Supreme commander: forged alliance
Характерные черты[]
Руководство ОФЗ экспансивно, авторитарно, агрессивно. Оно считает, что только такие меры могут позволить восстановить павшую Империю Земли и обеспечить порядок в Галактике. Осматриваясь на тёмные времена вокруг себя, оно готово оправдывать самые крайние меры и жестокие решения.
Фокус внимания ОФЗ — военная мощь, главная добродетель — порядок. Для достижения этой цели признаются любые технологии, включая генетическую инженерию. На самом деле, большинство граждан ОФЗ являются генетически прямыми потомками генетически усовершенствованных или клонированных колонистов, также как население Эон и Кибран. Тем не менее, правительство ОФЗ, в отличие от них, рассматривает широкомасштабные программы генетической модификации собственного населения как инструменты для поддержания порядка, пережиток политики Старой Империи. Пилоты БМК ОФЗ также генетически усовершенствованы за счёт усиления лояльности и повышения способностей. Самым заметным признаком искажения человеческой природы в силах ОФЗ являются люди с кибернетическими имплантантами и сплетённые с тонким симбиотическим ИИ: симбионты. Эти люди являются неотъемлемой частью выживания колоний и выполняют великое множество задач.
Программа симбионтов работает на добровольной основе со всеми слоями населения ОФЗ. Каждый год тысячи претендентов стремятся помочь ОФЗ и своей локальной коммуне. Чего они не знают, так это того, что каждый симбионт подвержен скрытой программе покорности, делающей их идеально верными ОФЗ. Это основная причина продолжающегося конфликта между ОФЗ и Нацией Кибран: для Кибран программирование на выполнение умственных задач для ОФЗ является рабством и служит причиной, подпитывающей враждебность между двумя сторонами.
ОФЗ уделяет большое внимание пропаганде, скрывающей существование программы лояльности и дискредитирующей утверждения кибран. В ней доктор Брэкмэн представляется как одержимый властью диктатор, автор программы лояльности (что является печальной правдой), использующий её для контроля над нормальными симбионтами (что правдой не является)
Военные действия ОФЗ против кибран выставляются как печальная необходимость, предпринимаемые для того, чтобы спасти поколения выросших с промытыми мозгами симбионтов Брэкмэна.
Supreme Commander 2[]
В Supreme Commander 2 Эон (или Просвещённые) обделены кораблями, однако обладают особым «охотником за кораблями» и почти все их юниты обладают воздушной подушкой, что дает им возможность перемещаться по воде. Сохранили мощность орудий и узкую специализацию. При улучшении могут телепортироваться.
Экспериментальные юниты
- Универсальный колосс — тень своего прародителя. Сохранил луч из головы и притягаватели.
- Урчиноу — танк-колобок на воздушной подушке. Вооружен тяжелыми дезинтеграторами и артилерией.
- Даркеноид (летающая тарелка) — тень своего прародителя. Оставил только генератор луча, ни тебе противовоздушных орудий, ни тебе возможность переносить самолеты. Помимо луча, сбрасывает маленькие бомбочки, что немного увеличивает площадь поражения под ним.
- Вильфинджа — танк на воздушной подушке. Сам не вооружен, но оборудован роем дронов, стреляющих мощными дезинтеграторами. Прекрасно подходит для уничтожения вражеских кораблей.
- Аирномо — противовоздушный робот. Вооружен шестью электро-ПВО и четырьмя дезинтеграторами. Подходит для поддержки других эксперименталок,а также можно использовать для защиты базы.
Factional differences[]
Factories of all 4 factions cost the same, build at the same speed and are overall equal. Their Hp does differ slightly.
The two only notable differences are the naval factory’s build layout: While all other faction’s naval factories build on the left, the Seraphim naval factory builds on the right. Also, when creating an engineer from an air factory, the factory is stalled while it lowers the unit to ground level.
As a synergy, note that Aeon are unique in that they can sacrifice old engineers to units or buildings, this is better than the alternative of self destructing and reclaiming them, as you get the resources and can put it to use immediately.
UEF T3 Land Factory
UEF T3 Air Factory
UEF T3 Naval Factory
Cybran T3 Land Factory
Cybran T3 Air Factory
Cybran T3 Naval Factory
Aeon T3 Land Factory
Aeon T3 Air Factory
Aeon T3 Naval Factory
Seraphim T3 Land Factory
Seraphim T3 Air Factory
Seraphim T3 Naval Factory
Unit details[]
The Pillar is a heavy and robust unit, perfect for defense or assault. Its shells travel in an arc that allows it to fire over concrete or minor elevation changes. Because of low mobility, you should always move Pillars in close formation to concentrate their firepower. A mixed group of Pillars and Parashields is an especially dangerous formation. The Pillars are strong enough to act as mobile point defense units, while their low speed and close formation allows the Parashields to perfectly defend them, in one solid wall formation, much like a point defense creep. Any unit coming in range will not only immediately take fire from all pillars in the formation simultaneously, it will also have to break through several close formation shields to inflict any damage at all.
The other ‘Beginner’ faction, the Seraphim generally make up for their lack of unique units with extremely powerful all-rounders. Who needs a specialist shield killer when you can just blow the front door down?
- ACU — Good HP, fearsome TML upgrade, and access to dual-RAS, dual-repair, a restoration field for your units, or dual-gun upgrades, this is a very powerful ACU.
- SACU — Overcharge and shield upgrades make this one of the strongest combatants of any type in the entire game, but it’s highly micro dependant. Also has teleporter access. Has no RAS.
Tech 1
- Combat Scout — While standing still, this unit is stealthed and cloaked, meaning it’s undetectable except by omni sensors. This can be used to provide reliable intel, or if standing on a mass spot will prevent engineers from building upon it. This unit takes the Seraphim’s LAB spot as well as scout.
- Floating Artillery Costs more than other T1 mobile artillery, but it’s amphibious, has a nice firing cycle, and does very good damage.
- Bomber — The best T1 bomber.
- Transport — The best T1 transport. Can carry up to 8 T1 or 4 T2 units.
Submarine — Worst subs, since it can lose in 1v1 against other subs. The only T1 submarine with torpedo defence.
Tech 2
- Point Defense — Uses a laser so it never misses or wastes any DPS, making it the best anti-T1 T2 point defence, but the low profile means it can be blocked by uneven terrain.
- Torpedo Launcher — The only torpedo launcher with torpedo defense, it has also lower HP.
- Static Shield — Best shields in the game, expensive, but the biggest and the strongest
- Sonar — Best T2 sonar, since they don’t have T3 sonar.
- Seraphim has no Engineering Stations
- Assault Bot — Slow, but it has a great firing cycle for killing T1 and T2, plenty of HP, and kicks out a tonne of damage. best T2 land unit. Consider as a T2.5.
- Hover Tank — Very fast hover tank with frontloaded firing cycle and good HP.
- Floating AA Flak — Amphibious so it can support your navy.
- Torpedo Bomber — Worst torpedo bomber. Only T2 torpedo bomber that can be countered by torpedo defence. Drop far from the boat, can result in hitting the ground.
- Transport — The best T2 transport of all factions. Can carry 16 T1 units or 8 T2 units or 4 T3 units.
- Fighter Bomber — Does good damage, but is easily dodgeable. Good against buildings. Not great fighter.
- Destroyer — Not only does this fire lasers which never miss and never waste any damage, but the unit can be submerged to become invulnerable to surface fire. Best destroyer with micro. Poor at killing bases, since the lasers hit the terrain a lot.
- Cruiser — Flak AA and the cruise missiles can be fired individually with good micro to kill very efficiently. Less effective against tmd.
Tech 3
- Static Shield — Best shields in the game, expensive, but the biggest and the strongest.
- Seraphim has no T3 sonar.
- Tanks — Has trouble with uneven terrain and is generally outclassed by the Siege bots, but has the highest DPS of any T3 Land once you get it fully in range, and is brilliant in a well-mixed army.
- Mobile Shield — Only T3 mobile shield, it’s big, it’s strong, and it hovers so it’s amphibious too.
- Sniper Bots — Inaccurate while moving. Manual toggle between normal and sniper modes, with sniper mode firing higher damage shots at longer range, but less frequently. Good with T3 mobile shield to protect them from bombers.
- Submarine Hunter — The only T3 combat submarine, it’s fast, it’s got ridiculous torpedoes, and it has astonishing AA weapons when surfaced.
- Battleship — Solid all-around battleship, but also doubles as a mobile nuke platform instead of a nuke sub.
Tech 4 – Experimental
- Ythotha Assault Bot — Great against groups of units with a high splash damage ‘Ball of doom’ cannon. When destroyed releases a highly destructive orb of lightning energy that attack any unit or structure nearby for 30 seconds.
- Ahwassa Bomber — Absurdly powerful bomber, it’s vulnerable to interception but if this thing drops, you can assume the target died.
- Nuke Launcher — Hyper-expensive game-ender class mega-nuke. Each missile takes two anti-nuke missiles to defend it, the nukes load faster, they do more damage and they have a frankly ridiculous AOE.
Известные представители[]
- Доктор Густав Брэкмен — создатель первых симбионтов, основатель нации Кибран и её бессменный лидер. Называет симбионтов своими «детьми», жаждет освобождения всех симбионтов и признания их прав повсеместно. Благодаря использованию технологий до сих пор обладает ясным и острым умом, несмотря на свой возраст (в первой игре — около 1300 лет). В речи часто использует фразу «О да..», к месту и не очень.
- КИИ(QAI — Quantum Artificial Intelligence) — Квантовый Искусственный Интеллект; ИИ, созданный доктором Брэкменом, точно неизвестно, специально ли для какой-то цели или в результате исследований. Обладает поистине феноменальными способностями в области расчётов, моделирования, прогнозирования событий, программирования и т.д. Также вполне возможно, что им или при его содействии были созданы многие технологии и боевые единицы кибран. В отличии от других ИИ, не скован границами своей «железной» составляющей, крайне мобилен, может использовать практически любую систему или сеть, в том числе Сеть квантовых врат для перемещения в необходимую часть галактики. В процессе контактировал с принцессой Эон, которая не распознала его, описывая его как «пелену, не дающую ясно видеть события». Также из дополнения известно, что может управлять БМК, ничем при этом не рискуя. После вторжения Серафимов предал Брэкмена, переманив немалое количество симбионтов. Точные причины этого неизвестны. Возможно, его расчёты показали большую вероятность победы пришельцев. Существует также достаточно экзотичная теория: согласно ей после внедрения в систему КИИ технологий Серафимов, найденных на Орионе, КИИ смог установить контакт с Серафимами, находящимися в другой галактике либо измерении, которые, постепенно перепрограммируя его, использовали его для сбора информации о человечестве, при этом никак не выдавая своего присутствия. Делали они это с целью подготовки почвы для вторжения, состоявшегося через Разлом, сформированный в результате дефекта после применения «Чёрного Солнца». После вступления в союз с Серафимами принимал активное участие как в боевых действиях против Альянса, так и занимался добычей и извлечением информации, в основном в Лоялистов. Также организовал ловушку на Гадесе, где погибла Достя. Был уничтожен на Перл ІІ лично доктором Брэкменом, но в послетитровой сцене Forged Alliance вновь «включился», так что точно нельзя сказать, возможно ли его вообще уничтожить.
- Элитный командующий Иванна Достя — главнокомандующий сил Кибран. Женщина-симбионт, очевидно с русскими корнями, уважаема в своей среде, одна из лучших командующих, предпочитает лично участвовать в операциях, также служит военным атташе Брэкмена. Командир — «рубака», часто использует БМК на передовой (операция на Фивах ІІ, сражения против Серафим на Капелле и Гадесе), вне боя появлялась в чёрной одежде и кожаной куртке. Недолюбливала Хекса5, и «была бы её воля, она выбросила его и весь его узел в открытый космос.» Во время войны Шаткого Альянса воевала на стороне Коалиции. Во время операции «Расплавление»(4-я миссия дополнения) совместно с протагонистом была отправлена на Гадес, где они попали в ловушку КИИ, погибла в результате массированного штурма, возглавляемого упомянутым Хексом5, который припомнил ей старые обиды (в случае прохождения за кибран одним из дополнительных заданий будет забрать останки БМК Дости). После её гибели доктор Брэкмен очень скорбил по ней. В оригинальной озвучке в персонажа также был заметный русский акцент.
- Хекс5 — симбионт, средних лет мужчина, представитель узла Седьмой Руки. Узел специализируется на шпионаже, краже технологий и информации. В оригинальной игре на Поллуксе предоставляет коды доступа ко вратам на Землю, в обмен на освобождение протагонистом его друзей. В этой же миссии попал в плен ОФЗ, но не выдал им тайны своего пребывания на планете. В дополнении принял сторону КИИ, возглавлял атаку на позицию Дости на Гадесе. В пятой миссии дополнения его необходимо уничтожить перед штурмом главной базы КИИ. Называет КИИ «хозяином», а Серафимов — «Истинными Богами».
- Красный Туман — командующий кибран, в оригинальной игре осуществлял штурм «Чёрного Солнца»(при прохождении за кибран его место занимает протагонист). Исходя из того, что его послали на столь ответственное задание, должен быть одним из лучших командующих кибран. При прохождении за Эон предпоследним заданием будет его уничтожение.
Build speeds[]
In absolute terms, all factories have a build rate of their tech level multiplied by 20: Tech 1, 20; Tech 2, 40; or Tech 3, 60. Quantum Gateways double that again at 120/sec. As with any other construction project, divide the build-time value for a unit by the factory’s build rate to get the actual in-game time (unassisted) required to build that unit.
To calculate resource drain, one method is to divide the resource costs by the in-game time to get the resource drain produced. For example, a MA12 Striker built by a T1 land factory will cost 56 mass. This is spent over a build-time value of 280 at a build rate of 20. This works out to 14s of construction. Dividing 56 by 14 leads to 4 mass/sec. Alternatively in one step, divide cost by build-time value and multiply by build rate (this may make it easier to calculate when assisting the factory). For a Percival’s energy drain, 14000/4800 = 2.9 energy per buildrate, or 175 unassisted and 14.6 per assisting T1 engineer.
In relative terms, this is four times faster than an engineer of the corresponding tech level. This means it takes no more than 4 engineers (of the corresponding tech) to double a factory’s build rate. Because of this, it is much more time and resource efficient to assist a factory at T2 and T3 levels, and quantum gateways, rather than building more. However it is slightly more resource and time efficient to build a multitude of T1 factories, rather than assisting them with T1 engineers (the mass cost is similar, at 208 mass for the four engineers against 210-300 mass for the factory; however the cost difference is particularly in terms of energy which nearly doubles for the factory).
Note that whilst it is most cost effective to assist factories with T1 engineers, their weak hp make them a prime target for bomber strafing runs, and having too many can create large amounts of congestion around a factory, resulting in a delay for the finished unit to enter the field, and in extreme cases actually increase the delay before another unit may be built. In addition, the more engineers assisting a factory, effectively the less efficient each engineer becomes due to the time delay of the exiting unit. This can be reduced by having a line of engineers assist parrallel factories (by patrolling between the factories), or simply by building more factories, and is also mitigated at air factories due to the extremely small takeoff time of constructed aircraft.
While it is tempting to assist a Quantum Gateway with the same sACUs it produces, those sACUs are often better purposed at the front line, where they can use their health and weaponry advantage. Even light artillery is enough to deter regular engineers, but is a moot threat to sACUs.
The Ythotha doesn’t have a single powerful weapon like the Galactic Colossus’ Phason Laser, of DPS 2500, however, all 3 of its main weapons combined, it easily out-damages the Galactic Colossus, with a combined DPS of 3610, and an impressive initial shot damage of 8000. Unfortunately, a large portion of its DPS comes from its Unstable Phason Beam Generator. The projectile is very slow often making it useless when engaging many smaller units, as the other faster weapons will destroy it long before the projectile reaches it’s target, it is best utilized against more powerful units, like Experimentals, giving the projectile time do its damage. In the role of countering other experimental units, the Ythotha excels. Overall, the Ythotha is much more prone to having wasted DPS than the Galactic Colossus (which uses a rapid-firing beam which can quickly and flexibly switch between targets, in comparison to the mix of weapons of the Ythotha) and thus is a poorer choice for quickly leveling a base or group of non-experimental units, unless you count its release of an Othuy upon it’s death, which can cause severe damage to non-experimental units and low-tier buildings.
The Ythotha is the first form of the Experimental Assault Bot. When it is destroyed, it unleashes an Othuy, a quantum energy being.
The Ythotha has a lot less health than the Colossus (only 67000) but makes up for it in weaponry. It has, aside from the main laser, a Gatling Plasma Cannon, a Heavy Sinn Unthe Cannon and 2 Olaris AA Artillery Cannons. Much like the Colossus it is amphibious and has no weaponry against subs. It has a sliver of anti-air weaponry, but it is barely as effective as the Ia-istle mobile gun and largely ineffectual against planes. Its AA is exceptionally weak due to the fact that it has a poor turret position and fires slow-moving shots which can be easily avoided by many aircraft, and so cannot be depended upon to shoot down a lowly Air scout, let alone any combat planes. If by chance its AA cannons do hit, they possess a slight area of effect. Even compared to regular mobile Seraphim «Flak» cannons, or even T1 AA, this AA is horrible and it might as well not exist – an escort of Iashavoh flak or ASFs on standby is much preferred. It is disabled while underwater.
It is worth noting that, like its Colossus cousin, it completely lacks any self-defensive ability when underwater, making it vulnerable to massed torpedo attacks. Its increased height and lower weaponry make it less viable on maps with low water, as it will only fire its eye, reducing affective dps severely and making it more prone to surface fire.
Weapon Bonuses
Placing Power Generators next to energy-consuming weapons will reduce the reload time of the weapon, the duration of energy consumption as a result, and the energy consumption itself. All static artilleries benefit from the rate of fire bonus and energy drain reduction. UEF T3 Point Defense is an exception and only gains a reduction in energy drain.
The values in the following tables are given when a unit is completely surrounded by a specific power generator.
Rate Of Fire Bonus
When placed next to power generators, static artillery units gain a rate of fire bonus which can be very significant, especially when considering that a 60% reload time can be achieved, and how much cheaper 4 T3 power generators are than a T3 artillery installation.
The reduction of a reload time can be calculated with the following scheme if a unit is fully surrounded with the same type of power generators:
- 10% discount for T1 power generators.
- 20% discount for T2 power generators/hydrocarbon power plant.
- 40% discount for T3 Power generators.
The Aeon T3 Rapid-fire Artillery can achieve the maximum possible reload time discount (42%) because you can place a T1 power generator on each side in addition to a T3 power generator.
This table shows all possible time values:
Artillery Unit | T1 Power Generator | Hydrocarbon Power plant | T2 Power Generator | T3 Power Generator | Comments |
T2 Artillery | 2s | 5s | 5s | 8s | T1 pgens useful, especially with multiple artillery structures. |
T3 Artillery | 1s | 2.5s | 2.5s | 4s | Very useful with T3 pgens, or any pgens. Note: Aeon artillery has twice the reload time, and so twice the discount. |
T3 Rapid-fire Artillery | 0.31s | 0.775s | 0.775s | 1.24s | The size allows you to surround it with a T3 and T1 pgen. Reload time discount: 1.302s. |
T4 Artillery | 0.8s | 2s | 2s | 3.2s | Very useful with T3 pgens, or any pgens. |
T3 Ravager | 0s | 0s | 0s | 0s | Only profits from energy consumption reduction (see table below). Quite useless. |
Energy Consumption Reduction
The rate of fire bonus reduces the time structures consume energy, but will also increase the frequency of energy consumption as a result of the increased fire rate. But in addition to that, powergenerators give a general discount on energy consumption to static artilleries. Making decisions around this behaviour is not recommended as the energy reduction is very low compared to the resources invested. This table is mostly to provide you information of how it works.
Energy Producing Structures | Discount Percentage | Typical Discount value | Comments |
T1 Power Generator | 10% | 15-750 | Useful next to all static artillery, especially T2, when safety is important |
T1 Hydrocarbon Power Plant | 20% | 30-1500 | Useful next to T2/T3 static artillery |
T2 Power Generator | 20% | 30-1500 | Useful next to T2/T3 static artillery |
T3 Power Generator | 30% | 60-3000 | Useful next to T3/T4 static artillery |
Cybran Nation[]
The Cybran Nation’s units are the least expensive to construct compared to the other factions’ and they have the lowest HP. Their advantages lie in technologies that disrupt enemies. For instance, they have assault bots at tech 1 to disrupt an enemy’s early expansion, their tech 3 aircraft have integrated stealth technology, when their Siege Assault Bots are destroyed their cores detonate powerfully releasing an EMP burst that disrupts enemy units, and they have the only mobile stealth field system. This even extends to their experimental units: The Monkeylord is the only experimental unit with a stealth capability. These attributes give the Cybran Nation a wide array of .
Cybran forces use direct fire laser weapons and proton cannons with a very high ROF but low DPS, as well as AA and Anti-Sea Nanite Missiles and Torpedoes, AA Nanite Darts, as well as a collection of high explosive shells for indirect fire weapons.
Some of their units’ weapons have extra effects/abilities beside dealing damage. Such as that the T1 Medusa (and other units) have a EMP effect which temporarily stuns, T2 Renegade deals AOE damage, T2 Siren anti-air missile weapons can be reconfigured to target land, etc.
Unique units
The Cybrans are the only faction with a tech 1 assault bots, which often gives them an advantage during early expansion because they can assist in building. They have the Deceiver, the only mobile unit able to project a stealth field. This comes at the cost of the mobile shield generator. Other unique units include T2 Mobile Bomb: Fire Beetle, T1 Light Gunship: Jester, T2 Counter-Intelligence Boat: CI:18 Mermaid, T3 Perimeter Monitoring System: Soothsayer, and T3 Torpedo Ambushing System: HARMS. Their experimental units are unique: the spiderbot: Monkeylord, the gunship: Soul Ripper, the rapid fire artillery: Scathis, and the megabot: The Megalith. Although the Cybrans don’t have a T3 heavy shield generator, their tech 2 shield generator can be instead upgraded four further times until it reaches an equivalent reach of a tech 3 generator, but is much weaker.
History after the ‘symbiont'[]
The Earth Empire began to invade Procyon, in hopes of stopping any organised formation of symbionts. They set off the program again, but Dr. Brackman had already disabled the program in his fellow free symbionts. At first, the free symbionts, now known as Cybrans, employed guerilla tactics to deal with the imperial troops, but soon began fighting an all-out war with the Earth Empire. The imperial troops, regardless of any advice, began scorching the planet with bio-nuclear weapons, forcing the Cybrans to flee. But it had made its mark; Procyon, once a rough but life-filled world, now became a barren and desolate wasteland.
As the war against the Earth Empire rages on, Brackman orders many Nodes to do what they do best: hide. In the meantime, Brackman gathers his military commanders in a desperate bid to devise a strategy that will enable the Cybrans to defeat the Aeon and the Earth Empire. The group quickly comes to the realization, though, that the Cybrans will never be able to win such a campaign. So upon the ‘discovery’ of Black Sun by QAI (who had known all along that it existed) Brackman made a rush to capture it. This failed.
After the Infinite War, Cybran colonization and independence grew with the formation of the Coalition. The quantity of Cybran commanders is believed to have risen, with Dr. Brackman and his Node getting more sufficient training resources and the fact of not losing so many rookie commander in any kind of war, till the events of Supreme Commander 2. The Cybran Nation was believed to have been a very significant part of the Coalition before it crumbled, provided the other two factions with effective scientific technology updates, which would eventually lead to their disadvantage.
The Cybran Nation faction itself, boasts fear into any opponent it faces, with the appearance of its walkers, such as the Loyalist, Megalith II and Cybranosaurus Rex. They also like to show their scientific supremecy over the Illuminate and UEF with the flexiblilty in warfare, with their LEGS for their Naval Units and Jump Jet technology for their Land units.
Особенности []
В силу своего происхождения существование симбионтов неразрывно связано с работами в области кибернетики, различными роботами и искусственным интеллектом. Внешне это проявляется в наличии множества имплантов разной степени «криповости», от безобидных проводков и красных светящихся полос на коже до целых конструкций, нередко закрывающих часть лица.
«Семья» в сборе: на заднем плане Достя разглядывает «колбу» с доктором, спереди — его голограмма
Сам же д-р Брэкмен в силу возраста (рождён либо воссоздан из ДНК одного из колонистов в середине ХХVI века) к моменту дейтвия первой игры (3844 г.) представлен как мозг, совмещённый с ИИ, помещённый в резервуар с питательной средой, а по лаборатории перемещается его голограмма. Данная особенность служит одной из причин отвращения других фракций к ним.
У Кибран есть несколько десятков достаточно больших колоний, но множество симбионтов также проживает в т.н. узлах, своего рода общинах, каждая из которых занята своими делами, но при необходимости они могут кооперироваться. Узлы могут находиться как на планетах, так и над ними, возможно также и под водой. Между собой общаются достаточно открыто, по именам, можно сказать даже неформально, также не замечено жёсткой иерархии общения, как в более авторитарной ОФЗ или религиозном Эон. Объединение мозга с ИИ заметно повысило интеллектуальные способности симбионтов, так что среди них наверняка много учёных, как теоретических, так и практических дисциплин. Многие кибран более предрасположены к науке, исследованиям, нежели войне.
Отразилось это и на военной сфере, поскольку сообщество, которую большую часть своей истории провело в подполье смогло создать целый арсенал средств, способных противостоять гораздо лучше финансируемым разработкам ОФЗ и созданным на основе инопланетных технологий машинам Эон. В области компьютерного взлома и перепрограммирования им и вовсе нет равных, что подтверждается разработкой ими в оригинальной игре вируса, который мешал корректной работе врат, результаты чего заметно в кампании за ОФЗ, где полковник Арнольд был высажен в неверных местах на планетах, что обусловило его бездействие во второй миссии и «гибель» в третьей. Также стоит вспомнить создание вируса, уничтожившего в одной из миссий кампании всех штурмовиков без возможности создать новые, а также расшифровка Брэкменом языка Серафимов.
Experimental units are a force to be reckoned with. Here, an army of Monkeylords marching through an enemy base.
Experimentals are usually armed with powerful weaponry and have various abilities to give them an edge in battle. Each faction has three experimental units (Four in Forged Alliance, including the Seraphim) and constitute some of the major faction differences.
Often considered «Tech 4» as they are constructed by construction units at Tech 3, much like structures. However, due to the high-powered nature of these mobile superweapons, a commander should have a robust supply of resources to deploy these units. Their construction times are also very high, often requring scores of Engineers or ACUs to get them into the field as quickly as possible.
Forged Alliance
In the expansion, construction costs and times have been halved, allowing them to be brought out quicker and sooner. Their firepower have been reduced as a result. Therefore Commanders are encouraged to build them in greater numbers, exhibiting numbers over strength.
As the Seraphim were introduced, one additional experimental was added to each faction.
This section is to help you debug your mods and scripts. If you’re creating a mod, and run into some errors, hopefully this will help you find a workaround.
Handling LazyVars
This is quite a common issue with FA. Usually, LazyVars are related to the User Interface of FA. This sub-section will help you find out how to debug LazyVars and
what’s causing issues with your User Interface code.
The first thing you need to do is find out what’s causing your error. LazyVars don’t provide any helpful error exceptions by default, but this can be changed.
Navigate to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\gamedata and open mohodata.scd with either 7zip or WinRAR.
Once you have opened the SCD file, find a file called ‘lazyvar.lua’ and open it with any text editor (Recommended: Notepad++ or Sublime Text 3) Be sure to make
a back-up of this file before you make any changes as this may cause you to desync in public games when playing FAF.
With the file open, locate the variable «ExtendedErrorMessages = false» and change it to «ExtendedErrorMessages = true».
Click yes and close the archive.
Now, when you open up your game again, you will find that your console (F9) will provide error exceptions related to «LazyVars».
Ythotha Experimental Assault Bot: Very few humans or cyborgs have seen this deadly unit and made it out alive. This assault bot is one of the best all-around units, and maybe better than other factions’ counterparts. With 3 main direct-fire weapon types and the ability to outrun all other ground experimental weapons the Ythotha is effective against most land units and considerably effective against structures or base defenses. Making it one of the deadliest options for a land assault. Beyond assault, the Ythotha can defend itself from small amounts of aircraft as well as when destroyed it will release an unstable quantum energy that uncontrollably attacks everything around it, including allied units. It does have some known weaknesses, such as being defenseless against naval units when submerged since Ythotha doesn’t have torpedo tubes. Overwhelming an Ythotha with dozens of Bombers or Gunships is a great idea to bring this colossus down.
Ahwassa Experimental Bomber: The Seraphim’s main weapon for all invasions immediately following the Infinite War. It is the most expensive aircraft compared to counterparts such as the CZAR or Soul Ripper. In the center of ship a negative tactical bomb is created, that deals considerable damage, enough to clean out unshielded bases within one bomb and enough to assassinate Cybran or Aeon unupgraded ACUs. It is armed with anti-air Autocannons strong enough to take out a few T3 Air Superiority Fighters. The true strength of the Ahwassa is that it moves faster than either the CZAR or Soul Ripper making it the fastest experimental unit. The Ahwassa’s payload has some disadvantages in that its bomb recharges very slowly and must set up another bomber run before it will attack again, leaving it vulnerable to many bundles of anti-aircraft defenses.
Elite Commander Ivana Dostya[]
All files concerning Ivana Dostya’s life before the age of 18 are incomplete; prior to that time, she resided on Earth, her AI loyalty programming fully initialized. The earliest data stream concerning Dostya is a single line mention of her «rescue» at the hands of elite Cybran Nation commandos.
Additional data streams emerge after Dostya’s enlistment into the Cybran Nation military. Records indicate that Dostya’s quick ascent through the ranks was only matched by her growing reputation for cunning and brilliance on the field of battle. Several of her numerous commendations specifically congratulate her on her uncanny ability to defeat her foes, no matter the odds. A cross-reference check of her service record marks her as the most successful commander ever to serve the Cybran Nation.
Dostya’s current rank is Elite Commander. In addition, she serves as Dr. Brackman’s personal military attaché. Service logs from Cybran military installations indicate that it is quite rare for her to personally appear on a battlefield; she directs her forces from the Cybran command post. Data concerning her husband and son appears to have been corrupted and cannot be recovered at this time. There is a large amount of evidence though including her speaking in Russian and her almost Russian accent that could mean she is of Slavic origin. Unfortunately, no more can be said since you do not see more than her neck down during the time she survives in the war. She is seen wearing a large heavy black cloak on the Cybran Victory video for the Vanilla Supreme Commander.
Dostya is killed by Hex5 during the assault on Hades.
Land forces[]
Cybran Land forces are often considered the weakest of all the land forces in a direct confrontation.
It’s their secondary abilities which will augment a Cybran commander the most though. Mantis’ have engineering suites, allowing them to both defend early exploring engineers as well as assist them in construction. The Sky Slammer utilizes nanodart missiles, which while slower than other AA, is copiously more effective due to the fact that it will ALWAYS hit air units within its range. Sky Slammers can also be modified at will to shoot at ground units, turning them into impromptu siege weapons.
In T2, Cybrans gain the advantage of the Rocket Bot, as well as the ever-useful Deceiver. The Hoplite isn’t just useful due to its extended range and ever-present Cybran AOE rockets, but also it only fills a single slot on a transport. This makes Hoplites excellent hot-drop units, as well as good defenders for engineers. The Deceiver is a hallmark unit of the Cybran, capable of providing a stealth field to surrounding units. It may not sound all that useful at first, but it can be rather annoying to be uninformed of an army of Hoplites being dropped in behind your base. The Deceiver also works while hooked onto a transport, making it one of the most useful units in the Cybran arsenal.