Tom clancy’s endwar online

Falkenberg’s Legion[]

Falkenberg’s Legion
Region Northern BorderlandsUnited States

Rebel organization: Operation Earthquake was the codename for the European invasion of the United States, supported by stealth and cruise missile attacks on military, industrial and energy infrastructure sites along the Eastern seaboard. Envisioned as more of a large-scale raid than an actual campaign of conquest, the attack force was composed of three heavily-reinforced battlegroups, forming an independent, combined-arms legion. Named Falkenberg’s Legion after its overall commander, Anders Falkenberg, the Legion’s initial operations were a huge success, capturing New York and Boston and throwing US forces into complete disarray. Falkenberg quickly consolidated his hold over New England and Maine, and launched destructive raids as far west as Pittsburg and far south as Baltimore. The Legion’s success earned Falkenberg a steady flow of reinforcements for more than a year, until a renewed Russian offensive inSouthern
Europe and increasing US resistance in the Northeasteffectively cut off their support. Without enough ships to evacuateeven half of his force, Falkenberg decided to stay put and keepfighting. Though eventually driven out of New York, the Europeansheld onto New England until the end of the war. During the collapse,Falkenberg took advantage of divided American leadership andlaunched a lighting campaign into Canada, capturing most of itsmajor cities andresources. Since then, the brilliant general hasestablished himself in Toronto as a kind of military governor,ruling his conquered territory in the name of the European Federation.



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Рейтинг игр 70,36% (DS) 68,00% (ПК) 77,76% (PS3) 69,67% (PSP) 78,13% (X360)
Metacritic 69 (DS) 68 (ПК) 76 (PS3) 68 (PSP) 77 (X360)
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Famitsu 34/40 (X360)
Информер игры 7,75 / 10
GameSpot 7.5 / 10 (PS3)
OXM (США) 8,0 / 10

EndWar получил смешанные и положительные отзывы. The Guardian поставил игре 4/5. Ее хвалили за «Сильно затягивающую одиночную игру … игра вступает в свои права с массовым многопользовательским онлайн-режимом Theater of War». будучи пристыкованным из-за «случайной вспышки распознавания голоса». Сайт дал EndWar оценку 9 из 10, заявив, что это «консольная стратегия, сделанная правильно». IGN оценил EndWar на 8 баллов из 10, отбирая оценки за «Слабую однопользовательскую кампанию», но по-прежнему считал ее более чем надежной стратегией в реальном времени. Кевин ВанОрд из Game Spot оценил версию EndWar для PS3 как 7,5 из 10, высоко оценив ее «Инновационную механику голосового управления» и заявив, что «Постоянная онлайн-кампания делает матчи значимыми», но ругал ее за отсутствие сюжета и «простую каменную бумагу». ножничные перестрелки ». 1Up и Electronic Gaming Monthly поставили игре C.

Tom Clancy’s EndWar (Русская версия)

Проживите захватывающую карьеру полководца и приведите свою армию к победе в масштабной Третьей мировой войне онлайн! Возьмите под свой контроль Объединенные ударные силы под руководством США, Европейский корпус силовых структур или гвардейскую бригаду российского спецназа в непрекращающейся мировой войне. Создайте свою армию, соответствующую вашему тактическому стилю, и разработайте стратегию, которая победит ваших врагов. В дополнение к традиционным элементам управления RTS (выбор мыши, горячие клавиши), EndWar выходит за рамки других стратегий в реальном времени, позволяя вам использовать собственный голос для управления своими юнитами, предлагая вам настоящий контроль со скоростью мысли.Вместо использования традиционного вида сверху вниз, EndWar использует уникальную камеру от третьего лица, которая помещает вас в самое сердце битвы, делая использование ландшафта и укрытия еще более важным для достижения победы. Увеличивайте и уменьшайте масштаб по желанию и наблюдайте, как разворачиваются разрушения, когда сотни юнитов вступают в бой с противником на полностью разрушаемых полях сражений. В соответствии с наследием Tom Clancy, EndWar предлагает широкий спектр транспортных средств, оружия и оборудования, основанный на реальных военных исследованиях, что дает вам беспрецедентный доступ к передовым технологиям завтрашних войн, таким как дроны и космическое оружие. массового уничтожения.2020 год. Империи сошлись в глобальном противостоянии. Заключительном для человеческой расы военном конфликте. Борьба за ресурсы еще никогда не велась в таких масштабах. «Я не знаю, чем будут сражаться в Третьей мировой, но в Четвертой мировой это будут палки и камни», — так сказал Альберт Эйнштейн. Его поправляет Том Клэнси – самый популярный писатель в жанре «технотриллер»: в Последней Войне будут суперсовременные танки, вертолеты, компьютеризированное обмундирование, спутниковое оружие и, конечно, мощные ядерные и водородные бомбы. Восток и Запад. Свои и чужие. Враги и друзья. Ковровые бомбардировки и снайперские выстрелы. Жизнь и Смерть. Добро пожаловать в EndWar – Последнюю Войну Человечества.Ключевые особенности игры Tom Clancy’s EndWar (Русская версия):- Уникальная технология управления войсками при помощи голосовых команд.- Футуристичная техника в глобальном конфликте мировых держав.- Продвинутый графический движок – такого еще никто не видел.- Простой и удобный интерфейс, рассчитанный на любителей тактики и стратегии.- Более сорока зон боевых действий на планете Земля – от Вашингтона и Парижа до Москвы и Пекина.- Сотни решений безвыходных ситуаций для тактического гения.- Отправляйтесь на войну онлайн в постоянной многопользовательской игре World War III с полностью настраиваемыми батальонами и юнитами.- Усовершенствованный HUD и элементы управления, а также новая система путевых точек в сочетании с проверенной революционной системой голосовых команд EndWar.- 30 потрясающе реалистичных реальных полей сражений в Европе и США, включая Вашингтон, округ Колумбия, Париж и Москву.- Глубоко настраиваемые армии с рангами юнитов и сотнями улучшений добавляют бесконечной ценности повторного прохождения.- Включает весь загружаемый контент, выпущенный для консолей — карты, дополнительные обновления и батальоны.- Наблюдайте, как разрушения разворачиваются в захватывающих деталях в масштабных битвах с участием сотен юнитов и разрушаемых сред.Минимальные системные требования игры Tom Clancy’s EndWar (Русская версия):- Операционная система: Windows XP / Vista / 7- Процессор: Intel Pentium 4 1,5 GHz, AMD Athlon 1600+- Оперативная память: 1 Гб- Видеокарта: Nvidia Geforce 7300 или Radeon Х1300- Звуковая карта: Звуковое устройство, совместимое с DirectX 9.0с- Свободное место на жестком диске: 10 Гб

Жанр: Стратегия / ЭкшнЯзык интерфейса: РусскийЯзык озвучки: РусскийИнсталлятор. Версия игры:Размер: 3,13 ГбОблачное хранилище:пароль на архив: igrozoom.ruСетевое хранилище:

Жанр: Стратегии / Башенки


Spetsnaz Guard Brigades[]

Spetsnaz Guard Brigades

Molded by the harsh conditions of Mother Russia, the Spetznaz Guard Brigade fearlessly serve as Russia’s Front line assault troops.


«Leave none alive in your wake. War is no place for cowards and weaklings.»

Units of Choice:

Infantry, Tanks, Air-Transports

  • Maj. Anastasia Brin
  • Maj. Fyodor Istomin
  • Maj. Ksenia Mikhailova
  • Maj. Sonia Makarova
  • Maj. Stepan Drachev
  • Maj. Viktor Nagursky
  • Cpt. Alexei Noskov
  • Cpt. Alexei Severin
  • Cpt. Andrei Lazarev
  • Cpt. Anya Ustinova
  • Cpt. Boris Sedov
  • Cpt. Dmitry Pavlichenko
  • Cpt. Konstantin Lodygin
  • Cpt. Lavrentiy Dushkin
  • Cpt. Leonid Turchin
  • Cpt. Lev Bulganin
  • Cpt. Lydia Raskova
  • Cpt. Maria Durova
  • Cpt. Mikhail Baranov
  • Cpt. Mikhail Gorshkov
  • Cpt. Stepan Ushakov
  • Cpt. Ursula Kulibina
  • Cpt. Yuri Titov
  • Lt. Boris Skobelev
  • Lt. Lavrenty Izmailov
  • Lt. Yakov Zelenko
  • 1SG. Andrei Meretskov

Отменено продолжение

В интервью креативный директор Ubisoft Майкл Де Платер подтвердил, что продолжение игры находится на ранней стадии разработки . По его словам, за разработку отвечает небольшая команда из Ubisoft Shanghai, которая «концентрируется на двух областях улучшения: сюжет для одного игрока и глубина». Однако он не мог назвать дату, когда будет выпущена дополнительная информация о сиквеле. 8 февраля 2010 года было объявлено, что разработка сиквела была отменена из-за коммерческого провала игры.

10 сентября 2013 года Ubisoft объявила, что Ubisoft Shanghai работает над EndWar Online для Windows и OS X, браузерной бесплатной многопользовательской онлайн -игрой на боевой арене, выпущенной в 2014 году, однако в октябре она была закрыта на неопределенный срок. 31, 2016.


The special edition of Rainbow Six Vegas 2 included a video with the first live gameplay footage of this game. There have been online advertisements, as well as an EndWar website at

Downloadable Content

Since release, Endwar has received the «Escalation» downloadable pack on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace which contains 3 new unit upgrades (1 per faction) and 4 new maps playable in skirmish, as well as additional achievements/trophies. Another set of upgrades were released, entitled the «Faction Elite pack» which included 6 new unit upgrades (2 per faction) and 3 new battalions (1 per faction).Also, announced on March 13, two new missions on two new maps will be available for free. They are assault on Russia’s Cosmodrome and conquest on the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in Richton, Mississippi, USA.


The first EndWar trailer shows an overhead map of Western Europe with only Spain and half of France under US control, while the Russians occupy the rest of the continent. The camera then zooms to an ongoing battle in Paris, where a local Joint Strike Force commander, Major General Smith, directs the action from a mobile headquarters vehicle by using an interactive holographic map display. Outside, U.S. soldiers armed with assault rifles similar to the XM8, along with advanced IFVs, DPVs, and M5A2 Schwarzkopf tanks, attack Russian forces holding out at the Place de la Concorde and the Louvre Museum. Eventually, the US troops call in air support in the form of AH-80 Blackfoot attack helicopters and V-25 transports, forcing the Russians to fall back. However, the assault is short-lived, as in addition to a mechanized counterattack, the Russian forces launch several Tu-3 UCAVs that shoot down the helicopters right on top of the soldiers. Realizing the desperate situation, General Smith issues voice attack commands to a Kinetic Strike satellite hovering over Europe. Russian soldiers surround him as he emerges from his command vehicle.

Just before the Russians take him in as a Prisoner of War, the general says, «Now.» The satellite fires at least three kinetic rods down on his position, obliterating himself and the Russians, as well as large sections of Paris. Smith’s death would be mentioned in passing in the EndWar novel.

The trailer depicts several major cultural icons from Paris, including the Eiffel Tower and a heavily damaged Luxor Obelisk.

The music used in this trailer was composed by Michael McCann and can be found at his website. The music of a different trailer is The End of the World by Skeeter Davis.


Main article: Tom Clancy’s EndWar (novel) Endwar was published as a novel, on February 4, 2008 in paperback form. The back cover says «Based on Ubisoft’s bestselling game, Tom Clancy’s EndWar«, despite the game not yet having been released at that time.


  • Factions in EndWar are colour-coded, and so are their tracer rounds. However, while the Russians are represented with the colour green and variations of woodland camouflage, they are given red tracers. While this has some basis in real-life (e.g. see here for footage of 30 mm AA fire), the traditional colour for Warsaw Pact tracers was in fact green, as opposed to NATO’s red-orange tracers, which was reflected in tracer munition marking (NATO — red tip, Warsaw Pact — green tip)
  • Real-life analog of Spetsnaz Guard Brigades can be considered created in 2016 The National Guard of the Russian Federation or Rosgvardiathat like in-game faction consist of MVD Internal Troops, SOBR, OMON and other internal military forces outside of the Russian Armed Forces. Spetsnaz’s moto also belongs to real-life russian special forces unit — The Separate Operational Purpose Division or ODON, formerly called OMSDON (a.k.a. Dzerzhinsky Division).



  • Wolves — Elite riflemen armed with AK-74’s, they are the toughest troops in the world, and none can match the Wolves’ durability in a combat zone.
  • Bears — Unsophisticated but effective engineers armed with RPG’s and Flamethrowers, the Bears use somewhat cruder equipment compared to Grenadiers and Pioneers but are just as deadly.


  • T-100 Ogre — The SGB’s main battle tank, Ogres are very heavily armed and armoured, being one of the most terrifying units an enemy can face.
  • BTR-112 Cockroach — The primary IFV transport for the SGB, it strikes a fantastic balance between transport and AA platform.
  • Ka-65 Howler — This gunship for the Spetsnaz forces is heavily armed and just as heavily armored, often called the «flying tank.»
  • KV-20 Zhukov — Crude compared to the artillery deployed by the JSF and EFEC, the Zhukov is however in line with Russian artillery tradition of being terrifyingly effective.
  • MAZ-660 King Spider — The Spetsnaz command vehicle, SGB commanders utilize these vehicles for command and control.
  • BMP-3 — The main infantry fighting vehicle of the Russian Federation’s Spetsnaz guard brigades in the EndWar novel.


  • Mi-55 Locust — SGB support helicopter used for infantry deployment.
  • KA-29 — Transport helicopter used by Russian forces in the EndWar novel.
  • Mi-80 Tarantula — Heavy transport helicopter use by SBG to bring in armored vehicles.
  • Su-38 Slamhound — SGB fighter/bomber carries out attack missions for the SGB.
  • Tu-3 Vulture — Armed UAV deployed by the King Spider.
  • RU-20 Bodyguards — Specially trained bodyguards deployed to defend the MAZ-660 King Spider and uplinks, they are used as Russian «drones.»

Member States[]

European Union

It is unknown in what capacity the Lisbon Treaty of 2009 and the European Union function after partial unification of some — but not all — of its members. The union members as of 2021 were:

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Czechia
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Netherlands
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden

Post-Union Changes

Among the confirmed members of the European Federation are France, Italy, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Finland and Poland. The UK and Ireland are known to have opted out of the integration process and joined the New Commonwealth, although they have permitted the EF to operate the SLAMS components within their borders. Whether or not the EF lays claim to any of the Balkan states is also unclear, as the Russian Federation seems to have relocated numerous high-importance military facilities (e.g. Ft. Levski) into EU member states such as Bulgaria. However the EF appears to have constructed a border wall along the Balkans, consisting of a high double-walled barrier with military outposts at checkpoints into the region.

Prelude to War cinematic

A map of Europe is depicted in the Prelude to War cinematic — seen to the right — and includes a number of separations and border shifts, some of which are rather inexplicable:

  • France is split in two halves in a manner eerily similar to the demarcation line between the supposedly independent Vichy France and the German zone of occupation established in 1942. It has also suffered several territorial concessions around Corsica and Nice, and has also lost Alsace/Elsass, which is the subject of a centuries-old territorial feud with Germany.
  • Belgium has also expanded into nearby French regions, but is split into Wallonia and Flanders.
  • Germany dominates the geography of Europe, having increased to at least her 1938 borders, completely absorbing Austria and the Italian province of Südtirol, as well as taking the Sudetenland from the Czech Republic and a large portion of Western Poland.
  • Italy is split in two states
  • Slovenia has been shrunk and then split into two states.
  • Poland is split into five states, at least one of which being an expanded Kaliningrad Oblast of Russia, now constituting the entire East Prussia.
  • A slew of territorial shifts in the Balkans:
    • Greece has an independent region in West Thrace
    • The not only contains an independent Kosovo, but also gives different borders
    • Serbia is shrunken heavily, losing Kosovo, and some territory to Macedonia. There are two new states near the Serbian-Croatian border.
  • Hungary expands deep into Romania; there is a break-away state in Romania in the region of Dobruja.
  • Ukraine is surrounded by an array of newly independent states, including one in Polesie the North, one in Zakarpattia in the West, some territory is lost to Moldova, giving her a shoreline; and Crimea is apparently independent, but, given its history and the Russian base in Sevastopol, it may be a proper Russian territory.
  • Two borders are added in Russian territory, corresponding roughly to the borders of Pskovskaya Oblast’ and to the border between the North-West and Central Federal Districts, and raising doubt as to what exactly the borders on the map mean.


The European Federation Enforcer Corps is Europe’s foremost military organization made up of veteran elite counter-terrorist and peacekeeping forces from throughout Europe. Calm and precise, these highly-trained and experienced soldiers are especially skilled in urban warfare, they are also noted as consummate professionals. They excel in electronic warfare as well as advanced directed energy weapons technology, and have the fastest battlefield vehicles. The Enforcer Corps also have access to the world’s best «less than lethal» weaponry. The Kommando Riflemen are noted for their former Rainbow, GSG-9 and GIGN members as well as members from other special and elite European forces. The Enforcer Corps is the elite military group within the European military carrying out high risk missions and aimed at the forefront of assaults and placed to defend critical locations. Quite simply, they are Europe’s foremost military force, the similar emphasis of the JSF and Spetznaz Guard Brigades makes it highly likely the organizations will face each other regularly during World War 3.

The Enforcers Corps currently deploys in Battlegroups which appear to be equivalent to a Battalion. There are currently 12 known EFEC battlegroups. Each Battlegroup has being tailored to meet specific requirements such as armored and mechanized warfare or to provide airborne capabilities, there is also a battlegroup specializing in special operations. The EFEC Battlegroups are likely an evolution of the of the European Union though their numbers seem to have being reduced to battalion level, though this is likely due to the elite nature of the Enforcers.

The European Federation also has a land army and air force besides the Enforcer Corps, and it is suspected that the European military is a combination of all the militaries of its member states. These various armed forces appear to have been allocated and combined into a single armed service under the command of Troop Command Europa (TCE) along with a European air force under the control of Air Command Europa (ACE). Europe’s space assets seem to be organised under Space Command Europa (SCE), who control orbital laser strikes, while information warfare assets are handled by Information Warfare Command Europa (IWCE). IWCE is also responsible for crashing Uplinks.

Europe also deploys a navy; its size and composition are currently unknown though it contains at least one super-carrier and escort vessels for the carrier. It also possesses mobile offshore bases, which are mentioned in mission briefings as a means of deploying units.

Regular armed forces that are seen fighting alongside the Enforcers are clothed in the blue-ish camouflage of Europe and are equipped with FAMAS assault rifles, and also operate Leopard 2 tanks, MOWAG Eagles and combat drones.

Описание игры

Для полноты картинки постараемся затронуть основные стороны обозреваемого проекта, среди которых сюжет и игровой процесс, особенности, а также плюсы и минусы. Впрочем, давайте обо всем по порядку.

Сюжет и игровой процесс

По сюжету приключения все действия разворачиваются в 2021 году. Так как игрушка вышла в 2009 году, то это далекое фантастическое будущее. Две могущественные державы сошлись в смертельном противостоянии и в этом конфликте задействовано все человечество. Ресурсы стали настолько ценными, что за них приходится вести ожесточенные бои. Завоевать нужные материалы помогает разнообразное оружие и военная техника. Здесь есть вертолеты, танки, компьютеризированные машины и многое другое. Удастся ли спасти мир и восстановить прежнюю счастливую жизнь человечества? Скачивайте стратегию и получите ответ на этот вопрос.


Как и обещали, уделим несколько слов главным особенностям рассматриваемой военной стратегии. К ним можно отнести:

  • В приключении есть голосовое управление. В игрушку включена довольно качественная система распознавания речи. Геймер сможет раздавать приказы своим солдатам, в частности, воздушным и транспортным войскам, а также пехоте.
  • На игровом поле можно разместить множество боевых юнитов, что очень удобно во время различных сражений.
  • Графическая составляющая определенно на высоком уровне. Не отстает и физика игры.
  • На выбор пользователя предоставляется различная боевая техника, оружие, снаряжение, постройки и прочее.

На нашем портале у вас есть возможность загрузить полную и бесплатную версию игры без вирусов и регистрации.


Каждое государство, принимающее участие в битве за выживание, имеет одинаковые юниты. Никаких особенностей и преимуществ нет. В распоряжении геймера такие боевые единицы, как инженеры, снайперы, роботы и обычные пехотинцы. Во время прохождения пользователю стоит помнить, что лучше иметь на карте все семь видов юнитов, доступных в игре, ведь в бою они тесно связаны между собой. Получить бонусы поможет улучшение узлов связи. С враждующими государствами можно вступать в союз или, наоборот, постараться захватить их территорию.

Prelude to war[]

Tom Clancy’s EndWar Story Intro

The prelude to war takes place before World War III and explains how the conflict began.

On March 23, 2020, EF uplink sites in the «lawless zone,» where Croatia used to be, are attacked by an as-yet unidentified group of terrorists, who are using T-80 tanks, from a beached cargo ship. They are repulsed by EF Enforcers Corps (EFEC) forces. During the battle, the EF attempts to gain access to the cargo ship that the terrorists use but the ship is destroyed before they can gain access. Details of the attack are kept secret.

On April 4, when the final module of the Freedom Star is set to launch from Kennedy Space Center amid international outcry, the same group of terrorists attack the module and attempt to destroy it, using the same methods as the Croatian attack. Once again they are repulsed, this time by the United States Joint Strike Force (JSF) as reports of yet another terrorist attack come in, this time of an assault on the Rozenburg petrol plant in the Netherlands. After being defeated by EFEC forces, the terrorists identify themselves as the «Forgotten Army» composed of people from a collection of failed states in the Balkans, Africa and South America.

Following a final terrorist attack, this time on a Russian power plant near Minsk (an attack which the Russians were aware of beforehand but played along with for aesthetic purposes), the U.S. finds «conclusive evidence» that the EF’s defense minister, François Pulain, funded the Forgotten Army with modern military equipment. Suspecting there to be a conspiracy within the European government to prevent the completion of the Freedom Star, The Americans send a black-ops team to abduct Pulain while he inspects the uplink network in Copenhagen, the site of the EF’s main naval base. They manage to capture him but an anonymous call by Russia informs Danish police, allowing EFEC forces to prevent extraction and trap the team in one of the uplinks. On April 7, the U.S. crashes Copenhagen’s uplinks and sends in JSF units to rescue the trapped team. The U.S. successfully repels the EFEC’s first attack, but European forces are able to counter-attack and reboot Copenhagen’s uplinks in their favor. The JSF forces are forced to surrender and are allowed safe passage back to the U.S. in exchange for releasing Pulain.

The events in Copenhagen spark a major international incident but the U.S. and EF stop just short of declaring war. As last-minute peace talks are arranged to be held on neutral ground in London, it is revealed (to the player only) that Russia funded the Forgotten Army’s attacks and planted the evidence against Pulain, citing the need to keep the EF and the U.S. from uniting in order to take Russia’s oil. To ensure that war is sparked between the two powers, elements of the Spetsnaz Guard Brigade (SGB) embark on a covert operation, disguised as Forgotten Army soldiers, to upload a virus into the European SLAMS network at Rovaniemi air base in Finland. The virus causes an EF orbital laser satellite to shoot down the new Freedom Lifter module during lift off, thinking it to be an ICBM. The entire crew is killed, and news reports blaming problems from «malfunction» to «terrorist hijacking» to (finally) «EF satellite.» This final act starts a war between the two powers. Russia initially joins the U.S. under the guise of «aiding it in its crusade against Europe» and invades EF-controlled Poland, but the Americans see this as an attempt to reform the Eastern Bloc and attack Russia. World War III has begun.



The events of EndWar, its tie-in novels, and two of its short stories are essentially out of continuity from other Ubisoft Tom Clancy games such as H.A.W.X. which happens in 2021 and clearly not in a post-EndWar world. Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier also happens after 2020 and clearly not in a post-EndWar world. And Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Blacklist includes Fourth Echelon, the successor of Third Echelon, which is still active before the setting of EndWar .

Another note is Scott Mitchell, the main protagonist of Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter, who makes an appearance in the beginning of EndWar. He seems to have left the Ghosts and promoted to General of the JSF. Seeing that he talks of the war, it is clear he is alive and well during the setting. Seeing he has not aged much, it is thought the war is not too far from the year 2020 and 2030. Mitchell was injured in the ending sequence of Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, having demolished a nuke and being wounded in the process.


A nuclear attack occurs in Saudi Arabia, killing six million people and crippling the supply of oil from the Middle East, plunging the world into an unprecedented energy crisis. The following year, the United States and the European Union sign the historic SLAMS (Space-Land-Air Missile Shield) Treaty, agreeing to co-develop technologies for a comprehensive, interlocking anti-ballistic missile system. The U.S. and EU test-launch nuclear salvos against each other, which the SLAMS weapons completely destroy. Emboldened by the success of the tests, the U.S. and the EU pronounce «the end of strategic nuclear war,» and the world celebrates a new age of peace.

With the price of crude oil at USD 800 a barrel, the EU member states are forced to consolidate political, economic, and military power to form a united European superstate, the European Federation (EF), which has a greater population and Gross domestic product GDP than America. The United Kingdom and Ireland decide not to join the new state, however, and instead form their own union known as the «New Commonwealth», which remains neutral but allows European forces to man the missile defense uplink sites on its territory. Nations too weak to join the EF, notably those in the Balkans and Eastern Europe, collapse completely and were subsequently taken over by Russia, who refer to it as «their land. The U.S. and the EF regard each other’s power as a threat to their own, and the now fractured former allies embark on a costly space arms race with each other.

Russia, being the world’s new number one supplier of natural gas and crude oil, enjoys a massive economic boom as a result of the worldwide energy crisis. Russia’s newfound wealth is spent on modernizing its military, creating its own missile defense system, and utilizing its new-found power to influence world events.

The militarization of space reaches its peak in 2020, when the U.S. reveals plans to launch the Freedom Star space station in an effort to regain its position as the premier world superpower. While partly designed for civilian research purposes, the station will also house three companies of U.S. Marines, who can deploy anywhere on Earth within 90 minutes. International reaction is extremely negative, to say the least. The EF and Russia in particular despise the development, seeing it as a way in which the United States could neutralize their portion of anti-ballistic defenses and upset the balance of power. The EF withdraws from the already divided NATO in protest, causing the organisation to collapse. Former NATO bases and facilities in Europe, such as Ramstein Air Base, are subsequently taken over by the EF.

Интересные факты

Разработчики этого шутера от третьего лица отправились в Боливию, разговаривали с правительством и изучали жизнь спецназовцев. И все это для того, чтобы добиться эффекта максимальной реалистичности происходящего в игре. Результаты их самоотверженного труда вы сможете оценить, если захотите скачать игру Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands через торрент.

Особенности Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands

  • Огромный открытый мир, который можно просто исследовать в перерывах между перестрелками.
  • Возможность одиночной игры, когда в напарники дается еще три персонажа под управлением искусственного интеллекта, и кооператива, рассчитанного на четырех игроков. Здесь главное – договариваться о стиле поведения и согласовывать свои действия при выполнении поставленных задач.
  • Большое количество транспорта, на котором можно пересекать большие локации. Транспорт представлен как наземный, так и воздушный.
  • 9 различных локаций. Вам предстоит перемещаться как по горам, так и по пустынным районам, поросшим кактусами, побывать на легендарной Дороге смерти и посетить солевую равнину. Лучше это делать, конечно, не пешком, так безопаснее.
  • Полная свобода действий игроков. Все миссии и задания вы можете выполнять в любом порядке и только теми способами, которые вам кажутся наиболее оптимальными. Главное – прийти к нужному результату и избавить страну от наркотиков.

На этой странице по кнопке ниже вы можете скачать Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands через торрент бесплатно.

Загружаемый контент

С момента выпуска Endwar получил загружаемый пакет «Escalation» в PlayStation Network и Xbox Live Marketplace, который содержит три новых обновления юнита (по одному для каждой фракции) и четыре новые карты, которые можно играть в режиме схватки, а также дополнительные достижения / трофеи. Был выпущен еще один набор улучшений, названный «Пакет Faction Elite», который включал шесть новых улучшений юнитов (два на фракцию) и три новых батальона (по одному на фракцию). Также, как было объявлено 13 марта, две новые миссии на двух новых картах будут доступны бесплатно. Их штурм космодрома России и захват стратегических нефтяных резервов в Ричтоне, штат Миссисипи, США.

European Federation Enforcer Corps[]

European Federation Enforcer Corps

Originally created as a multinational peacekeeping force, the European Federation Enforcer Corps utilize advanced technology to rapidly and efficiently dismantle enemies.


«Be fast, be precise, and above all, be deadly.»

Units of Choice:

Air-Intercept, AAV, Drones

  • Col. Dieter Munz
  • Col. Javier Llorente
  • Col. Markus Eisch
  • Col. Victor Martel
  • Maj. Franz Neuhaus
  • Maj. Ivo Stijns
  • Maj. Ludmila Ponická
  • Maj. Pieter Talberg
  • Maj. Stanisław Mrożek
  • Cpt. Antonia Calvino
  • Cpt. Dieter Steinbach
  • Cpt. Emil Farago
  • Cpt. Georges D’Arcy
  • Cpt. Gianna Malvadi
  • Cpt. Jacques de Geyter
  • Cpt. Jorg Walther
  • Cpt. Kazimiera Rakuzanka
  • Cpt. Roman Twardowski
  • Cpt. Tatiana Vojan
  • Lt. Carlos Dacosta
  • Lt. Danielle Cléry
  • Lt. Hana Šustek
  • Lt. Jan Kostka
  • Lt. Joaquín Abascal
  • Lt. Julia Retana
  • Lt. Victoria Bergman
  • Sqn-Ldr. Michael Stoss

Ошибка 0xc000007b в Tom Clancy\’s EndWar

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