

By 1357 DR, the city was ruled fairly and justly by Lord Nasher Alagondar, an ageing, veteran adventurer and devout worshiper of Tyr. As such, the Neverwintans followed a Tyrran faith that promoted justice and fairness, with greed frowned upon. Lord Nasher ensured the city was well defended, both physically and magically, against attacks or infiltration from Luskan, Neverwinter’s warlike rival. It was forbidden to make maps of the city as part of an effort to thwart Luskan spies.

While Lord Nasher was the nominal leader, the real power in the city was held by the Many-Starred Cloak, an order of good-aligned wizards that supported the rule of Lord Nasher.

Lord Nasher rejected the position of King of Neverwinter for much of his life, only in old age accepting the title by public acclamation. After his death, he was succeeded by his son Bann Alagondar, who founded the Alagondar royal family. The Alagondar kings and queens ruled justly and kept Neverwinter stable and prosperous even in the dark period after the Spellplague, until the destruction of Neverwinter in the Mount Hotenow eruption, when all members of the family were slain.

New Neverwinter

Main article: New Neverwinter

As part of his bid to create a mercantile empire in Neverwinter, Dagult Neverember created the title of «Lord Protector of Neverwinter» for himself in 1467 DR. However, it was questioned whether Dagult was the rightful ruler, as many factions vied for Neverwinter and the citizens were divided in loyalties. As he had to fulfill his obligations being also of Waterdeep, Lord Neverember left the day-to-day running of the city to General Sabine and Mayor Soman Galt.

In the Year of the Warrior Princess, 1489 DR, Lord Neverember was exiled from Waterdeep and replaced as Open Lord by Laeral Silverhand. Afterward, Neverember focused all his attention on Neverwinter. Due to his commitment and help given to Neverwinter, the Neverwintans finally accepted Lord Neverember as their rightful leader. But bitter over being exiled from Waterdeep, Neverember became more despotic and enforced heavy-handed laws. He levied heavy taxes to noble families living in Neverwinter, preventing them from gaining significant power, while enacting harsh laws that prohibited the formation of new guilds and limited the power of existing ones.


Neverwinter seen from afar, as of 1479 DR.

Typically Neverwinter of the mid-1300s preferred to avoid conflict and controversy and instead do business briskly but quietly via its merchants, while its armies stayed home. They waited for their Luskan and orc foes to come to them.

Neverwinter was a member of the Lords’ Alliance since before 1356 DR. It invariably sided with Waterdeep and stood against Luskan and the orcs of the region.

Circa 1357 DR, a triumvirate of merchants from Neverwinter, Waterdeep, and Mirabar led the mining city of Fireshear, to ensure no one city could seize control of it. Neighboring Port Llast was a close ally and 50 Neverwintan soldiers guarded it.


Many of the organizations that operated in Neverwinter took on more prominent roles by 1479 DR. As of 1491 DR, many of these factions still vied for control of the city. Among the most important were:

  • The Covenant, an order of wizards that operated out of Neverwinter during its earlier years.
  • The Many-Starred Cloak, an order of wizards that supported the rule of Lord Nasher Alagondar in the 1370s DR.
  • The Graycloaks militia that protected Neverwinter during the rule of Lord Nasher Alagondar.
  • A cell of the Harpers that operated in Neverwinter in the 1360s DR.
  • The New Neverwinter movement started by Lord Neverember in 1461 DR.
  • The Neverwinter Guard, the army of Neverwinter in the late years of the 15th century.
  • The Wintershield Watchmen, the police force of Neverwinter in the late years of the 15th century DR.
  • The dreaded Abolethic Sovereignty, which pulled the strings from behind the scenes since the eruption of Mount Hotenow.
  • The Ashmadai, who gained great renown in Neverwinter in the late 15th century.
  • A Thayan cell under Valindra Shadowmantle, operating in Neverwinter in the late 15th century to advance Szass Tam’s agenda in the region.
  • The Dead Rats of Luskan, who had gained a foothold in Neverwinter in the late 15th century.
  • The Sons of Alagondar insurgent movement that opposed Neverember’s rule, but was mostly disbanded by 1491 DR.
  • A cell of Bregan D’aerthe, under the direct leadership of Jarlaxle Baenre himself.
  • A cell of the Order of the Gauntlet that became prominent in Neverwinter around 1491 DR.

Before their utter defeat in the late 15th century, a cell of Shadovar agents and a tribe of orcs from Many-Arrows also operated in the city.

Epic Character Level Progression Table[]

Characterlevel Non-ECLXP ECL +1XP ECL +2XP ECL +3XP Class skillmax ranks Cross-class skillmax ranks Feats Abilityincreases
21 210,000 231,000 253,000 276,000 24 12 8th
22 231,000 253,000 276,000 300,000 25 12
23 253,000 276,000 300,000 325,000 26 13 9th
24 276,000 300,000 325,000 351,000 27 13 6th
25 300,000 325,000 351,000 378,000 28 14 10th
26 325,000 351,000 378,000 406,000 29 14
27 351,000 378,000 406,000 435,000 30 15 11th
28 378,000 406,000 435,000 465,000 31 15 7th
29 406,000 435,000 465,000 496,000 32 16 12th
30 435,000 465,000 496,000 528,000** 33 16

** This is the maximum possible experience points that a character may have in NWN2 with the Mask of the Betrayer expansion installed. Even non-ECL characters may obtain this amount of experience points. However, the level cap of 30 still remains in place.

Class Features[]

Hit die : d4
Base Attack Bonus progression : Low
Saving Throws :
High = Will
low = Fortitude & Reflex
Proficiencies :
Weapons: Wizard ~ club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff.
Armor: NONE; Armor of any type interferes with a Wizard’s movements, which can cause his spells to fail.
Skill Points : ( 2 + Int modifier ) ×4 at 1st Character level.
Class Skills : Concentration, Craft (alchemy, armor, weapon), Lore, and Spellcraft.

Bonus feats

At level 5 and every five levels after (5, 10, 15, 20), the Wizard may select a bonus feat, chosen from the metamagic, item creation and spell feat lists. The Wizard must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including caster level minimums. This bonus feat is in addition to the feats every character gains for advancing in character level.

List of bonus feats (v1.23)

  • Spellcasting feats
    • Combat Casting
    • Spell Penetration

      Greater Spell Penetration

    • Spell Focus

      • Greater Spell Focus
      • Arcane Defense
      • Augment Summoning
    • Augment Healing
  • Metamagic
    • Still Spell
    • Silent Spell
    • Extend Spell
    • Empower Spell
    • Maximize Spell
    • Quicken Spell
  • Item Creation
    • Brew Potion
    • Craft Wand
    • Craft Magical Arms and Armor
    • Craft Wondrous Item

Появляется чёрный экран в Neverwinter Nights 2

  • Драйверы установлены/обновлены, но Neverwinter Nights 2 всё равно отказывается работать
    нормально? Тогда нужно проверить ПО, установлены ли вообще необходимые библиотеки? В
    первую очередь проверьте наличие библиотек

    Microsoft Visual C++



    , а также наличие «свежего»


  • Если ничего из вышеописанного не дало нужного результата, тогда пора прибегнуть к
    радикальному способу решения проблемы: запускаете Neverwinter Nights 2 и при появлении
    чёрного экрана нажимаете сочетание клавиш «Alt+Enter», чтобы игра переключилась на
    оконный режим. Так, возможно, откроется главное меню игры и удастся определить
    проблема в игре или нет. Если удалось перейти в оконный режим, тогда переходите в
    игровые настройки Neverwinter Nights 2 и меняйте разрешение (часто получается так, что
    несоответствие разрешения игры и рабочего стола приводит к конфликту, из-за которого
    появляется чёрный экран).
  • Причиной этой ошибки также могут послужить различные программы, предназначенные для
    захвата видео и другие приложения, связанные с видеоэффектами. А причина простая –
    появляются конфликты.
  • И напоследок – проблема, вероятнее всего, может быть связана с технической
    составляющей «железа». Видеоадаптер может перегреваться, как и мосты на материнской
    плате, что влечёт за собой уменьшенное энергопотребление видеокарты. Мы не будем
    вдаваться в детальные технические подробности, поэтому просто рекомендуем в
    обязательном порядке почистить свою машину от пыли и также поменять термопасту!

3.5e comparison[]

  • The Parry skill was created by NWN and is not a feature of DnD 3.5. It has returned in NWN2 for the same reasons it was in NWN.
  • Knowledge skills are not in NWN2. The collective Lore skill will be used instead, though without the specific skill synergies.
  • In PnP Neutral Clerics of Neutral deities (with some exceptions, such as Clerics that worship Saint Cuthbert or Wee Jas from the Greyhawk campaign setting) may chose to turn or rebuke undead and if they cast cure spells or inflict spells spontaneously when taking the first level of cleric. In NWN2, neutral clerics of neutral deitys always turn undead and cast cure spells spontaniously.
  • Cleric Domains work somewhat differently in DnD 3.5 than in NWN2:
    • Clerics in PnP must choose two domains from their Deity’s portifolio, and get access to a domain power, as well as one domain spell for each spell level
    • The cleric recieves one domain spell slot on each spell level he has access to, where he can prepare one of his domain spells of that level. Domain spells that are not on the cleric spells list can only be prepared in the domain spell slot, and only the cleric’s domain spells can be prepared in the domain spell slot

Base classes[]

A base class is a class that may be chosen at level 1 (as opposed to a prestige class).

The following 15 base classes are included in NWN2 (two added with Mask of the Betrayer, one with Storm of Zehir).

Combat Classes

  • Barbarian (Brb): A ferocious warrior guided by fury and instinct.
  • Fighter (F): A warrior with unequaled skill with weapons.
  • Monk (M): A martial artist and master of exotic powers.
  • Paladin (Pal): A champion of justice, strengthened by an array of divine powers.
  • Ranger (Ra): A cunning, skilled warrior of the wilderness.
  • Rogue (Ro): A skillful scout and spy who utilizes stealth.
  • Swashbuckler (SB): A Dexterity/Finesse based Melee Fighter. (SoZ)

Spellcasting Classes

  • Bard (Brd): A performer and jack-of-all trades whose music works magic.
  • Cleric (C): A master of divine magic and a capable warrior as well.
  • Druid (D): One who draws energy from the natural world.
  • Favored soul (FS): A disciple chosen by their patron deity. (MotB)
  • Sorcerer (Sor): A spellcaster with inborn magical ability.
  • Spirit shaman (SS): A mystic that interacts with the spirit world. (MotB)
  • Warlock (Wlk): A spellcaster with ties to dark, supernatural powers.
  • Wizard (Wiz): A spellcaster schooled in the arcane arts.


Neverwinter in the afternoon.

Neverwinter at dusk.

Before the Mount Hotenow eruption, Neverwinter was a picturesque city and boasted such sights and edifices that would be noteworthy in other cities, but were fairly common features in the Jewel of the North.

The city’s layout was roughly the shape of an eye, with the Neverwinter River as a long axis running roughly east–west. At one end was the harbor and at the other was the Upland Rise, and beyond that the Neverwinter Wood. Four gates penetrated its walls, in the northwestern, northeastern, southwestern, and southeastern corners.

Among its most prominent landmarks were its three spectacular, intricately carved bridges: the Dolphin, the Winged Wyvern, and the Sleeping Dragon, considered the city’s emblems by its inhabitants. Under these, the Neverwinter River cascaded over small, gentle waterfalls as they coursed into the city’s bustling harbor.

The city was full of beautiful and ingeniously designed buildings with many famous in their own right, such as the House of Knowledge, Neverwinter’s tall and many-windowed temple of Oghma; the Hall of Justice, the temple of Tyr and the public office for the rulers of the city; and Castle Never, the castle of the ruler of Neverwinter. In addition, the reputations of such unique taverns as the Moonstone Mask, the Shining Serpent Inn, and the Fallen Tower reached far beyond the city’s walls and further added to the city’s distinction.

After the Ruining, the city was almost entirely destroyed. Of the three bridges, only the Winged Wyvern remained functional. Much of the southeastern quadrant collapsed into a yawning pit, known as the Chasm, which continually spawned plaguechanged horrors. Many former edifices and homes became martial garrisons to keep the monsters at bay.

Neverwinter in ruins, around 1479 DR.

Neverwinter remained in ruins for almost two decades but, thanks to Lord Neverember’s efforts, the city began to regain its former glory by the late 1480s DR. Inns like the Driftwood Tavern and the Beached Leviathan became popular across the Sword Coast.

The Chasm was magically sealed around 1484 DR, although at such cost to the city’s coffers that some of its outer walls still lay in ruins and several of its neighborhoods remained abandoned and plagued by monsters and brigands by 1491 DR.


As of 1372 DR, Neverwinter was divided into the following districts:

  • The City Core, the central region of the city, where the ruling offices and main temples were located.
  • The Peninsula District, which comprised the southwestern quadrant of the city.
  • The Docks District, the main port.
  • The Blacklake District, located in the northeastern quadrant.
  • The Beggar’s Nest, located in the southeast quadrant.
  • The Arcanist Quarter, located in the southeast quadrant.

After the war with Luskan, some parts of the city were rebuilt, and the city’s layout changed:

  • The Merchant Quarter, located at the center of the city, and built over the remains of the City Core and the Peninsula District.
  • The Blacklake and Docks Districts survived the war with Luskan almost unscathed.

After the Mount Hotenow eruption in 1451 DR, the city was almost destroyed. After the rebuilding project, the layout was drastically changed:

  • The Protector’s Enclave, located where the City Core, the Peninsula District, and the Merchant Quarter once stood.
  • The Blacklake District was now the northwestern section of the city.
  • The Docks District became part of the Protector’s Enclave to the south, and the Blacklake District to the north.
  • The Neverdeath Graveyard was built as the main graveyard of the city.
  • The Arcanist Quarter and the Beggar’s Nest were completely destroyed, being replaced by the Chasm. The Chasm was sealed around 1485 DR.
  • The River District, also known as the Towers District, located at the northeastern portion of the city.

DnD 3.5 comparison[]

  • Lore was used in NWN as a collective version of DnD 3.5’s knowledge and other information skills. NWN2 includes it for the same reasons.
  • The decipher script and profession skills are not included in NWN2.
  • School Specialization is handled differently, Prohibited Schools usually involving player choice (although limited), and some specialist choices having two prohibited schools. In NWN2 the prohibited schools are pre-chosen.
  • In DnD rules, the additional spell per spelllevel of a specialist has to be of the specialists school. This isn’t implemented in NWN2.
  • Universal Spells are a separate ‘school’ of spells which are protected from the restriction from Prohibited Schools

Official Campaign[]

Qara is dropout of the Neverwinter Academy of Magic located in the Blacklake District. Magic comes naturally to her and she doesn’t place value in studying tomes and brewing potions.  Instead she believes that instinct and first-hand experience are better teachers. She is often criticized by others for showing no control or restraint for her powers, which usually end up with Qara causing extensive property damage.  Qara in turn looks down on those she perceives with lesser abilities, particularly wizards like Sand, who need to put in a great amount of time and effort in order to master the Art. This attitude of superiority made her rather unpopular within the Academy and she is often the topic of gossips and rumors, to which she tends to overreact, like setting one of the houses on fire or causing physical harm to those spreading the rumors. It has also been mentioned in passing the she is the daughter of the Academy’s headmaster, but this detail is not expanded upon.

After dropping out of the Academy, Qara is involved in an altercation with Glina and another wizard from the Academy and damages part of the roof the Sunken Flagon. Following intervention from the PC, she may be forced by Duncan Farlong to work as a tavern wench to pay for the damage she caused. Shortly after, she is attacked by other students from the Academy (Ashni and Praven), until they were stopped by Glina’s father, Johcris, who told Qara that she would pay dearly for threatening his daughter. Jorchis enlists the help of Sydney Natale, a Host Tower Mage from Luskan, who summons an Animus Elemental (the darkside of Qara’s powers) that would destroy Qara with her own powers, in exchange for access to Academy students for the Arcane Brotherhood. The Animus begins to stalk Qara and may attack her and the PC on numerous occasions, however each time they are unable to fully destroy the creature, though Qara seems to grow weaker after the fight.

When the PC and his party were searching for a way to defeat the Shadow Reavers, Sydney offers to meet with the PC as long as he or she brought only Qara and Zhjaeve. There Sydney reveals that she possesses the Shadow Reavers’ true names from when they were Brotherhood mages, but that she is also there to fulfill the contract she had with Jorchis to kill Qara. Sydney summons the Animus and attacks and must be defeated in battle in order to obtain the Shadow Reavers’ true names.

Qara’s fate at the end of the quest depends on the PC’s influence with both her and Sand. If the PC has greater or equal influence with Sand, Qara joins Black Garius out of petty hatred for Sand and a feeling of being held back. If the PC has higher influence with Qara than Sand, Sand joins Garius instead out of fear of Qara. Note that Qara does not necessarily stay with the PC out of personal loyalty but rather her intense dislike of Sand.

Mask of the Betrayer[]

Okku was once a powerful bear that roamed the wilds of Rashemen. According to him, he was a descendant of the ancient pack of Bhalla, from primeval times. During the time of the previous Spirit Eater, a noble wizard, Okku and his pack had clashed with said wizard at Lake Tirulag. Though defeated, Okku was spared by the wizard and was asked for help in finding an end to the curse, for which he made an oath. However, no cure was found, and Okku agreed to let the man die in a runed chamber within his barrow and die so the curse would remain sealed.

In truth, the man had received instruction from Lienna on how to seal the curse with the runes at the bottom, as the Founder wanted to keep the true essence of the spirit eater, Akachi, under containment until she could find a permanent solution. Eventually, she had procured the PC, who was tied to the Silver Sword of Gith, and after removing the core shard had him/her placed in the barrow to receive the curse.

When Safiya retrieved the player, the spirits began to awake as the spirit eater had reawakened. One of Okku’s friends, a wolf telthor named Nakata, was suddenly devoured by the spirit eater curse when she confronted the two at the middle barrow, much to the puzzlement of Safiya and the player. By the time they reached the exit, Okku was awakened and not in a good mood. Not wanting the curse to get out, he summoned several telthor and attacked. When defeated, he was seemingly banished and Safiya and the player made their escape.

However, Okku, along with almost all the spirits of southern Rashemen, were alarmed by the spirit eater’s reawakening and soon besieged the gates of Mulsantir, where the player and Safiya were located. Eventually, the player would confront Okku at the gates under directive of Sheva Whitefeather. A fierce battle would ensue, and with Okku empowered by the spirit army, many of the telthors, dryads, and earth elementals fell before Okku was vulnerable.

Upon defeat, he yielded and urged the player to quickly finish him off before it awoke, but it was too late. If the player gave into the hunger, Okku would be devoured. The player could instead spare him by restraining the hunger. If so, Okku would pledge to resume the oath he made for the wizard of years past, to try and help find a way to remove the curse. If the player devours him, his husk is usable to obtain One of Many at Death God’s Vault.


While most sources spell the name Eigersstor, Races of Faerûn spells it Eiggerstor.

Estimated from the maps.


Video games 
  • Neverwinter Nights (AOL)
  • Neverwinter Nights
  • Neverwinter Nights 2
  • Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes of Neverwinter
  • Dungeons and Dragons: Neverwinter

Brimstone Angels series

Brimstone Angels

Neverwinter Saga:

  • Gauntlgrym
  • Neverwinter
  • Charon’s Claw
  • The Last Threshold
Board Games
Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Begins

External Links

  • Neverwinter article at the NWNWiki, a wiki for the Neverwinter Nights games.
  • Neverwinter article at the NWN2Wiki, a wiki for the Neverwinter Nights 2 games.
  • Neverwinter (city) article at the Neverwinter Wiki, a wiki for the Dungeons and Dragons: Neverwinter MMORPG.


Загорелая зеленоглазая полуэльфка, не так давно принадлежавшая к мафии «Ночных масок». Теперь… в отставке. Старательно изображает прожженного циника, воровку с единственным жизненным принципом «всех денег не добудешь, но к этому надо стремиться». Всячески осуждает прекраснодушие, слабохарактерность и избыток морали. Однако, по большому счету, это поза… которая под нашим влиянием может стать и настоящей ее сутью.

Ринара также весьма чувствительна к попыткам изобличить ее как бывшую «Ночную маску». Это ей грозит многими неприятностями — если не со стороны закона, который в Вестгейте изрядно близорук, то со стороны бывших компаньонов.

Если наш герой — мужеска полу, то будет вполне уместно понемногу флиртовать с Ринарой. Но не слишком-то, иначе скажется ее подозрительный характер. Однако заметим, что это едва ли не единственный способ увеличивать влияние на полуэльфку без того, чтобы взбесить двоих других спутников (не считая варианта «оставить их на время приключения в трактире»).

Ах да, я забыл сказать о ее профессии. Вор, конечно. А вы думали? Монахиня?

Official Campaign[]

Although you can gain or lose influence with Zhjaeve, it has no bearing on actual gameplay. She will never turn on the party once you face the King of Shadows, regardless of how low your influence with her may be. Conversely, while higher influence may bring about new conversation options with her as the story progresses, there are no tangible benefits as a result of it.

Zhjaeve is a mysterious githzerai that was held captive along with Aldanon by Black Garius at Crossroad Keep. After Garius’ ritual is interrupted and kills him, Zhjaeve joins the party, informing the PC about the Ritual of Purification and it’s role in stopping the King of Shadows. She takes a great interest in the PC, referring to him/her as the kalach-cha like the githyanki, believing the importance of his/her destiny as the «shard bearer.»

At the Ruins of Arvahn, the player undergoes the Ritual of Purification. The final statue is beyond a Song Portal on a hill, which leads back to West Harbor, having been destroyed by the shadow tide as the King of Shadows gets closer to returning. Zhjaeve concludes something powerful threw the portal off from the correct destination, and they travel through the swamp to the Illefarn ruins where the last statue is located. Unfortunately, a Shadow Reaver just destroyed it, but he admitted someone else already had used this statue for the ritual. The party later learns it was Ammon Jerro who performed that last step, and was necessary to help the PC complete the ritual and destroy the King of Shadows.

Eventually, Sydney Natale approached, wanting to meet the PC concerning the truenames of the Shadow Reavers, and required that he/she bring only Qara and Zhjaeve. At the rendezvous point, Sydney asked Zhjaeve if the truenames she obtained from Arcane Brotherhood records might be capable of shutting off the Reavers immortality. When Zhjaeve answered in the affirmative of the possibility, Sydney showed her true colors, summoning the Animus Elemental and declaring she no longer had any use for them. Intending to fulfill her agreement with Johcris, she attacked the party along with Jalboun of the Two Blades. The player, Qara, and Zhjaeve destroyed Sydney and the animus elemental.

After foiling Natale’s ambush, the group returned to Crossroad Keep. Ammon confirmed that the Truename scrolls could very well work on the Reavers, and proved to be successful during a skirmish with one of them. After acquiring another silver shard from the fallen Reaver, Zhjaeve believed there was enough shards to reforge the Sword of Gith. Returning to West Harbor through the song portal, the group returned to the mysterious black spot, where Ammon had clashed with the King of Shadows. Under Zhjaeve’s guidance, the PC repaired the silver sword, reformed and fueled by a thirst to destroy the shadows. At that point, another Shadow Reaver tried to assault them, and was struck down like the other.

With the Silver Sword of Gith restored, the party could strike back at the King of Shadows. Zhjaeve, like the PC, went missing when Merdelain collapsed following the destruction of the King of Shadows.

Notes on Experience Point Gain[]

  • While Obsidian has stated that NPCs, summons, familiars, and animal companions do not affect earned Experience Points, this is not entirely true. Summons, familiars, and animal companions are not counted in the calculation for earned Experience. However, the party’s average character level (not ECL) is used to determine earned Experience for an encounter. This has a profound impact on high ECL races as they will cause the party to earn accelerated experience points during play because they bring the party average level down.
    • Example 1: A Human Wizard of 7th level is adventuring with Khelgar Ironfist (only) and encounters a Bladeling. The Bladeling has a Challenge Rating (CR) of 1. The party’s average level is 7. This happens because NPCs have the same XPs as the PC, thus making Khelghar (a Dwarf Fighter) also level 7. The earned experience for this encounter is 17 points for every character in the party regardless of their condition upon earning the points (i.e., dead or alive).
    • Example 2: If the same Wizard above had Neeshka instead of Khelgar Ironfist, she’d be a level 6 Rogue (because she’s a Tiefling and thus has an ECL of +1). The average party level is thus 6.5 which is rounded down to 6. This results in 19 points of experience for every character in the party for the encounter.
  • Temporary NPCs such as the 2nd level Fighter in the Neverwinter crypts during the Temple of Tyr quest highly impact the party’s average level. Thus, it’s advantageous to have such party members in the group to obtain more experience points during combat.
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