

Jorji’s country of origin is never confirmed. Although he presents valid Obri documents issued in the city of Skal seven times, on day 29, he reveals his connection to a counterfeiter who is specialized in Obri passports. Another point of suspicion is that the birth day and month in his documents (aside from his fake passport) constantly vary; they are always the current in-game date. His passports also have nine digits (GCD7-FMBAR), while all valid passports in the game have ten digits. He does call Obristan a «good place» on day 29 and even recommends it as a new home for the inspector and his family when «things getting little crazy in Arstotzka.«

Ending 12 of 20[]

How: If the inspector detains Shae Piersovska on day 25, the M.O.A. supervisor will arrest the inspector the next morning.

When: The arrest takes place on day 26, but the decision to detain her (or to deny or allow her entry) is made on day 25.

  • Related:

    • The initial request to let her in happens at the beginning of day 20.
    • Denying Piersovska will make Dimitri mad the next day, but will not trigger this ending.


  • Your supervisor has reported you for theft of Arstotzkan property.
  • The penalty is forced labor.
  • Your family will be sent back to their village.
  • The border will remain open under a replacement inspector.
  • Glory to Arstotzka.

Types of terrorist attacks[]

Wall climbers

A wall climber runs across the border checkpoint on day 2, while a guard fires at them. Until day 16, these attacks cannot be stopped.

Wall climbers will attempt to climb over the wall and run towards the guards. They will then attempt to throw a grenade at them. Until day 16, it is not possible to stop a wall climber attack.

Guards will respond to a wall climber by immediately opening fire. Their shots are ineffective (attributed by Sergiu to poor aim) and usually the climber will be able to throw their grenade before being shot. Rarely, the guards will manage to shoot the climber before they can throw. Regardless of the success or failure of the attack, the day is cut short afterwards.

After day 16, stopping a wall climber will not lead to the death of any of the guards if the climber was shot before they threw a grenade.

Suicide bombings

There are two types of suicide bombings: scripted and random.

Scripted bombings cannot be avoided. The first scripted suicide bombing starts on day 6. All entrants past a point have valid documents, and the game will only end the day if a bomber is allowed entry. During a scripted attack, the entrant will walk up to the guards and shout «FOR KOLECHIA!» before killing themselves and all three guards. (This happens even if the entrant does not have a Kolechian passport.)

Random attacks can be avoided. Random attacks start to be generated on day 9 and can be avoided by interrogating an entrant about their weight discrepancy and denying them or detaining them.

Vehicle attacks

Four vehicle attacks occur on days 21, 26, 28, and 31 respectively. All of them except for day 31 take place on motorcycles.

Shooting the motorcycle will make it blow up, making it a very good tactic to combat the multiple attackers on day 26 and 28.

EZIC attack

On day 31, EZIC attacks the border directly. During the inspection of the eighth entrant, two men drive a jeep into the checkpoint, kill all three guards, and then attempt to destroy the Grestin Border Wall.

The inspector’s fate depends on the number of EZIC tasks they completed — see the full details in the chart below.

Required EZIC tasks[]

If an EZIC task is successfully completed, a red stamp appears in The Truth of Arstotzka the following day.

There are five EZIC tasks that count towards getting (the «good» EZIC ending) where EZIC agents blow up the wall on day 31, EZIC seizes power, and the inspector will be hired as an EZIC agent. To get this ending, the inspector needs to complete at least four of the five tasks listed below:

  1. Allow Mikhail Saratov to enter on day 11.
  2. Allow Stepheni Graire to enter on day 14.
  3. Allow Marie Escalli to enter on day 17.
  4. Poison Khaled Istom on day 20.
  5. Confiscate Kordon Kallo’s passport, let him in, and give his passport to an EZIC agent on day 27.

Note that these are the only tasks that will affect or prevent getting ending 20. Any other interaction, even if it involves people from EZIC, does not count. This includes giving Corman Drex a note back on day 8 or , accepting bribes, or killing the man in red on day 23 (doing the latter will end the game).

The required tasks have been completed if an EZIC messenger is the second entrant on day 31. If they do not show up, this confirms that only three tasks or fewer have been completed and it is impossible to get ending 19.

Completing any of the five EZIC tasks prevents getting .


There are two kinds of attacks:

  1. Scripted attacks will happen at a predetermined point of the day. They cannot be avoided and the day will not finish until they occur. During a scripted attack, terrorists may approach from either the Kolechian or the Arstotzkan side and will engage the guards. On day 16 and later, all scripted attacks trigger an option to use the tranquilizer gun to stop the attacker(s). Guards, including Sergiu when he is present, are vulnerable during most of the scripted attacks.
    1. Scripted suicide bomber attacks. All entrants after the predetermined point have valid documents, so preventing the attack is pointless as the inspector will continue to receive citations. Even if the clock reaches 6 pm, the game will only force the day to end if a bomber is allowed entry.
  2. Randomly generated attackers try to smuggle explosives through the checkpoint as regular entrants and, if successful, walk up to the guards (faster than normal entrants), and blow themselves up. All of these randomly generated attacks can be avoided by detecting the would-be attacker during the inspection; they are entrants whose weight does not match their documents and can be detained (or denied) after scanning them. They can only appear after other scripted events have taken place that day.


Day 12


  • Good morning, inspector.
  • You are healthy today yes?
  • I have just few questions for you.
After introduction, if Mikhail Saratov was approved on day 11:

  • There was problem at Metro last night.
  • Maybe you read about it in paper.
  • Is very big news.
  • We think it is not accident.
  • We think it is caused by suspicious group.
  • We think some members pass through this checkpoint.
After introduction, if Mikhail Saratov was denied or detained on day 11:

  • We think suspicious group attempts to stir trouble.
  • We think some members enter this checkpoint.

After saying one of the two options above:

  • So we come talk to you.
  • Have you seen anything like this?
  • Is some kind of symbol for group.
  • If you have any information, you give to us yes?
  • Yes?
  • Yes.
  • Very good.
  • Please return my badge and paper.

After getting the badge and paper back:

  • This group is very dangerous.
  • If you see any curious thing, report immediately.

If either the cipher or the coded document is given to him:

  • What is this?
  • Interesting.
  • Yes, very interesting.
  • I think it is best if you come with me.
  • []

Day 15

This encounter only occurs if the inspector accepted the EZIC gift on day 11 or (1000 or 2000 credits) and did not let Stepheni Graire through on day 14.

  • Hello inspector.
  • There is small discrepancy with your finances.
  • The Ministry of Income was thoughtful enough to notify us.
  • It is best if you come with me.
  • []

Day 29

  • Hello inspector.
  • It has been some time.
  • Read your bulletin carefully today.
  • We will be speaking with many workers.
  • Your audit comes soon.
  • I will personally conduct it.
  • There is nothing to fear.
  • Work hard.

Ending 14 of 20[]

How: The inspector must have completed at least four EZIC tasks. If this is the case, an EZIC messenger will arrive on day 31 and tell the inspector to hold his fire. If the inspector decides to shoot the attackers anyway and the wall remains intact, this ending is triggered the next morning.

When: Only on day 31.

  • Related:

    • It is possible to trigger ending 16 or 18 at the end of day 31 to avoid this ending.
    • Similar to ending 15, but now the wall remains intact.
    • Ending 17 has the same cutscene but without the EZIC note at the end.
    • If the EZIC messenger is not the second entrant on day 31, required EZIC tasks have not been completed and it is impossible to get this ending.


  • Hello inspector.
  • We have audited your recent activities.
  • Your involvement with a group calling themselves THE ORDER OF THE EZIC STAR has been uncovered.
  • Several members of this group have been arrested in Arstotzka.
  • At least one EZIC member has confessed to receiving your help.
  • This represents treason of the highest order.
  • Goodbye inspector.
  • The execution is scheduled for tonight.
  • Your family’s safety is unknown.
  • EZIC has been crushed. The balance of justice is restored.
  • Glory to Arstotzka.


An EZIC messenger delivering a note.

The inspector first encounters EZIC when a mysterious hooded messenger hands him a black card on day 8. On the back of the card, the name Corman Drex is shown, and the inspector can give the card to them when they arrive at the border. If the inspector does not give them the card at that time, they will reappear a day later, tell the inspector that he has something of theirs, and will not leave until the inspector gives the card. They will then hand over a explaining the intentions of EZIC. Once the note is returned, the inspector will receive a cipher with a long string of letters and numbers on it, which will be used later on with a decoder received on day 10 to show the names of two EZIC agents, Mikhail Saratov and Stepheni Graire.

After a few days, EZIC will give the inspector 1,000 credits with the option to burn it. The amount doubles to 2,000 on day 12 if the inspector refuses. If he does not burn the money at either opportunity, all of his savings are later . If the inspector lets another EZIC agent come through a little later, he is cleared of wrongdoing but the money is not returned. If the inspector accepts either one of those gifts and does not let Stepheni Graire in, will occur.

EZIC will continue to give the inspector money in exchange for letting an agent pass on day 17 and poisoning a would be assassin on day 20. An EZIC messenger will appear at the beginning of the day to brief the player on the day’s needs.

A man in red forces EZIC to take action on day 23.

On day 23, EZIC will ask the inspector to kill a man in red who presents a threat to EZIC. Shooting him with the sniper rifle leads to while shooting him with the tranquilizer gun leads to . If he is not attacked at all, then a day later, a messenger arrives to the inspector that the man in red is now targeting EZIC agents in Kolechia and the Order must adapt their plans.

An opportunity presents itself when tension between Arstotzka and Kolechia keeps growing and a diplomatic meeting is called between the two countries. On day 27, EZIC requests the inspector’s help in order to infiltrate the negotiations with a passport confiscated from a Kolechian diplomat.

Entrants flood in from Kolechia if EZIC manages to take down the wall on day 31.

Despite much of its involvement in the story, EZIC claims that it is not behind the attacks that have plagued the checkpoint in its first month of operation.

On day 31, however, EZIC attacks the border directly. It aims to seize power in Arstotzka and demolish the wall that divides Grestin. During the attack, the inspector can either help EZIC and join it or remain loyal to Arstotzka and defend the checkpoint. The eventual fate of the inspector varies depending on where his loyalties are earlier in the game (see below and endings , , , , and ).

Day 31

Welcome to the penultimate day of the Papers, Please story mode. If you have completed at least four of the five EZIC tasks, an EZIC messenger will appear today to let the inspector know that the Order plans to attack the border checkpoint today. The inspector will be safe from harm, provided the player does not turn on EZIC during the operation. Allowing EZIC to destroy the wall unscathed will unlock Ending 19. Shooting at least one EZIC agent will unlock Ending 15. 

If the player has completed three EZIC tasks or fewer, the Order will attack both the wall and the inspector’s booth. Allowing an agent to destroy the booth will result in instant death, while allowing EZIC to destroy the wall will unlock Ending 13.

The inspector has the opportunity to escape to Obristan on Day 31. Failure to escape or end the game on this day will allow Papers, Please to progress to Day 32, where three endings are available.


Фильм начинается с инспектора, который приходит на своё рабочее место. Он поднимает жалюзи, смотрит на фотографию семьи и готовит всё оборудование. Некий охранник отдаёт ему честь и намекает на визит одной девушки. Инспектор начинает службу.

Первый въезжающий – работник с просроченным Разрешением на работу. Он пытается разжалобить инспектора, сославшись на свою семью, однако тот непреклонен. Раз за разом он ставит штампы в паспорта граждан разных стран: бедной и агрессивной Колечии, мирному Орбистану, подозрительной Антегрии, развитой и процветающей Объединённой Федерации, расистски настроенной Республии, «дружелюбному» Импору и социалистической Арстотцке. В качестве камео появляется и старик Джорджи Костава с паспортом несуществующей страны Кобрастан.

Наконец приходит Элиза. Инспектор хочет её пропустить, но поступает уведомление от начальства: «Ограничен лимит граждан Колечии». Девушка уходит со Штампом на отказ. Подавленный инспектор не находит себе места…

Наступает черёд мужчины из Колечии. Все документы у него в порядке. Уходя, он просит отнестись с понимаем к его «впечатлительной» жене. У жены в разрешении указана другая фамилия. Пытаясь загладить вину за Элизу и работника, инспектор пропускает женщину.

Наступает черёд следующего въезжающего. Но стоит инспектору произнести: «Ваши документы!», как вдруг гремит взрыв… Оглушённый инспектор поднимается с пола и идёт на улицу. Женщина оказалась самоубийцей с бомбой, а её муж убивает Сергиу. Он целится в шокированного инспектора и говорит коронную фразу: «За Колечию!»


Required EZIC tasks[]

If an EZIC task is successfully completed, a red stamp appears in The Truth of Arstotzka the following day.

There are five EZIC tasks that count towards getting (the «good» EZIC ending) where EZIC agents blow up the wall on day 31, EZIC seizes power, and the inspector will be hired as an EZIC agent. To get this ending, the inspector needs to complete at least four of the five tasks listed below:

  1. Allow Mikhail Saratov to enter on day 11.
  2. Allow Stepheni Graire to enter on day 14.
  3. Allow Marie Escalli to enter on day 17.
  4. Poison Khaled Istom on day 20.
  5. Confiscate Kordon Kallo’s passport, let him in, and give his passport to an EZIC agent on day 27.

Note that these are the only tasks that will affect or prevent getting ending 20. Any other interaction, even if it involves people from EZIC, does not count. This includes giving Corman Drex a note back on day 8 or , accepting bribes, or killing the man in red on day 23 (doing the latter will end the game).

The required tasks have been completed if an EZIC messenger is the second entrant on day 31. If they do not show up, this confirms that only three tasks or fewer have been completed and it is impossible to get ending 19.

Completing any of the five EZIC tasks prevents getting .


Димитрия впервые можно встретить в день 10, когда он коротко даст оценку инспектору, наградит грамотой и уйдёт.

Во время второго посещения в день 20, в дополнение к грамотам и оценке, начальник также отметит отсутствие грамот и присутствие другого декора. Если начальник заметит другой декор на стене, инспектору выпишут штраф в 20 кредитов (отсутствие грамот к этому не приведёт).Также Димитрий укажет инспектору пропустить его старую знакомую, Шаю Пирсовскую. Если арестовать Шаю, то это приведёт к аресту инспектора ().

Третий визит Димитрия, который также является последним, состоится в день 30. В этот раз он не наградит инспектора грамотой. Если инспектор не пропустил Шаю в страну в 25 день, то Димитрий обругает его. Если Димитрий заметит на стене другие настенные вещи, кроме грамот, во второй раз, то он арестует инспектора за невыполнение прямых приказов ().


A hooded EZIC messenger.

The card with Corman Drex’s name on it.

The note Drex gives to the inspector.

The decoder used to read the cipher.

The cipher bearing the names of Mikhail Saratov and Stepheni Graire when read with the decoder.

Graire’s name shown with the decoder.

The paper M. Vonel shows the inspector when investigating a suspicious group.

A note about Khaled Istom.

The package of poison an EZIC messenger gives to the inspector.

Using the poison on Istom’s passport.

Decoder used to identify an EZIC agent’s passport.

Using the decoder on Marie Escalli’s passport to reveal EZIC letters.

Mikhail Saratov’s name shown within the decoder.


An EZIC messenger delivering a note.

The inspector first encounters EZIC when a mysterious hooded messenger hands him a black card on day 8. On the back of the card, the name Corman Drex is shown, and the inspector can give the card to them when they arrive at the border. If the inspector does not give them the card at that time, they will reappear a day later, tell the inspector that he has something of theirs, and will not leave until the inspector gives the card. They will then hand over a explaining the intentions of EZIC. Once the note is returned, the inspector will receive a cipher with a long string of letters and numbers on it, which will be used later on with a decoder received on day 10 to show the names of two EZIC agents, Mikhail Saratov and Stepheni Graire.

After a few days, EZIC will give the inspector 1,000 credits with the option to burn it. The amount doubles to 2,000 on day 12 if the inspector refuses. If he does not burn the money at either opportunity, all of his savings are later . If the inspector lets another EZIC agent come through a little later, he is cleared of wrongdoing but the money is not returned. If the inspector accepts either one of those gifts and does not let Stepheni Graire in, will occur.

EZIC will continue to give the inspector money in exchange for letting an agent pass on day 17 and poisoning a would be assassin on day 20. An EZIC messenger will appear at the beginning of the day to brief the player on the day’s needs.

A man in red forces EZIC to take action on day 23.

On day 23, EZIC will ask the inspector to kill a man in red who presents a threat to EZIC. Shooting him with the sniper rifle leads to while shooting him with the tranquilizer gun leads to . If he is not attacked at all, then a day later, a messenger arrives to the inspector that the man in red is now targeting EZIC agents in Kolechia and the Order must adapt their plans.

An opportunity presents itself when tension between Arstotzka and Kolechia keeps growing and a diplomatic meeting is called between the two countries. On day 27, EZIC requests the inspector’s help in order to infiltrate the negotiations with a passport confiscated from a Kolechian diplomat.

Entrants flood in from Kolechia if EZIC manages to take down the wall on day 31.

Despite much of its involvement in the story, EZIC claims that it is not behind the attacks that have plagued the checkpoint in its first month of operation.

On day 31, however, EZIC attacks the border directly. It aims to seize power in Arstotzka and demolish the wall that divides Grestin. During the attack, the inspector can either help EZIC and join it or remain loyal to Arstotzka and defend the checkpoint. The eventual fate of the inspector varies depending on where his loyalties are earlier in the game (see below and endings , , , , and ).


Информация о кабинке в инструкции.

Инспектор должен взаимодействовать с различными частями стенда для выявления несоответствий и проверки документов. В кабинке есть ставни, стол, а также время и дата. Там же хранятся инструкция, стенограмма и бюллетень.

В кабинке есть три функции, которые специально не предоставлены игроку: счетчик, который отслеживает количество посетителей (чуть ниже стенограмма в компьютерной версии; посередине в версии для планшета), индикатор веса в правом нижнем углу (посередине слева на версии для планшета), а за затвором — измерительная линия, используемая для определения высоты въезжающих. Кроме того, на задней стенке могут быть повешены различные предметы, такие как грамота, переданные инспектору.


Ставни представляет собой металлические забор между инспектором и человеком на другой стороне. Рычаг сбоку используется для открытия и закрытия по желанию. Когда начинается арест, ставни автоматически закрываются и открывается при приходе следующего въезжающего. Ставни также закрываются, когда происходит теракт, без возможности открытия.

В настоящее время затвор служит только для увеличения погружения и не влияет на игровой процесс.


Стол — это место, где все документы передаются инспектору. И другие предметы, такие как рекламная брошура Розы греха, задания EZIC, жетоны и взятки, также передаются здесь, когда инспектору передают их. Замечания, которые обычно печатаются из нижней части главного окна, можно переместить сюда, чтобы освободить место для проверки документов.

Время и дата

Текущее время и дата отображаются в левом нижнем углу. Расхождения можно выявить, выделив этот и соответствующий документ в режиме проверки.


Основная статья: Инструкция

Инструкция содержит информацию, необходимую для определения правильности документов, такую как города выдачи, действительность печатей и все действующие правила игры.


Основная статья: Стенограмма

Стенограмма представляет собой запись всего диалога, которым обмениваются инспектор и человек на другой стороне кабинки. Расхождения, такие как продолжительность пребывания и причина въезда, могут быть выявлены путем выделения стенограммы и соответствующего документа.


Основная статья: Официальная бюллетень

Бюллетень выдаёт каждый день с обновленной информацией. Новости дня, изменения правил и новые функции можно найти здесь. 

Мониторы в iPad версии.

Мониторы (только для iPad)

В версии для iPad многие функции интерфейса были перемещены, и в кабинке есть два экрана с обеих сторон стойки. Они показывают очередь и правый край пограничного пункта, но не влияют на игровой процесс и не используются ни для чего.


Day 17

  • Hello.
  • I heard that you are from Nirsk?
  • I grew up there but I have not been back in many years.
  • It is still a shit-hole. As before.
  • Haha, of course. This is what I remember too.
  • I am Sergiu. It is good to meet you.
  • I will do my best to keep you safe.

Day 19

Introduction, if the inspector successfully shot the terrorist on day 18 and Sergiu survived:

  • Thank you for yesterday.
  • My aim is not like before.

Day 22

Introduction, if the inspector successfully shot the terrorist on day 21 and Sergiu survived:

  • There is more action at this checkpoint than in the war.
  • I fought in Kolechia for 5 years.
  • If you think it is bad in Arstotzka, it is ten times worse in Kolechia.
  • I do not blame them for coming here.
  • Anyways, you are doing well. Keep it up.

Day 25

Introduction, if Sergiu is alive at this point:

  • Friend, how are you?
  • I have a small favor to ask.
  • During the war, I met a beautiful girl.
  • I think about her every moment.
  • Yesterday I receive word that she is finally coming here.
  • Please, let her pass and I will be in your debt.
  • Her name is Elisa.

Day 27

If Sergiu is alive and Elisa was allowed to enter on day 26 and the inspector gave Elisa the locket:

  • Thank you for everything.
  • Elisa is so happy here.
  • She says our first son will have your name.
  • This is fine but I told her I want a daughter first!
  • It is not much, but we have found a small way to thank you.
  • Elisa will deliver it to your home. I hope that it helps.
  • Tomorrow I am transferred to another post.
  • Stay safe my friend.

If Sergiu is alive and Elisa was allowed to enter on day 26 but the inspector still has the locket:

  • Thank you for everything.
  • Elisa is so happy here.
  • She says our first son will have your name.
  • This is fine but I told her I want a daughter first!
  • I would like to show the locket to her.
  • Do you still have it?
  • Ah, I missed not having this with me.
  • It is not much, but we have found a small way to thank you.
  • Elisa will deliver it to your home. I hope that it helps.
  • Tomorrow I am transferred to another post.
  • Stay safe my friend.

If Sergiu is alive but Elisa was denied entry on day 26:

  • Elisa did not come.
  • She arrived, but her papers were not in order.
  • Tell her to try again with the correct documents.
  • You know this is impossible.
  • If you have the locket, give it back to me.


A hooded EZIC messenger.

The card with Corman Drex’s name on it.

The note Drex gives to the inspector.

The decoder used to read the cipher.

The cipher bearing the names of Mikhail Saratov and Stepheni Graire when read with the decoder.

Graire’s name shown with the decoder.

The paper M. Vonel shows the inspector when investigating a suspicious group.

A note about Khaled Istom.

The package of poison an EZIC messenger gives to the inspector.

Using the poison on Istom’s passport.

Decoder used to identify an EZIC agent’s passport.

Using the decoder on Marie Escalli’s passport to reveal EZIC letters.

Mikhail Saratov’s name shown within the decoder.


A hooded EZIC messenger.

The card with Corman Drex’s name on it.

The note Drex gives to the inspector.

The decoder used to read the cipher.

The cipher bearing the names of Mikhail Saratov and Stepheni Graire when read with the decoder.

Graire’s name shown with the decoder.

The paper M. Vonel shows the inspector when investigating a suspicious group.

A note about Khaled Istom.

The package of poison an EZIC messenger gives to the inspector.

Using the poison on Istom’s passport.

Decoder used to identify an EZIC agent’s passport.

Using the decoder on Marie Escalli’s passport to reveal EZIC letters.

Mikhail Saratov’s name shown within the decoder.

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