Обзор дополнения xcom 2: war of the chosen
- Balance
- Обновленная кампания
- Classes and abilities
- The Lost
- Knowledge and Sabotage[]
- Геймплей и фиксы
- Behind the scenes[]
- Tactical combat changes
- Gameplay[]
- Background[]
- Story[]
- DLC[]
- Другие изменения
- Геймплей[]
- Templar
- Князь 3: Новая династия. Коллекционное издание / Konung 3: Ties of the Dynasty. Gold Edition
- Противники[]
- Downloadable Content[]
- Supply Extraction missions require retrieval of at least 4 crates to be a success (previously they were too easy to abuse for free mission XP)
- Early Intel Raid missions have 1 or 2 fewer enemies than before
- There are two new covert actions you can run:
- Obtain a resistance MEC
- Recruit resistance rebels
- Disabled the Captured Soldier covert action risk completely (it was too much of a disincentive considering the soldier ranks at stake and the Intel cost required to remove the risk)
- Covert Action ambush chance now works on a pseudo-random basis — the initial chance is now much lower (down to 5-10% from 15-20%) but it increases every time a covert action completes without being ambushed, resetting back to the initial chance once an ambush does finally proc
- Restored the Guardian Angel resistance order (prevents ambushes on covert actions)
- Alien Loot covert action now awards some alloys and elerium, with the quantity depending on how far into the campaign you are
- Removed the Left Behind dark event (the one that added capture risk to all covert actions)
- Removed the Counterintelligence Sweep dark event (the one that reduces rebel intel generation by half)
- Rescued soldiers are now healed for a significant portion of their health to compensate for time spent captured
- Class abilities purchased with AP when another class ability at the same rank has already been picked once again incur a cost multiplier, though a smaller one than it used to be — the aim being to discourage all AP being funnelled into the A team
- Snap Shot and Death From Above are mutually exclusive now, because it’s a brokenly strong combo that’s very cheap
- When a region is liberated, all job prohibitions due to failed mini retals are immediately cleared
- Slowed down reinforcements on invasions and recruit retaliations to make these missions a little less oppressive
- Sectopods should now use their Lightning Field ability on XCOM
- Shieldbearers will now prioritise good shots over shielding just themselves (but shielding allies still takes precedence over all)
- Rebels now get Stock Strike and Get Up
- SPARKs can now trigger and benefit from Focus Fire
Обновленная кампания
Как и Enemy Within, дополнение полностью интегрированное в кампанию, поэтому придется начать восстание против власти пришельцев заново. Зато кампания имеет новый стартовый синематик и модификаторы, как это было в EW. Заметны различия в характеристиках бойцов, дополнительные препятствия и удвоенная продолжительность кампании. Но даже без модификаторов в War of the Chosen докинут к сюжетке еще 10-15 обязательных миссий (и соответственно несколько десятков промежуточных).
Избранные — это троица особенно сильных пришельцев, при создании которых разработчики вдохновлялись … Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor (славим солнце, после трех лет ожидания другие разработчики понемногу делают свои аналоги Nemesis!). Избранные случайно попадаться вам на протяжении всей кампании, и каждый раз реагируют в соответствии с течения ваших предыдущих столкновений. Более того, иногда они приобретают особые черты на один бой. Скажем, одного избранного вы сильно ранили мечом — так при следующей вашей встрече у него будет полная неуязвимость к ближнему бою.
Classes and abilities
- Vektor rifle now grants +10 aim
- Changed Shadow in several ways:
- Grants a flat +3 Mobility instead of a 20% increase
- Can now be activated while flanked
- Detection radius reduction is now 90%, down from 100%
- Bonuses no longer passively apply when the Reaper starts a mission in concealment (the Reaper has to activate Shadow to get them)
- Reapers get Infiltration by default, which means they can’t be detected by towers while in concealment or Shadow; there is no associated bonus to Hack from Infiltration any more
- Reaper now gets Squadsight at Squaddie
- Tracking replaces Tradecraft at Squaddie
- The range of Tracking is now 14 tiles, down from 18
- New ability: Cheap Shot
- Once per turn, gain a movement action after shooting a unit damaged this turn with a standard shot of your primary weapon
- Cannot trigger on the same turn as Knife Encounters
- Does not work with Serial
- Works with multi-shot abilities like Banish and Chain Shot
- Squadsight is now replaced by Cheap Shot at SSGT
- Death Dealer bonus crit chance is now +25, up from +15
- Switched Ghost Grenade and Rapid Deployment on the tree
- Banish cooldown to 3 from 4
- Total Combat replaces Shadow Grenadier (the latter was too easy to cheese with)
- Blood Trail (+2 damage and -40 Dodge against units wounded that turn) replaces Tracking
- Knife Encounters range is now 5 tiles, up from 4
- Homing Mine ability no longer grants Claymore charges as well
- Reworked Paramedic:
- Unlocks an ability to perform a dash move to use a medikit on an ally
- Grants a free medikit
- Equipped medikits have 2 bonus charges
- Ripjack Slash ability replaces Battlemaster at Squaddie
- Chain Shot replaces Deadeye
- Battlefield Awareness (Untouchable with a 4-turn cooldown) replaces Untouchable
- Manual Override reduces cooldown of abilities by 3 turns instead of effectively resetting them; cooldown of Manual Override itself is now 4 turns, down from 5
- Reflex additionally reduces crit chances against the Skirmisher by 15 (like Resilience)
- Combat Presence cooldown is now 5 turns, up from 3
- Total Combat has several changes:
- Grants the bonus grenade slot (previously Battlemaster did this)
- Grants +3 bonus range to grenades, up from 2
- Grants +1 Mobility and +5 Aim
- Justice and Wrath bonus Aim is now +15, up from +10
- Ripjack bonus weapon Aim is now +25, up from +20 (Justice and Wrath do not use the ripjack aim bonus)
- Full Throttle bonus to Mobility is now 2, down from 3
- Interrupt cooldown is now 2 turns, down from 3
- Channel (enemies can drop focus) replaces Concentration
- Void Conduit damage per tick is now 3, down from 5
- Templars no longer get passive ablative from their shields
- Bonus ablative from One For All is now 4/7/11, up from 4/7/10
- One For All no longer removes burning
- One For All now uses the Shield Wall visualisation
- Aftershock bonus aim reduced to +10, down from +15
- Invert can no longer target Chosen
- Reworked Crusader’s Rage:
- Gain a 25% damage boost for every 25% HP missing, up to 50%
- Reduce wound recovery times for this soldier by 4 HP
- Amplify now applies to the following 3 attacks (up from 2), but has a 3-turn cooldown (up from 2)
- Fixed the incorrect localization where Arc Wave was said to deal 4/6/8 damage instead of 4/7/10
- Shooting Sharp bonus aim against units in cover is now +15, up from +10
- Reworked Chain Lightning:
- Chain Lightning now uses Volt targeting from vanilla WOTC (not the version used by LWOTC’s Volt), with the arc chaining to targets within a 6-tile range of each unit hit
- It can chain up to 4 times
- Its cooldown has been reduced to 4 turns
- It no longer has an aim malus
The Lost
Beta 4 introduces two new Lost units to LWOTC:
- Grapplers: slow units with average HP that has Bladestorm
- Brutes: large, high-HP units that leak acid and shred armour
More generally, the Lost now spawn much closer to XCOM than before and the size of each pod scales with alert level.
- Fewer Lost appear in pods, up to a 50% reduction compared to before
- The number of Lost that appear scales with ADVENT strength in the region (internally, mission alert level)
- Lost and Lost Dasher HP scales from 2 to 12 as the campaign progresses
- Lost damage also scales with force level (roughly the date in the campaign)
- Normal Lost units have had their mobility buffed from 8 to 14
- Lost start appearing from force level 5, up from FL 3
- Headshot is now also disabled on Veteran (it’s still enabled on Rookie)
- ADVENT/aliens should target the Lost a lot less now, making the Lost more of a threat to XCOM than a distraction for the enemy
Knowledge and Sabotage[]
Each of the Chosen gradually gains knowledge about XCOM over the duration of the campaign. They can also capture or interrogate soldiers on the battlefield to boost their progress. As their knowledge increases, their sabotage efforts will escalate, inflicting random negative events :
- Decreasing XCOM income in a region
- Inflicting the «Fear of the Chosen» trait on several soldiers
- Injuring Engineers and Scientists, or extending the recovery time for wounded troops
- Destruction of inventory items, either on the Avenger or the Black Market
- Delaying the current Research project or Covert Op
When a Chosen reaches maximum knowledge level, they will launch an attack on the Avenger. If the player does not fight off this attack, the Commander is captured and the game is over. If the player does fight off the attack, the Chosen will drop down to the previous knowledge level and need to gather more information to attack again.
Chosen do not ordinarily share knowledge with each other, however this can be temporarily changed by a Dark Event.
Геймплей и фиксы
Знаменитый мод, дающий вместе с лутом контейнеры, после изучения которых можно соорудить предметы с уникальными характеристиками в стиле Diablo. Сам Grimy, к сожалению, ушел из моддинга XCOM, так что за дело взялись последователи.
Духовный наследник EXALT из EW, «Инициатива MOCX» дает третью силу в войне — своего рода анти-XCOM. Их солдаты также прокачиваются и улучшают оружие со временем, как и ваши бойцы.
True Concealment — таймеры на миссиях начинают отсчет лишь тогда, когда отряд лишается скрытности.
Мод позволяет героям фракций надевать любую броню, в том числе и сделанную из Правителей.
Rend The Lost — «Выпад» Рейнджеров и «Разрыв» Храмовников (основные рукопашные атаки) будут считаться «Выстрелами в голову» для зомби и давать бонусное действие.
Fair Lost Targeting — зомби будут атаковать «Адвент» и XCOM с равным шансом (50\50, вместо 30\70)
More Resistance Ops — увеличивает лимит количества «Операций Сопротивления» (специальный тип операций из WotC от лидеров фракций, дающий в качестве награды целую группу персонала) с 3 до 12 на одну кампанию.
Подборка модов, восстанавливающих знаменитые опции «Второй волны» из EU — «Все люди разные», «Скрытый потенциал», «Углы прицеливания» и т.д.
«Increase Combat Intelligence» for everyone — дает использовать секретную миссию «Улучшение боевого интеллекта» не только основным классам, но и героям фракций.
Scientist Staff Slots — вместо инженеров в Пси-лаборатории, Госпитале и Центре тайных операции будут учёные.
Behind the scenes[]
- It is hinted in the Avengers Archives that the Hunter could have been a former member of the Reapers
This is further reinforced by both his mobility, and the fact that he wears a hood.
- The Hunter often makes comments about hunting ADVENT aliens for sport, something that has earned him the ire of the Elders, presumably on more than one occasion.
- The Hunter appears to be the least motivated of the Chosen, since it can be inferred from occasional statements that the Elders have to keep nagging him in order for him to do what they order.
- Although XCOM’s Darkclaw pistol pierces 5 armor on attacks, the Hunter’s own Darkclaw has no armor piercing attribute.
- When the Warlock or the Assassin is destroyed, the Elder will notice the Hunter feeling some satisfaction, and will punish him for it.
- In the book XCOM 2 FACTIONS the Hunter was once a Reaper named Tomko. He was captured and experimented on to turn him into one of the chosen.
- If you use weapons from the Alien Hunters DLC on him, he will comment with lines such as: «This weapon belongs in a museum».
- Both his name, pseudonym, and insignia are randomly generated in each campaign (see for a randomly generated example to the right)
Prefix | — | Suffix | Name | Moniker | |
Jax | — | Il | Madron | Grim | hound |
Kon | Rai | Masha | Dusk | stalker | |
Fal | Mai | Neylor | Bane | walker | |
Ref | Hur | Mordenna | Blight | strider | |
Gur | Mon | Vallinor | Death | lance | |
Dhar | Dessurik | Dark | |||
Dhay | Khomain | ||||
Tessura | |||||
Balladhur |
- Insignia
Background options
Middle emblem
Top options
Tactical combat changes
- On Commander and Legend, Headshot no longer works on The Lost, making them more of a tactical challenge (you can change this setting for all difficulties via the property in XComLW_Overhaul.ini)
- The Lost’s turn now occurs between XCOM and the aliens — this stops The Lost from wasting all the enemy’s overwatch shots
- The Lost now target both XCOM and the aliens 50% of the time each (basically Fair Lost Targeting)
- Purifiers and the Chosen now have more HP and armor
- Purifiers have a higher chance to hit (but the flamethrower is still blocked by full cover)
- Teamwork now requires line of sight to work (just like the officer ability Command)
- Level 1 Teamwork only grants a movement action; you get a standard action with Level 2 (Advanced) Teamwork
- Enemies on yellow or red alert have an increased detection radius (a small increase for yellow, a larger one for red) — this makes it harder to keep a non-stealth-focused Shinobi concealed for a whole mission, encouraging their use as fighters; also nerfs spotters for snipers
- Reinforcements should now drop more randomly, rather than often dropping in the same spot every turn
- All unique sources of hack defense reduction (Redscreen Rounds, Bluescreen Bombs, Arc Pulser etc.) now stack with one another, but they cannot stack with themselves, i.e. multiple hits with Redscreen Rounds won’t reduce the hack defense more than a single hit
- Redscreen Rounds reduce hack defense by 30, up from 25 — this makes up for the fact they no longer stack with themselves
- The death of the Templar Ghost no longer triggers Vengeance if it’s active
- Mutons have a cooldown for their bayonet attacks, so Combatives will only lock them down for one turn before they shoot
- Auto Loaders and Expanded Magazines can no longer be used on the same weapon (the combination gives certain high damage builds a significant power boost)
- Scopes give +4/+7/+10 Aim, Hair Triggers give +4/+7/+10 Aim (after reaction fire penalty)
- Stocks provide a 20/25/30% chance of Grazing Fire (extra roll to turn a miss into a graze)
- Steady Weapon has been moved from stocks to sniper rifles and the bonus crit chance has been removed
- Fusion sword burn chance reduced to 10%, Arc Blade stun chance reduced to 5% — reduces the surprisingly high lockdown chance when combined with Combatives and Bladestorm
- Sectopods now have Resilience (-30% crit chance for soldier targeting it) — makes the unit less susceptible to Kubiriki shots
- Extended Information’s shot HUD will now be used automatically if that mod is installed
Take command of the Avenger, an alien supply craft converted to XCOM’s mobile headquarters. Guide your strike force around the world, build popular support and expose the aliens’ sinister plans.
Configure and build rooms on the Avenger to give XCOM new capabilities on the battlefield. Use your scientists and engineers to research and develop and upgrade weapons and armor to fit your preferred tactics.
A diverse cast of enemies from powerful new alien species to the ADVENT, enforcers of the alien regime, offer a distinct tactical challenge.
New gameplay systems offer more tactical flexibility in combat. The state of the world affects each combat missions environment. Use concealment to ambush enemy patrols. Loot enemies for precious gear and artifacts. Rescue VIPs and save fallen comrades by carrying them to the extraction point.
Five soldier classes each with its own skill tree including new class abilities like Momentum, let you create specific soldiers for your tactical plan.
Go on missions around the world from wildlands to the heart of alien controlled megacities, to the depths of alien installations. There are virtually infinite combinations of maps, missions and goals.
Select one of four difficulty modes at the start of the game and adjust it while you play.
Community focused tools allow you to create your own campaign, tactical gameplay, aliens, classes, strategy game features and share within the Steam Workshop.
Mix and match squads of humans and aliens to do battle head to head on randomly generated maps.
The second of the Chosen created by the Elders, the Hunter was designed to be an unequaled military tactician, one able to predict and defeat the increasing number of guerrilla attacks conducted against ADVENT by the Resistance. He has long pursued the Reaper faction, his arrival coinciding with the disappearance of one of their greatest operatives. The Hunter has an uncanny familiarity with the Reapers and their methods, leading some among the group to believe that he is in fact their long-missing operative. However, most among their people will insist it’s only a trick of the Elders intended to demoralize the Resistance.
«Assignment: Stationary guard posting; City Center 47, Gene Therapy Clinic A-2, Theta-B Secure Lab. Block hours: 168, all activity within designated program as expected. Block-B, Hour 76: Recorded suspicious verbal communication between human civilian designated 0083 and 7689 as follows: «0083: You realize what they’re doing to him, right? The data he’s receiving… it’s not just… 7689: Why are you even talking about that? Don’t ask questions, you’ll live longer. 0083: Think about what it must be doing to his psyche; he’s a man, not a machine…it’s an endless war in there. 7689: I’m telling you, you’re asking for trouble. Drop it.» 0083 and 7689 secured for reeducation per Theta-B access doctrine.»
«As requested, my formal update on subject «T» is to follow, but for now I can briefly speak as to his progress as identified by doctrine guidelines. Now approaching the end of his second conditioning pass, including full access to the ADVENT tactical archive, our subject has shown an overall retention rate well above accepted returns. Although initially scheduled for five complete passes before field trials, I believe it may be an unnecessary delay in his progress. Worth noting, his personality has begun to exhibit changes that can only be attributed to the wealth of newly acquired information that now…END OF FILE FOUND.»
«OFFICER-K341: KRACSAD! …UNKNOWN: Why did you even waste my time calling me out here? I didn’t need to see this to tell you how it would play out. UNINTELLGIBLE: … UNKNOWN: I suppose I could have told you, you were only a few seconds from eating a bullet. But where’s the fun in that? The Elders can just make more of you anyway.»
«I figured it was only a matter of time before you asked about him. For a while I tried to suppress the rumors, figured all this talk of a «Hunter» rivaling one of our own people had to be bad for morale. But even I underestimate my people sometimes, ’cause now they’re all looking to get a piece of this prophetic stalker who seems to know all of our moves before we make them. I’ll send you the scraps of intel we’ve pieced together so far. -VOLK»
«Volk…signal lock is struggling…you need to get this …we actually saw the …thing! Hold on — there — Volk, I think it’s him! He took a shot at us from what must have been a mile off, and when we turned around, there he was right in front of us. We had already wiped out a whole squad of ADVENT by then, and he didn’t even move to stop us. I don’t even know why he let us live…do you think it could actually be you know who…?»
«From that distance, he had to have taken the shot before I even started moving. Do you know what that means? He shot where I was going. He KNEW where I was going…before I had even decided to make a run for it. How can that be?»
«If that thing wasn’t dead set on killing us, I’d have said he’d make a great recruit. From the way he talks, you’d think he was already one of us. You think he’s been watching us all this time?»
«I didn’t think anything serving the Elders was capable of insubordination, until I heard that thing rambling on in the woods one day. I honestly think it’s just in this for the fight itself.»»
Twenty years have passed since world leaders offered an unconditional surrender to the alien forces, and XCOM, the planet’s last line of defense, was left decimated and scattered. Now the aliens rule Earth, building shining cities that promise a brilliant future for humanity on the surface while concealing a sinister agenda and eliminating all who dissent from their new order.
Only those who live on the edges of the world have a margin of freedom. Here, a force gathers once again to stand up for humanity. Always on the run, the remnant XCOM forces must find a way to rise from the ashes, expose the insidious truth behind the occupation and eliminate the alien threat once and for all.
В настоящее время для XCOM 2 было выпущено пять загружаемых дополнений.
- Дети анархии добавляет в игру новые элементы для кастомизации внешнего вида бойцов: от шлемов и брони до серьг и причёсок. Доступно с 17 марта.
- Охотники за пришельцами добавляет в игру новую сюжетную кампанию, а вместе с нею новые миссии, пришельцев и оборудование.
- Последний подарок Шень добавляет в игру класс солдат с уникальными оружием, броней и внешностью, а также включает в себя новое сюжетное задание и карту.
- Война избранных — анонсированное на E3 дополнение. Расширяет игровые возможности по аналогии с Enemy Within для первой части. Новые противники, классы солдат, снаряжение и задания, а также введение трёх организаций Сопротивления, каждая из которых может существенно помочь XCOM на тактическом и стратегическом уровне. Релиз состоялся 29 августа.
- Тактическое наследие призвано адаптировать контент Enemy Unknown для XCOM 2. Возвращение старого оружия и экипировки, обновлённые карты, а также три новых режима игры, включая сюжетный режим «Наследие», позволяющий принять участие в самых значимых операциях Сопротивления, проведённых ещё до возрождения проекта XCOM. Доступно с 9 октября.
Другие изменения
Все описанное выше — это лишь вершина айсберга, самые основные нововведения.
Их очень много, полностью и не перечислишь. Но мы все-таки попробуем:
- Полный ребаланс всего оружия с учетом нового снаряжения и классов;
- Система развития социальных связей между бойцами: при удачных совместных вылетах люди формируют боевые связки и эффективнее действуют в паре;
- Для разнообразия многие миссии получают уникальные модификаторы SITREP, которые могут давать бонусы или усложнять прохождение;
- Соревновательный режим испытаний сообщества: нужно проходить заранее спроектированные задания и стараться получить наилучший результат;
- Ручное создание «памятных» плакатов с оперативниками: можно настроить целую кучу опций от поз до гарнитуры шрифта.
- Практический смысл, правда, отсутствует.
- Доведенная до ума техническая часть: разработчики уже исправили все проблемы оригинала, так что теперь игра действительно соответствует своим системным требованиям.
Наверняка что-то забыли, но, короче говоря, War of the Chosen — это очень большое дополнение.
Геймплей игры многим схож с XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Игрок является командиром организации XCOM, которая борется за освобождение Земли от инопланетных захватчиков. Базой для солдат организации теперь служит инопланетный корабль «Мститель», переделанный под нужды защитников Земли. Игроку придётся путешествовать по глобальной карте, связываться с партизанами на местах, добывать ресурсы и совершать партизанские атаки на ключевые точки противников. Тактика организации изменилась — теперь они в меньшинстве. Заводы по производству оружия и другого снаряжения закрылись ещё 20 лет назад, поэтому в игре приходится собирать любое найденное снаряжение и ресурсы. В игру было введено множество новых противников, но остались инопланетяне и из предыдущих игр.
В начале большинства миссий отряд игрока изначально невидим для врагов, так что командир может продумать тактику и действовать от стэлса. В бою бойцы получают возможность обыскивать трупы и собирать артефакты, оружие и детали. Помимо обычного оружия в игре будет представлено холодное, которым может владеть новый класс Рейнджер. Игроки также могут с помощью дронов «Гремлин» взламывать вражескую технику, например турель «Адвента».
Templars don’t have many changes in the skill slots, but some skills themselves have been reworked.
- Now has a Master Sergeant rank.
- Pillar is now a free action that can be used after Rend (like Parry)
- Stun strike no longer disorients, but will stun and knock back the enemy; hit chance increased from 65% to 75%; stuns for 1 turn.
- Deflect has a 25%/30%/35%/40% chance to block a shot with 1/2/3/4 focus.
- Reflect has a chance to reflect the shot back at the shooter on a successful Deflection; the chance to turn a Deflect into a Reflect is 80%/85%/90% at 2/3/4 focus.
- Reflect can also trigger on a Parry at a 30%/40%/50% chance at 2/3/4 focus.
- Reaper has been added at GSGT.
- Bladestorm and Supreme Focus (requires Deep Focus, increases max focus to 4) have been added at MSGT.
Князь 3: Новая династия. Коллекционное издание / Konung 3: Ties of the Dynasty. Gold Edition
Konung 3: Ties of the Dynasty – продолжение известной серии от российских разработчиков. Новая часть истории выполнена с использованием изометрической камеры и имеет в себе множество ролевых механик, что даёт возможность отыграша своего персонажа. Также в наличии огромная ветка прокачки, вносящая максимальное разнообразие при создании билдов, с помощью них каждое прохождение может стать уникальным. Сюжет поведает о тяжёлых временах для Лесной страны – полностью выдуманная территория, имеющая в своей основе мифы и легенды трех величайших государств древних веков – скандинавских, византийских и славянских.
Основными противниками XCOM выступают всё те же пришельцы при поддержке солдат ADVENT — организации, которая сотрудничает с инопланетными захватчиками.
Силы «Адвента»
- Солдат «Адвента» — костяк армии ADVENT. Оснащены автоматическими винтовками Гаусса.
- Офицер «Адвента» — командиры подразделений, оснащенные красной броней и винтовками Гаусса.
- Копейщик «Адвента» — солдаты ADVENT, применяющие в бою оглушающие дубинки.
- Чистильщик «Адвента» — солдаты с огнеметами, применяющиеся для зачистки территорий от Странников. Доступен только в War of the Chosen.
- Жрец «Адвента» — солдаты с пси-способностями, способные как усилить других солдат, так и поместить в стазис солдата XCOM. Доступен только в War of the Chosen.
- Турель «Адвента» — статичное автоматическое орудие, прикрепленное к крышам автомобилей или на земле. Может быть взломан хорошо модернизированным «Гремлином».
- МЭК «Адвента» — очень прочные и опасные роботизированные войска ADVENT. Может выпускать мини-ракеты.
- Щитоносец «Адвента» — тяжело-бронированные единицы ADVENT.
- Сектопод «Адвент» — огромный сверхтяжёлый робот, способный уничтожить всю команду XCOM на первом ходу.
- Сектоид — гибрид человека и инопланетянина. Сильный псионик.
- Вайпер — истинная и смертоносная форма дохляка из XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
- Мутон — выносливый боец ближнего боя, вооруженный плазменным оружием.
- Безликий — монстр, способный маскироваться под местных жителей, но ужасно омерзительный в своей истинной форме.
- Призрак — пришелец, способный переходить в нематериальную форму и создавать копии своих врагов. Доступен только в War of the Chosen.
- Берсерк — яростный боец ближнего боя.
- Архонт — замена летуну из XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Способен выстрелить в группу бойцов ракетами и проткнуть/выстрелить в солдата организации копьём.
- Андромедон — инопланетянин, использующий огромных размеров боевой скафандр.
- Криссалид — четвероногий монстр ближнего боя.
- Кодекс — пришелец, способный телепортироваться и создавать своего клона.
- Привратник — кажущийся слабым на вид пришелец, способный воскресить группу противников.
- Аватар — мощный псионик, предвещающий конец человечества. Являются заменой эфириалам из XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
Downloadable Content[]
- Resistance Warrior Pack: Offers additional soldier customization options like bonus outfits, headgear and custom facial war paint. Also includes a «Survivor of the Old War,» a new XCOM recruit who will appear in the Avenger’s barracks. Players who pre-ordered the game received this for free. Released for purchase on November 22, 2016.
Reinforcement Pack, which includes the following DLC releases:
- Anarchy’s Children: Features over 100 new exotic soldier customization options. Released March 17, 2016.
- Alien Hunters: New gameplay highlighting an elite alien hunting unit of XCOM as it tracks down «Ruler» aliens, plus a new mission, additional soldier customization options and more powerful weapons and armor. Released May 12, 2016.
- Shen’s Last Gift: Introduces a brand-new sixth soldier class with unique upgradeable weapons, armor and customization features, as well as an additional narrative-driven mission and map. Released June 30, 2016.
- War of the Chosen: An expansion featuring three new resistance groups, the Templars, Skirmishers and Reapers, each with their brand new hero class. Introduces a new enemy in the campaign known as the Chosen, new enemies for both the Aliens and ADVENT, and the Lost, survivors from the previous war 20 years ago. Also includes new missions and environments, and a growth in depth of strategic gameplay. Was released on August 29, 2017 for PC, and on September 12, 2017 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
- War of the Chosen – Tactical Legacy Pack: Features 4 new standalone mini-campaigns, a tactical mission editor, 28 new maps, new weapons and armor, additional cosmetic options, and a new soundtrack. Released October 9, 2018.