Server commands

Venice Unleashed

Accepts a single boolean argument ( or ) that specifies whether the blue-tint filter should be enabled or not.

When used with no arguments, it returns whether the blue-tint filter is enabled or not.

Accepts a single boolean argument ( or ) which specifies whether players are allowed to exit the combat area or not. When set to the combat area will be disabled and players will not be killed for exiting it.

When used with no arguments, it returns whether deserting (leaving the combat area) is allowed or not. Defaults to .

Accepts a single boolean argument ( or ) which toggles destruction. When set to , all destruction on the server will be disabled.

When used with no arguments, it returns whether destruction is currently enabled or not. Defaults to .

Fades the screen of all the currently connected players from black back to normal.

Fades the screen of all the currently connected players to black.

Returns the current server frequency mode. For 30Hz it returns , for 60Hz it returns and for 120Hz it returns .

Accepts a single boolean argument ( or ) that specifies whether high performance replication should be enabled or not. Normally, the server will reduce the amount of updates it sends for players that are further away from other players. Setting this to will make the server send updates at the same rate for all players. This also results in an increase in network activity.

When used with no arguments, it returns whether high performance replication is enabled or not. Defaults to .

A URL pointing to a custom server banner image that will be shown to users in the VU server browser. This must be an http or https URL pointing to a JPEG image with the extension. The recommended resolution for banner images is . Using inappropriate or hateful images will result in your server being delisted and your server hosting privileges being revoked.

Accepts two arguments: a team number and the number of tickets that team should have. For example, to set the tickets of team to you would execute the following command:

Lists the number of spectators currently connected to the server.

Accepts a single integer argument ( or higher) which sets the maximum amount of players per squad.

When used with no arguments, it returns the current squad size.

Accepts a single boolean argument ( or ) that specifies whether the sun flare should be enabled or not.

When used with no arguments, it returns whether the sun flare is enabled or not.

Accepts a single numeric argument ( or higher) that specifies a multiplier for the suppression effect. Setting this to completely disables suppression (both visually and for weapon spread).

When used with no arguments, it returns the current supression multiplier. Defaults to .

Accepts a single numeric argument ( to ) that specifies the relative time scale for all players. Values lower than make the game slower, values higher make the game faster.

When used with no arguments, it returns the current time scale. Defaults to .

Accepts a single boolean argument ( or ) which toggles whether vehicles can enter the disabled state or not. When set to , vehicles will no longer get disabled (and drain health) when they reach low health status.

When used with no arguments, it returns whether vehicle disabling is enabled or not. Defaults to .

Returns the current FPS of the server.

Returns the 30-second moving average of the server FPS. If this value falls below then a performance warning indicator will be shown next to your server in the server browser.

Last modified January 18, 2021: Add changelog for build 17483 and VEXT 1.1.0 (c7fa5a1)

Mod list

Adds a mod to the list of mods to load on the next server restart and saves the changes to the file. This will not load the mod immediately.

Lists the mods that are available to be added to the mod list.

Clears the list of mods to loads on the next server restart and saves the changes to the file. This will not unload any currently running mods.

Accepts a single boolean argument ( or ) which toggles debug mode for any loaded extensions. When set to , any scripts will be built with debug symbols enabled, which will make it so errors printed on the server and the clients will contain more useful information about their source.

When used with no arguments, it returns whether debug mode is currently enabled or not. Defaults to .

Lists the mods to load on the next server restart. This basically lists all mods present in the file and may not be the same as the list of mods that are currently running.

Lists all currently loaded / running mods.

Reloads all currently loaded mods. Keep in mind that this can cause significant server and client lag and also crashes as not all mods support reloading.

Removes a mod from the list of mods to load on the next server restart and saves the changes to the file. This will not unload any currently running mods.

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