

Beacons heal friendly mobs

A beacon with the secondary effect of Regeneration will heal all tamed, friendly, and neutral mobs in the area around it.


Beekeepers are villagers that trade beekeeping items. Their job site is the beehive.

Villages have the chance to spawn with dedicated beekeeper houses.

Chickens drop feathers

Sometimes chickens drop a feather instead of laying an egg. After dropping a feather, the amount of time until another egg or feather drops is reduced by half.

Vegan friendly!

Coral Squid

Coral Squid hang out around coral in warm ocean biomes. They come in 5 different colors and have a chance to drop the corresponding coral color when killed — but you would never dream of killing such a cute little squidlet, right?

Endermite Powder

Endermite Powder has a chance of being dropped from Endermites when killed by a player. Right-click while holding it in the End to help locate an End City.


Lumberjacks are villagers that trade wooden items. Their job site is the Woodcutter.

Villages have the chance to spawn with dedicated lumberjack houses.


The Moobloom is a flower-covered variant of the mooshroom. They spawn in Flower Forest biomes and come in a number of colors and flower varieties.
As they wander, they have a chance of planting a flower of the type they are covered with.

Bees will try and pollinate nearby mooblooms, causing an additional flower to appear on the moobloom’s head.
Once pollinated, you may milk a moobloom using a bowl to obtain a suspicious stew of the type of flower that the moobloom is covered with.

Remove Nitwits

Prevents nitwits from spawning as new villagers. It also converts any nitwits to unemployed villagers in nearby areas.

Sheared Sheep show their color

When a sheep is dyed and then sheared, the wool patches that are seen on the sheep show the actual wool color. By default all sheared sheep appear white, regardless of their actual color.
This feature has been ported from Bedrock Edition.

Snow Golem derp faces

This is part of the Variant Mob Textures feature. Snow Golems can spawn with different “derp” faces, visible when you shear the pumpkin from their head.

Tamed animals no damage

Tamed animals no longer take direct damage from players. They still can suffer secondary effects, such as potion effects from a tipped arrow.

If you are in Creative Mode, this feature is bypassed.

Villagers follow emerald blocks

Villagers are attracted when the player holds a block of emeralds.

If Quark is present, this feature is disabled by default.

Wandering Trader Improvements

Wandering Traders only spawn when there is a signal fire (i.e., a campfire with a hay bale beneath) nearby.
They also sell maps to structures and biomes.

A configuration option is available to make Wandering Traders spawn more frequently.


Renaming always costs a single level, in addition to any prior work penalty. Renaming does not increase the prior work penalty.

If the item is being renamed only, without being repaired or enchanted, the maximum level cost is 39 levels even if the prior work penalty is higher. However, once the penalty reaches or exceeds 2147483647, further renames become impossible.

Stackable items can be renamed as a stack while paying a single prior work penalty and a single level for the rename. Note that renamed items, in general, do not stack with normal items, and renamed blocks which do not normally store block entity data lose their name when placed. Blocks such as chests and shulker boxes which do have associated block entity data retain their custom names.

The custom name of a renamed item can be reset by renaming it to a name that consists of spaces. However, that item’s repair cost is not reset. Therefore, it cannot be stacked with other items of the same type with different repair costs.

Интересные факты[]

  • Несмотря на то, что стол зачаровывания крафтится из прочных алмазов и обсидиана, его можно добыть даже деревянной киркой.
  • Нотч написал на Reddit’е «О, это просто волшебно! Книга автоматически открывается и поворачивается к игроку, стоящему рядом. Когда никого вокруг нет, книга закрыта и медленно вращается. Потому что это — Магия.»
  • Нотч рассказал про анимацию книги: «Да, страницы случайно перелистываются время от времени».
  • 1-ого октября 2011 Нотч разместил в Твиттере скриншот с окном зачаровывания, заклинания написаны на . Первое заклинание можно расшифровать как «Well Played Internets You Are Good» (Хорошо сыграно, Интернеты, Вы Молодцы), второе как «These Names Will Be Random And Confusing» (Эти Имена Будут Случайными И Запутанными), и третье «Each Spell Costs Experience Levels» (Каждое Заклинание Стоит Уровней Опыта). Стандартный галактический алфавит или SGA был создан Томом Холлом для игры Commander Keen.
  • Если поставить Стол зачаровывания рядом с книжными полками, то появятся буквы галактического алфавита, которые будут летать от Шкафа к Столу.
  • На первом изображении, которое запостил Нотч в твиттере, где впервые показывается стол зачаровывания, стол выглядит так, будто он сделан из булыжника, а не из обсидиана. Это позволяет предположить, что изначально стол должен был крафтиться из булыжника.
  • Текстура стола была найдена в карманном издании.
  • Если навести курсор на одно из зачаровываний в столе, с версии 1.8 будет показано, что это за зачаровывание.
  • Томмазо Кекки написал в Твиттере «Ура ошибкам, которые внезапно становятся особенностями! Книга не должна светиться, но это смотрится круто.»
  • Если во время передвижения на вагонетке открыть меню стола, то через несколько блоков, оно автоматически закроется.
  • В Bedrock Edition он излучает свет с силой 12.

При создании самого мощного стола зачаровывания с 15 книжными полками, можно, с небольшим шансом, получить сразу 5 уровень чар, независимо от их гарантии появления. Это касается чар «эффективность», «небесная кара», «бич членистоногих», «сила» или второе название «мощь» (Bedrock Edition), «пронзание» и «острота». Шанс выпадения последних названных чар 5 уровня очень сильно понижен, в отличие от других чар. С помощью стола зачаровывания можно построить ловушку для игроков, которые играют на старых версиях. На версии 1.16.1 игрок может перепрыгнуть с стола зачаровывания на блок находящийся выше. А игроки со старых версий этого сделать не могут.

How to get better enchanting items

If you hover your mouse over the enchantments, you’ll see a suggestion of what the enchantments could include. If you’re lucky, you could get more than one. You can also make these enchantments more powerful if you set up bookcases around the enchanting table. If you put up to fifteen bookcases around the table, the enchantments created will be far more potent. 

You can’t change the offered enchantments until you select one. For instance, if you enchant a book, this allows you to save those enchantments for later. Then you can combine it with an item at an anvil to enchant it. This is a great way of making sure you don’t accidentally waste some rubbish enchantments on your Diamond Sword.

minecraft enchanted book

If you’d prefer the anvil route for using Minecraft enchantments, here’s how to make one:

Block of Iron Block of Iron Block of Iron
None Iron Ingot None
Iron Ingot Iron Ingot Iron Ingot

You make blocks of iron from nine iron ingots. You can make these ingots by smelting iron ore over a furnace, or just a simple campfire. Here’s how you get enchanted books to use with that shiny new anvil:

  • Looting: enchanted books are available in stronghold and temple chests
  • Fishing: though not the fastest way, there is a small chance you can fish an enchanted book as a treasure item
  • Enchanting: you can create an enchanted book yourself, using a book and three lapiz lazuli. You do need an enchantment table for this, however.
  • Trading: librarian villagers can sell you enchanted books for a number of emeralds, based on the enchantment. You can get emeralds in chests, by trading with villages, and by mining emerald ore with an iron pickaxe or better. Emerald ore is often found near lava.

Summary of enchantments by item[]

Enchantments that have multiple levels are shown with their maximum level numbers. Mutually exclusive enchantments can be combined using commands (e.g., ). Also, a player can exceed the maximum levels of enchantments (e.g., ).

Item Any combination of Only one from each column
Helmet Mending, Unbreaking III, Respiration III, Aqua Affinity, Thorns III Protection IV,Projectile Protection IV,Fire Protection IV,Blast Protection IV
Turtle Shell
Chestplate Mending, Unbreaking III, Thorns III
Boots Mending, Unbreaking III, Feather Falling IV, Soul Speed III, Thorns III Depth Strider IIIFrost Walker II
Sword Mending, Unbreaking III, Fire Aspect II, Looting III, Knockback II, Sweeping Edge III‌[JE only] Sharpness V,Smite V,Bane of Arthropods V
Axe Mending, Unbreaking III, Efficiency V Fortune III,Silk Touch Sharpness VSmite VBane of Arthropods VCleaving III‌[upcoming: JE Combat Tests]
Bow Unbreaking III, Power V, Punch II, Flame Infinity,Mending
Fishing Rod Mending, Unbreaking III, Lure III, Luck of the Sea III
Trident Mending, Unbreaking III, Impaling V Channeling Loyalty III
Riptide III
Crossbow Mending, Unbreaking III, Quick Charge III Piercing IV,Multishot
Shears Mending, Unbreaking III, Efficiency V, Silk Touch‌[BE only]
Shield Mending, Unbreaking III
Flint and Steel
Carrot on a Stick
Warped Fungus on a Stick
  1. Channeling and Loyalty can be used together but neither can be used with Riptide.

The tables below summarize the enchantments that can be given to specific items in Bedrock Edition and in Survival mode in Java Edition. (Creative mode in Java Edition allows any item to have any enchantment.) Enchantments that can be applied to both hand slot items and armor slot items are listed in both tables.

  • An enchanting table indicates the item can receive the enchantment legitimately in Survival mode by using an enchanting table.
  • An anvil indicates the item cannot receive the enchantment legitimately in Survival mode by using an enchanting table (an enchanting table never offers the enchantment for the item), but can receive the enchantment by another method (for example, using an anvil to combine the item with an enchanted book or another enchanted item; note the enchanting table could still apply the enchantment to the item as a random additional enchantment).
Enchantments for hand slot items
Enchantment (Max) ‌[JE only] ‌[BE only]
Bane of Arthropods (V)
Channeling (I)
Cleaving (III) ‌[upcoming: JE Combat Tests]
Curse of Vanishing (I)
Efficiency (V)
Fire Aspect (II)
Flame (I)
Fortune (III)
Impaling (V)
Infinity (I)
Knockback (II)
Looting (III)
Loyalty (III)
Luck of the Sea (III)
Lure (III)
Mending (I)
Multishot (I)
Piercing (IV)
Power (V)
Punch (II)
Quick Charge (III)
Riptide (III)
Sharpness (V)
Silk Touch (I) ‌[BE only]
Smite (V)
Sweeping Edge (III)
Unbreaking (III)
Enchantments for armor slot items
Enchantment (Max)
Aqua Affinity (I)
Blast Protection (IV)
Curse of Binding (I)
Curse of Vanishing (I)
Depth Strider (III)
Feather Falling (IV)
Fire Protection (IV)
Frost Walker (II)
Mending (I)
Projectile Protection (IV)
Protection (IV)
Respiration (III)
Soul Speed (III)
Thorns (III)
Unbreaking (III)

Id заклинаний в Skyrim

00109634 — Спеллы восстановления затрачиваются не так быстро

00109633 — Спеллы иллюзии затрачиваются не так быстро

00109631 — Спеллы разрушения затрачиваются не так быстро

0010962F — Спеллы колдовства затрачиваются не так быстро

0010962E — Спеллы изменения затрачиваются не так быстро

0007A101 — Спеллы восстановления затрачиваются не так быстро

0007A0FA — Спеллы иллюзии затрачиваются не так быстро

0007A0F6 — Спеллы разрушения затрачиваются не так быстро

0007A0F5 — Спеллы колдовства затрачиваются не так быстро

0007A0F2 — Спеллы изменения затрачиваются не так быстро

0010E809 — Все спеллы расходуют на 3 процента меньше маны

Basic mechanics[]

Whenever the player places an eligible item on the enchanting table, the enchantment levels available are randomly generated for each slot using the formula below. The enchantment level is dependent upon the number of nearby bookshelves (capped at 15) and which slot position it is in.

Base enchantment level available (base) = (randomInt(1,8) + floor(b / 2) + randomInt(0,b)),

where b is the number of nearby bookshelves (maximum of 15) and x..y generates a uniformly distributed random integer between x and y, inclusive. This is then modified according to the slot position:

Top slot enchantment level = floor(max(base / 3, 1))
Middle slot enchantment level = floor((base × 2) / 3 + 1)
Bottom slot enchantment level = floor(max(base, b × 2))

where max(x, y) returns the greater of two values x and y.

# of bookshelves 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Min level (in top slot) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
Max level (in bottom slot) 8 9 11 12 14 15 17 18 20 21 23 24 26 27 29 30
# of bookshelves 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Level range of top slot 1–2 1–3 1–3 1–4 1–4 1–5 1–5 1–6 1–6 1–7 2–7 2–8 2–8 2–9 2–9 2–10
Level range of middle slot 1–6 1–7 2–8 2–9 3–10 3–11 3–12 3–13 4–14 4–15 5–16 5–17 5–18 5–19 6–20 6–21
Level range of bottom slot 1–8 2–9 4–11 6–12 8–14 10–15 12–17 14–18 16–20 18–21 20–23 22–24 24–26 26–27 28–29 30

Note that a higher experience cost for a specific slot does not necessarily mean that the enchantments from that slot are better than the others with less cost.

In Creative mode, no levels of experience are necessary for enchantments.


In addition to normal enchanting, Thorns I and II can be obtained naturally from drops,fishing, with a villager or as loot from generated structures.

Thorns III cannot be directly obtained using an enchanting table, but it can be obtained by using an anvil to combine two Thorns II enchantments, by with villagers, or by finding an item enchanted with it from the loot chest as below.

The enchanted book with Thorns III can be found within the following structures:

Underground structures

  • Mineshaft
  • Stronghold

Underwater structures

Ocean Ruins

Aboveground structures

  • Desert Pyramid
  • Jungle Pyramid‌[JE only] or Jungle Temple‌[BE only]
  • Pillager Outpost
  • Woodland Mansion

Miscellaneous structures


Pieces of armor enchanted with Thorns III can be found within the following structures:

Underwater structures


Small structures

Ruined Portal

The Nether

Bastion Remnant

Ruined Portal

The End

End City

Thorns can be applied to a non-armor item only by using creative mode, commands or a third-party tool. When such an item is held in either hand, an attacker suffers damage according to the formula above.

Fishing Rod Enchantments


This enchantment means the player doesn’t have to wait as long to catch fish and the chance of getting junk or treasure shrinks. Lure decreases the wait time by seconds. It can have a power level of up to III.

Luck of the Sea

This enchantment will allow a 3% increase in catching «treasure» (enchanted but damaged bows and fishing rods, enchanted books, nametags, Nautilus shells, saddles, or lily pads) and a 1% reduced chance of «junk» (bowl, damaged fishing rod, leather, leather boots, rotten flesh, stick, string, water bottle, bone, ink sac, or tripwire hooks). It can have a power level of up to III. (Note: treasure and junk items will be different in jungle biomes.)

Minecraft best enchantments

What are the best enchantments to use in Minecraft? While preference plays a huge part there are a few enchantments that no player should be without.

Mending is the most useful enchantment, especially for tools and weapons you’re likely to use a lot. Wear and tear costs a lot of resources the longer you play in Minecraft, with successive repairs increasing in cost. Mending repairs your equipped weapon by picking up XP bubbles. So, every time you slay one of the countless Minecraft mobs the XP bubbles that pop out will immediately repair the weapon you just used. Just switch to your pickaxe before hoovering up the XP and you can keep your diamond pickaxe in good condition.

In a similar vein, Unbreaking increases your item’s durability, meaning you can spend longer using it before having to go on a mender bender.

For weapons it’s generally just easier to use an enchantment like maxed out Sharpness or Power than a specialist enchantment like Smite or Impaling as these will buff your overall power and you won’t need to carry around several swords. For tools you’ll want Mending and Unbreaking, but also Efficiency and Fortune.

Finally, when it comes to the best Minecraft armor enchantments, you always want Feather Falling on your boots to reduce fall damage and maxed out Protection on all your armor pieces.


ID чар Целевой предмет Название чар Название на английском Эффект чар Макс. уровень При улучшении Замечания
16   Острота Sharpness Чем выше уровень этого эффекта, тем больше урона вы наносите вашему противнику. V + к урону Дополнительный урон определяется случайным образом при каждом ударе. Взаимно несовместимы.
17   Небесная кара Smite повышение урона во время атаки на зомби, свинозомби скелетов, скелетов-иссушителей и иссушителей. V +  к урону
18   Бич членистоногих(насекомых) Bane of Arthropods Повышенный урон насекомым, например паукам. V + к урону
19    Отбрасывание Knockback Очень сильно отбрасывает противника во время удара. II Более сильное отбрасывание Этот бонус не складывается с бонусом отбрасывания во время бега.Если на вас напал очень сильный противник, и вам нечем от него отбиться, то вы можете отбросить его мечом с этим заклятием, и тогда он отлететь на очень большое расстояние. В это время у вас появится шанс убежать.
20   Аспект огня Fire aspect Весьма полезный чар, который поджигает врага, когда вы его атакуете. Наносит достаточно сильный урон, если он не попадёт в воду. II Увеличивается время горения При убийстве животного вместо сырого мяса выпадет сразу жареное.
21   Мародёрство Looting чар, увеличивающий количество дропнутых предметов с каждого моба. Убив, например овцу или свинью, вы получите больше ресурсов, чем если бы вы убивали оружием, которое не имеет данного параметра. III +1 к верхней границе возможного лута Также увеличивает шанс получения редкого дропа.
48   Сила Power Дополнительный урон V Множитель урона увеличивается на 0.25 Базовый урон умножается (1.25 + 0.25 х уровень), т.е. от 1.5 при Сила I до 2.5 при Сила V, последнее позволяет убить почти любого моба с одного выстрела (2.5 × 4.5 = 11.25 сердец).
49   Ударная волна Punch Отбрасывание цели II Отбрасывание увеличивается
50   Воспламенение Flame Поджигает стрелы I Воспламеняет выпущенные стрелы, что поджигает цель при попадании. Горящие стрелы не поджигают окружающие предметы, не излучают свет, но могут активировать ТНТ.
51   Бесконечность Infinity Стрелы не тратятся. Но для стрельбы нужна хотя бы одна стрела. I Может быть полезным в сражении против дракона Края. Выпущенные стрелы нельзя поднять.


  1. Mark Rosewater (June 25, 2007). «Enchantment For Better Things, Part One». magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  2. Mark Rosewater (July 2, 2007). «Enchantment For Better Things, Part Two». magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  3. Matt Cavotta (June 28, 2007). «Enchant Words». magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  4. Mark Rosewater (September 11, 2018). «If colored artifacts really are the future, how are you going to distinguish them from enchantments?». Blogatog. Tumblr.
  5. Mark Rosewater (March 25, 2019). «How has R&D’s philosophy on that front changed?». Blogatog. Tumblr.
  6. Mark Rosewater (December 5, 2017). «Hi mark enchantments do not tap is this a hard…». Blogatog. Tumblr.
  7. Mark Rosewater (May 17, 2021). «Future Sight Design Handoff Document». magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  8. Aaron Forsythe (June 29, 2007). «Enchanting Discourse». magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  9. Sam Stoddard (May 2, 2014). «Making Enchantments Matter». magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  10. Mark Rosewater (January 6, 2020). «At Death’s Door, Part 2». magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  11. ↑ Mark Rosewater (June 5, 2017). «Mechanical Color Pie 2017». magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  12. ↑ Mark Rosewater (October 18, 2021). «Mechanical Color Pie 2021 Changes». magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.
  13. Mark Rosewater (August 08, 2019). «This is the black enchantment removal you’ve been hinting at right?». Blogatog. Tumblr.
  14. Mark Rosewater (March 13, 2020). «Can I have an obscure trivia about Estrid or enchantments matters?». Blogatog. Tumblr.


Enchantment slots

Weapons and armor each have up to three enchantment slots, with up to three random enchantments choices per slot.

The number of available enchantment slots on collected equipment depends on the difficulty and the hero’s threat level.[needs testing] Unavailable enchantment slots or enchantment choices cannot be unlocked.

Type Tier Total
Common 1 2 3 6
Powerful 2 3 4 9
Gilded common 2 3 4 9
Gilded powerful 3 4 5 12

Enchantments behave independently when stacked. A weapon with two Chains III, each having a 30% chance to occur, does not give a 60% chance to occur, but instead a combined 51% chance, including a 9% chance that the effect occurs twice.

Built-in enchantments

When dealing with equipment possessing a built-in enchantment, that enchantment is unavailable as a choice to apply onto that particular piece of equipment, even if the built-in enchant is normally stackable. For example, a Diamond Pickaxe never has Prospector as an option, a Firebolt Thrower never has Chain Reaction as an option, Nimble Turtle Armor never has Rush as an option, and so on.

Built-in enchantments are shown as the enchantment icon with an orange border on the equipment’s properties list and can be visible in-game through the enchantment notify icon, enchantment effects, and the Status Effect icon relating to the enchantment appears on the Heads-Up Display upon the use of non-enchanted equipment. Enchantments that are built-in cannot be upgraded, altered, or removed.

Soul enchantments

Enchantments that involve souls occur only on Weapon and armor that provide soul gathering naturally, such as the Soul Knife, Soul Bow, or Soul Robe and their respective uniques, not on equipment that has an enchantment built-in that provides soul gathering — Soul Fists, Soul Hunter Crossbow and Verdant Robe being notable examples.

Soul gathering equipment can possess non-soul enchantments the same as regular equipment.

Anima Conduit, Enigma Resonator, and Soul Siphon are Soul enchantments that occur on both melee and ranged weapons. Soul Speed occurs on armor.

Gilded Gear

Gilded Gear in the inventory.

Obtainable, to a maximum power of 251, from defeating Ancient Mobs during Ancient Hunts or though bartering with the Piglin Merchant using Gold, Gilded Gear are weapons and armors that possess an extra built-in enchantment at tier I, II, or III and costs more enchantment points to activate and upgrade the enchantments within the slots. These appear in the inventory with a gold background and a golden tag adjacent to the rarity.

Gilded gear can be for gold rather than the usual emeralds with regular gear. Ancient Hunts do not allow gilded gear to be used as an offering.

Special event items equipment cannot be obtained gilded.

Enchanted mobs

Main articles: Enchanted Mobs and Ancient Mobs

Enchanted mobs are glowing, slightly larger mobs with 1 or more additional properties that make them more of a threat to heroes compared to standard mobs. Enchantments can be applied onto mobs from an Enchanter, the Arch-Illager or spawn with enchantments. Passive, such as Sheep, and neutral mobs can also appear with enchantments. Some of these enchantments, such as Heal Allies and Regeneration are exclusive to mobs and not available to heroes.


Sound Description
Enchant Chime
Player Enchants Item
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Sfx_ui_enchantmentUnlock-001_soundWave.ogg Unlock Common Enchantment
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Sfx_ui_enchantmentUnlockPowerful-001_soundWave.ogg Unlock Powerful Enchantment
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Sfx_ui_enchantmentPointGained-001_soundWave.ogg Enchantment Point Gained
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Sfx_ui_enchantmentPointLost-001_soundWave.ogg Enchantment Point Lost

Further guide[]

The following armor enchantments cannot be combined: Protection, Projectile Protection, Blast Protection, and Fire Protection. Protection prevents half the damage that would be blocked by the other three. Protection is better, but there are sometimes other factors you should take into account. If you fall often in lava, it would be better to put Fire Protection on your armor. If you die often from creeper explosions, put Blast Protection armor on.

: More than 20 Enchantment Protection Factor (EPF) is useless. 1 Level of Protection = 1 EPF, 1 Level of specific type of Protection = 2 EPF. For example, two pieces of armor with Blast Protection IV (EPF 8 each) and a single piece with Protection IV (EPF 4) would give a total EPF of 20 versus explosions.

The following sword/axe enchantments cannot be combined: Sharpness, Smite, and Bane of Arthropods. Depending on what you want to do with the sword or axe, you can choose the most suitable. Sharpness is useful for general use, Smite is useful against undead mobs (skeletons, zombies, withers, etc.), Bane of Arthropods is useful against Arthropods (spiders, cave spiders, bees, silverfish, and endermites). Each level of Smite and Bane of Arthropods deals 2.5 extra damage to the specific group of mobs. Sharpness deals 1.25 extra damage and extra damage in Java Edition. If you are going to battle a lot of undead mobs (with the same sword or axe) more than every third[Bedrock Edition / fourth / fifth time, Smite deals the most damage. The same rule is not fully valid for choosing Bane of Arthropods, as Arthropods have low health, meaning Sharpness should be enough. Sharpness is the best choice, so have another sword with Smite for zombie farming (optional), or carry both a sharpness sword and a smite sword (optional, only if you have good inventory management).

Aside from curses, there aren’t any enchantments that should be avoided with other tools.

Simple Recipes

Simple recipes are the first kind of recipe available to the player for forging enchantments. They require only Green Shadow Orbs to forge and take 20 minutes to complete, the shortest wait duration among all recipes.

Name Image Description
Precision A chance to make a Critical Hit with increased damage. This chance depends on the power of the enchantment.

Available on Melee Weapons and Ranged Weapons.

Overheat Each strike dealt or each hit taken has a chance to put a buff on you that makes your next strike inflict 200% more damage. This chance depends on the power of the enchantment.

Available on all types of equipment.

Poisoning A chance that your enemy will start to lose 3% health (10.2% for magic) per second over 5 seconds after being hit. This chance is proportional to the damage dealt and the power of the enchantment.

Available on Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons and Magic.

Weakness A chance to weaken your enemy’s melee attacks by 50% from a succesful hit.

This chance depends on the power of the enchantment.

Available on Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons and Magic.

Magic Recharge A chance to increase your magic recharge from a successful hit by 300% and from taking a hit by 700%. This chance depends on the power of this enchantment.

Available on Melee Weapons, Armor and Helms.

Bloodrage A chance that you will deal 200% more damage on your hit, but would also lose 30% of damage dealt in own health (10% for Naginata and Ronin’s Dadao). This enchantment won’t work if it would cause you to lose. This chance depends on the power of the enchantment.

Available on Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons and Magic.

Rejuvenation A chance to regenerate 3% of your health for 5 seconds after being hit. This chance is proportional to the damage received and the power of the enchantment.

Available on Armor and Helms.

Damage Absorption A chance to absorb all damage dealt to your body or head by a single strike. This chance depends on the power of the enchantment.

Available on Armor and Helms.

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