Hearthstone battlegrounds cards: list of every card and their tavern tiers

7 Golden Beast Build

The Golden Beast Build is still one of the strongest endgame board states in the game. There are a few cards that are necessary to reach the top three, including tier six Goldrinn, tier five Baron Rivendare, and as many of tier three Monstrous Macaws the player can get their hands on.

On a perfect run, the Goldrinn should be golden with several Macaws on the board all brought together by a golden Baron. The huge scaling provided by Goldrinn will keep your beasts alive over and over again, especially if the Macaws get to attack more than once. Other cards you can add to the mix include a couple of Hydra for devastating cleave attacks and a golden taunted Selfless Hero for maximum divine shields.

“The Menagerie”


Similar to other autobattlers, Battlegrounds also offers a “pick one of each” style of composition. In Hearthstone’s case, the term “Menagerie” has been established, and it’s one of the most versatile and powerful setups you can assemble. Unlike other compositions, the decision to play a Menagerie board should be made in the later stages of the game.

To be precise, a unit called Lightfang Enforcer plays the key role in any Menagerie setup. This worgen paladin adds a whooping 16 stats on the board if you play a minion of each of the four tribes, and not only once but every single round! The fact that it only carries a weak 2/2 body doesn’t change the insane power level of this unit – it pays off after just one or two rounds, and then starts snowballing your board.

And not only that: Lightfang Enforcer also offers tons of flexibility when it comes to your personal Menagerie composition. Many weak units get surprisingly strong over time if they bring the right stats.

Cards like Zoobot and Menagerie Warden can do a decent job at buffing up your Menagerie as well in case you aren’t able to find a Lightfang Enforcer early enough; in this case, good old Brann Bronzebeard could become your best friend!

However, that should really only happen if you can’t seem to find an early entry into one of the other heavy tribe compositions. The ability to identify these situations shows your strength as a Battlegrounds player and enables you to play Menagerie comps much more often, even if you don’t get Lightfang Enforcer as soon as you hit Tavern Tier 5. If you find him early, however, it might be worth it to quickly switch to this composition in order to ensure a strong late game.

In the end, the Menagerie player needs a lot of confidence and creativity which will be rewarded with wins through unique compositions! Don’t forget your Nightmare Amalgams though.

January 2020 Updates

January 21st 2020

With the launch of Galakrond’s Awakening, we’re seeing some new Battlegrounds content too. New minions, a Hero rotation, and a couple buffs and nerfs. You can find all the info on Hearthstone’s Blog page, but we’ve put it below for your convenience.

New Heroes:

  • Tirion Fordring. Hero Power — Honorable Warband (Cost 1): Give minions with no minion type +1/+1.
  • Millhouse Manastorm. Hero Power — Manastorm (Passive): Minions cost 2 gold. Refresh costs 2 gold. Start with 2 gold.

New Minions:

  • Imprisoner: Demon. Tier 2 3/3. Taunt. Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 Imp.
  • Fiendish Servant: Demon. Tier 1 2/1. Deathrattle: Give this minion’s Attack to a random friendly minion.

Additional Changes:

  • Voidwalker: Has been removed from the Battlegrounds minion pool.
  • Golden Zapp Slywick: Now has Mega-Windfury rather than Windfury
  • Sir Finley Mrrgglton has been removed from the Battlegrounds Hero pool (he’ll be back with a new Hero Power in the future).

Bonus Stats

Minion lineup history has been added to the Bonus Stats page. You’ll beb able to go through your last 5 board states before you won or lost.

When hovering over opponents on the scoreboard, you’ll be able to see how many of the majority minion Tribe they have in their lineup. This’ll help you plan your buys around the opponents’ board.

In-game Matchmaking adjustments: You’ll no longer face the same player, or Kel’thuzad, more than once every 3 combat rounds.

Battlegrounds Improvements

  • Spawn animations have been disabled when playing minions from your hand in Battlegrounds.
  • Increased the drag speed of minions in the Shop phase of Battlegrounds.
  • Cut down the animation time of the Poison effect in Battlegrounds.
  • Reduced the amount of screen shake in Battlegrounds games.
  • Minion ‘sleep’ animations have been disabled in Battlegrounds games.

Battlegrounds Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where +0 rating was incorrectly shown at the end of the game
  • Fixed an issue where minions would swap positions on the board when playing and moving them very quickly.
  • Fixed an issue where minions in the shop would be un-interactable if you clicked on them immediately after a refresh.
  • Fixed an issue where Battlegrounds buttons could not be clicked while the hand was enlarged on mobile devices.
  • Fixed an issue on mobile devices where tapping a minion would cause it to hover on the board.
  • Fixed an issue where Zapp Slywick would attack a Taunt minion before redirecting to his correct target. (Note: This caused Secrets like Autodefense Matrix to trigger on the Taunt minion instead of Zapp’s real target.)
  • Fixed an issue where a minion’s voice over line would play when buying a minion immediately after a reroll.
  • Fixed an issue where a minion resurrected by Redemption would not attack.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the effects of normal Brann Bronzebeard and golden Brann Bronzebeard to stack.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the effects of normal Baron Rivendare and golden Baron Rivendare to stack.
  • Fixed several issues related to spectating Battlegrounds games.
  • A fix has been implemented to prevent an accidental use of the Hero Power during the hero select phase.
  • History for damage done to Kel’Thuzad now correctly includes damage from minions.

January 8th 2020

We’re about to be hit with a brand new update this week. Along with some Standard format balance changes, the Battlegrounds are impacted too. You can find the full blog post by Kurt Ocher on Blizzard’s forums, but for your convenience you can find it below. Expect buffs to heroes who have been performing poorly over recent weeks, as well as a couple old faces returning to the game mode.

Here’s a quick roundup of patch 16.0.8 in Battlegrounds:

  • Shudderwock — Burbling: Cost reduced from 2 to 1.
  • Queen Wagtoggle — Wax Warband: Give a random friendly Mech, Demon, Murloc and Beast +2 Attack (instead of +1 Health).
  • Infinite Toki — Temporal Tavern: Cost reduced from 2 to 1. Now reads: ‘Refresh Bob’s Tavern. Include a Minion from a higher Tavern Tier.’
  • Patches the Pirate — Has returned to the Battlegrounds Hero Pool.
    Fire the Cannons!: At the start of next combat, deal 4 damage to two random enemy minions (increased from 3 damage).
  • Pyramad — Has returned to the Battlegrounds Hero Pool.
    Brick by Brick: Give a random friendly minion +3 Health (increased from +2 Health).

Minion Changes

Golden Soul Juggler has been changed to deal 3 damage to a random enemy minion twice when a friendly Demon dies (instead of 6 damage one time).

Quality of Life Changes

Tier 3: Strong but Specific

A.F. Kay’s Hero Power is special. You are guaranteed to lose the first 2 turns, with nothing to show for it, but you then make up for it with the 2 minions you get for free. These are typically far more powerful minions than your opponent has at this point, but you are very much reliant on these minions being any good to build around. If you do, you get a head start, allowing you to build your tavern up sooner and snowballing. If you get bad minions offered then you are behind on everything with little ways to make up ground, as your Hero Power will do nothing the rest of the game, which gets significantly more painful in the later turns.

George the Fallen’s Hero Power would be the best in the game if it were not for it’s cost. 4 gold coins means you will not use this Hero Power early and by the time you get to late game there are often easier (and cheaper!) ways to put Divine Shield on a minion than with this. Divine Shield is still really powerful however so it’s hard to place him much lower.

Gallywix’s Hero Power is one of the more skill testing ones. It demands that you make the right call and decide when you need to save and spend your gold, when it’s wise to roll again for another chance at better minions and when it’s best to save that coin and use it on later turns to perhaps upgrade your tavern sooner. It gets held back by it’s lack of any direct board influence however.

Millificent’s passive Hero Power is one that absolutely rocks the early and mid game. By the time you get to late game however, getting +1/+1 on a minion is not impactful at all. So the choice here is to be very aggressive and bank on winning early. Obviously also pidegonholes you into running mechs, but since that’s one of the stronger early game tribes, that’s perfectly okay.

Patchwerk’s passive Hero Power is a tricky one. If you play the game normally the extra health is nice and it will likely allow you to get a decent ranking, but it won’t do much itself. You have to use your health as a resource, banking on weaker early turns and taking a bit more damage in order to set up more powerful late turns. The obvious way to do this is by going hard on the Tavern upgrades. This is also riskier and might result in not getting the breaks you need or running into a buzzsaw in the early turns and losing too much health. You have to risk something to gain something however… Patchwerk want to play!

Akazamzarak’s Hero Power may seem like a joke, but his secrets are very impactful and can make a significant difference in how your turn plays out. They also last between turns, adding to their value. Use this search filter to see which Secrets are available. There’s something for every archetype!

Dancin Deryl’s Hero Power is far more random than we would like, but, when the main dev on Battlegrounds says that «I like Dancin Daryl the most though because he is incredibly skill testing and goes from worst to best hero depending on how well you understand him and how much experience you have with him.» then we should probably take note, since he probably has the data and experience to back up his statement.

Best Demon Build & Team Comp Strategy

The Demon core units are: Wrath Weavers, Soul Jugglers and Mal’Ganis.

Early Wrath Weavers are what make the Demon builds exceptionally powerful when played the right way. These units will deal 1 damage to your Hero, though you’ll gain the sweet +2/+2 buff which scales incredibly well. Soul Jugglers are the next core unit in this build as they’re great for punishing the enemy once they attack you and kill allied Demons. Pick up any other Demons you find (Annihilan Battlemaster is great) and level up the Tavern so that you can find Mal’Ganis because this is the point when Demons snowball enemies out of the way. The main problem with this build is that every time you cast Wrath Weavers you take one damage and it stacks up to a lot. Getting Mal’Ganis too late (or never getting him) will most certainly result in a loss so it’s a pretty dicey team comp to play.

Heroes With the Best Dragon Synergies

Any Hero can succeed with any tribe, and many of the most powerful Heroes can use almost all tribes with a high rate of success. However, some Heroes have a greater affinity to specific tribes, and Dragons are no exception.

Dragons are exceptionally good for Heroes who can level up fast and get their first tier-six minions as early as possible: therefore, many of the top-tier Heroes are happy to go for Dragons, although they may as well end up with Elementals, depending on their Discoveries. Behind the absolute top Heroes who have a lot of flexibility in their tribe choices, there are also some Heroes that work better with Dragons than with any other tribe.

A. F. Kay is particularly fond of Dragons in the current meta: Bronze Warden and Hangry Dragon are some of the most powerful tier-three minions that A. F. Kay can Discover, and a Hangry Dragon on turn three can win the battle and start growing immediately.

For Alexstrasza, forcing Dragons is the main way to success. Even though it can be hard to find Kalecgos from the Hero Power, getting two free minions upon reaching tier five means that Alexstrasza can level up quickly, and by forcing Dragons you increase the odds of getting a triple when you hit tier five even if you don’t get the big Dragons immediately.

When your most important minion is from tier six and Infinite Toki has a Hero Power that allows you to look for tier-six minions faster than other Heroes, it is a perfect match. Sure, sometimes you end up with Goldrinn or Lil’ Rag and you don’t feel sorry about them either, but you also have good odds to find Kalecgos and build the dream Dragon board.

You don’t want to play as Ysera, as she is one of the weakest Heroes in the game, but if you have to, going Dragons is the way to go.

Gameplay Information

  • 24 different Heroes with unique Hero Powers that will change the way you play the game. At the start of the game you pick one of the two (or three if you upgrade through bonuses listed above)
  • The game will also include dozens of minions to recruit – most are well known to Hearthstone players, but we also have some unique ones. Full list of minions here!
  • Instead of building a deck, you will recruit minions in Bob’s Tavern – at the start of each game and between combat rounds. As the game goes on, you will get more Coins to do more things every time you visit the Tavern. You can pay 3 Coins to Recruit a minion or 1 to Re-roll the offered minions. Coins, however, don’t last through rounds like in other Auto Battle games, so you want to spend them right away.
  • If you don’t want to recruit more minions, you can also upgrade your Tavern – once you do, you will start seeing more powerful minions. Upgrades are expensive at the start, but they get 1 Gold cheaper each turn.
  • Recruiting three minions of the same kind will upgrade it into a more powerful one (without consuming multiple board slots).
  • Between the rounds, you can also put the recruited minions onto the board and switch their places.
  • The mode will have its own ranking system. You gain or lose points depending on how well you score. In general, ending in top 4 will increase your ranking while ending 5-8 will decrease it (assuming you fight against opponents of similar ranks).

February 2020 Updates

February 26th 2020

February 26th’s update is a huge one for Battlegrounds. Dragons are finally here, bringing in a huge number of brand new minions, as well as a couple of old favourites. We’re also getting a whopping 7 new Heroes, and it’s all live now on PC. The full post is on Hearthstone’s website, but we’ve put all the changes below for your convenience.

New Heroes

  • Galakrond — Galakrond’s Greed — Costs 1: Replace a minion in Bob’s Tavern with a minion from a higher Tavern Tier.
  • Deathwing — ALL Will Burn! — Passive: ALL minions have +3 Attack.
  • Ysera — Dream Portal — Costs 1: Refresh and add a Dragon to Bob’s Tavern.
  • Nozdormu — Clairvoyance — Passive: Your first Refresh each turn costs 0.
  • Malygos — Arcane Alteration — Costs 0: Replace a minion with a random one of the same Tavern Tier.
  • Alexstrasza — Queen of Dragons — Passive: After you upgrade Bob’s Tavern to Tavern Tier 5, Discover 2 Dragons.
  • Reno Jackson — Gonna Be Rich! — Costs 4: Make a friendly minion golden (Once per game).

That’s a whopping 7 new Heroes, all with some pretty wildly powerful effects. We’ll be updating our Hearthstone Battlegrounds Tier List accordingly.

New Minions

18 brand new minions have been added to Battlegrounds to make Dragons a proper thing. Here’s all of them:

  • Dragonspawn Lieutenant
  • Red Whelp
  • Glyph Guardian — Battlegrounds
  • Steward of Time
  • Waxrider Togwaggle
  • Unstable Ghoul
  • Bronze Warden
  • Hangry Dragon
  • Drakonid Enforcer
  • Herald of Flame — Battlegrounds
  • Cobalt Scalebane
  • Murozond
  • Twilight Emissary
  • Razorgore, the Untamed
  • Holy Mackerel
  • Imp Mama
  • Kalecgos, Arcane Aspect
  • Nadina the Red

We’re also seeing some balance changes for existing minions and heroes, as well as a bit of rotation to compensate for all the brand new heroes coming in.

Battlegrounds Balance Changes

  • George the Fallen — Boon of Light Hero Power cost reduced from 4 to 3.
  • Sneed’s Old Shredder — Moved from Tier 6 to Tier 5.
  • Mama Bear — Buffed from 4/4 giving all summoned beasts +4/+4 to 5/5, giving all summoned beasts +5/+5.

Removed heroes

Professor Putricide — the devs are going ‘back to the drawing board’ with his effect, so have removed him in order to give him a bit of work.

Removed minions

  • Shielded Minibot
  • Annoy-o-Tron
  • Mounted Raptor
  • Phalanx Commander
  • Psych-o-Tron
  • Tortollan Shellraiser
  • Piloted Sky Golem
  • Festeroot Hulk
  • The Boogeymonster
  • Sated Threshadon

According to the devs, minions have to be taken out to make room for all the new ones coming in. These ones have been chosen to balance things out a bit — there are far more Mechs than other minion types, so some of them have been removed. Minions who haven’t been performing brilliantly have also been taken out.

General improvements and bug fixes

Finally, there’s a few miscellaneous changes to be made. Here’s what’s in store with the update:

  • Speeding up animations from 0.8s > 0.2s across all game modes for Overkill, Lifesteal, Poisonous, Inspire, and cards that reference «Whenever» and «After» in their text, outside of some special cases.
  • «Recruit» will no longer be displayed on the turn timer when a player is about to lose in Battlegrounds.
  • Rafaam’s Hero Power will no longer trigger a Triple notification before you transition to the combat phase in Battlegrounds.
  • Fixed a visual issue in which Golden Primalfin Lookout would sometimes display Golden Murloc cards.
  • Fixed an issue where the scoreboard would not sort players correctly on the first turn if they conceded during the mulligan in Battlegrounds.
  • Fixed an issue where the scoreboard could appear unsorted when reconnecting to a game in progress in Battlegrounds.

February 13th 2020

February contains just a small update to Hearthstone’s Battlegrounds mode. Community Manager Chris Sierra posted the full notes on Blizzard’s forums, but we’ve put the change below for your convenience.

Floating Watcher is moving from Tavern Tier 3 → Tavern Tier 4

This’ll nerf Demons ever so slightly, as their self-damaging ability was often able to snowball ridiculously. In addition to this, an issue with Galakrond, the Nightmare’s cost reduction priority was fixed. Now, it doesn’t usurp effects like Loatheb and its cost-increases.

Best Lightfang Build & Team Comp Strategy

The Lightfang Build revolves around two of its strongest units— Menagerie Magician and Lightfang Enforcer. The team comp is often placed among the top builds in tier lists because how powerful it can be. Lightfang Enforcer card will grant a random friendly Mech, Murloc, Demon and Beast +2/+2 at the end of your turn which pairs incredibly with Menagerie’s Battlecry which boosts a unit once the card is played. The basic idea of this team comp is to save up on health early on by using high stat units that will carry you through the early game and then transition into the Menagerie, Lightfang, Hydra and Amalgam build. You’ll only want to have Cave Hydra as beast on the board because that way it will receive all the buffs— making it an effective hyper-carry in this strategy. Additionally, Amalgam will be the Murloc buff receiver in this team comp. This means that you’ve got an open spot for the Demon and Mech buffs. This means you can put something like a Foe Reaper on the board to get the Mech buff and then you can choose a Demon of your choice.

Landing an Annoy-o-module and Toxfin on the Amalgam and as time goes on your power will surge so you’ve just got to survive long enough for this Hearthstone Battlegrounds build to pop off.

2 Pirate Demon Build

Demons haven’t been considered a powerful endgame build for a long time, but that doesn’t mean the tribe is completely useless at reaching the top three. The Pirate Demon build begins at tier one, with a Wrath Weaver. Hit a golden Wrath Weaver and grab a Grubber, the pirate which scales off your golden cards, and you have a game-winning build.

This build is all about pure stats. A Golden Wrath Weaver and a Golden Grubber can singlehandedly win you the game, especially if Murlocs and their devastating poison are banned. After recent buffs to Demons in the 20.8 patch, this combination build is as strong as ever, and easier to hit by the mid-game.


Это первая фаза в самом начале игры. Если вы посмотрите вниз в правом нижнем углу экрана, вы увидите свои монеты. У вас есть только три монеты в первом раунде, но по мере прохождения раундов их число будет постоянно расти (+1 за раунд).

Обратите внимание на персонажа вверху — это бармен Боб, он будет предлагать вам улучшить таверну и купить существ. Во время игры он будет подбадривать вас и раздавать советы

Уровни таверны

Значок слева увеличивает ваш уровень таверны. Улучшение таверны означает, что на доске появятся существа более высокого уровня, которых вы сможете купить. И у них будет большее количество звезд. Эти звезды переводятся в урон, если эти существа все еще находятся на доске к концу раунда (после автобоя). Улучшение стоит монет, число в верхней части значка скажет вам, сколько.


Значок справа с круглой стрелкой является обновлением таверны. Это будет стоить всего одну монету и заменит всех существ на доске новыми. Не нажимайте эту кнопку если там есть нужное существо, но вы не можете его купить прямо сейчас. Воспользуйтесь кнопкой заморозки.


Последняя иконка со снежинкой бесплатна. Нажатие на нее заморозит существ, которых вы видите на доске, до следующего хода. Поэтому, если вы не можете позволить их себе прямо сейчас, то вы можете приобрести их на следующем этапе вербовки.

Покупка существ

Каждое существо, независимо от уровня таверны, стоит вам три золота. Это касается тех существ, которых вы можете купить у Боба. Просто нажмите и перетащите выбранное существо на вашего героя, чтобы добавить его в свой список. После покупки разыграйте карту, перетащив ее на свою сторону доски.

Продажа существ

Чтобы продать существ обратно Бобу, перетащите их его ему на лицо. Боб выкупает миньонов только за одно золото, поэтому не совершайте ошибку, продавая что-то дешевле, чем оно того стоит. Это заставит вас принимать сложные решения при определении того, какие существа нужнее для вас, но будьте готовы продавать существ, которые, как вы думали в начале игры, определят вашу колоду.

Тройное улучшение

На этапе вербовки важно искать три одинаковых карты. Они объединяются, чтобы сделать одну более мощную версию этой карты

Вы также получаете бонусный приз в виде особой карты. Она раскапывает три существа, из которых можно выбрать одно. Это может быть очень полезно. Когда у вас есть три одинаковых карты, то у вас не будет выбора — слияние происходит автоматически.

Размещение существ

Несмотря на то, что это автоматическое сражение, порядок ваших существ может принести вам победу или проигрыш. Если у вас есть существо с действительно хорошим предсмертным хрипом, например, существа, которые после смерти положительно влияют на остальную часть ваших существ, ставьте эту карту левее. Она будет атаковать раньше, есть вероятность, что существо умрет сразу же, а этот бафф будет применен ко всем другим вашим существам. Если поставить такое существо правее, то предсмертный хрип может сработать слишком поздно и не принести пользы в бою.

Порядок будет зависеть от вашей колоды, поэтому, нет четкого ответа о том, как лучше упорядочить ваших существ

Уделите большое внимание эффектам ваших карт, и где, по вашему мнению, они должны быть размещены и в каком порядке находиться. На какой стадии боя существо должно умереть или получить урон

Рост существ

Баффы, возникающие на этапе вербовки, являются постоянными. Другими словами, если вы разыгрываете карту с боевым кличем, то даже если вы уберете карту с доски, миньоны не потеряют бафф, он останется навсегда. То же самое относится к бафам на повышение характеристик. Вы можете улучшать более мелких миньонов, чтобы, когда в игру вступали миньоны более высокого уровня, миньоны более низкого уровня не были бесполезными.


Name Minion type Tier Atk Health Description
Acolyte of C’Thun 1 2 2 Taunt Reborn
Menagerie Mug 2 2 2 Battlecry: Give 3 random friendly minions of different minion types +1/+1.
Selfless Hero 2 2 1 Deathrattle: Give a random friendly minion Divine Shield.
Spawn of N’Zoth 2 2 2 Deathrattle: Give your minions +1/+1.
Unstable Ghoul 2 1 3 Taunt. Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to all minions.
Arm of the Empire 3 4 5 Whenever a friendly Taunt minion is attacked, give it +2 Attack permanently.
Budding Greenthumb 3 1 4 Avenge (3): Give adjacent minions +2/+1 permanently.
Khadgar 3 2 2 Your cards that summon minions summon twice as many.
Champion of Y’Shaarj 4 4 4 Whenever a friendly Taunt minion is attacked, gain +1/+1 permanently.
Defender of Argus 4 3 3 Battlecry: Give adjacent minions +1/+1 and Taunt.
Menagerie Jug 4 3 3 Battlecry: Give 3 random friendly minions of different minion types +2/+2.
Witchwing Nestmatron 4 3 5 Avenge (3): Add a random Battlecry minion to your hand.
Baron Rivendare 5 1 7 Your minions trigger their Deathrattles twice.
Brann Bronzebeard 5 2 4 Your Battlecries trigger twice.
Deadly Spore 5 1 1 Poisonous
Lightfang Enforcer 5 2 2 At the end of your turn, give a friendly minion of each minion type +2/+2.
Mythrax the Unraveler 5 4 4 At the end of your turn, gain +1/+2 for each   minion type you control.
Strongshell Scavenger 5 2 3 Battlecry: Give your Taunt minions +2/+2.
Amalgadon All 6 6 6 Battlecry: For each different minion type you have among other minions, Adapt randomly.
Archdruid Hamuul 6 4 4 Battlecry: Refresh Bob’s Tavern with minions of your most common type.
Zapp Slywick 6 7 10 Windfury This minion always attacks the enemy minion with the lowest Attack.

Estimating the strength of your opponents & how to adjust to it.

Since this meta is all about power leveling, leveling at the right turns makes a huge difference.If you face millhouse on his eight gold turn and he is on tavern level four, there is a 90% chance that he is weak, as he seemingly leveled two turns in a row and plays a board full of two-star minions at best. If you can, level up alongside him. At worst, you take a small amount of damage, and at best, you put yourself in an advantageous situation with stronger units in the shop.

The extreme situation here is Millhouse reaching tavern five on his nine-gold turn. When that happens, no matter what, raise your tavern. You are almost guaranteed to win the round, and you need to take advantage of the situation. 

There are many more examples here, but since we don’t want to waste your time with boring examples, make sure you take a look at your opponent before the fight. Check if they won or lost their previous fights, check if they just leveled up, which helps you decide if you should level up or get stronger.Many heroes are super strong / super weak at some point, and you want to learn those spots. I’m working on that very hard in our community and if you need some help with that, make sure you join us. There is a lot to learn about that.

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