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Tasks tend to be less complex and significant than full-fledged side quests.

Task Given by Start location Notes
Vengeance from the Grave Perly’s soul Valewood – Bear Cave
Late for Dinner Tenfrith orPasca Valewood orGilded Vale – The Black Hound Can be received directly from Pasca or by rescuing Tenfrith in Valewood independently.
Against the Grain N/A Gilded Vale Started when encountering an argument between Sweynur and Trumbel.
Ferry Flotsam Peregund Madhmr Bridge
A Call to Court Palace messenger Caed Nua Received after returning to Caed Nua for the first time after visiting Defiance Bay.
Desperate Measures Thulgar Endless Paths of Od Nua – Level 3
The Blade of the Endless Paths N/A Endless Paths of Od Nua Started by finding any of the blade’s pieces on level , , or .
Seals of the Endless Paths N/A Started by finding any of the three overseer seals on level or .
Something Secret Gordy Copperlane
The Parable of Wael Grimda Copperlane – The Hall of Revealed Mysteries
Unwanted Eorn orby finding Edict of arrest Copperlane – Copperlane Catacombs orFirst Fires – Crucible Keep Can be received directly from Eorn or by finding an Edict of arrest in Crucible Keep.
Missing Sentries Wyla First Fires – Crucible Keep
The Forgotten Vicent Agosti First Fires – Vailian Embassy
Safe Haven N/A Heritage Hill – Valtas Manor Started when encountering the undead Valtas family in Valtas Manor.
All Hands on Deck Marceno Ondra’s Gift
Clandestine Cargo Imatl
Brave Derrin Derrin’s soul orOdda Ondra’s Gift orOndra’s Gift – Odda’s House Can be received directly from Odda or by finding Derrin’s soul independently.
Hard Feelings Bricanta Doemenel Brackenbury – Doemenel Manor
Nest Egg Hendyna Dyrford Village
Cat and Mouse Medreth orNyfre Dyrford Village orDyrford Village – Dracogen Inn Can be received either from Medreth or from Nyfre.
The Sealed Missive Dying Monk Elmshore
Hard Bargain Rinatto Hearthsong
Songs of the Wild Delem Oldsong


Obsidian chose to use a crowd funding model for Project Eternity instead of the traditional developer/publisher arrangement, since trying to get funding for a traditional fantasy RPG through a traditional publisher would be next to impossible. On 16 October 2012, Project Eternity’s funding campaign concluded with a total of $3,986,929. The Project was tentatively scheduled to be released in Quartal 4, 2014. On December 10, 2013, Obsidian announced that the official title for the game will be Pillars of Eternity, dropping the working title Project Eternity.

In March 2014, it was announced that Paradox Interactive will publish the game. They will handle the fulfillment and distribution of the physical copies of the game along with the physical rewards from the Kickstarter campaign, as well as the localization for foreign languages. They will also be offering Quality Assurance Testing for the title. (Obsidian retains the rights to the IP)


Communing with the gods in Teir Evron.

People may worship more than one god, but they tend to honor those who are most associated with their way of life. Farmers often worship the gods of light, growth, or storms, while warriors might praise the gods of battle or fortune. For some, this worship is a matter of respect and tradition; they believe their deities to be their creators, and disrespecting them could bring dire consequences. For others, worship is a matter of karmic self-interest. Such individuals hope that their deity will favor them and place their reincarnated soul in the body of someone who will live a good life. For them, choosing not to worship is to risk spiritual confusion, aimlessness in the Beyond, or a place in the lottery of souls, which could result in their next life being worse than their current one. Beyond their primary deities, most people will say a prayer to the appropriate god when the circumstances are right. Farmers will pray to the god of battle when their lands are invaded, and warriors will pray to the god of the hunt when they’re starving in the wilderness.

Sometimes, the same god has distinct identities in different parts of the world. For example the god of life and death is called Berath in Aedyran, Cirono in or Rikuhu in Huana.


Сюжет игры начинается с того, что протагонист первой части, он же Хранитель и Владыка Каэд Нуа, умирает. Его, а так же его замок и кучу подданных уничтожает бог перерождения, весны и света Эотас, что вселился в огромную статую в подземельях под замком и пошёл в неизвестном направлении творить произвол, попутно вытягивая души (и соответственно убивая) у всех, кто попадается ему по пути.
Хранитель обретает себя в местном загробном мире — «Там», где тут же попадает на аудиенцию с богом смерти Берасом.

Берас сообщает, что может воскресить Хранителя в обмен на услугу — ему нужно последовать за Эотасом на архипелаг Мёртвого Огня и разузнать, что он задумал. Хранитель может как согласиться, и тогда часть его спасённой Берасом души вселится обратно в тело , так и отказаться и благополучно умереть, перерождаясь в какого-то зверька.

На архипелаге Хранитель быстро оказывается втянут в политические разборки между четырьмя силами — племенами местных жителей Хуана, которые медленно консолидируются под властью королевы Онеказы и известны за свои особенные отношения с морем и бурями; Вайлианской Торговой Компанией, что заинтересована в архипелаге в основном из-за огромных источников адры, которая им нужна для исследования анимансии; Королевской Компанией Мёртвого Огня — торгово-военным флотом Рауатай, которые видят в островах кучу плодородной земли и возможность побороть голод на родине; и Принчипи сен Патрена — безземельных аристократов, выходцев из Старой Вайлии, которые пришли в эти воды в поисках новой родины, но в итоге уже практически выродились в разномастное сборище пиратов и контрабандистов.

Принимая или игнорируя политические игры, Хранитель рано или поздно обнаруживает, что Эотас придерживается определённого маршрута — под водой он ходит между островами, на которых есть адровые столбы — сосредоточения душ в материальном мире — из которых высасывает души для своеобразной подзарядки. Между тем, время от времени Хранитель попадает в иной мир, где присутствует на совете богов, которые всё никак не могут определиться с тем, что же им делать с Эотасом. Воедика, например, предлагает уронить на него одну из лун, Скейн хочет убить его изподтишка, Хайлия желает прежде всего узнать, что он задумал, и так далее. Быстро становится понятно, что они и сами не знают, чего хотят, и уж тем более не знают, что делать с Эотасом.

Следуя за ожившим богом, Хранитель в итоге добирается до затерянного острова Укайзо, найти который желает каждая фракция в архипелаге. Пользуясь чьей-то поддержкой или же действуя в одиночку, Хранитель с командой добирается до Укайзо, где наконец встречается с Эотасом. И снова решает судьбу мира.

Возможные глобальные концовки:

1. Вмешательство

2. Бездействие

3. Вдохновение

Эотас в обличье Мароса Нуа и абстрактный Хранитель

4. Жалость

5. Божественная воля

6. Конец

Более частные концовки, вроде концовок персонажей-сопартийцев, фракций и поселений зависят от решений, которые принимал игрок на протяжении всей игры, и некоторые из них весьма не очевидны.

Downloadable content[]

A two part-expansion titled The White March was announced by Obsidian at E3 2015. The White March — Part I was released on August 25, 2015, and The White March — Part II was released on February 16, 2016. The expansion adds The White March, a new mountainous arctic region to the map, along with new companions, characters, quests, creatures, abilities and items.

A free content pack, the Deadfire Pack was released on November 16, 2017. It adds a collection of items and new portraits, inspired by the game’s then-upcoming sequel, Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire. It is the only content pack for the game, not including the backer and pre-order in-game items. While included in the Definitive Edition, it can be downloaded as a separate addition for free.

Other unique in-game content

The following items are granted to eligible players upon creating a new character.

  • Gaun’s Pledge and Miniature Giant Space Piglet, as a reward for pre-ordering the game.
  • Cloak of the Obsidian Order and Tiny Obsidian Wurm pet, included in most Kickstarter backer tiers.


Pillars of Eternity

Woedica is the unseen antagonist. Her goal is to return to Eora empowered and reestablish her dominance as the foremost of the gods, using Thaos to further her agenda. The Watcher can defeat Thaos and then fulfil his purpose — to offer the stolen souls to Woedica — when deciding what to do at Sun in Shadow.

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

  • Woedica makes a reappearance as a part of the council of gods. She appears first after departing Maje Island, at Berath’s council. She reminds Berath of Eothas’ resilience — and the fact that he should scare her.
  • When the player first leaves Neketaka they will receive the Burned Book of Law in their inventory. Interacting with the book allows the Watcher to communicate with Woedica in private. She will reveal certain information about the history and machinations of the gods, saying that she plans to use the Watcher as a test of the worthiness of mortals

Crowdfunding campaign[]

The campaign launched on January 26, 2017 on the crowdfunding platform Fig, with a funding goal of US$1.1 million with US$2.25 million open for equity. The funding goal was achieved in under 23 hours. Over the remaining period, Obsidian raised a total of $4,545,395, made up of $2,157,598 of backer pledges, $2,250,000 from «Fig Funds» / private investors, and $137,797 of post-campaign preorder pledges. The campaign closed on February 25, 2017.

During the campaign, various goals were set which promised the addition content to the game upon reaching certain levels of funding.

Funding timeline

Goal Reached on Additional game features
$1,100,000 January 27, 2017 Localization for English, French, German; Multi-classing
$1,400,000 January 28, 2017 Sub-classes
$1,600,000 January 30, 2017 Localization for Russian; Level cap increase from 16 to 18
$1,800,000 January 31, 2017 Localization for Polish; 7th companion: Xoti, priest/monk
$2,000,000 February 2, 2017 Localization for Spanish; AI customization for the player and their companions
$2,200,000 February 7, 2017 Localization for Italian; UI customization; watercolored NPC portraits
$2,400,000 February 9, 2017 Localization for Korean; double the amount of voice-over
$2,600,000 February 13, 2017 Berath’s Blessing: various bonuses when starting a new game
$2,800,000 February 17, 2017 Full orchestra soundtrack; Level cap increase to 20; more Sub-classes
$3,000,000 February 19, 2017 Expanded relationship features between companions
$3,250,000 February 22, 2017 Up to four sidekicks, voyaging with the player
$3,500,000 February 23, 2017 Localization for Portuguese; New ship upgrades
$3,750,000 February 25, 2017 Localization for simplified Chinese; New islands to explore
$4,000,000 February 26, 2017 New ship types to own and customize
$4,250,000 February 27, 2017 Intelligent talking soulbound weapon
$4,500,000 March 1, 2017 Ship crew — hire and manage a crew for your ship
$4,750,000 Cancelled Sea monsters and fishing
$5,000,000 Cancelled 8th companion — adds Ydwin as a full companion

Content, created by the backers

Main article: Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire backer created content

Partly limited, or made available again, backers can invest certain amounts and benefit from one of several goodies.

  • Name a pet
  • Create an item
  • Portrait in-game
  • Be an NPC
  • Create a super-pet
  • Create a spell
  • Build a pirate party
  • Create an inn
  • Own an island
  • Top backer (meet the team, amongst others)

Backer tiers

These were the reward tiers available via the crowdfunding campaign. .

  • Obsidian Initiate ($5)
  • Digital Download ($29)
  • Premium Digital ($45)
  • Physical Box ($59)
  • Ultimate Digital Edition ($65)
  • Complete Pillars Bundle ($79)
  • Early Access + Credits ($99)
  • Early Access + Credits + Box ($109)
  • Collectors Edition ($149)
  • Elite Collector’s Edition ($199)
  • Signed Elite Collector’s Edition ($249)
Features Obsidian Initiate Digital Download Premium Digital Physical Box Ultimate Digital Edition Complete Pillars Bundle Early Access + Credits Early Access + Credits + Box Collectors Edition Elite Collector’s Edition Signed Elite Collector’s Edition Higher tiers†
Digital content
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
Pillars of Eternity I: Hero Edition + White March Part I and II
Tyranny 33%-off Coupon
Tyranny 50%-off Coupon
Special In-Game Item #1
Special In-Game Item #2
In-Game Pet
Digital material 1 *
Digital material 2 **
Forum Badge
VIP Forum Badge
In-Game Credit
Gold Tier In-Game Credit
Early Access Beta
Backer created content
Physical content
Physical Box Copy of Pillars II
Collectors Box
Collectors Box (signed)
Physical material 1 ***
Physical material 2 ****
Space Pig Plushie
Cost $5 $29 $45 $59 $65 $79 $99 $109 $149 $199 $249 $500-10,000
Backers 107 15,506 10,023 676 1,484 1,095 803 73 1,236 976 628 126

Click «Expand» to show legend

  • * Digital material 1 includes:
    • Digital Guidebook Volume II
    • Digital Soundtrack
    • «Cooking with Tim, Vol. 1» Digital RPG Cookbook
    • Pillars of Eternity Pen & Paper Starter Guide.
  • ** Digital material 2 includes:
    • High-Resolution Digital Map of the Deadfire Archipelago
    • Additional Desktop Wallpapers
    • 10 Pieces of Digital Concept Art
    • Pillars of Eternity II Phone Backgrounds
    • All-new Pillars of Eternity II Novella
    • Collected Pillars of Eternity I Novellas Omnibus Version
    • Pillars of Eternity Digital Deluxe Soundtrack (includes The White March OST)
  • *** Physical material 1 includes:
    • Cloth Map
    • Mousepad
    • Patch
    • 8×10 Concept Art Print
    • Space Pig Pin
  • **** Physical material 2 includes:
    • 10″/25cm Od Nua Statue
    • Hardcover Guidebook Volume II
    • Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Game Manual

† See: Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire backer created content


Priests have few personal buffs, few single-target strike spells, some crowd control abilities, many AoE buffs and healing spells. They can use combo attacks with other priests and are the first class that is able to provide party wide healing.


Priests do not gain power directly from their deity, but from their belief in the deity and the tenets of their religion. Priests gather energy into their own souls and release it through the use of specific prayers. These prayers form the common spells priests use in battle, ranging from healing magic and divine attacks to a variety of blessings and curses. Relying on large area of effect bonuses mixed with small area offensive spells to direct combat from afar.

Priests gain access to all spells of a given level as soon as he/she is able to cast from that level, but their overall access is limited by their faith.

Compared to wizards, priests have access to a smaller number of spells overall but do not need to prepare those spells in a grimoire. And while priests do have offensive spells, they are smaller in area and generally weaker in power than similar effects available to wizards and druids.


The following factions have their reputations tracked over the course of the game. Keep in mind that factions have different thresholds for ranks. For example, to go up in rank for Defiance Bay, you may need to complete quite a few quests, but for a smaller faction like House Doemenel, a single quest could be sufficient to increase your rank. This value is called the faction scale, and is shown in the brackets next to the faction.

In Pillars of Eternity

  • Gilded Vale (40)
  • Defiance Bay (67)
  • Dyrford (20)
  • Twin Elms (54)
  • Knights of the Crucible (25)
  • The Dozens (21)
  • Dunryd Row (unused)
  • House Doemenel (24)
  • Ethik Nôl (18)
  • Ovates of the Golden Grove (15)
  • The Fangs (42)
  • Stalwart (30)


Many skills have a direct impact on game mechanics, and allow your character to perform specialized actions like stealth, detecting traps, picking locks, or reading scrolls. A more skilled individual will perform these tasks with ease, and will have a higher rate of success.

Some skills grant auxiliary combat bonuses, either directly affecting attributes — or other combat mechanics.

Outside of combat, skills play a large part in dialogue and scripted interactions, where they can be «checked» to overcome an obstacle, and determine whether a character succeeds or fails to perform an action. Having more points in a skill can also unlock additional dialogue options with NPCs, which can be invaluable when pursuing a specific outcome for a quest or conversation.

Weapon type bonus[]

Besides other differences, almost every weapon type has a distinguishing characteristic that sets it apart from similar weapons. This is called weapon type bonus. For example, pikes have an extended reach that allows their wielders to strike at targets from farther away; flails ignore a portion of shield-based deflection; estocs negate DR; etc.

Some effects of weapon type bonuses can be achieved by other means, mostly by enchanting the weapon. But contrary to enchantments, weapon type bonuses consume no enchanting slots («anvils»), leaving space for other enchantments. Specific bonuses for each weapon type are listed in the tables below.

Name Effects
Superior Interruption 1 
Superior Interruption 2 
Weapon bonus: Accurate 
Weapon bonus: Best attack  ?
Weapon bonus: Burning lash  ?
Weapon bonus: Citzal’s Spirit Lance AoE  ?
Weapon bonus: Crushing lash  ?
Weapon bonus: Deflection  ?
Weapon bonus: DR bypass 3  ?
Weapon bonus: DR bypass 4  ?
Weapon bonus: DR bypass 5  ?
Weapon bonus: DR bypass 6  ?
Weapon bonus: Increased crit damage  ?
Weapon bonus: Increased reach  ?
Weapon bonus: Interrupt  ?
Weapon bonus: Overbearing  ?
Weapon bonus: Paralyzed  ?
Weapon bonus: Reaping  ?
Weapon bonus: Reduced crit damage  ?
Weapon bonus: Reliable  ?
Weapon bonus: Sharp  ?
Weapon bonus: Shock DR reduction  ?

Ranged weapons[]

Bows and crossbows

Bows and crossbows have the largest attack range among all the ranged weapons in the game. Bows are the fastest to use. Crossbows are slower to reload/fire than hunting bows or war bows but they do more damage. The more powerful Arbalests can’t be cocked by hand and need to be planted and cranked, and thus are slower to reload than crossbows, but still faster than Firearms.

Bows Base Damage Damage Type Range Speed Interrupt Weapon type bonus Weapon Focus / Specialization
10-15 * Pierce * 12m * Fast 0.5 sec (Average) Faster than War Bow Peasant
13-20 Pierce 12m Average 0.5 sec (Average) Increased damage over Hunting Bow Adventurer
18-26 Pierce 12m Slow 0.75 sec (Strong) Middle ground between the arbalest’s damage and bow’s speed. Knight
22-32 Pierce 12m Very Slow 0.75 sec (Strong)
  • Crits can inflict (2.0 sec, vs )
  • -0.3 Crit Damage multiplier

* Except for Massuk Hunting Bow, a Sagani companion’s bow, which has a slightly lower Damage (10-14) and slightly lower Range (11m), but deals Pierce / Crush damage (whichever one is the best against target’s Damage Reduction).

Except for Stormcaller, which deals Pierce / Shock damage (whichever one is the best against target’s Damage Reduction).


Firearms are very slow to reload, taking longer to reload than any other weapons and aren’t very accurate, but they make up for it by dealing high damage, their low base Interrupt value and unique advantage in dealing with Wizards standard magical defense.

Arquebuses do the most damage per shot of the firearms and have the lowest accuracy penalty but are the slowest to reload. Pistols do less damage than arquebuses and have a higher accuracy penalty but reload faster. Blunderbusses reload as fast as pistols and are quite inaccurate, but they fire 6 projectiles that each do a small amount of damage. If the target does not have much armor and has low Deflection, or if it’s from a Sneak Attack, blunderbusses are the most devastating.

Firearms Base Damage Damage Type Range Speed Interrupt Weapon type bonus Weapon Focus / Specialization
6-9 (six projectiles) Pierce 8m Very Slow 0.05 sec (Weakest)
  • +4 bypass
  • -0.3 Crit Damage multiplier
22-30 Pierce 8m Very Slow 0.35 sec (Weak)
  • +6 bypass
  • -0.3 Crit Damage multiplier
24-36 Pierce 10m Extremely Slow 0.35 sec (Weak)
  • +6 bypass
  • -0.3 Crit Damage multiplier

Magical implements

Magical Implements are ranged magical missile weapons, that are quite fast and accurate, but not very powerful and have low interrupt value. Wizards gain a bonus via their Blast ability when using Magical Implements.

Implements Base Damage Damage Type Range Speed Interrupt Weapon type bonus Weapon Focus / Specialization
9-14 Pierce / Crush(Best) 10m Fast 0.5 sec (Average) Adventurer
9-14 Crush / Slash(Best) 10m Fast 0.5 sec (Average) Noble
11-16 Pierce / Slash(Best) 10m Average 0.5 sec (Average) Noble


You get this task after you finding an edict of arrest for Eorn in Crucible Keep. Alternatively, you may begin this task by locating Eorn without having to find the letter. You can find Eorn in the Catacombs under Copperlane. Decide Eorn’s fate. Report to Justiciar Aldmar at Crucible Keep.


  • Kill Eorn: Eorn’s corpse yields his Rabbit Fur Gloves. Justiciar Aldmar awards 200 upon reporting Eorn’s death and an additional 50 if pressed further.
  • Attempt to arrest Eorn: Eorn will attack the party to the death if you attempt to arrest him to face the duc’s justice.
  • Find and report Eorn’s location to the Crucible Knights: Justiciar Aldmar awards 200 upon reporting Eorn’s location and sends a party to kill Eorn. Eorn’s corpse is left in the catacombs along with his Rabbit Fur Gloves.
  • Help Eorn leave Defiance Bay: You can give Eorn 300 to escape Defiance Bay. Eorn rewards you with his Rabbit Fur Gloves and departs. You can encounter him later in Dracogen Inn and get Dyrford Village minor positive after you talk with him.) This option grants benevolent disposition.
  • Take Eorn prisoner: Eorn will be locked up in your stronghold dungeon. This option is only available if you have constructed the Dungeons at your stronghold.


The legends of Ondra are old compared to those of the other gods, and tales of her romance with the moon are especially well-known. In the stories, Ondra attempts to touch the moon but grasps only a piece of it, which plummets into the ocean. Its catastrophic impact causes the earth to shudder and the seas to surge all over the world. Ondra still pursues the moon, which kith believe causes the tides. Tidal waves and tsunamis are a result of her more forceful advances.

Ondra is one of the few gods that doesn’t have a physical shape in legends and she is never known to speak. She is imagined as a goddess who listens without judgment. As such, many use the seas as a confessional. «Ondra’s Hair» are long, shifting pillars of water that appear on the surface of oceans. They are the most direct manifestation of Ondra, and people believe they serve to thwart and punish plunderers of the sea.

In reality, Ondra was one of the gods created by the Engwithans. As the master of forgetting and the only one determined enough to handle the task, she sought to destroy the Engwithans to prevent them from ever threatening the gods with their refinement of animancy. This would be the last intervention before the gods swore off direct involvement in the affairs of the kith. To achieve this, she pulled Ionni Brathr, the smallest of Eora’s moons, down from its orbit such that it would impact the Eastern Reach and Deadfire Archipelago, centers of Engwithan civilization. However, Abydon interfered with her plans. He forged a hammer that shattered the moon, causing most of its fragments to crash into the ocean. However, the largest shard remained on course. He threw himself in its path, sacrificing his life. Ondra honored his memory by erecting the Abbey of the Fallen Moon around his body, which lay in the mountains of the the White March.

Проклятые сокровища

В древние времена люди устраивали частые экспедиции вглубь в поисках скрытых чудес. Затем, как и сейчас, искатели сокровищ из других миров периодически прибывали, очевидной с той же целью, и вполне возможно, что некоторые новые племена произошли от таких обездоленных, которые оказались в затруднительном положении. Эти подземные экспедиции редко возвращаются успешно или вообще возвращаются. Стражи некронов всегда защищали Чёрные Катакомбы, даже когда сами некроны спали. В наши дни племена считают, что войти в Чёрные Катакомбы — значит стать проклятым, и только смерть ожидает тех, кто достаточно глуп, чтобы сделать это. Племена унаследовали множество историй об этих ужасных стражах: стаях металлических насекомых, призраках с лезвиями, появляющихся из самых стен, гигантских металлических пауках и массивных змей, которые одинаково легко пробуриваются сквозь лёд и скалы. Истории также рассказывают о таких чудесах, как невероятно большие залы, заполненные сотнями тысяч стальных скелетов, обширные пещеры, где зелёные дуги молний пробегают между огромными рядами тайных устройств и кристаллов, и мерцающие проёмы, из которых никогда не возвращаются.

Многие из этих историй рассказывают об ужасных судьбах, которые ждут тех, кто достаточно глуп, чтобы спуститься через пещеры и скалы в глубины подземного мира Вечности. Одна такая легенда говорит о алчном колдуне, который вопреки советам своих собратьев спустился в стальные пещеры с небольшой группой умелых воинов. Благодаря могучей магии колдуна и мастерству воинов, отряд пробился сквозь смертельных призраков, которые не давали им войти в склепы. В конце концов грабители гробниц обнаружили большую залу, заполненную урнами, сундуками и странными саркофагами. Каменные полки, покрывающие комнату, были завалены прекрасными сокровищами — фантастическими гололитами, золотыми украшениями, ослепительными зелёными драгоценными камнями и таинственными кубиками серебра

Осторожно, чтобы не потревожить саркофагов и не разбудить мертвецов, эти люди разграбили склеп, полностью набив сокровищами свои мешки из шкур.


As the second dragon comes to a heavy landing, you take note of the figure atop its back: a woman with sweeping horns, garbed in flowing robes. She slides from the dragon’s back in one graceful movement.

«I am Llengrath.»

Llengrath is a powerful wizard, author of many (mostly defensive) spells. The list includes: Llengrath’s Displaced Image, Llengrath’s Mental Shields, Llengrath’s Physical Shields, Llengrath’s Safeguard, Llengrath’s Blunt Wisdom, Llengrath’s Siphoning Image, Llengrath’s Warding Staff, Llengrath’s Dread Haze, and Llengrath’s Superior Elemental Bulwark.

As one of the most powerful mages in the world and member of the Circle of Archmagi, Llengrath has made significant advancements in the field of magic. She later faced the same obstacle as one of her rivals, Concelhaut: death, though she chose to combat it in a more unique way.

Accompanied by two high dragons, Gafonercos and Turisulfus, Llengrath is a force to be reckoned with not only by her powers (as this is one of the toughest battles in the game) but also by her strategy to preserve oneself and cheat death in a different way.

The original Llengrath thought of something Concelhault did not. He realized memory and consciousness were insignificant when compared to one’s knowledge, and sought to become immortal by creating a cult and preserving his expertise through time.

At Mowrghek Îen, The Watcher of Caed Nua speaks to a Llengrath that wasn’t the first, nor the last. Each new disciple gains the title of ‘Llengrath’ by studying everything the original wizard has discovered, thus becoming the new Archmage.

During conversations in The Forgotten Sanctum, the Watcher can gradually piece together the history of Llengrath. Llengrath, you see, is not a person, but a memory passed on through acolytes and apprentices. The original Llengrath lives on by attaching himself to the soul of the most recent apprentice like a tick, though the current Llengrath assures the player that it is nothing so dramatic as that. She welcomed him —fought for him, and insists that theirs is a symbiotic relationship, not a predatory one.

Llengrath was behind the Siege of Crägholdt and the employment of the Torn Bannermen to kill Concelhault and acquire his engwithan phylactery. The Archmage acknowledges the Player’s strength for taking down the Torn Bannermen, one of the most powerful mercenary groups in eora.

For Llengrath feared that the phylactery might fall into wrong hands, and sought to destroy its secrets and kill anyone who knew them. For that reason, the Watcher is a primary target since they know how to possibly become immortal.

The Forgotten Sanctum

The Watcher encounters Llengrath again years later, while looking into the strange tremors linked to the newly-appearing tentacles at the Black Isles. Llengrath is found investigating the absence of Maura of the Seven Hills, a fellow archmage known for her cryptic activities and connections to some of the largest and most devastating cataclysms on Eora. She then invites the Watcher to join her little investigation beneath the isle.

Below, she stumbles upon her colleague—another of the most powerful mages in Eora, who claims to also be investigating the chamber buried beneath; the Archmage Tayn and imps Drowsy Puke and Fetid Spray, representing Arkemyr. As usual, Tayn’s chaotic behavior gets on her nerves, especially when he has the gall to call her Llen, as if she were his friend or imp companion.

However, the visit to Wael’s temple produces more knowledge than she’s prepared to learn, as it becomes apparent that the Halls Obscured also contain secrets related to the very first Llengrath, and the solution to the sudden disappearance of their communion. Llengrath isn’t just a title, after all, but a communion going all the way back to the very first archmage. It was taken from them by the Hand Occult, who sequestered the collected memories of the first Llen in its vast archives beneath the Black Isles.

(If slain during events of PoE1, she will be a green orlan instead of a nature godlike, and you will get different conversation options, but otherwise everything will proceed as normal)


You automatically get this quest after completing The Assassin at Large.

Enter Teir Evron (the Glanfathan temple) in Elms’ Reach. Pick up the Luminescent Adra Shard from the altar on the right, and place it into the pillar inside the big circle in the middle of the room. This activates four pulpits surrounding the circle. You can interact with each of them to speak to the god whose symbol is closest to it. (The remaining gods are not available.)

The first time you pray to each god, you must correctly recite their ritual words. You can figure these out by reading the books in the bookshelves on the left and top wall of this room, or from the lore you’ve already encountered throughout the game — or just consult the table below. If you recite the wrong words, the god will end the interaction abruptly and summon monsters to attack you.

Once you’ve gotten through to a god, they’ll give you a quest which you can complete in order to gain their favor. The four available gods are:

Deity Ritual words Quest received
Galawain «Survival begins with strength from within.» The Old Queen and the New King
Hylea «Live every note of life’s song.» The Nest Above the Clouds
Berath «There is life in death, and death in life.» A Servant of Death
Rymrgand «All life ends in stillness.» Into the White Void

Note that you only need the favor of one of the Gods in order to continue the main story, but feel free to do all four of those quests if you want. After completing one or more of them, return to Teir Evron and pray again to the god(s) who gave it to you. This will gain you their favor.

Furthermore, each of the gods whose quests you completed will make you an additional offer: They will give you a boon (making you more powerful), but in return you must promise to make your endgame choice according to their preference. The boon is given to the protagonist only (as a permanent passive talent that stacks with everything). If you accept such a proposal but then end up breaking your word, it will dramatically affect the .

It was planned to gain Wael’s Boon which gives +10 Defense against confusion, +1 Intellect if you do not take any of the boons from the four gods. Unfortunately that possibility was cut from the game, and the boon is accessible only through console commands.

Deity Promise Boon for agreeing
Galawain Distribute essence to existing souls in Dyrwood to strengthen them +1 Might, +1 Athletics
Hylea Return souls to the bodies they were intended for +1 Perception, + 1 Lore
Berath Send souls back into the reincarnation cycle +1 Resolve, +5 Defense against paralyze and petrify
Rymrgand Entropically disintegrate the souls, ending their existence +1 Constitution, +1 Survival

After you’ve completed one quest and discussed the resulting offer, you will be granted an additional 1458 experience points. On exiting Teir Evron you will have a surreal encounter with Iovara and one of her guards. A dialog will ensue.

Next, travel to the Burial Isle (from the pier in Oldsong). The Quest will complete when you jump into the pit (see also Court of the Penitents). WARNING! Jumping into the pit is a way of no return, it starts the endgame.

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