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Chapter 1[]

Niko Bellic (N)

Protagonists: Niko

  • Welcome To Vice City — Tour Vice City.
  • Complications — Plan some extra cash and then invest it in a bank.
  • Friend Request — Hang out with Packie Mcreary.
  • Roman Bellic — Hang out with Roman Bellic.
  • Hot Jewelry — Burn down a Jewelry store.
  • Don — Meet Don and Escape the thugs.

Donatello Abarca (D)

Protagonists: Don and Niko

  • Maurice Abarca — Help Don save his younger brother from the carjackers. (Don and Niko)
  • Gracie — Rescue Gracie Ancelloti and kill Real Badman. (Don)
  • Out — Leave the hospital with Bonnie Abarca. (Don)
  • Counseling — Help Don chase his girlfriends stalker Dante Newman and eliminate him. (Don and Niko)
  • Luiz Lopez — Meet Luiz Lopez and then take him to Maisonate 09.

Roman Bellic (R)

Protagonist: Niko

  • Practice Hard — Take Kate Bellic to Kindergarten.
  • Grab a Seat — Protect Roman from the bar.
  • Father/Daughter — Help Roman connect with his daughter.
  • It’s your call — Drive Roman to a hardware store.

Jonathan Poker Kami (P)

Protagonists: Don and Niko

  • Snow Down — Chase and kill Sirius by raming his car. (Niko)
  • Summer Times — Steal a car with Leon Jackson and respray it at Vice City Customs. (Don)
  • Triad Problems — Defeat the Triads at the old strip shop. (Niko)
  • Chinatown Wars — Cause havoc within Vice City Chinatown. (Don)
  • Storing a Problem — Damage a pawn shop. (Niko)

Leon Jackson (L)

Protagonists: Don

  • The Right Hardware — Ambsuh the meeting of Mercs,Chase and Kill Nelson Greedy then escape the Tank
  • Tank, Tank, Tank! — Steal a Tank from DOSE Headquarters and Wreak havoc without harming innocent citizens,then Drive it back to Headquarters.
  • Planning Good — Rescue Malc and DeSean from the Cops.
  • Military Weapons — Steal a Truck and Take it to the lock-up in Heil.
  • Mule — Escape the DOSE Officer
  • The Lost — Meet Johnny Klebitz and then kill Cartel members.

Johnny Klebitz (J)

Protagonists: Johnny

  • Mr Klebitz — Meet with Thomas Stubbs and eliminate Edward Roberts.
  • Terry and Clay —  Meet Up with Terry and Clay to take down Police Officers Norman Shelby and Scott Jordan.
  • Illegal Trouble — Steal the drugs from the Madrazo Cartel and get rid of them.
  • Ashley Butler — Pick Up Ashley and take her to a nightclub.
  • I, Fought The Law — Take down Detective Sheldon Casper and lose the cops.
  • Death Metal — Ambush the deal between the Alighieri Family and the Vagos and then steal their drugs.
  • Veterans MC — Arrange a meeting with Neville Turner.
  • Meeting — Attend the meeting and take care of the Vagos.
  • Mr Madrazo — Phonecall from Martin Madrazo.

Martin Madrazo (M)

Protagonists: Johnny

  • Court Settlement — Take out the Lawyer and Steal the evidence.
  • Death From Above — Assassinate the Witness and document it.
  • Check Out Time — Take out Madrazo’s former associate, take a picture of the body and then lose the cops.
  • Coveted — Pick Up the Shipment from a rival gang.

Niko Bellic (N)

Protagonists: Niko, Don and Johnny

  • Three Way — Help Johnny take down a rival gang of the Madrazo Cartel. (Niko, Don and Johnny).
  • The Jamaican Heist — Meet Little Jacob and protect him from the Island Madia. (Niko and Johnny).
  • The Yardies At Pier — Steal the money from the Vice City Yardies and defend the boat. (Don).
  • Mr Crust — Meet Lester Crust from the Airport. (Niko).
  • Agency Express — Meet Steve Haines and Dave Norton from the train station. (Niko).

Darren Maidington (D)

Protagonists: Don

  • LC Fever — Go to the nightclub, LC Fever with Darren, Lorenzo and Joey for Tony to a deal and escape the ambush set up by some loan sharks.
  • Good and Bad — Help Darren gamble off his debts with some Heights Syndicate.
  • Cheaters — Tail Darren’s girlfriend, Luisa, in attempt to catch her in the act of cheating.

Lester Crust (N)

Protagonists: Niko

  • Cop Capacity — Destroy several law vehicles around the state.
  • Landing Strip — Steal the Plane.
  • A Titan of a Job — Steal the Titan.
  • Last Chopper Outta VC — Steal the Helicopter and Deliever it to Lester’s warehouse.
  • High Priority Case — Steal the Briefcase and Deliever it to Lester’s warehouse.

Игровой процесс

Перейдем непосредственно к игровому процессу, но перед этим мы вам рекомендуем вам скачать ГТА Вайс Сити Оригинал через торрент на нашем сайте веб-ресурсов. Представленный проект является самой любимой игрушкой мирового класса. И, как вы знаете, в игре имеются безграничные возможности, огромное количество красивых мест, где царит нищета и слава. Именно эту часть ждали долго геймеры и теперь, наконец-то, у них есть возможность окунуться в этот невероятный мир.

В игре вам необходимо работать на мафию в Майами от простого гражданина вам придется подняться по карьерной лестнице и стать тем, кем вы являетесь, элитой этого грязного, страшного мира, который наполнен насилием и алчностью. Томми Верчетти прилетел в огромный мегаполис за своей очередной сделкой, и даже не подозревал, что это подстава. Потеряв все имеющиеся деньги, главный герой пытается вернуть все свое обратно, что когда-то заработал своим непосильным трудом. Однако на него ополчился весь Vice City банды головорезов и многочисленные продажные политики, поэтому возьмите всю свою волю в кулак и заберите свое приданное. Постарайтесь прибрать весь Вайс Сити к своим рукам.


The protagonist of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Tommy Vercetti.

From the official site:

«Welcome to Vice City. Welcome to the 1980s.
Having just made it back onto the streets of Liberty City after a long stretch in maximum security prison, Tommy Vercetti is sent to Vice City by his old boss, Sonny Forelli. They were understandably nervous about his reappearance in Liberty City, so a trip down south seemed like a good idea. But all does not go smoothly upon his arrival in the glamorous, hedonistic metropolis of Vice City. He’s set up and is left with no money and no merchandise. Sonny wants his money back, but the biker gangs, Cuban gangsters, and corrupt politicians stand in his way. Most if not all of Vice City seems to want Tommy dead. His only answer is to fight back and take over the city himself.»

Forelli Crime Family overlord Sonny Forelli sends Tommy Vercetti, who was recently released from prison, to Vice City in order to gain profit off the uprising of the drug trade in the city.

After arriving in Vice City, Tommy, Harry and Lee are introduced to Ken Rosenberg who is tasked with driving them to a drug deal with the Vance brothers. But the deal is ambushed and one of the brothers along with Harry and Lee are killed and the money and cocaine are stolen.

After Tommy and Rosenberg discuss what they plan to do, Tommy calls Sonny and tells him the deal was a setup. After some hostile words, Sonny agrees to let Tommy handle the situation while Rosenberg tells Tommy about Juan Cortez, a retired colonel who helped set up the deal. After meeting him, his daughter Mercedes Cortez introduces him to the many of the more popular guests including Vice City’s largest drug baron Ricardo Diaz at the party before asking him to take her to the The Pole Position Club.

Rosenberg then tells Tommy that Kent Paul may know what became of Tommy’s merchandise and Paul tells Tommy that Leo Teal may know what happened. Tommy confronts Teal and beats him to death before being confronted by Lance Vance, the third survivor in the botched deal. Tommy and Lance form an alliance and vow to get the money and drugs back.

Rosenberg then introduces Tommy to Avery Carrington, a property developer. Avery gives Tommy work and in exchange offers to protect Tommy from any threats to his operation.

Tommy is then offered some work from Cortez, who has Tommy kill Gonzalez, a former right-hand who is responsible for botching the deal. Tommy kills Gonzalez and goes for more work. He runs into Lance again and the two watch over a drug deal between Diaz’ Gang and the Cubans. But the Haitians ambush the deal as Tommy, Lance and Diaz are forced to fight back and afterwards Tommy is offered work from Diaz.

During his work for Diaz, Lance learns that Diaz’ gang were the ones who ambushed the deal and killed their associates. Tommy however plans to gain Diaz’ trust before attempting to kill him. Lance loses patience and secretly attempts to kill Diaz, but he fails and Tommy is forced to rescue him. With their cover blown, Tommy and Lance head to Diaz’ mansion and kill him. With Diaz dead, Tommy is given more opportunities to take over the town.

Tommy ends up buying many businesses and expanding on his business. But Lance begins to feel under appreciated, causing a rift between him and Tommy. Meanwhile, Sonny loses patience and personally comes to Vice City to claim his money. Tommy plans ahead and attempts to give him fake money, but Lance betrays Tommy, reveals the plan to rip off Sonny and the Forellis attempt to kill him. Tommy kills Lance and then Sonny and is ultimately wounded in the chaos. Tommy then makes Rosenberg his right-hand man.

Баги. Они почти везде

Твиттер уже кишит сотнями публикаций, где геймеры столкнулись с настолько нелепыми ошибками, что мне даже не верится, что к этому причастны Rockstar и Take-Two. Можно сколько угодно говорить, что проект отдали на аутсорс Groove Street Games, но должен же быть хоть какой-то контроль качества.

И таких примеров можно найти ещё несколько десятков, но давайте не будем на этом зацикливаться, потому что есть и другие проблемы.

Границы игрового мира бросаются в глаза.

Например, разработчики ремастера совершенно забыли о такой важной вещи, как воздушная перспектива. Простыми словами: это когда игровой движок специально рисует туманку вокруг, чтобы скрыть маленькую карту и придать глубину

Именно поэтому оригинальная GTA: San Andreas кажется невероятно большой. Хотя по факту карта в игре сравнительно маленькая.

И это отлично видно, если забраться на какой-нибудь небоскрёб. Например, с одного из таких в Лос-Сантосе можно рассмотреть очертания горы Чиллиад, домов в Сан-Фиерро и роскошь Лас-Вентураса.

Вот так игровой мир выглядит с самолёта:

Согласитесь, совершенно неестественно и плоско

К тому же, обратите внимание на прогрузки — модели окружения рендерятся буквально вплотную к игроку. Так быть не должно

Обычное уменьшение дальности прорисовки в принципе могло хотя бы минимально помочь.

Разработчики Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Rage

Руководители Rage Team

  • Mr. Deaglos(Beta 1) — Конверт моделей, 3D моделер
  • Russian CJ(Beta 1) — SDK, скрипты
  • Tmaster(Beta 3, Beta 4) — Главный скриптер, программист
  • Mr. Vegas(Beta 3, Beta 4) — Конверт моделей, 3D моделер

Остальные члены команды Rage Team

  • Den(Beta 1) — видеомонтажер
  • Grimones(Beta 1) — Педы
  • Quantum(Beta 1, Beta 2) — Таймцикл
  • Frank.S(Beta 3) — SCO скрипты
  • KamiShinx(Beta 3) — Графический редактор
  • Znenin(Beta 3) — Дизайнер, графический редактор
  • Alex Brain(Beta 4) — Конверт моделей, оружие(Настройки и модели), авто, 3D моделер
  • The Man(Beta 1) — Конверт авто
  • Legiz(Beta 1) — Пути

Отдельная благодарность

Vice Cry Team(Beta 3) — Текстуры и модели

Chapter 4[]

Mike Toreno (IAA)

Protagonist: Don

  • Portrait of A Killer — Eliminate Darko Brevic.
  • That Special Someone — Locate Henry Marko and then bring him to the IAA Headquarters.
  • Interrogation — Interrogate Henry Marko.
  • PMC Company — Take down the mercenaries and bring the information to the IAA Base.
  • Karen — Meet Karen and take her to the IAA Base.

Johnny Klebitz (J)

Protagonist: Don and Johnny

  • Harvest Time — Steal a mower from the farm. (Johnny)
  • Assisstance — Protect Terry and Clay from Triad members. (Don and Johnny)

Trevor Phillips (T)

Protagonist: Johnny

  • Daemon Run — Go to the Angel of Death’s trailer park and Steal the bikes.
  • Method in the Madness — Steal the Meth and deliever it Trevor’s trailer.
  • Diamonds are For Trevor — Steal the Diamonds.
  • Trailer Mafia — Protect Trevor and takeout the Trailer Park Mafia.

Neil Sullivan (N)


  • The Hell and Heaven — Collect the Riot Information from the HVPD Central office and Protect the building from Russian spy.
  • Detective Sullivan — Solve the myth of the death of Albert Deox and kill the Murder.
  • The Midas Touch — Spy and Photograph the deal between the Magician and the Cartel at the Back Stage.
  • Rome Sabotage — Attend a Federal meeting with the Internal Affairs Agency, then survive the Rome Family ambush
  • An Ocean Ride — Chase the Motorboat guy
  • Mr.Jones — Interview Mayor Denis Jones at the Hotel

Devin Weston (D)

Protagonists: Bonnie

  • Illegal Trouble — Steal a prized car.
  • Banshee — Repossess a Banshee.
  • Weston Holdings — Protect Devin’s bank.
  • Molly Schultz — Protect Devin’s assisstant Molly Schultz from attackers.
  • Cargo — Hijack a cargo plane full of unique cars.
  • Infernus — Steal Devin’s prized Infernus.

Steve Haines (S)

Protagonists: Niko

  • Smackdown — Kill Ricko Rival gang leader, Master Jjhavan
  • Thru The Sight — Rob a San Juan Cartel weapons Lockup at the abandoned Lighthouse
  • The Clubhouse — Clean the Jolly Roger MC Clubhouse
  • Hunsucker Stadium — Assasinate someone at the Stadium During the Basseball competion and no make any citizen Shock.

Mike Toreno (IAA)

Protagonists: Don

  • Emperor — Kill Josh Wayde and Paul Hobert
  • Back to old Roots — Assist Big Papa while robbing some cocaine from a rival gang, Civil Park Yardies and escape the Ambsuh.
  • The Italian Job — Kill Big Papa and his right hand man


Protagonists: Don and Niko

  • Bomb Disposal — Defuse a bomb on a school bus
  • The Ultimatum — Kill Marilyn Adrian
  • The Politic — Save Thomas Stubbs from the paparazzi and get him to the airport

Donatello Abarca (D)

Protagonists: Don

  • The Score – Plan a heist
  • The Website – Go to Sunshine Autos and get the website for the car show
  • The Distraction – Get photographs of the Bank of Vice City
  • Stealing the Show – Steal the Antique Cars from the show and take them to airport


Bank of Vice City Score Setup — Survey the Bank of Vice City.

Niko Bellic (N)

Protagonists: Niko and Johnny

  • Mother and Daughter — Protect Roman and Kate Bellic from the Vice City Triads. (Niko and Johnny)
  • Breakout — Travel to San Andreas and then break Gerry Mcreary out of prison. (Niko and Johnny)
  • Packie — Recruit Packie into your heist crew. (Niko and Johnny)
  • Mr Crust — Find Lester Crust and Kill Jack Hudson and his hitmen sent by Oritz. (Niko and Johnny)
  • Luiz Lopez — Recruit Luiz Lopez. (Niko only)


GameSpot rated the game 9.6/10, giving it an Editor’s Choice award. Its record was surpassed by its successor Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. GameSpot’s Best and Worst of 2002 Best Music on PlayStation 2, Best Action Adventure Game on PlayStation 2, Game of the Year on PlayStation 2. IGN’s Best of 2002 Best Adventure Game for PlayStation 2 (Editor’s Choice and Reader’s Choice), Special Achievement for Sound (Reader’s Choice), Best Game of the Year for PlayStation 2 (Editor’s Choice and Reader’s Choice), BAFTA Video Games Awards Best Design, Best PC Game, Best Action Game, Sunday Times Reader Award for Games, Best PlayStation 2 Game, Best Sound.

Despite near-universal acclaim, GTA Vice City was voted «Most degrading Video Game to women» a few months after its release.


Date Award Category Recipient(s) and Nominee(s) Result
28 November 2003 Golden Joystick Awards Ultimate Game of the Year Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Won
28 November 2003 Golden Joystick Awards Best PlayStation 2 Game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Won
2003 GameSpot Game of the Year 2003 Awards Best PlayStation 2 Game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Won
2003 GameSpot Game of the Year 2003 Awards Best Action/Adventure Games Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Won
2003 GameSpot Game of the Year 2003 Awards Best Music Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Won
2003 GameSpot Game of the Year 2003 Awards Best Sound Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Nominated
2003 GameSpot Game of the Year 2003 Awards Best Graphics Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Nominated
2003 GameSpot Game of the Year 2003 Awards Best Story Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Nominated
16 January 2004 IGN’s Best of 2003 Best PlayStation 2 Game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Won
16 January 2004 IGN’s Best of 2003 Best Action/Adventure Game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Won
16 January 2004 IGN’s Best of 2003 Reader’s Choice Overall Game of the Year Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Runner-Up
February 2004 1st British Academy Games Awards Best PlayStation 2 Game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Won
February 2004 1st British Academy Games Awards Best PC Game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Won
February 2004 1st British Academy Games Awards Best Action Game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Won
February 2004 1st British Academy Games Awards Best Design Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Won
February 2004 1st British Academy Games Awards Best Sound Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Won
February 2004 1st British Academy Games Awards Sunday Times Reader Award for Games Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Won
February 2004 1st British Academy Games Awards Best Animation or Intro Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Nominated
February 2004 1st British Academy Games Awards Best Technical Achievement Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Nominated


Ваш персонаж – это выходец из Европы, который захотел срубить куш для дальнейшего существования. Но ваш босс подставил вас, всех ваших подельников убили, наркотики украли, и теперь другие банды развязали настоящую охоту на вашего героя. Украли большую партию наркоты, теперь вы должны кругленькую сумму денег и ваше пребывание в городе превращается в настоящий кошмар. Теперь вы сами должны спасаться от криминальных группировок. Но вы бывший уголовник. Вы сможете перехитрить преступников и сами впоследствии стать влиятельным гангстером. Угоните тачку, ведь по городу пешком опасно передвигаться, найдите себе оружие и начните свою охоту на гангстеров, пытаясь вернуть награбленное.

Chapter 3[]

Michael De Santa (M)

Protagonists: Niko

  • Mr De Santa — Meet Michael De Santa and then take him to the hotel.
  • Guardian — Rescue Tracey De Santa from thugs.
  • Bulletproof — Go to the shooting range with Michael.
  • The Time’s come — Protect Michael and his family from Triad members.
  • Edwin Wood — Eliminate Edwin Wood.
  • Russian — Help Michael Kill Ivan Boudier and Remnants of the Faustin Bravta.

Martin Madrazo (M)

Protagonists: Johnny

  • Water the Vineyard — Take out the Judge.
  • Extradition — Take out the Informant and District Attorney.
  • Dry Docking — Go to the Shipyard and Steal the boat.
  • Editing and Thief — Take out the Editor.
  • Neville — Meet with Neville.

Yusuf Amir (Y)

Protagonists:Niko,Don and Bonnie

  • Club Management – Take Yusuf Amir to recruit a bouncer, security manager and barmen/barmaids
  • Like My Show? – Take Lazlow back to his studio. (Don)
  • Umberto Robina – Meet Umberto Robina and prove to him you’re a worthy driver (Bonnie)
  • Business Rival – Track down Brian Meech and convince him to leave the club alone (Don
  • Investigation Over – Get rid of Brian’s private investigator Lester Leroc and his evidence against Yusuf (Don)
  • Storming the Trailer Park – Head to Trailer Park, fight through the Trailer Park Mafia and eliminate Brian Meech (Don)
  • Mrs Jones — Meet Lacey Jones and take her home.

Lacey Jones (Film Studios Icon)


  • Paparazzo — Protect Lacey from the Paparazzi.
  • Dropoff — Take Lacey to the studio.
  • Director — Get footage of Lacey Jonas and Zach Roberts for Lazlow’s film.
  • Agent — Lacey recruits Niko as her agent and then humaliate Poppy Mitchell by taking a picture of her having sex with her costar.
  • Date Night — Take Lacey on a Date and then take her home.
  • Mr Jackson — Meet Clay Jackson.

Clay Jackson (Film Studios Icon)


  • Nightclub — Protect Clay from Partygoers.
  • Studio — Take Clay to the studio.
  • Protection — Protect Clay and his boyfriend Jacob and then eliminate Rapper CIG.
  • The Film — Get footage of Clay for Lazlow’s movie.

Lazlow Jones and Poppy Mitchell (Film Studios Icon)

Protagonists: Don and Bonnie

  • That’s a Wrap – Get footage of Poppy Mitchell and Katt Maguire for Lazlow’s film (Lazlow as Mission Boss)(Don)
  • Employment Offer – Talk with Poppy Mitchell and employ her for Lazlow’s show (Lazlow as Boss)(Don)
  • Party Crashers – Chaperone Poppy to Cloe Parker’s party and then protect the celebrities from the Eagle Movement raid (Poppy as Boss)(Bonnie)
  • The Mafioso Agent – Poppy recruits Don as the an agent and with Lazlow’s help, them sabotage Cloe Parker’s car (Poppy and Lazlow as Boss)(Don)
  • Fame or Shame – Help Lazlow audition for Fame or Shame as a host (Lazlow as Boss)(Don)
  • Studio Shootout – Defend the Studio from the Trailer Park Mafia (Poppy Mitchell as Boss). (Bonnie)

Сюжетная линия

Обновление GTA Vice City Rage дополняет и расширяет возможности игры. И это вполне логично и естественно, ведь здесь используется совершенно новый, качественный, современный и добротный игровой движок от ГТА 4. Теперь Vice City преобразится до неузнаваемости. Здесь нет качества HD, зачетных текстур и тд, но есть много другого нового и уникального, что точно понравится всем любителям ГТА. Графика пусть и не качества High Definition, но она близка к идеалу. В остальном же, появились новые машины, люди, скины, модели, локации и многое другое. Также, были исправлены самые распространенные ошибки и недочеты, которые бросались в глаза в оригинальной версии игры. В остальном же — абсолютно ничего не поменялось. Игроку предстоит пройти те же увлекательные миссии и дополнительные квесты, как и в классической версии. Так что вы снова будете в шкуре Версетти, только теперь с большим количеством моделей и предметов для главного героя. Попробуйте возглавить криминальный мир, которому нужен новый лидер. Станьте тем мафиози, которого будут бояться все в округе. А главное — уважать. Вы обладаете огромным багажом знаний, у вас есть бесценный опыт, вы умеете держать язык за зубами и делать дела по-тихому. Именно за это вас и будут уважать и ценить другие бандиты. Сначала вы будете выполнять интересные миссии по заказу итальянской мафии. Но потом, спустя несколько плотных часов игрового времени, вы уже и сами сможете раздавать задания направо и налево. Так что скачивайте торрент GTA Vice City Rage не раздумывая, пока игра еще находится на плаву.


10th Anniversary Edition

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 10th Anniversary Edition was announced by Rockstar on October 26th, 2012. On November 21, 2012, Rockstar further revealed it would be launched on December 6, 2012 for iOS and Android devices, and would cost $4.99 for both the App Store version and the Google Play version (with the British release costing £2.99 for the App Store and £3.29 for the Google Play Store).

Rockstar announced that it would include «native high-resolution graphics and several enhancements unique to the iOS and Android platforms including updated character models and lighting effects, new and more precise firing and targeting options, a fully customizable control layout and native support for retina display devices.»

The Definitive Edition

Main article: Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy — The Definitive Edition


The Definitive Edition was announced by Rockstar on October 8th, 2021, as part of the Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy — The Definitive Edition pack. The edition was released on November 11, 2021 for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC; and will be released in 2022 for Apple iOS and Android.

The edition features across-the-board upgrades including graphical improvements and modern gameplay enhancements, while still maintaining the classic look and feel of its original version.


Niko’s Prologue

Protagonists: Niko Bellic

Niko Bellic — Watch a cinematic cutscene of Niko drinking with Roman and take him home.

A Bloody Tradegy — Found Mallorie burning at Roman’s mansion, save Roman and Kate Bellic.

Live or Die in Aldernary — Eliminate Giovanni Ancelloti.

A Revenger’s Tradegy — Eliminate the Remnants of the Faustin Bravta.

A War With Cry — Burn down Roman’s Taxi Depot

Goodbye, Liberty City — Pickup Roman and Kate Bellic and then leave Liberty City.

Protagonists: Don

Straight Flush — Watch a cinematic poker game and then go home.

Jeremiah Flitzgerald 

The Pick-Up — Take Jeremy great-grandson and widowed granddaughter-in-law from Hospital to Von Crastenburg Hotel.

  • The Mentor and the Student — Get the Photo of Several location in Vice City, Send it to your Email and print it at Print Works. The Wife — Buy some Flowers from Flower shop and take them to his Wife’s
  • Grave.
  • Fate — Take Thomas to the Vice City Tour
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