Craft-you 1.7.2 — 1.8
Tool Recipes
Name | Ingredients | Image | Description |
Pickaxes | Sticks & Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Blackstone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds | Used to mine stone blocks and ores. | |
Axes | Sticks & Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Blackstone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds | Used to chop wood blocks faster than by hand. | |
Shovels | Sticks & Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Blackstone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds | Used to dig sand, gravel, dirt, grass and snow faster than by hand. | |
Hoes | Sticks & Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Blackstone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds | Used to till dirt blocks in preparation for growing crops. | |
Fishing Rod | Sticks & String | Can be cast into water to catch fish. | |
Flint & Steel | Iron Ingot & Flint | Used to light fires, ignite TNT and open nether portals. | |
Compass | Iron Ingots & Redstone | Points to the spawn point. | |
Clock | Gold Ingots & Redstone | Display the in-game time. | |
Bucket | Iron Ingots | Used to transport water, lava and milk. | |
Shears | Iron Ingots | Used to collect wool from sheep and leaves from trees. | |
Shulker Box | Shulker Shell & Chest | Portable chests. | |
Spyglass | Amethyst Shard & Copper Ingots | Gives a zoomed in view of distant objects when right clicked. |
Wool Recipes
Name | Ingredients | Image | Description |
Wool | String | Building material that can also be colored with dyes. | |
Light Gray Wool | Wool & Light Gray Dye | Building material and decoration. | |
Gray Wool | Wool & Gray Dye | Building material and decoration. | |
Black Wool | Wool & Black Dye | Building material and decoration. | |
Red Wool | Wool & Rose Red | Building material and decoration. | |
Orange Wool | Wool & Orange Dye | Building material and decoration. | |
Yellow Wool | Wool & Dandelion Yellow | Building material and decoration. | |
Lime Wool | Wool & Lime Dye | Building material and decoration. | |
Green Wool | Wool & Cactus Green | Building material and decoration. | |
Light Blue Wool | Wool & Light Blue Dye | Building material and decoration. | |
Cyan Wool | Wool & Cyan Dye | Building material and decoration. | |
Blue Wool | Wool & Blue Dye | Building material and decoration. | |
Purple Wool | Wool & Purple Dye | Building material and decoration. | |
Magenta Wool | Wool & Magenta Dye | Building material and decoration. | |
Pink Wool | Wool & Pink Dye | Building material and decoration. | |
Brown Wool | Wool & Brown Dye | Building material and decoration. |
Block Recipes
Name | Ingredients | Image | Description |
Glowstone | Glowstone Dust | Bright light source that can also be used underwater. | |
Snow Block | Snowballs | Store of snow and building material. | |
TNT | Gunpowder & Sand | Explodes when lit with a Flint & Steel, or powered by a redstone current. | |
Clay Block | Clay | Store of clay and building material. | |
Brick Block | Clay Bricks | Strong building material. | |
Bookshelf | Wooden Planks & Books | Decoration. | |
Sandstone Block | Sand | Building material. | |
Smooth Sandstone | Sandstone Block | Building material. | |
Decorative Sandstone | Sandstone Slabs | Building material. | |
Note Block | Wooden Planks & Redstone | Plays a note when clicked or powered by redstone. | |
Jack-O Lantern | Pumpkin & Torch | Light source. | |
Lapis Lazuli Block | Lapis Lazuli Dye | Store of Lapis Lazuli Dye. | |
Diamond Block | Diamonds | Store of Diamonds. | |
Gold Block | Gold Ingots | Store of Gold Ingots. | |
Iron Block | Iron Ingots | Store of Iron Ingots. | |
Emerald Block | Emeralds | Store of Emeralds. | |
Coal Block | Coal | Store of Coal. | |
Stone Brick | Stone | Building material. | |
Wooden Stairs | Wooden Planks | Used to build staircases. | |
Stone Stairs | Cobblestone or Sandstone or Brick or Stone Brick or Nether Brick or Quartz or Red Sandstone | Used to build staircases. | |
Cobblestone Wall | Cobblestone or Moss Stone | Decorative block that similar to fences cannot be jumped over. | |
Block of Redstone | Redstone | Redstone power source. | |
Block of Quartz | Nether Quartz | Building material. | |
Chiseled Quartz Block | Quartz Slabs | Building material. | |
Pillar Quartz Block | Blocks of Quartz | Building material. | |
Quartz Bricks | Blocks of Quartz | Building material. | |
Stained Clay | Hardened Clay & Dye | Building material. | |
Hay Bale | Wheat | Decorative block and food for horses. | |
Granite | Diorite & Nether Quartz | Type of rock. | |
Andesite | Diorite & Cobblestone | Type of rock. | |
Diorite | Cobblestone & Nether Quartz | Type of rock. | |
Polished Granite | Granite | Building material. | |
Polished Andesite | Andesite | Building material. | |
Polished Diorite | Diorite | Building material. | |
Prismarine | Prismarine Shard | Type of rock. | |
Prismarine Bricks | Prismarine Shard | Building material. | |
Dark Prismarine | Prismarine Shards & Black Dye | Building material. | |
Sea Lantern | Prismarine Crystals & Prismarine Shard | Light source. | |
Coarse Dirt | Dirt & Gravel | Similar to normal dirt however grass cannot spread to it. | |
Slime Block | Slimeball | Can be used to push other blocks using pistons. | |
Moss Stone | Cobblestone & Vines or Moss Block | Building material. | |
Mossy Stone Brick | Stone Brick & Vines or Moss Block | Building material. | |
Chiseled Stone Brick | Stock Brick Slab | Building material. | |
Red Sandstone | Red Sand | Building material. | |
Smooth Red Sandstone | Red Sandstone | Building material. | |
Chiseled Red Sandstone | Red Sandstone Slab | Building material. | |
Purpur Block | Popped Chorus Fruit | Building material. | |
Purpur Pillar | Purpur Slab | Building material. | |
Magma Block | Magma Cream | Causes damage when stepped on. | |
Nether Wart Block | Nether Wart | Decoration. | |
Nether Brick | Nether Brick (Item) | Building material. | |
Red Nether Brick | Nether Wart & Nether Brick | Building material. | |
Chiseled Nether Bricks | Nether Brick Slabs | Building material. | |
Bone Block | Bone Meal | Decoration and store of Bone Meal. | |
Dried Kelp Block | Dried Kelp | Can be used as fuel in furnaces. | |
Packed Ice | Ice | Ice building material. | |
Blue Ice | Packed Ice | Ice building material. | |
Honey Block | Honey Bottles | Sticky block that slows down players and entities. | |
Honeycomb Block | Honeycomb | Decoration. | |
Stripped Wood | Stripped Log | Building material. | |
Polished Basalt | Basalt | Building material. | |
Polished Blackstone | Blackstone | Building material. | |
Chiseled Polished Blackstone | Polished Blackstone Slabs | Building material. | |
Polished Blackstone Bricks | Polished Blackstone | Building material. | |
Block of Netherite | Netherite Ingots | Store of Netherite. | |
Block of Amethyst | Amethyst Shards | Store of Amethyst. | |
Block of Copper | Copper Ingots | Store of Copper. | |
Cut Copper | Blocks of Copper | Building material. | |
Waxed Block of Copper | Block of Copper & Honeycomb | Block of Copper that will not oxidize and change color over time. | |
Dripstone Block | Pointed Dripstone | Will cause Dripstone to grow below it when there is a water source above. |
Mechanism Recipes
Name | Ingredients | Image | Description |
Pressure Plates | Wooden Planks or Stone or Polished Blackstone | Send a redstone signal when stepped on by a player or mob. | |
Weighted Pressure Plates | Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots | Similar to regular pressure plates, but the signal strength increases as more items are added. | |
Trapdoor | Wooden Planks | Horizontal door activated by clicking or redstone. | |
Fence Gate | Wooden Planks & Sticks | Gate that can be opened like a door. | |
Buttons | Wooden Planks or Stone or Polished Blackstone | Sends a short redstone signal when pressed. | |
Lever | Stick & Cobblestone | Sends a redstone signal that can be turned on and off. | |
Redstone Repeater | Stone & Redstone Torch & Redstone | Used as a repeater, diode or delayer in redstone circuits. | |
Redstone Torch | Stick & Redstone | Constantly sends a redstone signal. | |
Jukebox | Wooden Planks & Diamond | Used to play music discs. | |
Dispenser | Cobblestone & Bow & Redstone | Holds and shoots out items when powered. | |
Piston | Wooden Planks & Cobblestone & Iron Ingot & Redstone | Pushes other blocks when powered. | |
Sticky Piston | Piston & Slime Ball | Pushes blocks and also pulls them back. | |
Minecart | Iron Ingots | Used to travel along rail. | |
Powered Minecart | Minecart & Furnace | Pushes other minecarts along track using fuel. | |
Storage Minecart | Minecart & Chest | Used to transport blocks and items along track. | |
Rail | Iron Ingots & Stick | Guide for minecarts. | |
Powered Rail | Gold Ingots & Stick & Redstone | Speeds up minecarts when powered. | |
Detector Rail | Iron Ingots & Stone Pressure Plate & Redstone | Sends a redstone signal when crossed by a minecart. | |
Redstone Lamp | Redstone & Glowstone Block | Light source when powered by redstone. | |
Tripwire Hook | Iron Ingot & Stick & Wooden Plank | Used to create a tripwire that activates a redstone signal. | |
Activator Rail | Iron Ingots & Sticks & Redstone Torch | Used to activate TNT minecarts and minecarts with hoppers. | |
Daylight Sensor | Glass & Nether Quartz & Wooden Slabs | Emits a redstone signal during daylight. | |
Dropper | Cobblestone & Redstone | Drops items (similar to a dispenser) when powered. | |
Hopper | Iron Ingots & Chest | Moves items into and out of chests, dispensers and other blocks that can hold items. | |
Minecart with Hopper | Hopper & Minecart | Minecart that functions in the same way as a hopper. | |
Minecart with TNT | TNT & Minecart | Minecart that explodes when triggered by activator rail. | |
Redstone Comparator | Redstone Torches & Stone & Nether Quartz | Used in redstone circuitry. | |
Trapped Chest | Chest & Tripwire Hook | Chest that emits a redstone signal when opened. | |
Iron Trapdoor | Iron Ingots | Trapdoor activated by redstone. | |
Observer | Cobblestone & Redstone Dust & Nether Quartz | Emits a redstone signal when the block it is facing is updated. | |
Target | Redstone Dust & Hay Bale | Emits a redstone signal when hit by projectiles, such as arrows, eggs or snowballs. |
Other Recipes
Name | Ingredients | Image | Description |
Bed | Wooden Planks & Wool | Used to forward time to day during nights. | |
Painting | Sticks & Wool | Decoration. | |
Paper | Sugar Cane | Used to create maps and books. | |
Book | Paper & Leather | Used to create bookshelfs and book & quills. | |
Book and Quill | Book & Feather & Ink Sac | Can be written in and edited. | |
Map | Paper & Compass | Creates an image of explored parts of the world. | |
Glass Panes | Glass Blocks or Stained Glass Blocks | Panes of glass similar to fences. | |
Iron Bars | Iron Ingots | Similar properties to fences however only 1 block high. | |
Gold Ingot | Gold Nugget | Used to craft a number of other items. | |
Nether Brick Fence | Nether Brick (item) & Nether Bricks | Similar to normal fences but made out of nether brick. | |
Eye of Ender | Ender Pearl & Blaze Powder | Can be used to locate strongholds. | |
Enchantment Table | Book, Diamond & Obsidian. | Used to enchant tools, weapons, armor and other items. | |
Fire Charge | Blaze Powder & Coal & Gunpowder | Creates fire and can be shot out of dispensers. | |
Ender Chest | Obsidian & Eye of Ender | Used for storage. All Ender Chests in a world access the same storage slots. | |
Beacon | Glass & Obsidian & Nether Star | Emits light beam and provides temporary player buffs when placed on a pyramid made of emerald, diamond, netherite, gold or iron blocks. | |
Anvil | Iron Block & Iron Ingot | Used to repair items and combine enchantments. | |
Flower Pot | Bricks | Decoration. | |
Item Frame | Sticks & Leather | Used to display items and blocks on walls. | |
Carrot on a Stick | Fishing Rod & Carrot | Can be used to control saddled pigs. | |
Warped Fungus on a Stick | Fishing Rod & Warped Fungus | Can be used to control saddled striders. | |
Firework Rocket | Gunpowder & Paper & Firework Star | Items that can be launched into the sky. The more gunpowder added the higher the rocket will fly. | |
Firework Star | Gunpowder & Dye & an extra ingredient (optional) | The dye determines the color of the firework and the extra ingredient determines the special effect. | |
Lead | String & Slimeball | Used to leash mobs. | |
Carpets | Wool | Thin block that can be used as a decoration. | |
Stained Glass | Glass Blocks & Dye | Building material and decoration. | |
Leather | Rabbit hide | Used as a crafting ingredient including for armor. | |
Banner |
Wool & Stick |
Decoration. | |
Armor Stand | Stone Slab & Stick | Used to display armor, mob heads & pumpkins. | |
End Rod | Blaze Rod & Popped Chorus Fruit | Decorative light source. | |
End Crystal | Glass & Eye of Ender & Ghast Tear | Item found in The End. | |
Iron Nugget | Iron Ingot | Small piece of iron. | |
Concrete Powder | Dye & Sand & Gravel | Turns into concrete when in contact with water or lava. | |
Campfire | Sticks & Logs & Coal | Light source and used to cook food. | |
Soul Campfire | Sticks & Logs & Soul Sand or Soul Soil | Light source and used to cook food. | |
Scaffolding | Bamboo & String | Used to help the player climb when building. | |
Barrel | Wood Slabs & Wooden Planks | Used to store items. | |
Blast Furnace | Iron Ingots & Furnace & Smooth Stone | Used to smelt items. | |
Smoker | Logs & Furnace | Used to cook food items. | |
Cartography Table | Paper & Wooden Planks | Used for cloning, zooming out and locking maps. | |
Composter | Wooden Slabs | Converts crops and plants into bone meal. | |
Fletching Table | Flint & Wooden Planks | Fletcher’s job site block in villages. | |
Smithing Table | Iron Ingots & Wooden Planks | Toolsmith’s job site block in villages. | |
Stonecutter | Iron Ingot & Stone | Used to craft stone-related blocks. | |
Grindstone | Sticks & Stone Slab & Wooden Planks | Used to repair items and tools, and also remove enchantments. | |
Lanterns | Iron Nuggets & Torch or Soul Torch | Blocks that emit light. | |
Lectern | Wood Slabs & Bookshelf | Used to hold books. | |
Loom | String & Wooden Planks | Used to apply patterns to banners. | |
Beehive | Wooden Planks & Honeycomb | Craftable version of a bees nest. | |
Netherite Ingot | Netherite Scraps & Gold Ingots | Used as a smithing ingredient to make Netherite tools, weapons and armor. | |
Chain | Iron Nuggets & Iron Ingot | Decoration that can also be used to suspend bells and lanterns. | |
Respawn Anchor | Crying Obsidian & Glowstone | Allows the player to set a respawn point in the Nether. | |
Lodestone | Chiseled Stone Bricks & Netherite Ingot | Using a compass on a Lodestone block will make the compass always point towards that specific block. | |
Soul Torch | Coal & Stick & Soul Sand or Soul Soil | Light source. | |
Candle | String & Honeycomb | Light source. | |
Dyed Candle | Candle & Matching Dye | Light source. | |
Glow Item Frame | Item Frame & Glow Ink Sac | Illuminates the item held within. | |
Lightning Rod | Copper Ingots | Prevents flammable structures from catching fire during thunderstorms by redirecting lightning strikes. | |
Moss Carpet | Moss Blocks | Decoration. | |
Tinted Glass | Amethyst Shards & Glass | Tinted version of glass blocks. |
Список серверов Minecraft
Сервер | Сборка | Игроков | Версия | Рейтинг | |
1 |
ShadowCraft — ВАЙП 16.11 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ СКАЧАЙ ЛАУНЧЕР С МОДАМИ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ЛУЧШИЕ СЕРВЕРА С КРУТЫМИ МОДАМИ |
![]() |
382 из 800 | 1.7.10 | 40+35050 |
2 |
CubixWorld.Ru С МОДАМИ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬️КАЗИНО️КЕЙСЫ️БЫЛ ВАЙП️▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬️HiTech️SkyTech️TechnoMagic️MagicRPG️Galaxy |
![]() |
211 из 1000 | 1.7.10 | 80+18150 |
3 |
Grand-Mine — НЕДАВНИЙ ВАЙП Серверы с модами — технологии, волшебство и магия |
![]() |
16 из 50 | 1.7.10 | 30+3600 |
4 |
SMC. МОДЫ. ВАЙП 30.11 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ КРУТЫЕ СЕРВЕРА С МОДАМИ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ 1.12.2 САМЫЕ НОВЫЕ МОДЫ УЖЕ ВНУТРИ |
![]() |
300 из 600 | 1.7.10 | 30+2350 |
5 |
LOST ON TECH 1.7.10 Свалка модов |
![]() |
0 из 100 | 1.7.10 | +200 |
6 |
ATOMCRAFT.RU — ВАЙП 29.10 Комплекс серверов майнкрафт. Hi-tech, Magic, DivineRPG, TechnoMagic, TerraFirmaCraft, Pixelmon, Galaxy, MagicRPG, Mini-games. |
![]() |
16 из 50 | 1.7.10 | 160 |
7 |
Galactic World 2 Лучшие Техно-моды, измерения |
0 из 27 | 1.7.10 | 85 | |
8 |
Softy Project Softy — техномагический рай |
![]() |
5 из 30 | 1.7.10 | 80 |
9 |
MW — С МОДАМИ — ВАЙП Весенний вайп! Моды на любой вкус: Classic, Pixelmon, Industrial, HiTech, TechMagic, Magic, SkyTech, Galaxy, Divine RPG! |
![]() |
26 из 1000 | 1.7.10 | 40 |
10 |
WOMPLAY Сервера на любой вкус |
![]() |
2 из 100 | 1.7.10 | 40 |
11 |
BestMineNN Hi-Tech Лучший Minecraft сервер для Вас |
![]() |
0 из 25 | 1.7.10 | 30 |
12 |
OrangeCraft.Ru — MagicRPG Сервер с магическими модами ThaumCraft 6! |
![]() |
5 из 40 | 1.7.10 | 30 |
13 |
OrangeCraft.Ru — TechnoMagic Техномагик сервер с различными модами на выживание |
![]() |
1 из 50 | 1.7.10 | 30 |
14 | Excalibur-Craft 1.6.4 — 1.16.4 | ![]() |
204 из 1800 | 1.7.10 | 20 |
15 |
Dreamfinity Technocracy IC2, Buildcraft, AE2, EnderIO, Forestry, Mekanism, Railcraft, Thermal Expansion, BigReactors, Flans, OpenComputers и другие моды! |
3 из 60 | 1.7.10 | 15 | |
16 |
MagicTech — MythicalPlanet Качественный сервер типа TechnoMagic. Множество лучших магических и технических модификаций! Без лагов! Недавно был вайп! |
![]() |
0 из 100 | 1.7.10 | 10 |
17 | Сервера майнкрафт на любой вкус: Tech,Galaxy, RPG. |
1118 из 5000 | 1.7.10 | 10 | |
18 |
Dreamfinity Spacecross WarpDrive, Matter Overdrive, Immersive Engineering, Industrial Craft, Archimedes Ships, Sync Mod. |
5 из 60 | 1.7.10 | 5 | |
19 |
Beemo.Fun Hi-tech Сервера без вайпов, лагов а также читеров |
![]() |
1 из 100 | 1.7.10 | |
20 |
TechWorld-Galaxy Сервер на котором ты можешь отправить свою задницу в космос и стать покорителем галактики Олегом Великолепным. Ну или не стать. |
![]() |
0 из 30 | 1.7.10 | |
21 |
MythicalWorld.Su — с модами Твоя мифическая Вселенная! |
![]() |
7 из 100 | 1.7.10 | |
22 |
Greg Tech Самый сложный сервер! Бери топор руби ХАРДКОР |
1 из 50 | 1.7.10 | ||
23 |
_Infinity Evolved_ GrandGear — это проект, в котором собраны самые хардкорные, разнообразные и интересные FTB сборки на любой вкус. |
![]() |
0 из 40 | 1.7.10 | |
24 | ChargeTech | 2 из 50 | 1.7.10 | ||
25 |
SputnikV | MagicTech – уникальный сервер Minecraft, который переполнен различными механизмами, техникой,автоматизацией,а также магией. |
2 из 50 | 1.7.10 | ||
26 |
Infinity Classic -= UltraLagged =- |
3 из 40 | 1.7.10 | ||
27 | Techno-1 Лучшие индустриальные и авторские моды + HD текстуры! Стабильные версии IC2, BuildCraft, Forestry и Applied Energistics. Заходи! |
0 из 25 | 1.7.10 | ||
28 | Techno-Magic Сервера без вайпов, лагов а также читеров |
![]() |
0 из 100 | 1.7.10 | |
29 |
GregTech NewHorizons В общем ты вряд ли выживешь тут. Тот кто собирал этот сервер настоящий маньяк. |
![]() |
7 из 30 | 1.7.10 | |
30 |
OrangeCraft.Ru — HiTech Сервер с техническими модами |
![]() |
2 из 40 | 1.7.10 | |
31 |
_Project Ozone 2_ GrandGear — это проект, в котором собраны самые хардкорные, разнообразные и интересные FTB сборки на любой вкус. |
![]() |
4 из 40 | 1.7.10 | |
32 |
WaterWorld Техномагический сервер с квестами и элементами скайблока |
3 из 50 | 1.7.10 | ||
33 |
Eternal Единство магии и технологий! |
4 из 50 | 1.7.10 | ||
34 |
Добро пожаловать на< Сервер GT HardGreg5+ — это сложный сервер как для выживания, так и для развития. |
3 из 30 | 1.7.10 | ||
35 |
VictoryCraft.Ru VictoryCraft.Ru — Лучший проект современности! |
97 из 2070 | 1.7.10 | ||
36 | — HiTechCraft | ![]() |
0 из 70 | 1.7.10 | |
37 |
FTB InfinityEvolved Популярная техно-магическая сборка от команды FTB. Режим эксперта. |
![]() |
0 из 20 | 1.7.10 | |
38 |
WyvernCraft Не попробуешь, не узнаешь |
0 из 100 | 1.7.10 | ||
39 |
![]() |
Оффлайн | 1.7.10 | 30+200 |
40 |
Оффлайн | 1.7.10 | ||
41 |
EmelGame Survival Survival сервер без подачек в виде стартовых китов, бездумных раздач ресурсов, игровой валюты и прочего… |
![]() |
Оффлайн | 1.7.10 |
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- Мониторинг серверов Майнкрафт 1.8.9
- Мониторинг серверов Minecraft 1.8
- Сервера Майнкрафт с креативом
Dye Recipes
Name | Ingredients | Image | Description |
Bone Meal | Bone | Can be used to make crops, trees and tall grass grow instantly. | |
Light Gray Dye | Azure Bluet or Oxeye Daisy or White Tulip or Black Dye & White Dye or Gray Dye & White Dye | Used to dye various other items. | |
Gray Dye | Black Dye & White Dye | Used to dye various other items. | |
Rose Red | Red Tulip or Rose Bush | Used to dye various other items. | |
Orange Dye | Rose Red & Dandelion Yellow or Orange Tulip | Used to dye various other items. | |
Dandelion Yellow | Dandelion or Sunflower | Used to dye various other items. | |
Lime Dye | Green Dye & White Dye | Used to dye various other items. | |
Light Blue Dye | Blue Orchid or Blue Dye & White Dye | Used to dye various other items. | |
Cyan Dye | Blue Dye & Green Dye | Used to dye various other items. | |
Purple Dye | Blue Dye & Red Dye | Used to dye various other items. | |
Magenta Dye | Purple Dye & Pink Dye or Allium or Lilac | Used to dye various other items. | |
Pink Dye | Pink Tulip or Peony or Red Dye & White Dye | Used to dye various other items. | |
White Dye | Bone Meal or Lily of the Valley | Used to dye various other items. | |
Blue Dye | Lapis Lazuli or Cornflower | Used to dye various other items. | |
Brown Dye | Cocoa Beans | Used to dye various other items. | |
Black Dye | Ink Sac or Wither Rose | Used to dye various other items. |
Описание сервера
TeslaCraft — сервер, на котором всё продумано до мелочей!
Администрация нашего сервера по мере своих сил старается помочь каждому игроку.
Выслушаем все ваши советы, жалобы и пожелания на нашем форуме: , где никто не останется без ответа.
Мы постоянно трудимся ради улучшения сервера: добавляем новые возможности, мини-игры, максимально быстро исправляем все возникающие проблемы.
Три официальные группы Вконтакте:
Креативная: (Для тех, кто любит рисовать, делать видео, писать стихи и т.д.)
Что у нас есть:
✓ Возможность заработать бесплатные звания
✓ Большой набор мини игр, включая:
•БедВарс (BedWars)
•Быстрый БедВарс (QuickBedWars)
•СкайВарс Сольный (SkyWars Solo)
•СкайВарс Командный (SkyWars Team)
•Тайна убийства (MurderMystery)
•ДезРан (DeathRun)
•Контр-Страйк (Counter-Strike)
•Голодные игры (HungerGames / SurvivalGames)
•Битва строителей Сольная (BuildBattle / Master Builders (Solo))
•Битва строителей Командная (BuildBattle / Master Builders (Team))
•СпидБилдерс (SpeedBuilders)
•ТНТРан (TNTRun)
•Прятки (Hide And Seek / BlockHunt)
•Миксгейм (Block Party)
•Марио Пати / ТАркада (TeslaArcade / Mario Party)
Режим, который включает в себя 26 микро-игр:
◔ Гравитация (Gravity / Dropper)
◔ Горячая картошка (Hot Potato / TNTTag)
◔ СпидРан (SpeedRun)
◔ ГанГейм (GunGame)
◔ ВанШот (One In The Chamber / OITC)
◔ Тир (Shooting gallery)
◔ Светофор (Traffic light)
◔ Джампер (Jumper)
◔ ТНТРан (TNTRun)
◔ Сумо (Knockout/ Sumo)
◔ Гонки на элитрах (Elytra racing)
◔ Комбинация (Memory game)
◔ Битва шахтёров (Битва муравьёв / AntWars / Crazy Miners)
◔ Минное поле (Minefield)
◔ Музыкальные стулья (Musical chairs)
◔ БоуСплиф (BowSpleef)
◔ Сплэгг (Splegg)
◔ МиксГейм (Block Party)
◔ Квейк (Quake / Quakecraft)
◔ Искатели (Grinch Simulator)
◔ Реплика (Replica)
◔ Свинопокалипсис (Pigpocalypse)
◔ Моборезка (MobArena)
◔ Змейка (Snake)
◔ Сплатун (Splatoon)
◔ ПвП-Чемпионат (PvP Championship)
Во все эти микро-игры также можно сыграть и по отдельности в режиме
•Аркадные игры (ArcadeGames)
В лобби которого можно сыграть даже в
◔ Тетрис (Tetris) — Лучшая адаптация в мире майнкрафта
•Крокодил (Draw My Thing)
•Овечки (SheepQuest)
•Аннексия (TurfWars)
•Агарио (Agario)
•(Список пополняется)
★ Ванильное выживание (без приватов и телепортаций, с гриферством)
★ Мир выживания с такими элементами, как:
✓ Безвайповая система
✓ Ежемесячный конкурс на лучшую постройку на сервере
✓ Развитая инфраструктура, включающая такие объекты как:
✓ А также:
•Развитая экономика
✓Для каждой профессии оборудованы сбалансированные и автозаполняемые объекты:
✓ И конечно, модераторы и хелперы, следящие за порядком на сервере.
Чего у нас нет:
127 и т.д. лвл’ов
С чем мы активно боремся:
Defence Recipes
Name | Ingredients | Image | Description |
Helmets | Leather or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds | Head armor. | |
Chestplates | Leather or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds | Chest armor. | |
Leggings | Leather or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds | Leg armor. | |
Boots | Leather or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds | Foot armor. | |
Swords | Sticks & Wooden Planks or Cobblestone or Blackstone or Iron Ingots or Gold Ingots or Diamonds | Deal more damage to mobs and other players than by hand. | |
Bow | String & Sticks | Used to shoot arrows. | |
Arrow | Flint & Stick & Feather | Ammunition for bows. | |
Horse Armor | Leather | Special type of armor worn by horses. | |
Shield | Planks & Iron Ingot | Protects player against attack. | |
Spectral Arrow | Glowstone Dust & Arrow | Gives player or mob glowing effect when hit. | |
Tipped Arrow | Lingering potion & Arrows | Inflict targets with status effects. | |
Conduit | Nautilus Shell & Heart of the Sea | Provides conduit power to nearby players underwater. | |
Turtle Shell | Scute | Helmet that gives the player water breating effect. | |
Crossbow | Sticks & Iron Ingot & String & Tripwire Hook | Weapon used to fire arrows further and more accurately than a bow. |
Food Recipes
Name | Ingredients | Image | Description |
Bowl | Wooden Planks | Used to craft different types of stew. | |
Mushroom Stew | Bowl & Red Mushroom & Brown Mushroom | Restores 6 hunger points. | |
Bread | Wheat | Restores 5 hunger points. | |
Golden Apple | Apple & Gold Nuggets | Restores 4 hunger points. | |
Sugar | Sugar Cane | Used to create cake. | |
Cake | Milk Buckets & Sugar & Wheat & Egg | Heals 2 hunger points per use for a total of 7 uses. | |
Cookies | Wheat & Cocoa Beans | Restores 2 hunger points. | |
Melon Block | Melon Slice | Used to store melon slices. | |
Melon Seeds | Melon Slice | Can be planted on farmland. | |
Pumpkin Seeds | Pumpkin | Can be planted on farmland. | |
Golden Carrot | Carrot & Gold Nuggets | Used as a brewing ingredient and restores 6 hunger points. | |
Pumpkin Pie | Pumpkin & Egg & Sugar | Restores 8 hunger points. | |
Rabbit Stew | Mushroom & Bowl & Cooked Rabbit & Carrot & Baked Potato | Restores 10 hunger points. | |
Suspicious Stew | Red Mushroom & Brown Mushroom & Bowl & Any Flower | Restores 6 hunger points. | |
Honey Bottle | Glass Bottles & Honey Block | Restores 6 hunger points. |
Basic Recipes
Name | Ingredients | Image | Description |
Wooden Planks | Log | Basic building material. | |
Sticks | Wooden Planks | Used in many other crafting recipies. | |
Torches | Coal & Stick | Torches provide light and also melt ice and snow. | |
Crafting Table | Wooden Planks | Opens a 3×3 crafting grid when right clicked. | |
Furnace | Cobblestone or Blackstone | Allows the player to smelt. | |
Chest | Wooden Planks | Used to store blocks and items. | |
Ladders | Sticks | Allows the player to climb vertically. | |
Fence | Sticks & Wooden Planks | Barrier that cannot be jumped over. | |
Boat | Wooden Planks | Used to travel in water. | |
Wooden Slabs | Wooden Planks | Used to create gradual slopes. | |
Stone Slabs |
Stone or Brick or Stone Brick or Sandstone or Cobblestone or Nether Brick or Quartz or Red Sandstone |
Used to create gradual slopes. | |
Sign | Wooden Planks & Stick | Can be used to display text. | |
Doors | Wooden Planks or Iron Ingots | Wooden doors can be opened by clicking or redstone power. Iron doors can only be opened by redstone power. | |
Wood | Logs | Block with log texture on all sides. |