Chat formatting

Bug fixes

  • now respects the config option. ()
  • now works properly on all versions of Minecraft. ()
  • , , and now have proper tab completion. (, , , )
  • now forwards the provided cause to the subsequent event. ()
  • Local chat messages are now only logged once in the server console, not twice. ()
  • You can now set bed homes on older versions of Minecraft. ()
  • Several permissions are now defaulted to false for supported permissions plugins. (, )
  • The config option and the vanish/godmode PvP checks now ignore Citizens NPCs. (, )
  • Arrows and tridents fired by can no longer be picked up. ()
  • The default no longer has broken text formatting. ()
  • no longer reveals vanished users. ()
  • Ignored players are now stored as UUIDs, preventing evasion through username changes. ()
  • Player logout times are now saved when the server shuts down. ()
  • The server now waits for ongoing backup tasks to finish before shutting down. ()
  • is now based on the current world’s sea level, rather than a fixed sea level of 63. ()
  • You can now users who have 1-character-long names. ()
  • and now target blocks better. ()
  • s fired by CloudNet v3 are now silently ignored by EssentialsX. ()
  • no longer requires an additional argument. ()
  • Players can no longer send empty shout/question messages. ()
  • Date diffs are now shown correctly throughout the plugin, including teleport warmups, tempmutes and tempbans. ()
  • now encourages you to use the in-game command. ()
  • The cooldown and teleport cooldown messages now have a red instead of an erroneous gold at the end. ()
  • and now trigger s with the correct s. ()
  • is now case-insensitive, in line with . ()
  • EssentialsX now warns in the console if other plugins include modified bStats Metrics classes which do not respect the bStats config option. ()
  • now removes skeleton horses that were spawned by a trap and tamed to skeletons. ()
  • GeoIP: The plugin now respects and displays names in the locale. ()
  • Spawn/XMPP: Commands are now hidden in 1.13+ autocomplete. ()

General admin commands

Command Options Example
/admin backup (no options) Forces the server to take a backup immediately if you have the feature configured.
/admin restart Restarts the server after a given time. Note: this will simply shut down the server unless you have correctly configured automatic restarts.
/admin speed /admin speed rexxar 10 — This will limit the player rexxar to 10m/s, regardless of if they are piloting a ship, sat as a passenger, walking, or using a jetpack.
/admin delete floating (no options) Deletes all floating objects in the world, including ore, components, hand tools, and backpacks.
/admin stop Stops floating objects, ships, or both that are moving and unpiloted.
/admin notify /admin notify Red 5 «test» — This will display a notificaion above the chat area in red texts that stays for 5 seconds.
/admin version (no options) Prints a chat message with the current Essentials version.

Originally created by Tyrsis
Maintained by dodexahedron and rexxar

Reserved Slots

Reserved slots allows you to permanently keep server slots free for whitelisted players. For example, on a server with 30 max players, and 5 reserved slots, 25 players not in the whitelis can connect, but any after that will be rejected with a «Server is full» message (unfortunately I can’t send them a custom message, so they get a stock one). Those extra 5 slots will remain available to players in the whitelist.

  • ReservedSlotsAdmins — If this is enabled, server admins are implicitly added to the whitelist.
  • ReservedSlotsCount — The number of reserved slots.
  • ReservedSlotsEnabled — Enables / disables this feature.
  • ReservedSlotsGroupID — The ID number of a Steam group. All players in this group are implicitly whitelisted.
  • ReservedSlotsPlayers — SteamID of individual players you want in the whitelist. It’s okay if there is overlap between this list and admins or groups.

Changes for developers

EssentialsX is now built with Gradle (, , , )

Thanks to @JRoy and @jpenilla, we’ve converted the EssentialsX build setup to use Gradle. This has sped up build times considerably. In addition, thanks to the awesome jpenilla/run-paper Gradle plugin, developers working on EssentialsX can now spin up a Paper test server by running .

EssentialsX now has a dedicated Maven repo ()

Starting with 2.19.0, EssentialsX now has a dedicated Maven repository. To depend on snapshots, you’ll need to update your build scripts to use the URL , or for releases you’ll need to use the URL . New builds and releases will no longer be available from the old repository, so you’ll need to update to use new APIs.

EssentialsX now publishes Javadocs (, , )

Please bear in mind that although these Javadocs cover the entire plugin, many classes are internal and subject to change. We recommend only using classes inside the , and packages where possible, as these are designated API and unlikely to break between versions (though parts of legacy APIs in the and packages could still break in future 2.x versions).

Item names passed to s are no longer automatically lowercased ()

You can now resolve case-sensitive item names in your plugins’ s. If your plugin does not already lowercase entries, you may need to update your plugin to handle mixed-case item names.

New API ()

EssentialsX now exposes the system as an API service. You can obtain an instance of this and use it like so:

final BalanceTop baltop = Bukkit.getServicesManager().load(BalanceTop.class);
baltop.calculateBalanceTopMapAsync().thenAccept(finish -> {

Economy integration rewrite (, , , , , )

EssentialsX’s economy integrations have been rewritten from scratch. This aims to improve compatibility with problematic plugins such as Towny. If your plugin integrates with EssentialsX’s economy directly or via Vault, please test your plugin with EssentialsX 2.19.0 to ensure that users do not lose any data when they update.

EssentialsX now uses the Configurate library ()

EssentialsX’s config and data storage now use the Configurate library! This replaces the legacy Bukkit and Essentials 3 code.

If you maintain a plugin that hooks into EssentialsX’s configuration or data code, beware that many legacy config methods and classes may have been deprecated and/or removed. You should use proper EssentialsX APIs instead of hooking directly into the configuration where possible.

New events

EssentialsX 2.19.0 introduces several new events:

  • is fired when players pay money to other players with EssentialsX’s command. ()
  • is fired when players are kicked using EssentialsX’s command. ()
  • is fired when a warp is created, updated or deleted with or . ()
  • is fired when a player is about to be teleported to a spawn due to . ()

Комманды для взаимодействия из игроками:

/lp user <user> — отображает информацию о пользователе, включая его имя пользователя, основную группу, родителей и текущий контекст

/lp user <user> — узнать какая привилегия у пользователя

/lp user <user> — отображает список родительских групп пользователя / группы. (группы, от которых они наследуют)

/lp user <user> — отображает список унаследованных мета (параметров), префиксов и суффиксов пользователя / группы.

/lp user <user> — Открывает веб-интерфейс для редактирования разрешений для указанной группы. После сохранения изменений будет дана команда, которую нужно запустить, чтобы изменения вступили в силу.

/lp user <user> <track> — эта команда продвигает пользователя по треку. Во-первых, команда проверяет, находится ли пользователь на треке, указанном в заданных контекстах. Если пользователя нет на треке, он будет добавлен в первую группу на треке, если не используется флаг. Если они находятся на трассе более чем в одном месте, команда не будет выполнена. Во всех остальных случаях пользователь будет повышен по треку и будет удален из существующей группы. Если действие отслеживания влияет на их основную группу, это тоже будет обновлено

/lp user <user> <track> — эта команда понизит уровень пользователя по треку. Во-первых, команда проверяет, находится ли пользователь на треке, указанном в заданных контекстах. Если пользователь не находится на треке или находится на треке более чем в одном месте, команда не будет выполнена. В противном случае пользователь будет понижен в рейтинге и будет удален из существующей группы. Если действие отслеживания влияет на их основную группу, это тоже будет обновлено

/lp user <user>   — отображает список всех треков, на которых в данный момент находится пользователь

/lp user <user>   — очищает разрешения пользователя, родительские группы и метаданные

/lp user <user> <user>  — Клонирует данные пользователя на другого пользователя

Utility commands

Command Options Example
/pos (no options) /pos — This gives the user his current X, Y, Z position in the world
/timeleft (no options) /timeleft — this gives the user the amount of time remaining before the next scheduled restart
/msg /msg tyrsis testing a private message — This will send a private message to the user ‘tyrsis’ with the message ‘testing a private message’. This command requires the workshop mod to function properly.
/faction /faction hello everyone in my faction — This will send a private faction only message to all users in the same faction as the user sending it. This command can be shortened to /f
/utility grids list (page number) or dialog /utility grids list 1 — This lists all your grids by name and id. If you have more than 7 ships, the ships are separated into pages. Use a number after /utility grids list to list that specific page. If you do /utility grids list dialog you will get your entire grid list in a nice little dialog.
/utility export server /utility export server My Ship — This exports the ship «My Ship» to the server. The ships are exported to an «Exports» directory in the mods directory of the server under the username of the user who exported it.
/settings getblockenforcement (index) Shows a simplified list of block enforcement rules set on the server in a dialog window. Run the command again with the number of a rule to get detailed information on it.

API additions

EssentialsX 2.18.0 comes with various API additions for plugins that integrate with EssentialsX.

New API, and deprecation notice

As part of our effort to switch to async chunk loading, the and classes has been deprecated. These APIs rely on synchronous chunk loads and can pause the main thread. If you’d like to continue using EssentialsX’s teleport handling in your plugin, you should switch to and , which use async chunk loading when run on Paper 1.13+.

New and improved events

now has a enum ()

now exposes the mute reason and timestamp ()

You can now access the reason for a player’s mute using . You can also access the timestamp at which their mute will be lifted using (if the mute is permanent, this will return an empty ).

New teleport warmup and pre-teleport events ()

You can now intercept EssentialsX teleports using the to listen before the teleport warmup starts, and to listen after the warmup and immediately before the teleport commences. You can also alter the warmup delay or even cancel the teleport using these events.

New event for teleporting to homes ()

You can also now use the to intercept a player attempting to teleport to their home. This event is useful as it allows you to filter and cancel attempts to teleport to homes based on the home name, unlike .

New ()

You can block a player from redeeming a kit using the new , which is fired when a kit is being expanded for a player. You can also view the contents of the kit in the EssentialsX item meta format.

New pre-send and delivered private message events (, )

You can now intercept private messages before they’re delivered or block certain private messages using the . This allows you to add custom filters in your plugin.

You can also listen for successfully-delivered private messages using the , which allows you to add custom notification effects like sounds or particles.

Event for filtering random teleport destinations ()

You can listen to to intercept random teleports. This is useful if you maintain a land claiming plugin, and don’t want players to be able to random teleport into towns or private builds.

— and -based economy methods ()

The API now has methods to access the economy using player UUIDs and instances, and the previous -based methods have been deprecated. This does not currently affect Vault, however a new Vault provider is planned in the future.

s can now support ()

If you use the to add custom items to the items database, you can now implement the method to store these items when users run to create a kit.

Automated Backup

This is an option that all administrators should use. It will automatically backup your world save files in a backup directory. It will also compress them down so they don’t take up too much room. And lastly this option will also cleanup old backups.


  • BackupEnabled — This allows you to turn Backup off or on
  • BackupCleanup — This allows you to turn Cleaning up of the backups off or on
  • BackupCleanupTime — The amount of time, in days, that a backup will last before cleaned up
  • BackupCreateSubdirectories — This option forces the backup to put a separate backup in a new directory each time it occurs
  • BackupAsteroids — Enabling this option will make the backup process include asteroids in the backup file. If disabled, the .vx2 files will not be saved.
  • BackupItems — This is where you define when you want a backup to occur. You specify the hour and minute of the day you wish the backup to happen. Items are defined as follows:
    • Enabled — Enable / Disable this backup item
    • Hour — The hour to run this item in the range between 0-23. If you specify -1 for this option it will run every hour
    • Minute — The minute to run this item in the range between 0-59.
  • BackupDateFormat — This allows you to set a custom date format for backup filenames.

Converting to Essentials Economy

Converting to Essentials Economy from a currently supported system is fairly easy in most situations. However, the conversion process relies on Essentials having userdata for all players you wish to save the balance for.

Essentials passively saves a copy of players balances whenever the Essentials API reads a players balance. This can happen quite often on regular servers, meaning Essentials will often have a complete backup of your active Economy. To take a backup of all known players, you can use the /baltop command.

The /baltop command forces Essentials to read the current balance of all ‘known’ user accounts. This can take a little while if using a slow economy system such as mysql iConomy, or if you have had many users on your server. While baltop is running, your server’s performance should not be affected.

Once the baltop command completes (you should see a list of top balances), simply remove your old economy plugin and restart the server.

Note: If you are just switching to Essentials and Essentials doesn’t have a database of all your users (or you delete userdata often), there is no easy way to import players balances, since Essentials has no idea whose balances to look up.

Плагины заботы о пользователях


WorldGuard – плагин, с помощью которого можно настроить дополнительные правила, связанные с разметкой зон. Самая полезная функция: дать возможность выделять свою территорию, на которой изменения могут быть внесены только игроками с правами на этой территории. Администратор с помощью этого плагина может установить запрет на использование определенных предметов (никакого динамита). Еще плагин может по запросу выдавать статистику по серверу. Не основная, но крайне полезная особенность.

Версия Minecraft: до 1.16 включительно


NoCheatPlus – этот модуль призван предотвратить вмешательство читеров в игровой процесс. Прикрывает уязвимости на сервере и делает игру более безопасной. Перечень вещей, от которых защищает античит, обширный: от незапланированных полетов игроков до взлома инвентаря и спама в чат. Минус в том, что плагин не обновлялся с 2018 года, поэтому встанет на проекты с версией Minecraft не выше 1.12.

Версия Minecraft: до 1.12 включительно

  • Загрузить для Bukkit
  • Загрузить для Spigot

Holographic Displays

Простой плагин для создания голограмм. Можно на старте рассказать человеку полезную информацию в виде парящего текста: правила, важные команды для консоли, количество людей онлайн и так далее. Незаменим для серверов с мини-играми, где информацию игроку лучше выдавать в сжатом и интерактивном формате. Поддерживает анимации при создании голограмм.

  • Загрузить для Bukkit (Minecraft 1.16 и ниже)
  • Загрузить для Spigot (Minecraft 1.15 и ниже)


Dynmap – динамически генерируемая карта мира Minecraft. На карте отображаются не только изменения ландшафта, но и нахождение игроков в реальном времени, текущая погода и время. Совместим со многими плагинами, которые позволяют делить территорию (например, WorldGuard), поэтому может отображаться принадлежность определенной зоне. И для просмотра карты не нужно даже заходить в игру, ведь это можно сделать в браузере.

Версия Minecraft: до 1.16 включительно

Загрузить Dynmap

Хранение файлов и совместная работа

Храните все рабочие файлы централизованно и работайте с документами разных форматов на любом устройстве, не покупая дополнительные программы.

Готовьте отчеты, создавайте совместные предложения по проектам, отслеживайте заметки к встречам и используйте множество других возможностей.

Работайте над презентациями, учебными программами и другими материалами.

Управляйте списками задач, создавайте планы проектов, анализируйте данные с помощью диаграмм и фильтров и используйте множество других возможностей.

Управляйте регистрацией на мероприятия, создавайте тесты, анализируйте ответы на них и делайте многое другое.

Chat Information Commands with interval based repeats

This option allows you to setup commands that users can access that allow administrators to display server information to the user. The command /info is the base command, and the administrator then defines sub commands to display different types of information. For example defining a sub command ‘motd’ that gives a general message to users is setup with a sub command of motd. The user then types /info motd to see it. You can then specify if you’d like that message to be displayed for everyone at intervals. So for example you can set it up to send that message once every few hours, even if a player doesn’t type the /info motd command.


  • InformationEnabled — This allows you to turn Information commands off or on
  • InformationItems — This lets you define information commands. Defining an item is pretty simple.
    • Enabled — Enable / Disable this information item
    • IntervalSeconds — The amount of time it takes for this item to be broadcasted publicly. Set to 0 to not have it broadcast
    • SubCommand — The command a user types to view this information item. If you leave this blank, users will not be able to view this command via /info, and will only see it if you use it in an interval.
    • SubText — The actual text that is displayed with this item is queried using the /info command or broadcasted. You may use the %name% tag which gets replaced by the user’s name. This is a multiline text, and each line will be broadcasted individually per interval as well. So this allows you to setup messages that get sent in order.


 Четвертый плагин — это Essentials. Этот плагин отлично подходит для совместной работы с PermissionsEx. Так как он добавляет все основные команды на сервер, а PermissionsEx распределяет на них права. Например этот плагин добавляет команды: /call /tpaccept /home  /warp /day,night /fly и еще ОЧЕНЬ много других команд. Также чуток упрощает игрокам написание команд например вместо /gamemode 1 можно написать /gm 1 и еще несколько небольших упрощений. Я считаю что без этого плагина (особенно если ваш сервер для выживания) сервер просто не сможет нормально работать. Очень советую поставить его !


See also: Sign Tutorial

Essentials signs can be used to allow players to spawn kits that they would not normally have access too. This can be controlled in two ways.

If you do not normally allow players access to /kit, you can assign players permissions for each kit you would like to allow players access, and make a simple /kitname sign.

If you normally allow players to spawn kits with /kit, you can utilize the 3rd line of the kit sign to white list a permission group, or simply give everyone access to the kit via this sign.

The 4th line is reserved for costs, and can be used to limit the sign to a set number of uses, or charge the user via items or account balance.

Экономика (Права и команды на экономику)

Команда Права Описание права
/balance  – essentials.balance Разрешить доступ к команде /balance
 – essentials.balance.others Позволяет увидеть баланс других игроков
/balancetop  – essentials.balancetop Разрешить доступ к команде /balancetop
/eco  – Разрешить доступ к команде /eco
 – Позволяет игроку иметь отрицательный баланс
/pay  – Разрешить доступ к команде /pay
/sell  – essentials.sell Разрешить доступ к команде /sell
/setworth  – essentials.setworth Разрешить доступ к команде /setworth
/worth  – essentials.worth Разрешить доступ к команде /worth

Supported server versions

  • and — EssentialsX actively develops against and supports these versions.
  • ️ , , , , , , , and — these versions are still supported, but are not a priority for us, and may be dropped in a future release.

We recommend using the latest version of Paper. EssentialsX includes significant improvements that require Paper, including:

  • Paper’s async chunk loading reduces lag spikes during player teleports. CraftBukkit and Spigot do not support async chunk loading from plugins.
  • , , , , , are only supported on Paper. CraftBukkit and Spigot do not support the API needed for these.
  • on 1.12+ requires Paper to avoid a dupe bug introduced by CraftBukkit and Spigot.
  • Paper contains countless overall performance optimisations over CraftBukkit and Spigot.

EssentialsX does not support the following Minecraft versions or server software:

  • «Ultra-performance» Paper forks including Akarin, Yatopia, and similar projects — these often perform non-standard behaviour and can break your worlds and installed plugins.
  • Mohist — We cannot guarantee the safety or functionality of unofficial builds of EssentialsX; you should avoid using Mohist where possible.
  • or below.


Legacy Support

In many permissions systems, you will find support for build toggles, or have build permissions intended to be given to allow people to build. If a user has building enabled in one of these systems or has the following opt out permission, they will be exempt from the following permissions checks.

Global opt out

If you have a player who you don’t want to perform build checks on. I.e. You want them to be able to build with any non blacklisted block. Give the player the following permission. This is recommended where possible as it reduces the number of checks the server needs to make every time a player places/breaks a block.

Permission control

Assuming a player doesn’t have ‘’ permission or ‘build: true’ in their permissions file, they will be checked for item based permissions whenever they try to place, interact with or break a block.

The permissions follow the following syntax:<id><id>:<id><id>:<id><id>:<id><id>:<id><id>:<id><id>:

These permissions can be given directly or be given using wildcards, so for example its possible to do the following:


Which would allow a user to place/break every type of block except for placing pistons.


PEX not following superperms rules properly will behave slightly different in that the ‘<id>’ perms will not work. You can still use the ‘<id>:’ perms however. If you need to whitelist/negate all datavalues for a single block, instead use: ‘<id>:*’. For example:


Alternatively you can use the modifyworld plugin that ships with PermissionsEx.


When a user tries to place a block, they will also be ‘interacting’ with the block they try to place it on. So if a player tries to place a block of dirt on sand, they will need both the interact permission for sand, and the place permission for dirt. The ‘interact’ check is based on the item for which the user clicks on, not always the block below. Generally if you want a user to be able to build, it would be best to give them ‘*’ or ‘*’ or the global opt out permission above.

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