
Как сбежать с карты K.A.P.O.W Camp в The Escapists 2

Для побега с различных тюрем в игре The Escapists 2 зачастую приходится хорошенько пораскинуть мозгами. К тому же нужно постоянно следить за охранниками и отмечать их распорядок дня. Однако даже при тщательном изучении новой локации бывает довольно трудно понять, что на ней нужно сделать, чтобы сбежать. Если подобная проблема случилась с вами на карте K.A.P.O.W Camp, то мы советуем прочитать наше руководство, где указаны основные способы побега с нее как для одиночного, так и для многопользовательского режима.

В принципе ничего экстраординарного в этой карте нет. Главное – это не попадаться на глаза охранникам, иначе вы наберете слишком много звезд, что значительно усложнит побег. За прохождение данной локации вы получите трофей «Побег из лагеря!» .

Third Strategy (IOS[]

You will need:

Gardener Job

Timber Brace x3

Trowel (only use as needed)

Guard Uniform (Optional)


The bad thing about this prison on the IOS is that the only walls you can break is in your cell.

  1. You should start off with the Gardener Job, if not, follow the guy who has it, hit him once and lead him on a merry chase, thus not letting him get his job. Beware, since your player is faster, make sure you don’t lose him
  2. In the gardener place, there is an infinite amount of Trowels. If you can’t be stuffed getting a Sturdy Shovel (80 intellect) then trowels are the way to go. Just remember, trowels only generate twice a day
  3. Move the desk, and start digging right on the screen. Place timber braces when prompted. When it prompts for the 4th one, stop. You are past the wall and electric fence. (Remember, when you finish digging, or need to go to the showers to recouperate, place the desk on top of the hole to hide it)
  4. Wait until evening role call. Once the words (evening roll call) appear on the screen, place your bed dummy. After saving, pop on your guard uniform and dispose of the inmate uniform behind a tree. Go to the gardener spot.
  5. Move the desk again. Move to the end and dig up. Once up, fill the hole, and run to the wooden thing on the bottom S-E corner of the room.
  6. You’ve escaped.

Greater you will need a sturdy shovel and a plastic red key to ESCAPE on and wear a guard outfit and put a bed dummy at your bed then you dig at the corner at the red key exit then you have escaped


Cell Key (Yellow)      ItemID: 0

Utility Key (Orange in PC, Cyan in Console and Mobile)       ItemID: 7

Entrance Key (Purple)     ItemID: 6

Staff Key (Red)      ItemID: 1

Work Key (Green)      ItemID: 43

The guards will have certain keys based on their order in the pre-game screen. Above you can see the order for PC. The guard to the leftmost position (Guard #1) has the Cell Key, the guy beside him (Guard #2) has the Utility key, and so on. After the 5th guard, the order loops.

On console the order is this:

1st Guard: Utility (Orange/Cyan)

2nd Guard: Work (Green)

3rd Guard: Entrance (Purple)

4th Guard: Staff (Red)

5th Guard: Cell (Yellow)

(Note: On Xbox One guard number does not matter)

The Cell key is only useful between 23:00 and 8:00, when cells are locked. Per its name, it allows to open the cell door, and, in certain prisons, a sub-section of the prison containing all the cells.

The Entrance key is only useful between 22:00 and 10:00, when exterior doors are locked. It open the doors that lead to the exterior yard, sometimes also an inner yard.

The Utility key can open utility areas, which usually leads to ladders to the roof or ventilation.

The Staff key opens critical areas prisoners can not access, such as the generator room, or the guards barracks.

The Work key can open workroom doors, such as the janitor room. Note that if you have a Job, you can access your job room without Keys, but not other jobs rooms (i.e. If you are a Janitor, you can access the Janitor room, but not the Tailor room).

Со скоростью молнии

Еще один способ для одиночного прохождения. Вам понадобится самодельная лесенка, кукла заключенного, реактивный движок, собранный вручную, форма охранника и отвертка. Создаются эти предметы следующим образом:

  • форма медицинского работника: форма заключенного и 1 отбеливающее средство;
  • форма охраны: чернила и форма медицинского работника;
  • кукла заключенного: 2 подушки и 1 одеяло;
  • реактивный движок: 1 мятная конфета (можно найти у офицера) и 1 банка с содовой;
  • лесенка: 6 банок с краской (ставятся друг на друга).

Побег осуществляется довольно просто. Идите к месту, где проводится перекличка, и отыщите сооружение с губной гармошкой. Подойдите к нему и подставьте самодельную лесенку, чтобы дотянуться до вентиляционной решетки. Сломайте ее и начните идти в другое здание с мотоциклом. Воспользуйтесь ракетным движком, подсоединив его к технике, и уезжайте в закат как старина Биг Босс.

Prison Guard/Police Officer[]


In Desktop TE1, Guards you knock out will attack you once they wake up. This lasts until you escape from them chasing you.

  • Guards that witness prisoners fighting will attack them. If they witness you start a fight, they will attack you and the target.
  • Guards at roll call choose two prisoners whose cells will be searched for contraband.
  • Guards will attack you if they see you stealing from other inmates or if your guard heat is above 89% (79% in The Escapists 2).
  • If a guard catches you chipping, digging, or cutting, they’ll attack and raise your heat to 99% instantly.
  • If a guard picks up dropped contraband, it cannot be retrieved afterward.
  • Guards will not attack you in hiding, even above 89%
  • If a guard finds the following, you will be sent to Solitary. In The Escapists 2, a lockdown will trigger instead of immediately being sent to solitary (the guard dogs will KO you shortly after).
    • Finds evidence of tunneling, cutting, or chipping.
    • Catches you outside of your cell after lights out without a guard outfit equipped. (Riot guard or regular guard)
  • In The Escapists 2, guards will follow you if you have a heat at or above their opinion level. Guards with an opinion of 80 or above won’t follow you unless they are trying to attack you, while guards with an opinion of 0 will usually follow you no matter what your heat is. This can be prevented by raising a guard’s opinion or avoiding being spotted by them.
  • In The Escapists 2, extra guards can be found in the during low Security Levels.


Guards wear a Guard Outfit. If you are near guards while wearing it, Infirmary Overalls, or a Civilian Outfit, the player’s heat will go up rapidly, 3% at a time in the Escapists 1, but 1% in the Escapists 2. It can be worn to grant you exclusive permissions (i.e., free desk looting). This item is especially useful during Lights Out, when you are prohibited from wandering around the prison as an inmate. However, if you don’t place a Bed Dummy in your bed at night and your cell is spotted empty, a lockdown will be called and you will be sent to solitary. This outfit will be confiscated immediately.


This states how much a guard likes you. A guard with a low opinion of you will tear down sheets and posters placed by the player, and is more likely to call your name at roll call. A guard with a high opinion of you is less likely to call your name at roll call, and won’t attack you if they see you fighting. It is best to have guards to have a high opinion of you. In the Escapists 2, a guard with a lower opinion is more likely to keep watch of you.

Guard Quarters

Not to be confused with the Control Room.

In the Escapists 2, guards have an area within the prison that contains their own quarters. Extra guards will wander around here, never leaving the room until the security level rises. Despite their idleness, they can still raise heat, chase you around, and check cameras outside the guard quarters. Like inmate cells, each guard room has a desk and a bed. However, guard desks contain a narrower variety of loot (e.g. Medikit, Screwdriver, Adrenaline Shot). This area is restricted, so if you are seen by a guard or a camera, your will increase.


The prison is situated on an island. The main building of the prison is constituted of 24 cells, two blocks of 12 cells separated by the main central corridor. Each block is constituted of four rows of three cells separated by utility corridors in a cross pattern. The four cells most on the right, from the bottom, are unoccupied.

South of the cell block, from East to West, are the Barracks, the Parlor, and the Infirmary. On the West is the Exercise room, which also contains the Library. North of this room are the three solitary cells.

There are two exits on the North of the building, each protected by a Scanner :

  • the left one, closed by a purple door, leads to an inner yard, surrounded by a high wall. From there, there is a corridor on the left, protected by an electrified fence, leading to a small room, then a second double corridor, north, to another building, the Job Center (Woodshop, Tailor room, Janitor room, and the Employment office).
  • the central one, roughly aligned with the main corridor, leads to a small lobby, with three doors : a small (empty) storage room on the left, a corridor to the Showers on the right, and the Cafeteria on the top.

The totality of the buildings (main building and Job Center) is surrounded by an impenetrable three-layers thick wall. The only exceptions are a small portion south of the barracks, and the set yard-corridor-room-corridor leading to the Job Center.

Escape Plan[]

First, you’ll need to work on your strength. After you have a good amount of strength, knock out a soldier and take a Taper and a Mixing Container. Also take a Guard Outfit, as you will need it next. Craft the Taper with a Lighter to create the last item you’ll need, the Makeshift Fuse.

Now, take the guard’s outfit and go into the Soldier sleeping area northeast of the shower block. This area has green beds. You will need the Guard Outfit to enter. There is a green desk with a Target on it. Open it, and take one Charcoal. You should enter this area when there aren’t other guards around, as they will bust you if they catch you, even with the Guard Outfit on.

Next, knock out the officer with the red staff key and create two key molds using Putty and Molten Plastic. After creating fake keys, head southeast of the map. There should be a somewhat large building, just east of solitary. You should see a red double door north of the building. You can either use the Plastic Staff Key you created or chip the wall next to it to get in. Keep in mind, you can only enter at night if you choose to chip the wall, as you will instantly be sent to solitary if the wall is gone during the day. There should be a desk near the bottom of the building. Open the desk and take a Metal Tube, a Corrugated Iron, and a Metal Cone. You will also need to head north of the building. There is a wall completely surrounding a green desk with a target on it. You will need to chip this wall, but you can do so during the day. You will need to use a poster to cover the hole. Keep in mind that the guards are less likely to find you chipping if you chip the east wall rather than the west wall. Take one Potassium.

You can complete this next step in one of two ways. The easiest is to get the Gardener Job. To get this job you will need to distract the inmate who has the job. This shouldn’t be too hard, as you can just recruit them for the whole job period as long as their opinion is above 90. You can also chip into this building, or obtain the green work key and use that to enter. After you enter using one of these methods, take one bag of Fertilizer. After that, you won’t need to enter this room again.

Finally, there is a building with two metal containers and one green desk with a target on it. Enter this building by chipping it and using a poster or by using the red staff key. Take a Metal Tube and a Corrugated Iron.

Return to your cell and craft a Makeshift Fuse, Makeshift Explosive Round, and the Makeshift Tank Turret. (See above for crafting recipes)

Прохождение The Escapists: советы, тактика и стратегия

The Escapists, игра, посвящённая подготовке побега из тюрьмы, успела стать признанным хитом на PC и консолях, и на то есть свои причины. Студии Team 17 удалось создать интересный проект с гибкой и глубокой стратегией, большим количеством контента и затягивающим геймплеем. Если вы новичок в области подготовки побегов, наши советы помогут вам освоиться во враждебной среде, и совершить лучший побег в истории жанра.


  • Вполне возможно, что вы захотите совершить побег сразу же, но это – далеко не лучшее решение, выждите и осмотритесь.
  • Проведите первых несколько дней в тюрьме, изучая всё вокруг. Ведите себя тихо, не привлекайте к себе внимания, выполняйте ежедневные обязанности.
  • Изучите территорию. Определите, есть ли зоны, в которых не бывает охранников – плохо просматривающиеся локации хороши для проворачивания разных дел.
  • Запомните, в какое время суток вас обычно не беспокоят. Когда вы предоставлены сами себе, наступает лучший момент для подготовки побега.
  • Украсть форму охранника, надеть её и побродить по территории – прекрасный способ узнать всё о тюрьме, оставаясь при этом неузнанным. Это опасно, но приемлемо.


  • Во время выполнения ежедневных задач, ищите вокруг полезные предметы.
  • Найденные предметы – ключ к крафтингу, с помощью которого вы приближаете побег. Ищите скотч, провода, пилки и даже столовые приборы.
  • Столовые приборы пригодятся для проделывания отверстий в стенах и заборах, а также для рытья земли.
  • Изучайте основные инструкции по изготовлению предметов. К примеру, кусачки можно сделать из двух пилок и скотча.
  • Запрещённые предметы вроде отверток или нунчаков могут быть обнаружены, и это навлечёт на вас проблемы. Единственный способ скрыть их от детекторов – скрафтить мешок, который создаётся с использованием фольги и скотча.
  • Сделайте в своей камере тайник. Выройте углубление или развинтите решётку вентиляции – это позволит вам хранить своё оснащение для будущего побега в безопасности.

Взаимодействуйте с другими заключёнными

  • Другие заключённые могут быть очень полезны для вас. У некоторых из них имеются те предметы, которые вам так нужны, и эти предметы можно купить – к примеру, отвёртки и прочие, на первый взгляд безобидные штуки, незаменимые для побега.
  • Кроме того, вы можете получать задания от заключённых. К примеру, кто-то может заплатить вам за то, что вы побьёте другого заключённого – это быстрый, хотя и не высокоморальный способ заработать денег, без которых вам не сбежать. Но помните – в этот момент охранники не должны быть рядом, иначе вас ждёт наказание.

Тюремные работы

  • Ещё один способ подзаработать — выполнять тюремную работу. Она, как окажется, может быть полезна не только с точки зрения денег: дежуря в прачечной, вы будете собирать грязное белье — это идеальный способ украсть униформу охранника.
  • Другие типы работ также принесут вам деньги, а, кроме того — возможность заполучить нужные предметы и изучить территорию. Для этого вам необходимо добиться увольнения текущего сотрудника. Оптимальный способ сделать это – избить его в рабочее время, чтобы он не приступил к своим обязанностям вовремя.

Продолжение и спин-офф

The Escapists: The Walking Dead , также известная как The Escapists: The Walking Dead Edition , представляет собой отдельный дополнительный продукт, разработанный Team17, выпущенный в 2015–2016 годах для ПК, PlayStation 4 и Xbox One. Он объединяет основной игровой процесс The Escapists с персонажами, локациями и темой комиксов The Walking Dead .

Еще один спин-офф, The Survivalists , где игроку предстоит выжить на заброшенном острове, был анонсирован 10 декабря 2019 года в рамках демонстрации Nintendo Indie World и планируется к выпуску в 2020 году на ПК, Xbox One и PlayStation 4. и Nintendo Switch.

Продолжение под названием The Escapists 2 , которое представляет многопользовательский режим , было выпущено для Microsoft Windows , macOS , Linux , PlayStation 4 и Xbox One 22 августа 2017 года. Версия для Nintendo Switch была выпущена 11 января 2018 года, а iOS и Перенос Android 31 января 2019 г.

Ways To Escape[]

In the K.A.P.O.W. Camp there are 3 possible ways to escape.

Perimeter Breakout


  • Get 60 Intellect.
  • Obtain a pair of Flimsy Cutters with two File and a Roll of Duct Tape. Lightweight Cutters tier or higher is recommended.
  • Optionally, obtain a Contraband Pouch.
  • Obtain an outfit. This may be Infirmary Outfit or a Guard Outfit.
  • Collect two Pillow and a Bed Sheet to craft a Bed Dummy.
  • Obtain a Wad of Putty and Molten Plastic to create a Plastic Key or Plastic Key.

The Escape:

After placing the Bed Dummy in your cell, check in to Evening Roll Call.

Rush to the generator room. You may use the northeastern passage if you do not have a Contraband Pouch.

When Lights Out hits, turn off the generator and run through the red or purple door and through the Contraband Detector south of the meal hall and turn south and then south-east. Cut through the two fences.

Congratulations, you are free!

Speed McQueen

This escape is a singleplayer only escape.


  • Get 40 Intellect.
  • Search or buy 1x Makeshift Ladder. (Many inmates Carry Paint. beat them up to get Paint.)
  • Search or buy 1x Screwdriver, 1x Can of Soda, 1x Sugar Mint (commonly found on guards).
  • Craft 1x Makeshift Rocket Thruster.
  • Locate the room with the motorcycle in the South-West side of the prison.
  • If you forgot a component, there is no need to panic. Take the desk and put it under the vent and you can get out. Guards do not seem to patrol the room, so it should be safe so long as you do not lure a guard in.

The Escape:

  • Take the Makeshift Rocket Thruster, the Screwdriver, and the Makeshift Ladder to the room north of the motorcycle and west of the Job office.
  • Place the Makeshift Ladder below the vent.
  • Climb up your ladder (like you do when you climb a desk) and unscrew the vent.
  • Enter the vent and unscrew the second vent cover that leads to the room south of the Makeshift ladder.
  • Equip the Makeshift Rocket Thruster on the motorcycle.
  • Escape!

Note: If you want visual help on how to do this, check out the video below.


  • Get 60 Intellect.
  • Steal 2x Bed Sheets.
  • Search or buy 1x Length of Rope, 4x Dowel (this is best bought from inmates), 3x Roll of Duct Tape, x1 Circuit Board, x1 Wire, x1 Lighter and x1 Comb or Toothbrush.
  • Craft 1x Molten Plastic.
  • Craft 1x Glider Skin, 2x Half Frame of Glider.
  • Craft 2x Sturdy Pickaxe (at least the sturdy version of them).
  • Take Circuit Board and Wire and locate the guard with the Cyan Keycard. He is the one that usually stands in the place just outside the solitary confinement when not on patrol.
  • Knock out the guard and craft Cyan Keycard Mould. Don’t forget to put original Cyan Keycard back to guard’s inventory or flush it down the toilet.
  • Craft the Fake Cyan Keycard.
  • Optional: Search and grab some energy drinks or food to replenish your energy when breaking down a long wall. Adrenaline Shot is recommended, as there are a lot of tiles to destroy.

The Escape:

  • Take all of your items.
  • Run to the library next to the kitchen and head up the stairs.
  • Use your Fake Cyan Keycard on the cyan keycard lock which is located on the wall from the right and let the second player come in.
  • Head up the stairs again and make your way to the south east part of the roof where you have the wooden platform.
  • Equip all of your glider parts one by one and put them on the platform.
  • Use your Sturdy Pickaxes on the eastern wall and break all the damaged pieces.
  • Escape!

Alternative Method:

Find 3x Tin of Paint and craft into Makeshift Ladder. Obtain a Screwdriver and 2x File.

Go to the room north of the upstairs library (take the stairs next to the generator), place the Makeshift Ladder under the vent, and screw upwards.

Enter the vent, then turn to the left, cut through the fence and screw upwards again. You are now in the building chamber!

Warning: Once you are in, you will not be able to get out. Bring all materials necessary to escape in 1 go (or send 1 person up and the others to fetch items, as the cyan keycard door can be opened from the inside.)

Strategies / Ways To Escape[]

There are many ways to escape Center Perks, as this is the easiest prison in The Escapists.

Prison Takeover (Fastest Known Escape)

This is the fastest legitimate method of escaping Center Perks. The world record time is 29.55 seconds. (video)

  1. Get out of the bed straight away, then hit Q on as many inmates as possible. Three friends will be recommended for the start. If you cannot three inmates at the beginning, exit and restart.
  2. Attend Rollcall. Get all other inmates wherever possible to follow you.
  3. Once the guards are at Rollcall, get everyone to attack the first guard and the second guard. (Note that this will trigger lockdown.) When the third guard shows up, beat him up too.
  4. This is usually where it’s completely RNG, but once the fourth guard shows up, get everyone to attack it. Once you get the warden note, go through the top entrance doors and use that to get out. You will have to be fast with it because if a guard gets up, you will be sniped and the takeover will fail.

Tip: Usually the game will play a sound effect for those who are able to follow you if you can’t directly get to them. You can get the inmate from straight down right away which will follow you early for some weird reason.

No Prison Takeover

Doing no takeover is usually more consistent and requires less RNG. The fastest time without a prison takeover is 1m, 20s. (video)

  1. Once your cell unlocks, start searching desks. Also, there is a glitch to search other desks from the same cell. All you need to do is click while the «searching» bar is up. It is pretty convenient and saves a lot of time.
  2. You will need a roll of duct tape. A file will save time, but a plastic knife also works.
  3. Use the infinite durability glitch on your file / plastic knife.
    1. To do this, press the esc key, and click the profile button at the same time until it glitches. May require multiple attempts.
    2. Click into your desk and put a comb shiv in.
    3. Click out of it and back in. Take the comb shiv out of your desk. The menu should be glitched with yellow keys.
    4. Go to your profile then equip the weapon.
    5. Once your item disappears, you’ll know if you’ve done it correctly.
  4. Gather as much people as possible to attack the 3rd guard which is the guard that has the entrance key. You can use this to start cutting early. If you cannot get a lot of people, just get someone knocked out and tie them, however you’ll have to wait for the free period to start.
  5. Carry the knocked guard/inmate to the fence.
  6. Once you start cutting, pick up the tied guard/inmate immediately. You will not get sniped if you are fast enough. Repeat this step until the fence breaks.
  7. As soon as the fence breaks, start moving. If you are too slow you will be placed in solitary.

Classic Strategy:

  1. Attend roll call to avoid triggering a lockdown.
  2. Gather four plastic forks.
  3. Start chipping the bottom wall near the entrance doors.
  4. Stop chipping whenever it hits 4%
  5. Use this time to search desks for two files and any food that might speed up the process.
  6. Use the laundry room to take a guard outfit.
  7. At lights out, place a bed dummy, and put on the guard outfit.
  8. Chip the wall and put the wall block back to avoid being placed in solitary.
  9. Move down and start cutting the fence.

Entrance Key Use:

  1. Label the third guard’s name to something like «Entrance» or «333333». This is necessary as the key pattern is always the same.
  2. Attend roll call to avoid triggering a lockdown.
  3. Search desks individually for stuff to make molten plastic, wad of putty, cutters, or even molten chocolate if you’re lucky enough.
  4. Train your strength and intellect to knockout the guard and get a key mold.
  5. Knockout the third guard that has the entrance key.
  6. Take his guard outfit and key. Craft the mold, and the plastic key if possible. Remember to put the real key back on the guard though, otherwise you will be placed in solitary.
  7. At lights out, place a bed dummy, and put on the guard outfit.
  8. Use the plastic key to get outside and start cutting the fence.

Utility Hall:

  1. Attend roll call to avoid triggering a lockdown.
  2. Gather four plastic forks.
  3. Start chipping the hall near the gym / shower area.
  4. If you are worried about playing risky, place the wall block back down. It will spawn back at 10%.
  5. Get the prisoner stash. With RNG you can get at least flimsy cutters.
  6. If you can’t get flimsy cutters, search desks for files.
  7. Wait for the entrance doors to lock. The 22:00 warning doesn’t mean anything as you won’t be sniped.
  8. Wait for 23:00 for the snipers to despawn before you start cutting.
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