Craft the world обзор
- Avoiding danger[]
- Male and female differences[]
- Список существ
- Персонажи
- Особенности Craft The World
- Types of blocks by layer[]
- Defense[]
- Features[]
- Types[]
- Stealing eggs[]
- Покупка заклинаний в магазине
- Block space[]
- Ресурсы и ингредиенты
- Settings[]
- Melee[]
- Health[]
- Earth[]
- Combat[]
- Skills[]
- Direct control[]
- Creatures[]
Avoiding danger[]
- Only goblins steal items from your stockpile, so if there are too many enemies for your tribe, you can move all your dwarfs to a safe place and return in the morning without having items stolen.
- Destroy graveyards as soon as possible in order to reduce the number of skeletons you encounter during night time. Do it during day time so any spawned skeletons die immediately. Or do it during night to get some extra easy experience. Leave one or two graveyards as you may need to kill the spawned skeletons to get skeleton’s bones for crafting and for keeping your dwarfs challenged, improving their fighting skills. And as a bonus, loot weapons can be disassembled to iron ore & other materials.
- Use beware sign to limit and prevent dwarfs from moving into dangerous locations, like deep waters, heights or enemies.
- Stay away from guardians until you have mythril weapons.
- When a dwarf falls into lava (the bottom of the «world»), it takes severe damage and dies unless they manage to get out. Dying in lava destroys equipment (armor, weapons, etc.) rather than leaving loot that other dwarfs can collect.
Male and female differences[]
Originally the game featured only male dwarfs as the playable race. The female characters, available with the Sisters in Arms DLC, are equivalent in everything: A.I., behaviour, carring capacity, tasks assignments and skill progression. They only differ in visual appearance, in voice timbre and in few attributes, like health, base armor and speed (walking, running, jumping, climbing and swimming).
Male dwarf | |
Statistics | |
Attack | 0.3 without weapon |
Walking speed | 105+50% on . |
Climbing speed | 5580 on ladder/scaffolding |
Swimming speed | -50% |
Health | 10 |
Life regen | 1 point / 5 min |
Drowning time | 180s |
Base armor | 0.2 |
Drops | |
All his equipment. |
Female dwarf | |
Statistics | |
Attack | 0.3 without weapon |
Walking speed | 120+50% on . |
Climbing speed | 6080 on ladder/scaffolding |
Swimming speed | -50% |
Health | 8 |
Life regen | 1 point / 5 min |
Drowning time | 180s |
Base armor | 0.18 |
Drops | |
All her equipment. |
“ | The hard-working dwarves will be joined by their charming sisters in arms. Female dwarves have a little less health than their male counterparts, but their movement speed is significantly higher. They will defend the shelter and explore the dungeons along with the male dwarves. | „ | |
~ DLC — Sisters in Arms announcement |
Список существ
Главные герои
- Гномы (все миры)
- Женщины гномы (DLC «Сестры по оружию»)
- Монахи Орденов стихий (DLC «Temples of 4 Elements»)
- Герои (DLC «Heroes»)
Безобидные существа
Число мирных существ ограничено, поэтому, когда, допустим, на карте не появляются кабаны, нужно убить несколько овец или кур.
- Овца (Лесной мир, зимний мир, горная долина)
- Курица (Лесной мир)
- Рыба (Все миры)
- Улитка (Лесной мир, зимний мир, пустынный мир)
- Ледяная птица (Снежный мир)
- Синяя птица (Пустынный мир)
- Лама (Пустынный мир)
- Гусеница (Подземелье)
- Маленькая гусеница (Подземелье)
- Утка (Горная долина)
- Жаба (Горная долина)
- Козюль (Одинокая гора)
Нейтральные существа
Число нейтральных существ, так же как и дружелюбных, ограничено
Особое внимание следует обратить на Фростлингов: в отличие от прочих, это не дикие звери, а племя, подобное гоблинам.
- Крысы — они заводятся в домах с низким уровнем комфорта.
- Дикий кабан (Лесной мир)
- Ледяной зверь (Снежный мир)
- Буйвол (Пустынный мир)
- Пещерный зверь (Подземелье)
- Фростлинги (Снежный мир)
Враждебные существа
Наименование | Обитание |
Гигантский муравей | Все миры |
Матка гигантских муравьев | Все миры |
Скрытень | Все миры |
Подземный копатель | Все миры |
Злобоглаз | Все миры |
Пещерный дух | Все миры |
Маленький дракон | Все миры |
Гигантский клещ | Лесной мир, снежный мир |
Ужасный клещ | Лесной мир |
Гоблин | Лесной мир, подземелье |
Скелет | Лесной мир, снежный мир, пустынный мир |
Скелет-разрушитель | Лесной мир, снежный мир, пустынный мир |
Паукан | Все миры |
Зомби | Лесной мир, снежный мир, пустынный мир |
Большой зомби | Лесной мир, снежный мир, пустынный мир |
Личинка | Все миры |
Йети | Снежный мир |
Большой йети | Снежный мир |
Мумия | Пустынный мир |
Королевская мумия | Пустынный мир |
Скелет строитель | Лесной мир, снежный мир, пустынный мир |
Скелет щитоносец | Лесной мир, снежный мир, пустынный мир |
Хранитель подземелья | Все миры |
Скорпион | Пустынный мир |
Горгулья | Все миры |
Реликтовая гаргулья | Все миры |
Орк | Подземелье |
Большой орк | Подземелье |
Скелет орка | Подземелье |
Большой скелет орка | Подземелье |
Пещерный зверь | Подземелье |
Пещерный гоблин | Подземелье |
Пещерный гоблин воин | Подземелье |
Летающий осьминог | Подземелье |
Черный дракон | Подземелье |
Зомби-бронелом | Все миры |
Гигант-метатель | Все миры |
Банши | Все миры |
Скелет-лучник | Лесной мир, снежный мир, пустынный мир |
Неупокоенный гном | Все миры |
Зомби-солдат | Все миры |
Механический страж | Все миры |
Энт | Лесной мир |
Вождь зеленых гоблинов | Лесной мир |
Особые существа
- Призраки — они не могут атаковать гномов, но они вредят, при этом гномы почти всегда нападают на них.
- Такмак — божество из Подземного мира, появляется лишь иногда и, строго говоря, является скорее явлением, чем существом.
- Гигантский червь — скорее явление, чем существо; его можно убить, но гномы боятся на него нападать; можно встретить в Снежном и Пустынном мирах.
В игре существуют мобы или монстры. Они делятся на четыре вида: дружелюбные, нейтральные, враждебные и призываемые. Дружелюбных вы можете сделать домашними и построить на их основе ферму. Также их можно позвать для сбора ресурсов. Враждебные хотят вас уничтожить и поджидают вас везде. Как на поверхности так и под землей. Нейтральные же не нападут на вас до тех пор, пока вы сами не причините им зла. Монстры могут нападать на вас волнами. Так по достижению 4-го уровня будет начинаться отсчет до волны наступления монстров. Они выходят из специальных порталов и их количество может увеличиваться. Если вы уничтожите всех монстров из одного портала за 6 минут, вам дадут дополнительные очки опыта. В игре также существуют такие персонажи как гномы. Они подконтрольны вам. Погибших гномов можно воскрешать, но если у вас нет хранителя душ, то этого сделать не получится и на его место придет другой гном. Каждый гном изначально имеет максимальное здоровье в 10 единиц. Для пополнения здоровья имеется несколько способов. Это может быть эликсир, пища, сон или отдых. Навыки гномам распределяются случайно. Но у каждого его можно развить при помощи книг или выполняя определенные действия. Чтобы обучить гнома чему-то новому, вам необходимо иметь книгу мастерства.
Особенности Craft The World
- Игра симулятор. Вам предстоит выступить в роли некого бога, который управляет деревней гномов. Вы должны всячески помогать им в добыче ресурсов, снабжать пищей, одеждой и помогать им в сражениях с монстрами. В самом начале к вас один гном, но по мере набора опыта их будет становиться больше.
- Игра песочница. Каждый мир, который вас окружает сгенерирован случайно и чем-то это напоминает игру Террария. Есть леса и пустыни, а глубоко под землей можно найти сокровища.
- Игра крафтинг. Игра очень напоминает знаменитую майнкрафт. Здесь присутствуют поля 3X3, в которых содержатся ингредиенты. С помощью них вы можете собирать себе все что угодно. Включая броню, еду, одежду, оружие.
- Игра стратегия. Вы играете за гномов. Но в вашем мире есть и другие персонажи такие как скелеты, которые хотят уничтожить вас. Потому вас придется выстраивать крепости и выстраивать различные стратегии борьбы с врагами. Враги представлены не только в виде скелетов, но и виде других существ, например, зомби.
На этой странице по кнопке ниже вы можете скачать Craft The World через торрент бесплатно.
Types of blocks by layer[]
Manipulable blocks are spatial in the sense that they can occupy either the foreground or the background layer in a .
Background block
Background blocks do not prevent dwarfs and creatures from traversing them.
All dwarfs and a few types of creatures (like the giant spider) can use background blocks to climb.
Background blocks be placed on any empty , including spaces in the sky, with no connection between them.
Foreground block
Most foreground blocks act as barriers.
Foreground blocks can only exist or be placed in front of a background block.
Placing, for example, an earth item in an empty block space, will create a background block of earth.
Placing earth again on the same spot will create the foreground block of earth.
Each block, depending on its material, has specific behavior, hardness and dropped items or minerals.
- While melee monsters are attacking a door/hatch, you can attack them from inside safely without getting damaged. Ranged enemies like skeleton archers though can shoot through the door/hatch and damage dwarfs. Use stone loopholes to reduce the damage received.
- Build terrain traps
- You can create pits around your shelter to trap monsters. Most monsters cannot climb, unless they find a shield stair.
- Sand walls may be used as a good defensive setup.
- Craft defensive traps
- Use wood/iron cages to hold monsters and delay them as much as possible.
- Wisely use wooden/iron traps to kill/injure monsters and to kill animals near your base, instead of running after them. Note that traps will be consumed in the process and re-crafting traps will quickly deplete your wood/iron resources, so limit their use.
- Spikes are so good at delaying hordes but consume resources, so limit your their use too (creating many 2*2 stone block pits from both base sides are more effective, and some stone can be retrieved after it is destroyed).
- Seal your base under three layers of dirt, only venturing to the surface using the portal spell.
- Already familiar with the basics of Craft the World and looking for more? Visit the Main Page.
You control a tribe of dwarves in real-time by giving them commands to dig in certain places, attack enemy creatures, and build houses and other structures. You’ll need to provide your dwarves food and clothing, as well as help them with magic when fighting against other inhabitants of the world. You start the game with one dwarf and gain additional dwarves as your experience level increases.
Sandbox game
Each game level has many layers of earth to explore, from the sky down to boiling subterranean . The level is randomly generated as an island, restricted by natural boundaries: oceans on the edges, lava beneath it, and the sky above. Other features include day and night and changing weather conditions. The worlds differ in size, humidity, temperature, terrain, and flora and fauna. Abandoned halls and rooms with treasure are hidden somewhere deep within the islands.
Every world consists of blocks, and the player can collect almost every block. While the dwarves gather resources by digging dirt, cutting trees, and breaking blocks, they find scrolls with recipes of new blocks and items. One feature of the game is a user-friendly system of recipes for crafting. The recipes are organized and easily accessible. You can craft dozens of different items: building blocks for houses, furniture, decorations, weapons, armor, ammunition, and food for your dwarves.
At the outset you find the recipes for basic tools and items, and build a small house with places to sleep and eat. Then, the size of the tribe increases and catches the attention of other inhabitants of the world. Most of them are night creatures and dwell underground. The worlds are full of fantasy creatures like zombies, skeletons, goblins, beholders, ghosts, giant spiders, and others. Some of them pay little attention to the dwarves, as long as the dwarves do not come into their field of vision. Others gather into quite large groups and try to break into the dwarves’ residence.
Tower defense
Especially dangerous are the waves of monsters that appear from time to time from portals. So, do not neglect to build a safe haven with strong walls and numerous trapdoors, cells, firing towers, and secret passageways.
As a divine being, you possess various magic spells that cost mana to cast. You can speed up the movement of the dwarfs, open small portals, illuminate dark caves, evoke natural magic in the form of rain or tree growth, hurl fireballs at the ’ heads, and find useful resources and hidden rooms underground, thereby helping to speed up resource extraction, exploration of the world, and the population growth of your assistants.
Different worlds
When a player’s tribe has increased to a large number of dwarfs dressed in sturdy armor, and behind them stands an imposing castle, it’s time to make every effort to find and restore the portal whose ruins are hidden deep within the level. The portal will help you to open a pathway to the next new world. Perhaps you will enter an icy, mountainous country, where you will have to conquer territory held by the evil yeti, or a wild jungle world where there is a constant tropical downpour and it is easy to drown.
There are four biomes, each one with their special creatures and loot:
Biome | Creatures | Loot | |
Beetles Biome | Warrior-beetle Worker-beetle Queen beetle Matriarch | 50-60 | Poison Arrow |
1-2 | Pincer Necklace The Ring of Speed | ||
0-1 | Poisonous Thorn Mace Beetle in a stone | ||
Elven Biome | Ice Elf Spearman Ice Elf Bowman Elven Witch | 1 | Elven helmet Elven armor Elven boots Elven bow Elven halberd |
Forest Biome | Dark Lord | 0-1 | Knight’s horned helmet Cuirass of the Dark Lord Armored boots of the Dark Lord |
0-1 | Dark Lord Servant’s halberd Sword of the Dark Lord | ||
Underground Biome | A huge Cave Goblin Camp | 5-10 | Enchanted Berries Battle frenzy infusion |
0-2 | Shaman’s Staff Goblin Shaman’s hat |
Stealing eggs[]
Stealing dragon eggs from the lava level has become more challenging since the fire mechanics introduced on v.1.4.014 (15 Feb 2018).
- open a portal one block over the egg (if the portal is open at the same block of the egg, it becomes very hard to interact with the egg);
- give orders to build 2 earth blocks, one an each side of the egg, to prevent the egg falling in lava;
- give order to remove the egg;
- wait for one of the 3 dwarf in this lava site to pick up the egg;
- click the «Siege Mode» button, to force them to go back home;
- wait for all 3 dwarfs to pass back through the portal;
- close the portal to avoid anyone going to promenade at the lava.
- Note:
- It’s important to have a good number of dwarfs around the main stockpile before you start this operation, because you need 3 dwarfs to work toghether at this. If not, you’ll have one coming and placing the 1st earth block, than, when the 1st block is already burning, comes another dwarf to place the 2nd block, than, when there is no more earth blocks besides the egg, comes the 3rd dwarf to remove the egg, that will fall in the lava. So, have some idle dwarfs home, before going to this.
- It’s also good to have removed the initial fog of war around the area so you can see that there is no dragon around the nest. You can not do this operation with a dragon around. To scout the area you can use the magic light spell; or take direct control of a dwarf and swim over the lava until his health is almost gone, than open a portal over him and climb/pass through it. If you find a dragon, climb the wall, it will ignore you. If the dragon goes away, go down and keep swimming. If not, open a portal and go back home.
Покупка заклинаний в магазине
Почти все предметы можно купить в магазине, но такие предметы, как заклинания, можно только изучить во время исследования древа технологий, либо найти рецепт в режиме песочницы. Зато, чтобы заклинания не покупались отвечает флаг no_shop в графе properties в файле: main.pak\data\craft_resources.xml.
Итак, чтобы включить покупку заклинания, нужно убрать флаг no_shop и добавить количество(лучше единицу, игра может вылетать при значениях 2 и больше на некоторых компьютерах) и стоимость в магазине.
В качестве примера возьмём заклинание Быстрого сбора ресурсов. Выполнив вышеуказанные действия, данная строка
<resource name="mcollect" title="%MigiccollectresourcesT" desc="%MigiccollectresourcesD" file="gfx\ui\icons\magic\res" application="creature" properties="magic,magic_item=magic_collect,infinity_count,vip,no_shop" />
примет следующий вид:
<resource name="mcollect" title="%MigiccollectresourcesT" desc="%MigiccollectresourcesD" file="gfx\ui\icons\magic\res" application="creature" properties="magic,magic_item=magic_collect,infinity_count,vip" shop_count="1" shop_cost="1" />
Таким образом, можно купить за 1 монету (цену можно как угодно изменить) заклинание Быстрого сбора ресурсов.
Вышеописанный трюк можно проделать со всеми заклинаниями, даже с бронёй Санты и маской Джейсона
Block space[]
A block space is the base spatial unit that forms the total space of a world.
Smaller worlds have less block spaces, while larger worlds have more block spaces.
See the details at .
Each block space has three possible layers:
one that varies depending if the block space if above or below the «sea level», plus the background and foreground layers, that is where and may exist respectively.
Above the sea level
Above the sea level, each block space has the following layers:
- the empty or the sky
- a backround layer
- a foreground layer.
Below the sea level
Below the sea level, each block space has the following layers:
- an unremovable dark rock*
- a backround layer
- a foreground layer.
* There are few exceptions on rare underground caves that have no unremovable rock.
Those spaces act like the sky, where dwarfs and creatures cannot climb.
Ресурсы и ингредиенты
~ Ресурсы ~ | |
…с блоков | Земля • Песок • Камень • Железная руда • Серебряная руда • Золотая руда • Мифриловая руда • Уголь • Снег • Лед • Паутина • Синий алмаз • Зеленый алмаз • Черный алмаз • Красный алмаз • Фиолетовый алмаз • Вода • Розовый кристалл • Розовый гриб • Игольчатый кристалл • Серый гриб • Кварц • Корень • Ягоды • Яйцо дракона • Пшеничные зерна • Монета |
…с растений | Дерево • Листья • Колосья пшеницы • Смола • Ягоды • Шишка • Яблоко • Кокос • Иглы |
…с существ | Паутина • Шерсть • Слизь • Мозг зомби • Шкура • Хитин • Глаз • Кость • Монета • Перо • Иглы • Мясо • Прочный панцирь • Живое дерево • Магический двигатель • Эссенция Молнии • Эссенция Огня |
Ингредиенты | Доски • Стекло • Глина • Кирпичи • Гвозди • Замок • Котелок • Колесо • Бочка • Стальной слиток • Серебряный слиток • Золотой слиток • Мифриловый слиток • Нитки • Веревка • Краски • Бумага • Ткань • Бутылочка • Мука • Пшеничные зерна • Перо для письма • Чернила |
The following topics are all configurable parameters while creating a custom game, with the exception of .
- See the main article World size.
Regarding the size, worlds can be:
- small,
- medium or
- large.
The Underground World is an exception: it can only be large.
Weather events
Weather events always include:
- rain, in the Forest, Desert and Underground Worlds,
- snow, in the Snow World, and
- tornados, in the Desert World.
And the frequency of these events can be:
- rare,
- average and
- frequent.
Topography is a pre-set characteristic that only appears in campaign games and cannot be configured by any means.
It can be seen:
- by pressing ESC while in a campaign game or
- in a saved game.
- See the main article Difficulty levels.
And concerning the difficulty level, worlds can be:
- very easy,
- easy,
- normal,
- hard,
- very hard or
- nightmare.
Some melee weapons come with a inherent hit rate bonus; mostly swords and spears. It’s exact values aren’t visible for players inside the game. Algthough it is noticeable that some weapons make dwarfs hit faster than others. A great example of this disparity is the Mithril Sword with a speed bonus of +200% and the Mithril Hammer with no bonus at all.
Item | Damage | Hit Rate | Acquired by | Restricted to |
Stone Knife | 10 | x 1,5 | – | – |
Club | 15 | x 1,5 | crafting, drop: Big Yeti | – |
Steel Club | 20 | x 1,0 | crafting | – |
Steel Sword | 25 | x 1,5 | crafting | – |
Silver Sword | 35 | x 2,0 | crafting | – |
Yatagan | 40 | x 2,0 | crafting | – |
Mithril Hammer | 45 | x 1,0 | crafting | – |
Mithril Sword | 45 | x 3,0 | crafting | – |
Goblin Spear | 20 | x 1,0 | drop: Goblin | world: Forest |
Frostling Spear | 20 | x 1,0 | drop: Frostling Leader | world: Snow |
Skeleton’s Rusty Mace | 17 | x 1,0 | drop: Skeleton | – |
Skeleton’s Mace | 17 | x 1,0 | drop: Skeleton with Shield | – |
Skeleton’s Saber | 17 | x 1,0 | drop: Skeleton, Skeleton Builder | – |
Mummy’s Saber | 17 | x 1,0 | drop: King Mummy | world: Desert |
Cave Goblin Spear | 23 | x 1,0 | – | – |
Cave Goblin Worn-Out Saber | 20 | x 1,5 | drop: Cave Goblin Warrior | world: Underground |
Cave Goblin Saber | 25 | x 1,5 | drop: Cave Goblin Warrior | world: Underground |
Cave Goblin Excellent Saber | 40 | x 1,5 | drop: Cave Goblin Warrior | world: Underground |
Dark Lord Servant’s halberd | 30 | x 1,0 | reward | biome: Forest |
Sword of the Dark Lord | 30 | x 1,0 | reward | biome: Forest |
Dragon Warrior’s Sword | 40 | x 2,0 | Lunar New Year | – |
Funny Skeleton Mace | 48 | x 1,0 | Halloween | – |
The health of each dwarf is represented by 3 red hearts — .
The health of each monster is represented by 3 green hearts — .
And the health of each animal, usually non-hostile or semi-hostile, is represented by 3 yellow hearts — .
When a target get damaged, the heart more on the right will shrink until it disappears. When all hearts are gone, the target dies.
Causes of health loss
Quite a few things may inflict damage on dwarfs:
- be hit by any hostile creature, including some carnivorous plants;
- fall or jump from a height of more than 3 blocks;
- lose his/her footing while climbing and fall from a height of more than 2 blocks;
- stay or swim underwater without a diving helmet; and
- stay on or swim on the ;
- be hungry with zero points of (when all 3 have disappeared).
Low health
When a dwarf has less then 1, the player will be notified:
If there is one or more dwarfs with low health, this sign appears on the left side of the screen. Clicking on this icon will show one by one all wounded dwarfs.
Injuried dwarfs run for their lifes under certain circumstances.
Male dwarfs with health points lower than:
- 25% will run away from stronger enemies;
- 15% will run away from any kind of hostile creature.
Female dwarfs with health points lower than:
- 29% will run away from stronger enemies;
- 19% will run away from any kind of hostile creature.
There are some ways of healing injured/exhausted dwarfs:
- letting them sleep;
- keeping them ;
- feeding them with curative foods;
- using health potions directly through the «Equip» menu; and
- letting the spontaneously use health potions on wounded dwarfs.
If there are no health potions crafted in the inventory, the mages will heal their fellows anyway, but at a very insignificant rate.
Earth blocks may contain minerals, following this behavior for naturally generated foreground and background blocks at the same spot:
THE MOST TYPICAL: Foreground and background blocks with no minerals at all.VERY USUAL: Foreground block contains a mineral and background block contains nothing.REGULAR: Foreground and background blocks both containing the same mineral.RARE: Foreground and background blocks containing different minerals.IMPOSSIBLE: Foreground block contains nothing, while background block contains some mineral.
There are 5 kind of earth blocks available in the game:
The Soft Earth:
40 Strength
This kind of block produces earth but they have also a chance to produce grain (5% chance).
The Rocky Earth Light:
70 Strength
This kind of block produces earth but they have also a chance to produce sand (30% chance).
The Rocky Earth:
250 Strength
This kind of block produces earth but they have also a chance to produce coal (25% chance) or Stone (15% chance).
The Volcanic Earth:
610 Strength
This kind of block produces earth but they have also a chance to produce iron ore (25% chance).
The Deep Volcanic Earth:
1070 Strength
This kind of block produces earth but they have also a chance to produce gold ore (3.5% chance) or mithril ore (3% chance)
Archers are skill based dwarfs, but to use a a dwarf does not need this skill. The best bow for an archer is the heavy bow. Archers can improve their skill by fighting monsters/animals (with their bow), using archer skill books and wearing archer’s glove.
Mages are one of the skill based dwarfs you can create. The best weapons and addition to this dwarf are a mithril wizard’s staff, a bag of elixirs and a beautiful witch hat, if playing during the Halloween event days.
Mages will also spontaneously use some elixirs, and it is not possible for the player to control this. They can:
- heal another dwarf with the health elixir;
- transform an enemy into slug with the elixir of transfiguration; and
- use magic attacks with the elixir of fire and the elixir of ice arrow.
Warrior or Swordsman dwarfs are dwarfs with the warrior skill. Dwarfs can improve this skill by reading warrior skills books, by placing a Gunnar Ironfist Statue, and using good .
- See the main article.
How you equip skills to your dwarfs will have a large effect on how well you can defend.
The following are good options on how to distribute skills:
- one gathering, one production, and one combat skill on each dwarf; or
- one mobility, one gathering/production, and one combat skill on each dwarf.
As long as a dwarf has a combat skill, they will continually become more effective in battles, and will get most of your kills until you make more consistent tower defences.
It’s possible to spend the initial gold to get mining and any missing crafting skills, but getting combat skills as soon as possible is a more safe way to go. The more you mine, the more gold coins you will find.
Direct control[]
Dwarfs can be controlled allowing you to manually move him, place and mine blocks etc. This is done by selecting a dwarf and clicking the direct control button.
When controlling a dwarf you can:
- Manually move the dwarf.
- Place and mine blocks.
- Dwarfs gain a mine and place range increase. This means dwarfs can mine and place blocks up to two blocks from his location.
- It is unknown if this is a bug or not, but when controlling a dwarf you can place any block without the dwarf having to get it from the Stockpile. This is useful for when building things far away, or when building big projects.
- Attack enemies.
- Eat and sleep.
- Use portals
- Interact with objects.
For keyboard shortcuts, see Hotkeys.
Rules to all biomes:
- Restless dwarfs guard the boost rooms.
- There are no typically annoying creatures like giant spiders, giant worms, larvas and ghosts; except rats, these can appear in all biomes.
- There are no typically wave creatures like beholders, gargoyles, giant skeletons, zombies armor-breakers and giant throwers.
- There are no guardians.
- There are no dragons on the lava level.
- (DLC Sisters in Arms) The player starts with one pet house in the inventory and can craft more. The number of pets though, follows the general rule: if 6 dwarfs, 3 pets.
Other rules:
- Animals that provide wool and leather are present in the Forest and the Underground biomes.
- There are hens in the Forest biome, but there are no flying octopi in the Underground.
- There are no Cave Spirits in the Underground World.
- Hidden rooms are populated as usual with mechanical guardians, ancient gargoyles, skeletons and zombies (inside the doors).
See the special creatures at the .