Union city


In the pre-War world, Union City was a small desert town facilitating the trucking industry along Interstate 15. The town and all other properties in the pass were bought by Athens-Tec to house the company’s workers. For unknown reasons, an inedible, highly explosive genetically modified form of corn designed for high-yield ethanol was grown in the surrounding farmland.

Despite being close to several prominent U.S. military installations, including one anti-missile radar site, Union City escaped the devastation that destroyed Los Angeles and San Bernadino proper relatively unscathed, but still fell victim to the lethal radiation and airborne FEV-2 that ravaged California. Like much of the Cajon Pass, the soil was unable to support any other crops besides the modified corn and as a result, Union City became just another of the abandoned ghost towns that littered the desert.

In the following centuries, as the Survivalist Raiders expanded out into the Pass, they reoccupied Union City and used it as a slave settlement, cultivating the mutant corn. However, they quickly realized its relative uselessness as a food source and resorted to only using it for crude explosives.

In 2240, the New California Republic, spurred by corporate interests in the GMO corn as a potential biofuel, conquered Union City. Their victory was not flawless; the bloody Battle of Union City saw incredible casualties for the NCR Army. Despite this, the NCR was able to capture the city, establishing a military presence in the area and liberating the raiders’ slaves — among them William Silverman, who later joined the army and quickly rose through the ranks. However, despite formally being taken by the NCR, the city continued to be contested by the Survivalists for the next thirteen years, finally culminating in one last major incident in 2253. Under the command of Juan Maxson-Elsdragon, the raiders attacked, then fled while setting fire to the cornfields, causing massive explosions which killed nearly a hundred NCR troopers and 38 NCR citizens. Afterwards, the NCR and the Survivalists signed a ceasefire, upon which the raiders were formally seen as a foreign power — leaving a ruined but now (mostly) peaceful city as the seat of the NCR’s power in the Pass.

Nevertheless, the NCR quickly converted it into a frontier outpost in the next seven years, repairing the town’s power and water infrastructure and fortifying it with a sandcrete wall. NCR sharecroppers moved in to grow the GMO corn, but despite efforts to further modify it, it proved useless as a cheap source of ethanol.

The Last Stand: Union City[]

Hence the name, the game primarily takes place within the city itself. The player takes on the role of one of its inhabitants, who left the city for work during the outbreak and returns to find that zombies have overrun most of the city, with the few remaining evacuation points heavily guarded by the military and HERC.

The areas visited in the game are mostly abandoned and are infested with zombies, though a few survivors can be found holed up inside several buildings. HERC also maintains at least three outposts in several locations across the city.


Listed in order of appearance:

  1. Pinedale
  2. Brookvale
  3. Canal Park
  4. Newtown
  5. Uptown (Occupies Southshore and Downtown in final version)
  6. Stadium
  7. Docks
  8. Waterside (Placed in Uptown’s Alpha location)
  9. Union Island
  10. Whistler’s Forest (Survival Kit only. Whistler’s Forest is not a part of the city proper, but it is a playable location.)

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В 1953 году Харлан — подавленный, встревоженный бухгалтер, живущий в многоквартирном доме со своей красивой, заброшенной женой Лилиан. Он становится одержимым выяснением того, кто пьет из бутылочек с молоком, оставленных у его квартиры каждое утро, поэтому он привязывает шнур к бутылке, который будет предупреждать его, когда она будет взята, и благодаря этому он обнаруживает, что виноват в бездомном ветеране войны. Бродяга извиняется, но одержимый Харлан нападает на него, сбивая с ног и, по-видимому, раскалывая ему череп. В панике он прячет тело за раскладушкой в ​​другой пустой квартире напротив его собственной.

Поведение Харлана становится все более иррациональным, отталкивая Лилиан от него и попадая в объятия руководителя строительства Ларри Лонгакра (МакГилл); он считает, что другой ненормальный житель, известный как Графиня, планирует сбежать с ним, и выводит потенциальных жителей из комнаты, где он спрятал тело бродяги своим странным поведением.

Однако, в конце концов, въезжает молодая пара молодоженов, Альфонс и Жанетт Флуреску. Харлан пытается отговорить Альфонса от открывания кровати, но безуспешно. Альфонс смотрит на окровавленную, но пустую кровать, когда напуганный Харлан кидается через окно квартиры насмерть на улице внизу. Толпа собирается вокруг его тела, ненадолго наблюдаемая бескорыстным бродягой, живым с перевязанной головой.


  • HERC bears several similarities to FEDRA (Federal Disaster Response Agency), a federal organization featured in the PS3 game The Last of Us. It executes similar directives and abandons several quarantine zones in the process, and maintaining orders to experiment with and quarantine the infection. Both appear to be based on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
  • The HERC soldiers outside the Union Park Outpost never shoot at the character unlike the ones at Union Island
  • HERC runs the Emergency Registry that serves as the character creation screen in The Last Stand: Union City.
  • In The Last Stand: Union City, if the player saves and exits the game within the first area of the outpost in Union Park upon first entrance, the two troopers that attack the player will always respawn when resuming the game.
  • The two HERC troopers outside the outpost entrance will fire upon any infected, but may die from a single hit if they are attacked. They can also be killed by the player shoving them. If one of the HERC troopers are shoved and the game is saved and quit, returning to the game will make both troopers invincible.
  • HERC personnel are the first uninfected enemies in The Last Stand series.
  • HERC Troopers will sometimes let out the famous Wilhelm Scream upon death.

The HERC logo can be used in alliance banners, as shown in these 3 banners.

  • The HERC logo is featured in several of the posts on ConArtistGames.com pertaining to The Last Stand: Dead Zone.
  • The HERC logo is one of the many possible designs for the alliance banner.
  • HERC is considered an antagonistic force in both games.


La historia comienza cuando el jugador, conduciendo a su casa de Union City desde el trabajo, choca con un zombi, que lo mata, pero también hace que el auto del jugador choque contra un poste de teléfono. Cuando el jugador sale de su automóvil en ruinas, ven otros autos dañados y abandonados dispersos por toda la carretera que conduce a la ciudad. El jugador luego ayuda a otro sobreviviente a cortar una cerca militar que bloquea el acceso a la ciudad.
Después de esto, los jugadores se abren camino hacia su apartamento en Brookvale, donde encuentran una nota escrita en la pared por su cónyuge, quien se ha ido a ayudar al Hospital en Canal Park. Sin embargo, una vez que llegan al hospital, encuentran que los militares, junto con varios otros sobrevivientes, habían llevado a su cónyuge al estadio local. El jugador luego lucha en su camino hacia el estadio, pasando por Newtown y Uptown a lo largo del camino.

Después de visitar el estadio, se revela (con la ayuda de Barry, otro sobreviviente) que HERC, la organización encargada de contener el brote, se ha llevado al cónyuge del jugador para experimentar en uno de sus puestos ubicados en Uptown, revelando una conspiración más profunda probablemente involucrada con la erradicación (o creación) de los no muertos. Después de que el jugador escapa del estadio en cuarentena, luchan para regresar a Uptown.

El jugador salva a su cónyuge del Puesto avanzado de HERC y escapa a los Muelles, donde la pareja se encuentra con Jack (El protagonista de The Last Stand y The Last Stand 2), quien está liderando un grupo de sobrevivientes, quien les informa que todos menos un barco fue destruido, y el último esta defendido por HERC. Después de destruir las obstrucciones creadas por HERC, el jugador y su cónyuge (y su compañero, si aún están vivos) finalmente escapan de Union City, dejando atrás a Jack y su equipo, Quienes afirman que encontrarán otra salida.

The Last Stand: Dead Zone[]

HERC declared Union City a Dead Zone and pulled out along with the military several months before the events of the game, leaving many of their agents behind in the process. Their actions before the beginning of TLS:UC are also covered in the TLS:DZ Story Timeline that plays on the loading screens, revealing them to have fired upon and massacred civilians while attempting to contain the outbreak.

They also left behind some of their equipment, which can be scavenged by survivors. It’s some of the best equipment available, but it is also incredibly rare.

Sealed HERC Supply Boxes have also been left behind and can be unsealed using special keycards. In addition, special Tactical Response Supply Boxes, containing custom weapons unique to HERC (HERC-1 Baton, HERC-1 Combat Knife, HERC-2 SMG, HERC-24A1, HERC-A1 Rifle, HERC-PDW, HERC-S3) can be found as well, and unsealed using the same method. Both variants contain equipment and supplies that can be extremely useful for anyone who can find and open them.

HERC begun ordering survivors still in the Dead Zone to execute , with rewards for those who comply. More recently, HERC tried to reestablish a base on Union Island, but some parts of it were overrun by the infected, providing an opening for survivors to raid their compound. Both infected and uninfected HERC personnel are seen in this area. Notably, customized bows and crossbows have been found in HERC bases, alongside conventional firearms and HERC Mines.

Infected HERC personnel are also seen for the first time:

  • can be seen in Level 6+ hordes and are identical in terms of stats to regular zombies. They are distinguished by their bright orange Hazmat suits and can be Shambling or Running zombies.
  • begin appearing in Level 18+ hordes. They are a subtype of Armored zombies and are the second-most durable zombie type, outclassed only by Riot zombies. They are distinguished by their forest-green body armor and face masks.
  • appear in Level 51+ hordes. They are a subtype of Riot zombies. They share the same model as Riot zombies, albeit in forest-green instead of blue. Notably, unlike normal Riot zombies, at least some Infected HERC Heavy soldiers can run.

Uninfected HERC personnel are only present during the Raid on Union Island:

  • Regular soldiers armed with various automatic weapons, including AK-105s, RPK-12s and MP7s.
  • Shotgunners armed with HERC-S3s.
  • Snipers armed with VS-121s or MSR-82s.
  • Heavy soldiers with extra armor and armed with Miniguns or Chainsaw Shotguns.


At the start of the game you’ll create your character, choosing a class that determines the starting strength of certain skills. As you kill zombies, you’ll gain experience points and level up, which awards you points you can spend to increase skills and stats that suits your playstyle. Whether you want to blast zombies from afar, blast them in the face with small arms or get personal with them using melee weapons, there are multiple skills to customize. Just hover over a particular skill to get a description and plan ahead. If you die, you can choose to respawn with an experience point penalty, or just exit to the main menu to reload your last save file.

The game has two difficulties to choose from. «Run’n’Gun» mode means your character does not require food and sleep. «Survivor» mode is more difficult since the lack of food or sleep can kill your character. While finding something to eat is largely left up to luck and your survival skill, you can only sleep in Safe Houses, which are few and far between.

The inventory system is a new feature in the game series. Almost every screen has multiple closets, drawers, or other containers to search. Most of the items you’ll find are trash items and they are easily identified as such, but you may also find weapons, ammo, healing items or clothing. There are various different articles of clothing available to wear purely for cosmetic reasons, with the exception of armor which reduces damage taken. There is even cash that can be used in King-o-Pawn stores to purchase additional items. Each item in the game has a certain weight and you can only carry so much weight, depending on your stats and skills. Fortunately, you can find storage chests in the safe houses and whatever you put in one, you’ll be able to pick out of any other, similar to storage chests in the Resident Evil games.

Skills and Stats

Stats consist of Strength, Endurance, Precision, Intellect and Luck. Each stat point increases the associated skills by one point. Skills determine the player character’s ability to perform specific tasks and the proficiency with each weapon type.


Your character is keyboard controlled and you use the mouse to aim and shoot/attack. You can hold down the shift key to sprint as long as you have stamina. Occasionally, if a zombie gets close enough to grab you, you’ll have to rapidly tap the key shown onscreen (usually A or D) to shove them away.


  • There are posters for a «Hip Hop Ninja» located throughout the city. This may be a reference to the Fast4Ward iPhone app «Hip Hop Ninja».
  • There are posters for a game called BattleCraft located throughout the city. This may be a reference to the Warcraft series of video games by Blizzard Entertainment. It may also be a reference to the Battlefield series of first-person shooters by Electronic Arts.
  • The Red Rum, located in Newtown, is a reference to the novel and movie «The Shining», by Stephen King.
  • Union City might be based on its real-life counterpart in New Jersey, close to New York. Fort Tran is the game version of the real-life Fort Lee, which is very close to the real Union City.
  • Throughout the game, abandoned Mercedes-Benz C-Class W202 models and can be seen on some streets.
  • The main character’s car is possibly based on a mid-70s Chevrolet.


Welcome to the beginning.

A worldwide epidemic has just occurred, causing the infected to die and then rise as monstrous undead cannibals. The U.S. government struggles to keep order, but each day they lose more ground to the swelling hordes now roaming the countryside and the city streets.

The end has finally come; it was only just a matter of time.

You, the player, must now take on the role of a resident of Union City — a fictional metropolis located on the east coast of North America. Amidst the chaos of a zombie apocalypse, the player must survive by scavenging for food, weapons and other supplies, finding safehouses to take shelter in, and fighting off the city’s infected population, whilst meeting other survivors along the way who may accompany the player and/or give them various quests to complete, all in lieu of fulfilling the game’s main storyline: to find your spouse, who is lost somewhere in the city.


“Welcome to the beginning” — Spoilers for The Last Stand: Union City follow.

The story begins when the player, driving home to Union City from work, collides with a zombie, which kills it but also causes the player’s car to crash into a telephone pole. As the player exits their ruined car, they see other damaged and abandoned cars scattered all over the road leading into the city. The player then helps another survivor cut through a military fence blocking off access to the city.

After this, the player fights their way to their apartment in Brookvale, where they find a note written on the wall by their spouse, who has left to help out at the Hospital in Canal Park. Once they reach the Hospital, however, they find that their spouse had been taken to the local Stadium by the military, along with several other survivors. The player then fights their way to the Stadium, passing through Newtown and Uptown along the way.

After visiting the Stadium, it is revealed (with the help of Barry, another survivor) that HERC, the organization charged with containing the outbreak, has taken the player’s spouse for experimentation at one of their outposts located in Uptown, revealing a deeper conspiracy likely involved with the eradication (or creation) of the undead. After the player escapes the quarantined Stadium, they fight their way back to Uptown.

The player saves their spouse, who is nursing a zombie bite on their shoulder, from the HERC Outpost and escapes to the Docks. The couple meets Jack (the protagonist of The Last Stand and The Last Stand 2), who is leading a group of survivors, who informs them all but one boat had been destroyed, with the last one being defended by HERC. After destroying the obstructions set up by HERC, the player and their spouse (and their companion if still alive) finally escape Union City, leaving Jack and his crew behind, who state they will find another way out.

In the final cutscene, however, the boat stalls, likely from engine failure or lack of fuel. Just before the screen fades to black, a familiar growling noise is heard…


The player takes on the role of a survivor trapped in the fictional city called Union City. The story begins when the protagonist is returning to the city from work, when the car crashes into a zombie, stranding the protagonist amidst the chaos of the zombie apocalypse. The protagonist must survive by scavenging for food, weapons and other supplies, finding safehouses to take shelter in and fighting off the city’s infected population. The protagonist travels searching for his/her spouse. On the way, the protagonist meets other survivors who may accompany the player or provide them various quests to complete. One of the survivors that you find late in the game is Jack, the protagonist of The Last Stand and The Last Stand 2.


Bienvenidos al principio.

Acaba de producirse una epidemia en todo el mundo, causando que los infectados mueran y luego se conviertan en monstruosos caníbales no muertos. El gobierno de los Estados Unidos Lucha por mantener el orden, pero cada día pierden más terreno ante las hordas en expansión que ahora recorren el campo y las calles de la ciudad.

El fin ha llegado; Solo era cuestión de tiempo.

Usted, el jugador, debe asumir ahora el papel de residente de Union City, una metrópolis ficticia ubicada en la costa este de América del Norte. En medio del caos de un apocalipsis zombi, el jugador debe sobrevivir buscando comida, armas y otros suministros, encontrando casas seguras para refugiarse y luchando contra la población infectada de la ciudad, mientras se encuentra con otros sobrevivientes en el camino que pueden acompañar al jugador y / o dales varias misiones para completar, todo en lugar de cumplir con la trama principal del juego: encontrar a tu cónyuge, quien está perdido en algún lugar de la ciudad.


Welcome to the Beginning.

A worldwide Zombie epidemic has occurred, causing infected to die and rise again as monstrous undead cannibals. The government is struggling to keep order, as everyday they lose more ground to the undead cannibal hordes roaming the streets.

You, the player, must take on a role as a resident of Union CIty, a metropolis located on the east coast of North America. Amidst the chaos of a zombie apocalypse, you must survive by Scavenging for Food, Weapons and Medical Supplies, and finding Safehouses to shelter in, while fighting off the zombie hordes, and meeting other survivors who will accompany you or give you Quests, all in lieu of fulfilling the game’s main storyline, to find your Spouse, who is lost somewhere in the city.



It begins when the player, driving home, collides with a zombie, killing it but causes the car to crash. As the player exits, they see damaged and abandoned cars scattered all around. The player then helps Ed, a survivor, cut through a Military fence to get into Brookvale, the player’s hometown. 

When they reach 868 Brookvale Heights, the player’s apartment, they find a Note written by their Spouse saying they have gone to the Hospital in Canal Park. However, when they get there, they find that the spouse has been taken to the Stadium by the Military, along with other survivors. The player goes to the Stadium, through Newtown and Uptown.

It is revealed at the stadium that the spouse has been ‘Relocated’. Barry, another survivor, helps the player to find the Spouse at the Uptown HERC Outpost, where HERC, a government organization, have taken the spouse to do experiments on them. After saving the Spouse, they escape to the Docks, where they meet Jack, (from TLS1 and TLS2). Jack tells them there is only one boat left, the others had been destroyed by HERC. However, a huge concrete wall blocks it. Jack sends the player to the Military Base in Waterside, to find explosives. When this is found, the wall is blown up, and the player escapes through.

The player must travel across Union Bridge, however they are pursued by massive hordes of zombies. They reach a safe spot, where Jack is there, along with one other survivor, Dana. The player and spouse escape to the boat, and in the final cutscene, the boat stalls, and a growling sound is heard.


TLS:UC introduced many features, including an inventory system and new weapons.

Main Article: Weapon Attachments and Conditions.

These affect Weapons performance and appearance.

Main Article: Clothing

There are various articles of clothing to be worn and found.

Main Article: Stats; Main Article: Skills

See the main articles for more info.

Main Article: Skillbooks

These increase certain skills depending on the book. Reading a skill book consumes it.

Main Article: Food; Main Article: Medical Supplies

These increase health and are vital to the player.

Survial Kit 

Main Article: Survival Kit

A Premium add-on for the game that gives you new weapons, clothing and more. It can be obtained for as little as 0.01 USD. You can only buy on Armor Games.

Main Article: Weapons

Not just guns but Hatchets, RPGs, Hockey Sticks and even a Pocket Knife, plus loads more.

The Last Stand: Union City[]

They were called in to quarantine Union City and all surrounding regions after the outbreak of the infection, as well as to investigate the said outbreak and its effects. HERC worked alongside the military to enforce the quarantine and ensure the safety of evacuations, although the military was not directly involved with HERC in the investigation. They have established an evacuation center/command post at the Stadium and also possess outposts based in Union Island and Union Park, Uptown.

“Welcome to the beginning” — Spoilers for The Last Stand: Union City follow.

In their investigation of the outbreak, they performed many controversial and unethical actions, including the conduction of involuntary experiments on survivors at their outpost in Uptown. Among those taken to be experimented on is the player’s spouse.

Strangely, infected HERC personnel are never encountered.

HERC personnel are typically equipped with:

  • Doctors/Scientists: Bio Hazard Suits with Army Boots, and issued M9 Pistols or Police Batons.
  • Troopers: Forest-green uniforms with body armor, black shoes, and full-face balaclava with goggles, and issued SV-SMGs, XM8s or MP5s. Some troopers (such as the four in the Union Park outpost) lack the vests, helmets, and HERC-issued masks.

The Last Stand: Dead Zone[]

Roughly about a month after the events of TLS:UC, the military and HERC withdrew from the city, and an aerial bombing campaign was carried out. This left most of the city in ruins, and all survivors within the newly declared Dead Zone were left to their own means.

Many buildings and roads across the city have been destroyed by the bombing campaign, and a series of automated defenses surrounding the city, set up by HERC, prevents either zombies or survivors from leaving. However, the fortified compounds dotting the cityscape provide sanctuaries for survivors. In addition, quite a few buildings escaped being bombed, allowing these groups to sustain themselves by scavenging for supplies.

Zombies are nearly omnipresent throughout the Dead Zone, but there is still a sizable number of survivors present (including a Russian trader named Ivan), most or all of whom are immune to the zombie virus.


  1. Riverside (Level 1-13)

    • Riverside North (Level 1)
    • Riverside East (Level 3)
    • Riverside (Level 7)
    • Riverside Waters (Level 12)
    • Riverside Heights (Level 13)
  2. Trenton (Level 5-18)

    • South Trenton (Level 5)
    • Trenton Park (Level 11)
    • Trenton (Level 14)
    • North Trenton (Level 18)
  3. Stadium (Level 9)
  4. Northwood (Level 10-16)

    • Northwood (Level 10)
    • Northwood East (Level 16)
  5. Docks (Level 15)
  6. Canal (Level 17)
  7. Union Bridge (Occupies Waterside in TLS:UC) (Level 18)
  8. Brookvale (Level 20-32)

    • Brookvale North (Level 20)
    • Brookvale West (Level 22)
    • Brookvale East (Level 24)
    • Brookvale South (Level 27)
    • Brookvale Banks (Level 32)
  9. Pinedale (Level 30)
  10. Canal Park (Level 34-36)

    • Canal Park South (Level 34)
    • Canal Park (Level 36)
  11. Newtown (Level 38-46)

    • Newtown West (Level 38)
    • Newtown (Level 40)
    • Newtown East (Level 46)
  12. The Bricks (Level 42-44)

    • West Bricks (Level 42)
    • The Bricks (Level 44)
  13. Alton (Level 45)
  14. Uptown (Level 47)
  15. Union Island (Level 50)
  16. Waterside (Level 50)
  17. Green Plains (Level 51)


With the August 2017 Expansion update, suburbs located outside of the city proper were unlocked, allowing players to explore outside of the Dead Zone for the first time.

  1. Meadow View (Level 55)

    • Meadow View West
    • Meadow View East
  2. Rolling Stone Lake (Level 56)

    • Rolling Stone Lake West
    • Rolling Stone Lake East
  3. South Harbor (Level 57)

    • South Harbor West
    • South Harbor East

Игра Последняя Битва: Юнион-Сити настоящая классика жанра

В самом начале игра попросит у Вас использовать немного памяти компьютера, согласитесь на такие действия ради возможности сохранить игру! Объем памяти, которая используется, немного больший чем у обычных игр, поэтому такие меры просто необходимы. Исследование огромного города, характеристики персонажа, экипировка и точнейшая статистика, именно эти данные будут занимать дополнительное пространство на Вашем диске.

Игра Последняя Битва: Юнион-Сити переносит игрока в провинциальный городок Юнион-Сити, в самом начале нужно создать своего персонажа. Главный герой может быть мужчиной или женщиной, имя тоже нужно придумать! Выбирайте прическу, цвет кожи и волос под Вашим контролем. Заполняя регистрационную карту, необходимо указать профессию, которая была освоена персонажем, ведь у таких взрослых людей точно есть прошлое. Медик будет физически сильным и с хорошим умением выживания, навыки использования ножей и первой помощи у такого героя на высоком уровне. Военный будет мастерски пользоваться всеми видами оружия. Специалист информационных технологий будет обучен навыкам поиска, умственные способности будут превосходить другие. Можно самостоятельно определить характер героя и совместить очень специфические способности, которые пригодятся именно Вам. Даже пункт о везении включен в список!

Особенности игры Последняя Битва: Юнион-Сити

Игра начинается с интересной заставки, Вы за рулем авто и замечаете, что связь на телефоне пропала. В момент, который был потрачен на мобильный, Вы сбили пешехода и попали в аварию. Все знают, что разговоры по мобильному за рулем запрещены? Наш герой Вышел из авто и понял, что переехал зомби, уже все кругом кишело живыми мертвецами! Вы без транспорта и связи, в этот момент и начинается настоящее выживание! В первое время придется работать кулаками, попробуйте обыскать покинутые машины, в одной из них есть старенький пистолет и патроны. Подбирайте экипировку и открывайте свой рюкзак, с увеличением Вашей силы размеры и вес переносимого груза будет увеличиваться! С повышением личного уровня появится возможность добавлять улучшать характеристики. Проверяйте домики на улицах своего города, убивайте безмозглых и больных мертвецов или они прикончат Вас. Находите в гардеробах одежду, холодильник часто наполнен едой. Многие локации родного города приготовили герою неожиданности, которые невозможно представить в начале. Пробуйте взламывать замки, отмычками или силой. Находите не зараженных инфекцией людей и пробуйте выживать вместе с ними, выполняйте тяжелые задания и получайте щедрые вознаграждения. В игре есть деньги, аксессуары и даже уровни исправности оружия. Сюжеты игры Последняя Битва: Юнион-Сити будут отличным поводом провести не один час за своим компьютером.


  1. While it is obvious that the map is not to scale, the population is still quite large for a city of its size. In reality, the only way to accomplish this is by increasing population density. This is clearly evident in TLS:UC, as the player encounters apartment buildings quite early on in the game
  2. ↑ This location is occupied by Uptown in the final version.
  3. Union Bridge is not mentioned in The Last Stand: Union City. In The Last Stand: Dead Zone, Union Bridge occupies the space where Waterside was located in The Last Stand: Union City, and Waterside was located further north than originally depicted.


Действие рассказа, написанного Корнеллом Вулричем, происходит в 1930-х годах, но Райхерт перенес его в 1953 год, поскольку он чувствовал, что этот период предоставляет большие психологические возможности для его интерпретации материала. При поддержке создателя фильма Монти Монтгомери он написал сценарий за восемь дней. Юнион-Сити был снят на 27-й улице у Саммит-авеню в Юнион-Сити , а также на 48-й улице и Гудзон-авеню в марте 1979 года. Хотя критик Лоуренс О’Тул назвал его «безоговорочным шедевром», когда он появился в фильме «Режиссеры». «Две недели в Каннах в 1980 году, и United Artists предложили распространять законченный фильм Райхерта, фильм был переснят сопродюсерами Kinesis Ltd., которые решили стать американским дистрибьютором, чтобы получить рейтинг PG. Райхерт полагает, что вырезанный материал был разрушен, когда здание Movielab, в котором хранилась пленка, было продано Arriflex . Юнион-Сити был выпущен на DVD компаниями Tartan Video и Sony Pictures Home Entertainment . Сейчас фильм находится по контракту с MGM / UA Pictures.

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