Classic warrior tank best in slot (bis) molten core gear guide — wow classic 1.13
The Reliquary’s headquarters in Silvermoon City.
As the name suggests, the Reliquary represents a very different side of the elves, one perhaps more in tune with (but still strikingly different to) the Farstriders. In place of wondrous displays of arcane mastery or dedicated knights in plate and mail, the Reliquary is, at a glance, a somewhat more mundane line of work: the art of the dig is certainly not a glamorous endeavor, yet still attracts a diverse variety of members. Nonetheless, when particularly formidable danger is involved, the Reliquary has members of both the Magisters and the Blood Knights on hand to ensure their work proceeds smoothly — the former to ensure the deciphering and probing of ancient texts (as seen in the Ruins of Ogudei; and later, the grand magister himself and Archmage Aethas Sunreaver were called in to this end) comes along quickly and efficiently, while the latter occasionally serve as guards.
In addition, the Reliquary employs scouts, outrunners and — inevitably — adventurers. Making use of the wider Horde, the more physically powerful of the blood elves’ allies have also been put to good use by the Reliquary.
The Horde’s archaeology trainers are also members of the Reliquary.
Antaresian Reliquary | |
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Author | Seongbae Park |
Port | Boom-compatible |
IWAD | Doom II |
Year | |
Link | |
This mod received one of the Cacowards on Doomworld! |
Antaresian Reliquary is an nine-level PWAD for Doom II requiring a Boom-compatible source port, created by Seongbae Park (antares031). The WAD is a compilation of maps the author designed for various community projects across four years up to 2020, with the addition of minor tweaks to all maps and two new levels to prevent entry to regular IWAD levels.
Similar to Struggle — Antaresian Legacy, the WAD features new weapons and monsters replacement via DeHackEd. It also has some enemies from Struggle. The first release candidate of the WAD came out on May 17, 2020 and uploaded to /idgames archive on June 6, 2020. It received a Cacoward that same year. The made for the WAD was released separately on May 23, 2020.
Gameplay changesedit
- The player starts with 60 bullets, instead of 50
- Lost soul’s HP is decreased from 100 to 45
- Cacodemon’s corpse has been adjusted a little bit
- Arachnotron’s plasma projectile is replaced with energy bolt; higher velocity, lesser damage
- Former human is replaced by Former Ranger: shoots one energy bolt, has 25% more HP, and faster movement speed
- Baron of Hell is replaced by Antaresia from Struggle — Antaresian Legacy
- Chaingun Elite from Struggle — Antaresian Legacy has been added
- Bullet capacity is increased from 200/400 to 240/480
- Shell capacity is decreased from 50/100 to 40/80
- Rocket capacity is decreased from 50/100 to 40/80
- Cell capacity is decreased from 300/600 to 240/480
- Bullet items now give 20% more bullets; 12/60
- Cell items now give 20% less energy; 16/80
Weapon changesedit
Note: Every weapon has notably faster weapon-switching speed
- Fist: Faster reaction time and doubled the damage
- Pistol: Replaced by Machinegun with faster firing rate, and always accurate
- Shotgun: Slightly faster firing rate
- Super shotgun: Increased firing rate by 18%
- Chaingun: Notably faster firing rate and added post-fire delay sequence
- Rocket launcher: Faster projectile speed and increased projectile damage
- Plasma rifle: Decreased firing rate by 50%, slightly increased projectile speed, increased projectile damage by 140%, and removed post-fire delay sequence
- BFG: Pre-fire delay is decreased (overall firing rate is still the same), projectile damage is decreased from 100 to 80, and now requires 30 cells per shot, instead of 40
Built-in demosedit
This WAD features three . All require Doom II with a Boom-compatible v2.02 source port to view them. The demo levels are:
Demo | Level | Tics | Length | |
DEMO1 | MAP02: A Forlorn Outpost | 4 | 9921 | 4:43.46 |
DEMO2 | MAP04: Purgatorial Technologies | 4 | 9787 | 4:39.63 |
DEMO3 | MAP06: The Kerberos Complex | 4 | 4214 | 2:00.40 |
Tae’thelan’s stated goals for the Reliquary culminate in a desire to free his people of their magical addiction for good, by using powerful magical artifacts through controlled methods. Though the Sunwell is restored, in essence, it is not a cure for magical addiction — but a constant source of power to keep it in check, as it was since the founding of Quel’Thalas. To truly conquer the elves’ addiction to magic (as both Tae’thelan and Lady Liadrin have gone on record as stating), the elves must conquer the addiction itself as their Sunwell sustains them on this quest.
The Reliquary’s more immediate goals are to amass a vast amount of magical artifacts, wealth and lore, so as to ensure it cannot be used against them.
The Reliquary also owns a physical vault (named the Grand Vault), though its location is a closely-guarded secret which only the highest-ranking members of the organization are privy to. Some believe it is not even on this plane of existence.
The Reliquary may have had a bad name in the past, but they now consider it’s important to maintain appearances and focus on performing acts of heroism from time to time.
Patch changes
- Patch 1.7.0 (patch date:2005-09-22): Bind on Equip Bracers and Belts in Molten Core now drop more often.
Patch 1.6.0 (patch date:2005-07-12):
- The loot tables in Molten Core have been revised slightly.
- Characters that die and release in the Molten Core will now receive a minimap corpse marker and arrow that will lead them to the window next to Lothos Riftwaker in Blackrock Mountain.
- Patch 1.5.0 (patch date:2005-06-07): Additional new raid items have been added to the treasure lists for bosses in Molten Core.
Patch 1.4.0 (patch date:2005-05-05):
- Molten Core boss creatures have all received some new items on their loot tables.
- Most of the non-class set items that dropped from Molten Core have had their effective levels increased, resulting in higher DPS weapons, and/or better stats and effects.
- The loot tables for some of the Molten Core bosses have been improved so they drop an additional epic item per kill.
- Prior to this patch, Molten Core boss creatures could drop items from one of two different tiered sets for every character class. The loot tables have been changed so Molten Core bosses will now only drop items from the lower tier class sets. However, some of the items from those sets were not previously dropping in Molten Core. These missing class set items will now drop in Molten Core, allowing players to complete their lower tier class sets.
Patch 1.3.0 (patch date:2005-03-07):
- Players who have completed the Molten Core discovery quest can now port directly to the zone, bypassing Blackrock Depths.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the first Firelord to stop moving.
- Line of Sight checks removed from many creature abilities in Molten Core.
- Patch 1.2.0 (patch date:2004-12-18): If you die in Molten Core, you will now be able to retrieve your corpse at the Blackrock Depths instance line.
The Reliquary of Souls manifests three different Essences over the course of the encounter, each of which applies unique effects that must be handled differently. First, the Essence of Suffering always strikes the nearest player and afflicts the raid with Essence of Suffering. Second, the Essence of Desire afflicts the raid with Essence of Desire. Finally, players must defeat the Essence of Anger which afflicts the raid with Essence of Anger.
- Watch your mana during Essence of Suffering.
- Quickly dispel Soul Drain.
- Regenerate Mana from the Enslaved Souls during the Intermission stage.
- While the Essence of Desire is active, be careful of Deaden.
- Using a Taunt effect while the Essence of Anger is active will cause Seethe.
- Face the Essence of Anger away from allies to avoid damage from Soul Scream.
Essence of Suffering
- Aggro
- Don’t leave me alone!
- Freed
- Pain and suffering are all that await you!
- Recap
- I don’t want to go back!
- Killing a player
- Look at what you made me do.
- I didn’t ask for this!
- Enrage
- The pain is only beginning!
- Death
- Now what do I do?!
Essence of Desire
- Aggro
- You can have anything you desire… for a price.
- Special
- Be careful what you wish for.
- Recap
- I’ll be waiting.
- Killing a player
- Fulfillment is at hand.
- Yes, you’ll stay with us now.
- Your reach exceeds your grasp.
- Death
- I won’t be far!
Essence of Anger
- Aggro
- Beware: I live!
- Soul Scream
- So foolish!
- Special
- On your knees!
- Recap
- I won’t be ignored.
- Killing a player
- <Maniacal cackle>
- Enough, no more!
- Death
- Beware, coward!
Король Франции Людовик IX купил то, что он считал подлинным Терновым венцом в Константинополе в 1239 году, а отдельные шипы были розданы в качестве подарков последующими французскими королями. Иоанн, герцог Берри (1340–1416), брат французского короля Карла V , приказал сделать этот реликварий для размещения единственного шипа; Вероятно, это было сделано за несколько лет до того, как он заказал свой знаменитый Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry , и через несколько лет после того, как он заказал Королевский золотой кубок , также в Британском музее. Раньше датированный периодом между 1401 и 1410 годами, судя по свидетельствам в книге Джона Черри 2010 года, реликварий теперь считается созданным до 1397 года; судя по использованным геральдическим формам, музей датирует его 1390–1397 гг. Позднее считалось, что реликварий Святой Шиповник принадлежал Людовику I, герцогу Орлеанскому , но все недавние авторы предпочитают его дядю, герцога Берри.
Деталь одного из апостолов (больше реального размера)
Его местонахождение неизвестно до инвентаризации 1544 года, когда он принадлежал императору Священной Римской империи Карлу V , возможно, как наследство его предков, герцогов Валуа Бургундских . Предположительно, он перешел в австрийскую ветвь Габсбургов после смерти Карла V, поскольку он внесен в несколько инвентарных списков Императорской Schatzkammer («сокровищницы») в Вене с 1677 года. Он оставался в Вене до 1860 года, когда он появился на выставке. Через некоторое время после этого он был отправлен на реставрацию Саломону Вейнингеру, торговцу произведениями искусства, имеющему доступ к квалифицированным мастерам, которые тайно изготовили несколько копий. Позже он был осужден за другие подделки и умер в тюрьме в 1879 году, но до сих пор не было известно, что он вернул одну из своих копий реликвария в Императорские коллекции вместо оригинала. Венская семья Ротшильдов купила оригинальный реликварий к 1872 году, не зная о его происхождении ; он был унаследован Фердинандом де Ротшильдом, который переехал в Англию и построил поместье Уоддесдон в Бакингемшире . Один из экземпляров хранился в церковной сокровищнице Императорского Габсбургского двора в Вене , где обман оставался незамеченным в течение нескольких десятилетий.
Оригинальный реликварий попал в Британский музей в рамках завещания Ваддесдон в 1899 году, к тому времени его происхождение было «полностью утеряно», и он был описан как «Испанский, 16 век». Таким образом, его историю пришлось реконструировать с помощью научных исследований; Значение геральдических табличек на основании замка к настоящему времени потеряно как в Лондоне, так и в Вене. Первой публикацией, в которой утверждалось, что лондонский реликварий был записан в более ранние венские инвентарные списки, была статья Джозефа Дестре в 1927 году; этот вопрос не был окончательно решен до 1959 года, когда венская версия была привезена в Лондон для более подробного сравнения. Собравшиеся эксперты из Британского музея, Музея Виктории и Альберта и Художественно-исторического музея в Вене согласились, что лондонский реликварий был оригиналом. Согласно условиям Waddesdon Bequest, реликварий не может покинуть музей; в 2011 году он был исключен из Кливленда и Балтимора выставки « Сокровища небес: святые, реликвии и преданность в средневековой Европе» . Обычно он выставлен в Зале 45, специальной Зале Завещания Уоддесдона, как указано в условиях завещания.
Данстейбли Swan Jewel , ливрея значок в Ronde Боссе или «инкрустирован» эмалировка, о 1400. Британского музея
Автор работы неизвестен; он не подписан и не отмечен, и ювелиры того периода редко делали это. Есть ряд имен ювелиров, известных из счетов и других записей, но ни одна из немногих сохранившихся работ не может быть прикреплена к конкретному мастеру. Париж был центром производства огромного количества радостей , светских и религиозных, которые производились для большой королевской семьи Валуа и других покупателей. У Берри, его братьев и племянников были ювелиры на зарплату или гонорары, которые, должно быть, были непрерывным потоком комиссионных, результаты которых кратко занесены в различные инвентарные списки того периода, но от которых сейчас осталось лишь несколько остатков. Только один предмет, упомянутый в записях коллекции Берри, может соответствовать реликварию, но это было сделано после 1401 года, что противоречит дате, предложенной геральдикой. Другая возможность состоит в том, что реликварий был сделан и подарен, как и многие другие предметы, в промежутках между инвентаризацией.
В реликварии широко используется техника ronde bosse или «инкрустированная» техника эмалирования, которая включает в себя создание небольших трехмерных фигур, покрытых эмалью на металлической основе, часто просто золотой проволоке. Эта техника была недавним нововведением, которое ювелиры, работавшие на Валуа, доводили до предела в конце 14 века. Основной цвет используемой эмали — это свинцовая белая эмаль, которая также была разработана не более чем за десять или два года до даты создания реликвария и, очевидно, была очень модной в конце века. Белый цвет доминирует над немногими сохранившимися крупными эмалями в ронд-боссе, датируемыми периодом, начиная примерно с 1380 года и заканчивая примерно 1410 годом, которые используются здесь как для одежды, так и для тела фигур. Золото используется для их волос, а другие цвета эмали в основном используются на шее и манжетах, чтобы разграничить белые одежды и белую кожу; «повсюду цвет используется очень продуманно»; «контролируемое использование красного включает чередование рубинов и жемчуга», за исключением случаев, когда «единственный сапфир прерывает этот ритм» выше Бога-Отца. Синий, важный цвет эмали в других работах, здесь почти полностью отсутствует, возможно, чтобы не затмить крупные сапфиры.
Деталь Святого Михаила; Прямоугольная венская налоговая марка наверху
Другие техники также используются с большим мастерством; большие цифры на задней преследуются, с крыльями Михайловском представлены на плоской поверхности двери в деликатных рифлением или pointillé работы с помощью пуансонов , который слишком подробно , чтобы увидеть в большинстве фотографий, и действительно трудно увидеть в оригинале. Тело Майкла также покрыто перьями, ограничиваясь шеей, щиколотками и запястьями, что является «самой исключительной чертой», которую часто называют « колготками с перьями », что, возможно, заимствовано из костюмов литургических драм . Другие элементы были отлиты в небольших формах, и большая часть видимого золота была отполирована, чтобы придать им гладкость и сияние.
Ragnaros and Executus, with player character shown for scale.
On release, Molten Core and Onyxia’s Lair were the only 40 man instances in the game, thus Ragnaros was the first «game end boss.» With the advent of Blackwing Lair, Ahn’Qiraj, Naxxramas, and the raising of the level cap with the game’s expansions, defeating Ragnaros has long since ceased to be the pinnacle of raiding success. However, prior to the Burning Crusade, slaying him was still considered a very important step in raid progression before engaging in more challenging content. It was the first raid encounter which required a concerted effort in acquiring massive amounts of a particular statistic (in this case, fire resistance). Moreover, the encounter was the first one to demand the extensive use of consumables, at least in the learning process and in the first few kills. As such, it was once a very important stage in the evolution of a raiding guild.
However, as of the Burning Crusade expansion, this is no longer the case, as this instance is largely obsolete with the introduction of Outland green items with superior stats to most of Tier 1 (and the fact that most higher instances are lower than 40 man, making them a much more practical way to go). It is now typically only run for the Molten Core achievement, or by players seeking to craft Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros or Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
Patch changes
- Patch 1.7.0 (13-Sep-2005): Bind on Equip Bracers and Belts in Molten Core now drop more often.
Patch 1.6.0 (12-Jul-2005):
- The loot tables in Molten Core have been revised slightly.
- Characters that die and release in the Molten Core will now receive a minimap corpse marker and arrow that will lead them to the window next to Lothos Riftwaker in Blackrock Mountain.
- Patch 1.5.0 (2005-06-07): Additional new raid items have been added to the treasure lists for bosses in Molten Core.
Patch 1.4.0 (2005-05-05):
- Molten Core boss creatures have all received some new items on their loot tables.
- Most of the non-class set items that dropped from Molten Core have had their effective levels increased, resulting in higher DPS weapons, and/or better stats and effects.
- The loot tables for some of the Molten Core bosses have been improved so they drop an additional epic item per kill.
- Prior to this patch, Molten Core boss creatures could drop items from one of two different tiered sets for every character class. The loot tables have been changed so Molten Core bosses will now only drop items from the lower tier class sets. However, some of the items from those sets were not previously dropping in Molten Core. These missing class set items will now drop in Molten Core, allowing players to complete their lower tier class sets.
Patch 1.3.0 (07-Mar-2005):
- Players who have completed the Molten Core discovery quest can now port directly to the zone, bypassing Blackrock Depths.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the first Firelord to stop moving.
- Line of Sight checks removed from many creature abilities in Molten Core.
- Patch 1.2.0 (18-Dec-2004): If you die in Molten Core, you will now be able to retrieve your corpse at the Blackrock Depths instance line.
Blocks and Items:
- Coin of Fortune – magnet that teleports items and experience to player
- Hunter’s Handgun – handgun that can be loaded with a variety of different shots (like shots that seek their target, or make creepers explode, …)
- Infernal Chalice – a portable lava storage, but also an item that prevents the player from being hurt in lava (in exchange for some hunger)
- Interdiction Torch – torch that pushes mobs in its range away
- Lilypad of Fertility – lilypad that makes nearby crops grow faster and that can be put side by side with other lilypads for even greated effect
- Nian Zhus – item that makes mobs ignore player (each of them specific to a mob type – creeper Nian Zhu, zombie Nian Zhu, …)
- Sojourner’s Staff – staff that can hold multiple stacks of torches and then place these in world, close to the player as usual or even at great distance for additional cost
- Void Tear – item that can hold a huge number of stacks of a specific item (no more cobble clutter)Witherless Rose – flower that prevents player who has it in their inventory from being withered
Pedestal can be used as a fancy display of items, but at the same time it is functional as well when you put some specific items in
- Picks up items and xp orbs – coin of fortune
- Works as a tank for xp – hero’s medallion (charges the medallion with the xp)
- Attacks mobs – sword (many different kinds work including Tinker’s)
- Gets milk from cows or picks up liquid from the world around – bucket
- Shears sheep or shearable blocks – shears
- Buffs players within range with localized creative flight – Rending Gale in flight mode
- Pushes/pulls mobs in range – Rending Gale in appropriate mode
- Works as an automated farm – Harvest Rod
Tome of Alkahestry:
Tome of Alkahestry allows duplicating some items for a cost of its charge. By default there are not that many but include even some pretty expensive stuff like diamond or nether star (of course for a cost that’s appropriate to those).
Potion system:
Reliquary includes custom potion system that allows creating a lot of different kinds of potions. It uses some very basic ingredients like potatos up to very expensive ones like nether stars and the resulting potions have appropriately strong effect(s). Wiki has way more information on how exactly this works and all of the different ingredients and effects.
Gameplay changesedit
- The player starts with 60 bullets, instead of 50
- Lost soul’s HP is decreased from 100 to 45
- Cacodemon’s corpse has been adjusted a little bit
- Arachnotron’s plasma projectile is replaced with energy bolt; higher velocity, lesser damage
- Former human is replaced by Former Ranger: shoots one energy bolt, has 25% more HP, and faster movement speed
- Baron of Hell is replaced by Antaresia from Struggle — Antaresian Legacy
- Chaingun Elite from Struggle — Antaresian Legacy has been added
- Bullet capacity is increased from 200/400 to 240/480
- Shell capacity is decreased from 50/100 to 40/80
- Rocket capacity is decreased from 50/100 to 40/80
- Cell capacity is decreased from 300/600 to 240/480
- Bullet items now give 20% more bullets; 12/60
- Cell items now give 20% less energy; 16/80
Weapon changesedit
Note: Every weapon has notably faster weapon-switching speed
- Fist: Faster reaction time and doubled the damage
- Pistol: Replaced by Machinegun with faster firing rate, and always accurate
- Shotgun: Slightly faster firing rate
- Super shotgun: Increased firing rate by 18%
- Chaingun: Notably faster firing rate and added post-fire delay sequence
- Rocket launcher: Faster projectile speed and increased projectile damage
- Plasma rifle: Decreased firing rate by 50%, slightly increased projectile speed, increased projectile damage by 140%, and removed post-fire delay sequence
- BFG: Pre-fire delay is decreased (overall firing rate is still the same), projectile damage is decreased from 100 to 80, and now requires 30 cells per shot, instead of 40
Built-in demosedit
This WAD features three . All require Doom II with a Boom-compatible v2.02 source port to view them. The demo levels are:
Demo | Level | Tics | Length | |
DEMO1 | MAP02: A Forlorn Outpost | 4 | 9921 | 4:43.46 |
DEMO2 | MAP04: Purgatorial Technologies | 4 | 9787 | 4:39.63 |
DEMO3 | MAP06: The Kerberos Complex | 4 | 4214 | 2:00.40 |