Game controls


  • Bary— short for Baryonyx, a crocodile like dinosaur similar to sucho and spino
  • Bleed Level— a number that determines how much damage a player takes when bleeding. The higher the bleed level, the more damage. Can be seen by pressing insert in game.
  • Blood God— another deity of the isle. Some people, mainly rex players, claim that the blood god compels them to kill for blood and the reason why blood Despawns is because the blood god is drinking it, but this is pure superstition.
  • Bridge Lake— also known as twins lake; has a bridge running through it, located on region 2. (outdated)
  • Broken Leg— The status condition of a dinosaur when it falls off a steep cliff or is bit by a T. rex, causing the player to reduce into a limp until the bone is fully healed.

In Real Life

Gallimimus was one of the largest Ornithomimosaurs, standing about 2 meters tall at the hip and around 8 meters in length. It was discovered in the Nemegt Formation of Mongolia, where the giant Ornithomimosaur Deinocheirus was also discovered.

Gallimimus was probably herbivorous, although omnivory has been suggested. It was likely preyed upon by the tyrannosaurids Alioramus and Tarbosaurus.

It was fairly typically-proportioned for an ornithomimid, sporting a long neck with a small head, long legs, and a long tail. Gallimimus shows a number of adaptations to a cursorial lifestyle; a strong ilium, heavy tail base, and long limbs, with the legs possessing a long tibia, a long metatarsus, and short toes. Despite these adaptations, it is unknown exactly how fast Gallimimus was.

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Появляется чёрный экран в The Isle

  • Драйверы установлены/обновлены, но The Isle всё равно отказывается работать
    нормально? Тогда нужно проверить ПО, установлены ли вообще необходимые библиотеки? В
    первую очередь проверьте наличие библиотек Microsoft Visual C++ и .Net
    , а также наличие «свежего» DirectX.
  • Если ничего из вышеописанного не дало нужного результата, тогда пора прибегнуть к
    радикальному способу решения проблемы: запускаете The Isle и при появлении
    чёрного экрана нажимаете сочетание клавиш «Alt+Enter», чтобы игра переключилась на
    оконный режим. Так, возможно, откроется главное меню игры и удастся определить
    проблема в игре или нет. Если удалось перейти в оконный режим, тогда переходите в
    игровые настройки The Isle и меняйте разрешение (часто получается так, что
    несоответствие разрешения игры и рабочего стола приводит к конфликту, из-за которого
    появляется чёрный экран).
  • Причиной этой ошибки также могут послужить различные программы, предназначенные для
    захвата видео и другие приложения, связанные с видеоэффектами. А причина простая –
    появляются конфликты.
  • И напоследок – проблема, вероятнее всего, может быть связана с технической
    составляющей «железа». Видеоадаптер может перегреваться, как и мосты на материнской
    плате, что влечёт за собой уменьшенное энергопотребление видеокарты. Мы не будем
    вдаваться в детальные технические подробности, поэтому просто рекомендуем в
    обязательном порядке почистить свою машину от пыли и также поменять термопасту!

Pros & Cons


  • Powerful damage and bleed damage.
  • Decent health.
  • Moderately high stamina.
  • Can defend from practically any angle with its tail attack (see below*)

    It’s tail swipe combined with its turn makes attacking from any angle a risk.

  • It can easily kill non apex dinosaurs.

Like the Ankylosaurus it’s impossible to tail-ride.

Can Impale Smaller Creatures Like The Utahraptor.


  • Stamina refill is slow (Adult).
  • Front can be vulnerable to attacks.
  • Can not hide well.
  • Its slow trot and run makes it easy for apexes to hunt it down.
  • Will almost always lose to apexes in a fight.
  • Bad bleed resistance and heal.


  • Handbreak Maneuver— a technique used by many players to kill opponents who are chasing them. To perform it, simply run, and then stop abruptly,leaving the attacker still running. When your opponent gets in front of you, attack.
  • Heart Lake— a V4 lake at -440, -50
  • Herb— short for herbivore, an animal that eats plants
  • Herb Lake— a V4 lake at -555, 162
  • Herbi— see herb
  • Herra— short for Herrerasaurus, a dinosaur species in the isle
  • Hidden Lake— a lake on either region 1 or 2; They are both very out of the way, thus the name «Hidden», can also now refer to a V4 lake at 160, 588
  • Hidden Pond— a V3 lake located at 144, -96
  • Horseshoe Lake— a V3 lake located outside the swamp at -263, 300
  • Hyper— short for hyperendocrin strain, one of the three strains an animal can have
  • Hypo— Short for Hyperendocrin strain, one of the three strains an animal can have

Survival or Sandbox?

The Isle’s core game mode is Survival, a tense and difficult experience where you need to grow fast or die young. Dinosaurs in Survival mode progress through several life stages, starting out small and vulnerable. Use your scent ability, night vision and wits to survive long enough to grow, becoming more powerful and unlock new abilities such as nesting. Because of the time needed to develop a full character life cycle, not every creature is or will be playable in Survival, though more will be added in future updates.

However, sometimes you don’t want to struggle to survive, or you don’t have the time to go through a dinosaur’s whole life story. And that’s okay. For players who want a less intense experience, Sandbox mode lets you play an expanded roster of dinosaurs (and soon humans!). You can jump right in as an adult super predator or a peaceful giant, with no major penalties or consequences from dying. We won’t judge.

Type-H: Hyperendocrin

All current «Hyper» dinosaurs.

Designed to kill with sheer brute force, Hyperendocrin dinosaurs are massive, fast, loud, and starving. Their insatiable hunger drives them to slaughter and consume entire herds of dinosaurs, while their super-regeneration and bulletproof skin makes any form of retaliation useless. The only known reliable way to kill a Hyperendocrin dinosaur is to starve it out.


  • Hyperendocrin Colossus
  • Hyperendocrin Tyrannosaurus
  • Hyperendocrin Giganotosaurus
  • Hyperendocrin Carnotaurus
  • Hyperendocrin Utahraptor
  • Hyperendocrin Spinosaurus

The Endocrine:The endocrine system is an organ system that, among other functions, regulates metabolism, hence the name Hyperendocrin, or hyper-metabolism. It is for this reason that Hyperendocrin creatures must eat almost constantly in order to survive, and have the energy to run at high speeds for extremely prolonged periods of time. Bullet immunity or resistance may also be granted while in this form.


The playstyle of the Tyrannosaurus changes as it grows. It has a three-stage life cycle: Juvenile, Sub-Adult, and Adult. 


As a juvenile, Tyrannosaurus is fast, but not as fast as the other Tier 3 and 4 dinosaurs. Recommended prey are small and medium dinosaurs, like the AI Orodromeus and Psittacosaurus. It is the easiest prey, especially at the beginning, since it gives 163 + 88 points of food. It is recommended that players use ambush tactics when hunting prey at this stage. It is also advised to stay low when dangers are nearby as juveniles are vulnerable to other predators. A good strategy is avoiding all other carnivores. Don’t feel ashamed if you die frequently at this stage — the survival rates of most Tyrannosaurus juveniles are very low.


Though slower than the juvenile, the sub-adult Tyrannosaurus is still a fast creature. At this stage, the Tyrannosaurus gets much more strength and bite force, allowing it to take on larger prey, such as Ceratosaurus, Carnotaurus and Maiasaura although weaker, slower dinosaurs are always recommended over riskier game. Most solo predators smaller than the sub-adult will avoid it, but note that packs can be lethal. The sub-adult has 2000 — 4000 health and a great bite force when it is fully grown: 450.


An Adult Tyrannosaurus has a whopping 6500 points of health and a soul-crushing bite. Now it can take on the largest of creatures such as Triceratops, Parasaurolophus, Shantungosaurus and perhaps even the Giganotosaurus. However, it must maintain its stamina well, for it no longer regenerates stamina while walking OR standing.

In The Isle

They are easily recognizable by their dorsal plates. The thagomizer attack causes decently high damage, as well as immense blood loss. The Stegosaurus is capable of swinging its tail and cause bleed damage to predators. In the recode, it will have the ability to instantly kill a small carnivore by impaling it with its thagomizers by swinging and hitting the target. Once impaled, it will stay on the thagomizers for a while then fall off.

«This lumbering giant enjoys taking things nice and easy. It uses the threat of it’s massive size and impressive weaponry to ward off most would be predators. Given its slow speed, it leans harder into fight than flight. Beware the tail! A well-aimed swing can be lethal. Although a fairly consistent sight on the plains, they can sometimes be found foraging on the outskirts of the jungle as well.»

-Official The Isle Roadmap

Water Sources

Name Nickname Size Cordinates (Lat, long)
Western Coast Very Small -690, 250
Gulf Pond Marsh Lake Small -496, 200
Oasis Flood Pond Small -455, 380
Rocky Pond Rapids Pond Very Small -467, 518
Sewer Puddle Very Small -265, 300
The Wash Ridgeside Medium -370, 320
Lone Pond Small 100, 250
Canyon Pond Small -35, 165
PORT Water Sources Box Water 424, 228

410, 235

Gem Small 385, 210
Hidden Small 400, 55
Little Duo Very Small 340, 5
Murky Pond Small 310, -105
Spillway Pond Small 45, 115
East Swamp Large 205, 70
West Swamp Large 100, 40
The Jungle Drainage Basin Large 15, 60
Central Lake Large -30, 25
Spirit Pond Small -120, -75
Titan Lake Dam Lake Massive 20, -250
Hotsprings Small 135, -350
Secret Pond Small 265, -345
Spring Lakes Very Small 160, -375
Sanctuary Small 120, -140
Donut Lake Donut Small -105, -295
Splash Small -170, -320
Gourd Medium -130, -470
Northernmost Very small -250, -560
North Twins «Twins» Large -440, -120
South Twins «Twins» Medium -470, -140
Cargo pond Small -500, -50
Dump’s Pool The Bog Medium -275, -300
Dump’s Bog The Bog Small -230, -280
ANTENNA TOWER Water Source Box Water -592, -135

How to (possibly) unlock them

In the Dev Q&A, Dondi (Developer) mentions the island will be occupied by «horrifying things». Some will eat you, or melt you, but the important thing is:

  • Some could change your DNA
  • Some will take parts away that you did not know you had

…and after a few hours as an Adult, you then grow to a Strain.

Interestingly, another Developer, BryanPhillips, claims that you do not «grow» into a Strain, you evolve into it. It has now been confirmed since the release of the roadmap. The player will become an Elder at the end of his dinosaur’s adult stage, and after this, will face two choices. He can either choose to end his dinosaur’s life and gain bonus points for his next dinosaur (we suppose it means growing faster or starting at a more advanced stage) or choose to become a strain.

In The Isle

Gallimimus is a relatively defenseless dinosaur, relying mainly on its high speed and a large amount of stamina to outrun pursuing predators. They can attack by kicking with their legs; and while this is dangerous for smaller, weaker predators like Herrerasaurus and Austroraptor, it is best to flee when confronted by larger, more durable predators such as Allosaurus and Tyrannosaurus. A Gallimimus with a broken leg is easy prey for any carnivore, as it loses the main advantage it has over its predators; speed. Gallimimus is currently the fastest herbivore in the game in a normal sprint, and has the longest lasting stamina, making it very efficient at running away from predators. Some faster Carnivores, such as Utahraptor and Carnotaurus can catch Gallimimus while in an ambush sprint or normal sprint respectively.

For this reason, it is a good idea for Gallimimus to group up into herds with larger and more well-defended herbivores such as Stegosaurus, Triceratops and Shantungosaurus. The speed and high stamina of the Gallimimus make it a good scouter; and while it doesn’t do much damage, the foresight to the herd it provides is valuable for fending off carnivore attacks.

It is one of the only dinosaurs to be able to outpace Hyperendocrins in stamina and also able to outspeed the Type-H Giga (not including ambush) and Type-H Rex (not including ambush). But it is able to out-turn the Type H Carnotaurus so it has the most likely chance of survival against it.

«The Gallimimus relies primarily on it’s high speed and maneuverability to keep itself alive against pursuing threats. While it’s diet primarily consists of vegetation the Gallimimus is an omnivore, allowing it to feed upon the eggs of other dinosaurs.»

-Official The Isle Roadmap

Низкий FPS, The Isle тормозит, фризит или лагает

  • Запустите диспетчер задач и в процессах найдите строку с названием игры
    (The Isle). Кликайте ПКМ по ней и в меню выбирайте «Приоритеты», после
    чего установите значение «Высокое». Теперь остаётся лишь перезапустить
  • Уберите всё лишнее из автозагрузки. Для этого все в том же диспетчере задач нужно
    перейти во вкладку «Автозагрузка», где нужно отключить лишние процессы при
    запуске системы. Незнакомые приложения лучше не трогать, если не знаете, за что они
    отвечают, иначе рискуете испортить запуск системы.
  • А также рекомендуем в настройках, связанных с энергопотреблением, установить
    «Максимальную производительность». То же касается и видеокарты: нужно
    установить максимальную производительность в настройках графического процессора (это
    можно сделать в «Управлении параметрами 3D»), а в фильтрации текстур
    выбирайте параметр «Качество».
  • Если ваша видеокарта от Nvidia по возрасту не старше серии графических процессоров
    GTX 10, тогда частоту кадров вполне реально поднять за счёт ускорения работы с
    видеокартой. Для реализации задуманного опять-таки нужно открыть «Панель
    Видеокарты, перейти
    в уже знакомую вкладку «Управление параметрами 3D» и выбрать в списке с
    программами игру, после чего отыскать «Вертикальный синхроимпульс» и кликнуть
    по нему, чтобы в меню выставить параметр «Быстро».
  • Следует удалить временные папки, ненужные файлы и кэш. На просторах интернета можно
    найти кучу самых разных программ, которые помогают это сделать. Мы рекомендуем
    воспользоваться для этого программой BleachBit или CCleaner.
  • Проведите дефрагментацию или оптимизацию жёсткого диска. Для этого перейти в
    «Свойства жёсткого диска» вкладка
    «Сервис» «Дефрагментация» или
    . Кроме того, там же можно провести проверку/очистку диска, что
    в некоторых случаях помогает.
  • В конце концов, перейдите на простое оформление, чтобы компьютер не нагружался
    ресурсоёмкими эффектами. К примеру, можно смело отключать встроенные отладчики,
    индексирование поиска и многое другое.




Tyrannosaurus was being added as AI in «Update #4». However, due to A.I. not working as they like, they have currently paused the Tyrannosaurus A.I. until they can get A.I. working for them properly.

  • Rex Growth Morph can be downloaded here
  • Rex puking animations can be downloaded here

Old Tyrannosaurus (TSL)

It was the first Tyrannosaurus to be released before the default one and the Hyperendocrin. It is currently unavailable to the public but has been sighted by people as the devs showcase it. Unlike the current rex, this rex still has the old sound set for the rex in general. A rare and much weaker subspecies of the normal Tyrannosaurus, the TSL rex is much more lightly built. It has a downy coat of feathers, not as much as the average feathered Tyrannosaurus has, and a more differently shaped body and skull. Recommended prey are smaller herbivores, like Maiasaura and Avaceratops, as they are easier to kill then larger, more powerful herbivores. It is referred to as «Tarbosaurus», a large tyrannosaur that originated in Asia, by some realism servers in the game. It also has 1700 health.

In The Isle

It is slightly larger and stronger than the Carnotaurus and Ceratosaurus but is slower; however, it is still faster than the Tyrannosaurus and other apex predators, albeit weaker.

Allosaurus is a reasonable mid-ground predator, although not always agile enough to catch up with swift prey. It is the second strongest mid-tier carnivore in survival, behind only Suchomimus and apexes in strength.

Allosaurus is notable for its bleed damage. The best way to hunt prey is to take a quick bite out of a target and retreat. Repeat this and the victim should die of blood loss. Larger prey is not ideal unless a pack is present.

За кулисами[]

Механика вложенности добавляется в «Обновление № 4».

От Punchpacket, 01.01.2019:

«С системой «affinity» в работе будет несколько стимулов для гнездования. Но на данный момент гнездование по-прежнему является лучшим способом взять с собой друзей в путешествие в The Isle. Существует не так уж много баффов или благ, которые мы действительно можем дать игрокам за то, что они гнездятся со своими друзьями, из-за случаев злоупотреблений, которые могут возникнуть из-за этого. Но мы планируем сделать что-то, что не будет простительно и заставит вас захотеть остепениться и высиживать несколько яиц в своей жизни».

От Punchpacket, 15.01.2019:


Herbivores are the main prey of carnivores, right under AI.. as most of the carnivores are either new or just lazy… or can’t even find you as you’re just sitting in a bush in the middle of nowhere.

Herbivores only eat the bushes they find when they sniff. There’s nothing else to it, really. Except you should hide in a tree until full adult and most importantly- don’t spam call… that’s how juvis die all the time. Yes, I am looking at you juvi trikes… (but srsly if you kill juvi trikes youre evil theyre literally so adorable >:c)

Herbivores should always be in a herd because they’re vunerable to carnivores when they’re on their own. Again it’s your choice. Just don’t spam call.. or call at all.

Now to the growth times and stuff:

  • Triceratops – also known as trike or potato or horned cow: Trikes take 6 hours to grow (juvi to full adult) or 360 minutes. They can actually be tanks if you’re a solo apex, as their stomp hitbox is literally broken. Very broken.. They give a lot of herd too, so if you kill one you’ll likely bleed out if you’re a rex or something unless you sit down quickly. Their speed is 25.3kmh as an adult. They don’t have ambush speed obviously…
  • Shantungosaurus – also known as shant or shantu or land whale or cow: It takes 6 hours to grow (hatchling- full adult as it’s a sandbox dinosaur) or 360 minutes. These are tanks too, like trike. If you’re rex or giga, be careful not to get your head under their stomp… if their stomp stomps your head then you will get one shotted. Their headbutt is strong too but not nearly as strong. The thing is that their stomp can be easily baited, like every dinosaur with a stomp attack. Use it to your advantage. Their speed is 32.5kmh, which can outrun an apex easily most of the time.
  • Therizinosaurus – also known as theri or fluffy-butt or murder turkey or fluffy chicken: They take 5 hours to grow from hatchling to full adult, which is 300 minutes. This is a sandbox dinosaur too so they only have 2 stages. These are actually very fast for a herbivore, and do A LOT of damage. Their speed is 38.2kmh, which outruns allos and a few more dinosaurs! It can also outrun a dilo if it isn’t running in a straight line. Unfortunately, theri has hardly any health- rex 3 shots it. It makes up for it’s insane damage and speed, though. Theri really only has a chance against a rex or giga if it gets behind it.

In Real Life

Stegosaurus was a fairly large animal, with the largest specimens reaching up to 9 meters (29.5 feet) in length. It was herbivorous, feeding mainly on low-growing vegetation. The head of Stegosaurus was held around a meter off the ground and about 2 at largest. The brain was quite small in proportion to the body, with the brain being about 80 g (0.17 lbs) in an animal that weighed 4.5-8 metric tonnes (9,920-16,000 lbs).

It likely wasn’t very quick on it’s feet either; calculations for Stegosaurus although outdated give it a top speed of 6-15 km/h (3.7-9.3 m/h). The young were likely predated upon by Allosaurus, Ceratosaurus with the adults being harder and more likely to be preyed upon by Epanterias, Saurophaganax or Torvosaurus, though it is good to note that non of this is confirmed.

Stegosaurus was well-armed to defend itself; the tip of its tail bear four spikes, each between 60-90 cm (2-3 ft) in length with possibly reaching up to 100cm plus. This adaptation, known as a thagomizer, is common in stegosaurs and their ankylosaur relatives, though advanced ankylosaurids had bony clubs instead of spikes.

The plates on Stegosaurus back have been the subject of near-constant debate since it’s a discovery in 1887 with various researchers proposing them as defensive shielding, display structures, or many other uses. Even their placement has been debated, though most modern depictions seem to have agreed upon a paired row of alternating plates. These plates vary in size, with the largest plates above the hip being around 60 cm (2 ft) in width and height.

It is currently only playable in Sandbox mode but has been confirmed to be coming into Survival mode.

General Information


  • Highest bleed damage, stamina andsecond highest base bite damage and speed of any survival Apex, only behind Tyrannosaurus.
  • Quick alt-turn speed.
  • High bite rate.
  • 3rd best trot speed in survival-after Gallimimus and Maiasaura.
  • Regenerates stamina while walking or standing, unlike Tyrannosaurus. 
  • High hunger time (Fully grown adult).
  • Can overpower a Tyrannosaurus if given the chance.
  • Good Sub Adult stage
  • Sub Giga can often overpower Suchomimus and Sub Tyrannosaurus.
  • Sub Giga when running has the best turn radius in survival (which allows it to dodge direct attack at it).
  • Sub adult giga is the best non-apex survival dinosaur. (in terms of combat)
  • Arguably the best hunter in the game as it can track down nearly anything over long distances if it is good enough at following its preys footprints.
  • Extremely good turn speed when trotting. (it’s very difficult to buttride a giga that is constantly toggling between trot turn and z-turn)
  • Best bleed damage in the game, including non survival dinosaurs.


  • Has a relative long stamina regeneration time.
  • Hard to hide due to its large size.
  • Easily outrun by Tyrannosaurus, however, the Giganotosaurus trot is faster and has higher stamina. 
  • Juvenile and Sub Gigas are slow and have mediocre Stamina, along with quick food and water loss.
  • Slow run, mediocre ambush (30.6 kph, 39.8 kph).
  • Can be killed by Tyrannosaurus if given the chance.
  • Having a slow sprint during its sub-adult stage makes it easy to be caught by full-grown apex predators.
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