing project. I’ve been chatting with JellySquid over the course of many months regarding compatibility, and many refactors and improvements have been implemented into Sodium in order to better accommodate Iris.


  • TheOnlyThing and Vaerian, for creating the excellent logo
  • Mumfrey, for creating the Mixin bytecode patching system used by Iris and Sodium internally
  • The Fabric and Quilt projects, for enabling the existence of mods like Iris that make many patches to the game
  • JellySquid, for creating Sodium, the best rendering optimization mod for Minecraft that currently exists, and for making it open-source
  • All past, present, and future contributors to Iris, for helping the project move along
  • Dr. Rubisco, for maintaining the website
  • The Iris support and moderation team, for handling user support requests and allowing me to focus on developing Iris
  • daxnitro, karyonix, and sp614x, for creating and maintaining the current shaders mods

What the DMS Shaders Pack is About

The Shader pack is about performance, it has minimal requirement so players with low-end PCs can still run it and enjoy the game with it.

Mild Dark Fantasy Touch

The pack features a mild dark-fantasy feel to it and features de-saturated, gloomy, and lightly faded visuals. The pack is perfect for medieval themed gameplay, but would also look good on gloomy sci-fi scenes.

Optimized Codes

Although the pack started with unoptimized code, the creator DWP gained experience and re-coded and optimized the codes for the Shader pack. With time, the pack slowly improved in performance and reduced the strain on the computer.

Minimized Features

To optimized performance and make the pack usable for low-end computers while maintaining a solid gameplay, the pack features less effects and flashy visuals than your average Shader pack. However, this works well with its dark fantasy theme. Even with the minimized features, the pack still contains waving grass, waving waters, and more.

Should You Use It?

The pack features a mild dark fantasy themed that, in our opinion, looks quite nice even in vanilla Minecraft. The pack shines when combined with medieval type mods, structures, and worlds. Performance-wise, the DMS Shaders Pack is quite lightweight and does not eat up much of your computer’s resources. The pack is very playable on low-end computers and the graphics are also quite nice. If you are running a PC with low spec and want to try a Shader pack, or if you are looking for Shader pack that does not make your gameplay crawl, then we recommend trying the DMS Shaders Pack and see for yourself.

How to install DMS Shaders?

Installing Shader packs is actually quite simple, but for people who are new to mod and pack installations, it is sometimes a little tricky. Keep in mind that all Shader packs require at least the Optifine mod to be installed (or the GLSL Shader mod for older Minecraft versions. Your graphics card must also have OpenGL v2.1 support, GPU Shader 4 support, and has been updated to the latest driver.

Follow the steps below for a successful installation.

  1. Requisite: Download and install Optifine Mod
  2. Download the DMS Shaders Pack from below.
  3. Launch Minecraft with the mod Optifine installed.
  4. Go to Minecraft home screen > Options > Video Setting> Shaders> then press “Open Shaderpack folder”.
  5. A new window will pop up. In this window, copy and paste the downloaded Shader pack.
  6. Use the Shader pack inside Minecraft.
  7. Have fun!

Why did you make Iris?

Iris was created to fill a void that I saw in the Minecraft customization and graphical enhancement community: the lack of an open-source shaders mod that would let me load my favorite shader packs on modern versions of the game, while retaining performance and compatibility with modpacks. OptiFine, the current dominant mod for loading shader packs, has restrictive licensing that firmly stands in the way of any sort of tinkering, and is fairly notorious for having compatibility issues with the mods that I like. It’s also mutually incompatible with Sodium, the best rendering optimization mod in existence by a large margin. ShadersMod was never updated past 1.12, and it lacks support for many of the many modern popular shaderpacks. So I created Iris, to try and solve these issues, and also address many other longstanding issues with shader packs.

I first and foremost develop Iris to meet my own needs of a performance-oriented shaders mod with good compatibility and potential for tinkering. Iris when paired with Sodium delivers great performance on my machine, finally making it fully possible for me to actually play with shaders instead of just periodically switching them on to take pretty screenshots, then switching them off once I get tired of frame drops. Of course, as it turns out, I’m far from the only person who benefits from the development of Iris, which is why I’ve decided to release it to the public as an open-source mod.

Canvas is another shaders mod that has already gained some traction. Its big downside for me, however, is the fact that it doesn’t support the existing popular OptiFine shaderpacks that I want to use. This is because it uses a new format for shader packs that isn’t compatible with the existing format, in order to achieve many of its goals for better mod integration with shaders. And while Canvas now has a few nice shaders like Lumi Lights, I still want to have the option of using existing shader packs that were designed for OptiFine. Shader packs just aren’t interchangeable, just like how you cannot hand a copy of The Last Supper to someone who wants a copy of the Mona Lisa. They’re both great pieces of art, but you absolutely cannot just swap one out for the other. That being said, if you’re a fan of the shader packs available for Canvas, then great! Canvas and Iris are both perfectly fine ways to enjoy shaders with Minecraft.


These are the goals of Iris. Since Iris isn’t yet complete, it hasn’t fully achieved all of these goals, though we are on the right track.

  • Performance. Iris should fully utilize your graphics card when paired with optimization mods like Sodium.
  • Correctness. Iris should try to be as issueless as possible in its implementation.
  • Mod compatibility. Iris should make a best effort to be compatible with modded environments.
  • Backwards compatibility. All existing ShadersMod / OptiFine shader packs should just work on Iris, without any modifications required.
  • Features for shader pack developers. Once Iris has full support for existing features of the shader pipeline and is reasonably bug free, I wish to expand the horizons of what’s possible to do with Minecraft shader packs through the addition of new features to the shader pipeline. Unlimited color buffers, direct voxel data access, and fancy debug HUDs are some examples of features that I’d like to add in the future.
  • A well-organized codebase. I’d like for working with Iris code to be a pleasant experience overall.
  • Agnostic of Minecraft versions. This is more of a long-term goal, but if it is possible to make the majority of Iris version-independent, then porting to new versions should be straightforward and quick. This theoretically works in the other direction as well, though Iris for 1.8.9 (and similar old versions) isn’t very practical currently since Sodium doesn’t exist for these versions of the game.

What Are Shader Packs

Better Minecraft Graphics

Shader Mods are «mods» that you can use to configure the how Minecraft appears. It allows users to customize the graphics of the game, changing the color, and brightness. Some shaders also modify in-game objects such as water, clouds, and trees!

Better With Textures

Texture Packs replace the face of Minecraft blocks. When combined with shaders, both can drastically change the appearance of Minecraft.

Best Texture Packs 2021

May Require Better Hardware

As these mods will configure how the game looks, expect them to require higher system requirements. This may also cause some problems with systems that have modest hardware. Do check for compatibility first before applying them!

Check Out Minecraft’s Recommended Hardware Here!

Requires The Optifine Mod

Optifine is an optimization mod that graphically overhauls the settings of Minecraft. It also supports the HD textures and effects, allowing modders to create their own graphical mods. All mods written below require Optifine to run smoothly.

How To Install Optifine & Shaders

But where’s the Forge version?

Iris doesn’t support Forge. This is for a few reasons:

  • My time is limited, and properly supporting all the mods available for Forge (as well as Forge itself) is a huge amount of work. When people ask for Forge support, they aren’t asking just for Iris to run on Forge, they are also asking for it to be compatible out of the box with their kitchen sink modpack that contains over 300 mods. As a result, properly supporting Forge would require me to divert large amounts of precious time into fixing tedious compatibility issues and bugs, time that could instead be spent making the Fabric version of Iris better.
  • The Forge toolchain isn’t really designed to play nice with mods like Iris that need to make many patches to the game code. It’s possible, but Fabric & Quilt are just better for mods like Iris. It’s no coincidence that the emergence of Fabric and the initial emergence of OptiFine replacements happened at around the same time.
  • Sodium, which Iris depends on to achieve its great performance, has no official Forge version. It’s a long story, but in short: the lead developers of Forge were incredibly hostile to JellySquid when she developed for Forge, and since then have made no credible attempts to repair relations or even admit wrongdoing.

The license of Iris does permit others to legally port Iris to Forge, and we are not strictly opposed to the existence of an Iris Forge port created by others. However, what we are opposed to is someone doing a bare-minimum port of Iris to Forge, releasing it to the public, and then abandoning it or poorly maintaining it while compatibility issues and bug reports accumulate. When that happens, not only does that hurt the reputation of Iris, but we also ultimately get flooded by users wanting support with a low-effort Forge port that we didn’t even make.

So, if you want to distribute a Forge port of Iris, we’d prefer if you let us know. Please don’t just name your port «Iris Forge,» «Iris for Forge,» or «Iris Forge Port» either. Be original, and don’t just hijack our name, unless we’ve given you permission to use one of those kinds of names. If a well-qualified group of people willing to maintain a Forge port of Iris does appear, then a name like «Iris Forge» might be appropriate — otherwise, it probably isn’t appropriate.

Лучшие шейдеры для Minecraft 1.18 и 1.18.0

Применение у модификации точно такое же, как и у обычных текстур.

Единственное различие состоит в том, что лучшие шейдеры в Майнкрафт ПЕ 1.18 и 1.18.0 полностью видоизменяют мир, а не затрагивают какие-то отдельные его части.

Кроме того, получаемый результат невероятно красив и реалистичен, чего не сказать о тех же текстурах.

Топовые Шейдеры для Minecraft PE 1.18 и 1.18.0 прекрасно функционируют в многопользовательской игре, где присутствует уйма деталей и мелочей.

Это лишь свидетельствует о том, что дополнение идеально подходит для слабых устройств, где любая нагрузка приводит к неминуемым вылетам.

К слову, сами по себе шейдеры довольно лёгкие, но при этом ещё и мощные.

Что имеется ввиду? Модификация не занимает много памяти, но при этом существенно изменяет игру! Песочница Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.18.0 будет функционировать корректно и без вылетов.


Одни из лучших шейдеров для Майнкрафт ПЕ 1.18 и 1.18.0. Стоит отметить, что дополнение очень похоже на OSBES.

Однако RTX текстуры всё равно заметно выигрывают, если их сравнивать с другими модификациями похожего типа.

RTX картина имеет ряд преимуществ. Во-первых, игроков ждёт улучшенное освещение.

Свет будет ярким и насыщенным не только в дневное время суток, но и ночью. Просто разожгите костёр или экипируйте факел, дабы увидеть изменения графики.

Во-вторых, заметно улучшение соотношения между качеством и задержкой.

Имеется ввиду то, что картинка стала более плавной. То есть во время игры пользователь не будет замечать частую смену кадров.


Особенность этих шейдеров БСЛ для Майнкрафт 1.18 и 1.18.0 заключается в том, что BSL легко пойдут на слабых телефонах.

Кроме того, разработчики дополнения особенно подчеркнули функциональность.

Если играть с настройками на 75% освещенности, то вы заметите сильную разницу между миром с текстурами и без.

Картинка Minecraft 1.18 и 1.18.0 становится очень живой и насыщенной, а природные явления начинают играть новыми красками!

Тот же туман или нескончаемые дожди. Все эти эффекты выглядят так, будто взяты из реальной жизни.


Одни из самых топовых и реалистичных шейдеров SEUS.

Всё дело в том, что игра между светом и тенью придаёт Майнкрафт ПЕ 1.18 и 1.18.0 особую атмосферу, достигнуть которой без дополнений практически невозможно.

Все объекты на карте приобретают 3Д формат, с большей детализацией и проработкой.

Видны также изменения и в биомах, где вся локация становится похожа на реальный мир.

Чего только стоит новая вода! Модификация SEUS позволяет разглядеть на водной глади блики и лёгкие волны.


Ранее эти шейдеры были доступны лишь для ПК версии, однако теперь игроки и с мобильными устройствами могут улучшить свой мир в Minecraft 1.18 и 1.18.0.

Дополнение KUDA не сильно отличается от других похожих модификаций.

Шейдеры по-прежнему являются одними из самых лучших и прекрасно подойдут для всех типов устройств.

Отдельного внимания заслуживают блоки. В Майнкрафт ПЕ 1.18 и 1.18.0 все вещи теперь выглядят чуток иначе, с капелькой реализма.

Шейдеры с тенями

В данном разделе игроков ожидает целых два новых дополнения: Козерог и Ощущения.

Пусть названия шейдеров в Minecraft 1.18 и 1.18.0 кажутся чудаковатыми, однако это полностью отображает их суть.

Начать стоит Capricorn Shaders, где важную роль играют тени.

Разработчики уделили этому особое внимание, ведь смешение теней может либо ухудшить графику, либо наоборот её улучшить. С помощью шейдеров Козерог вы легко измените мир, сделаете картинку более мультяшной и насыщенной

С помощью шейдеров Козерог вы легко измените мир, сделаете картинку более мультяшной и насыщенной.

В это же время “Ощущения” сосредоточены на реализме.

Даже самые маленькие светящиеся объекты теперь будут преломлять свет, образуя в Майнкрафт ПЕ 1.18 и 1.18.0 характерную тень.

Recommended Shader Mods

Not Arranged By Rank

The mods listed below are not listed by rank. Players can check each one out and see which one suits them best. Also, mods written below have been recently updated, making them highly compatible with recent patches.

List Of Best Shaders 2021

Click on the shader for more info!!!

Name Description
BSL Shaders combined with with LexShino shaders. Graphics are a bit pinkish, giving the environent a «dream-like» appearance.
Chocapic13′ Shaders is something you’d want if you want to push your Minecraft to its limits. It has several shaders available for different system configurations.
Beyond Belief is a classic shader mod remade to work with modern Minecraft. Unfortunately, the mod has system limitations that prevent it from running on some systems.
Complimentary Shaders is a shader mod based on widely known BSL Shaders, just with more optimization. Includes a resource pack.
A mod that retains the classic look of Minecraft without introducing drastic changes. Has better clouds and shadows than the vanilla version.
Changes the blocks to a lighter and warmer color, reminiscent of being in the tropics. Great for building your own tropical paradise.
Introduce fancy fog effects, lighting, and dynamic shadows into your Minecraft. This shader mod makes Minecraft a bit realistic on the eyes.
Another realistic shader mod. Voyager retains cold colors but adds realistic shadows and lighting.
A long time project, SEUS brings realistic lighting to Minecraft. Very optimized and easy to run.
A base shaderpack that also introduces optimization features to Minecraft. You can customize the appearance of Minecraft to have a more realistic and more detailed adventure.
This shaderpack introduces a shader that does not require high specification computer for Minecraft. All effects that come with this shader can be tweaked and customized!
This shader gives a more vibrant coloring to the Vanilla Minecraft. It also alters the visual quality of water and vegetation.
This shader pack that can run on Optifine 1.12 or newer, and supports nVidia and AMD videocards. Also, this shader is compatible with two OS, Windows and Linux
Potato Shader aims to stay playable with even a potato PC, one with low specs. However, note that Intel HD 5000 Graphics and older are NOT supported on Windows!
This shader was designed to improve Minecraft’s appearance without heavily taxing your system. It runs exceptionally well on most systems and can even be run by low-end computers
This shader changes the graphics quality of your Minecraft in many aspects. It adds more detail by tweaking the appearance of shadows, lightings, custom clouds, realistic water, and vivid color grading!
This is an edited shader from Chocapic13. With that said, it still gives a decent quality level even at the lowest possible preset. With the most recent update of this mod, the low preset looks almost the same as the extreme preset!
This shader is a modified version of Chocapic 13’s shaderpack. It includes realistic plants, flowers, and wheat. New additions to this shader also include new rain drops, lighting colors making it vivid, and ambient colors.
Windom Shaders is a shader pack that adds and improves the visuals of Minecraft. It has this film grain-like effect but is still enjoyable as it focuses on smooth performance.
Sunflawer Shaders is a modified version of the popular BSL Shader Pack that adds and improves the visuals of Minecraft. It brings with it customized visual features such as clouds, reflections, and shadows, while also including optimization tweaks. It is pretty light and can be run with low-end PCs.
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