Level editor


Во время суда над Жакетом через год после его ареста банда убийц («фанаты») безжалостно убивает мафию и преступников, используя тот же метод, что и Жакет. Суд над Жакетом также представляет большой интерес для журналиста, который подвергнет опасности свою жизнь и свое здравомыслие, чтобы найти историю, которую можно рассказать. Тем временем измученный полицейский Пардо убивает преступников, чтобы выполнить работу, которую он больше не узнает. Наконец, ставленник, послушный новому главе русской мафии («Сыну»), с трудом сводит концы с концами и сдерживает своего босса, берсерка. Это было без учета воспоминаний о войне на Гавайях и персонажа в маске петуха.


  • The Tiger’s mouth eye is likely a reference to the Evil eye in many early religions. It’s also a hallucinatory conflation by The Son with Tony’s real eye where his mask’s eye-hole is ruined.
  • This is the only level that, in Hard Mode, is not inverted. However, in the same mode, the movement keys (WASD) are inverted.
  • The Son’s line «Gotta Get a Grip» and the unhinged-jaw stretched-mouth facial sprite for him quickly became a meme.
  • Although in Death Wish the Son is shown killing the Twins with a Magnum, he uses a fire axe to kill them in this mission.
  • Official Artwork in one of Hotline Miami 2‘s special editions features a gigantic tiger with an eye in its mouth screaming at a small, white suited man with long black hair. It’s clear that this is a glorified version of The Son’s fight with Tony in his manic state, from this level.
  • When selecting the level from the Level Select menu, the words «Don’t Do It!» appear at the top of the screen and the words «Please» and «Stop» replace the usual Skip Intro? «Yes» and «No».
  • The outro strongly parallels the endings to both Doctor Strangelove and The Seventh Seal.
  • The Heavens’ Gate sprite is bookended with the same style of angelic statues that bookended the entrance to the Colombian Boss’ main office, as well as the hallucinated forms of the Swans before they fuse into one creature.
  • Though the Son doesn’t take revenge on Jacket, his last two kills are on masked blonde people, and his fireaxe likely indicates he’s reveling in their deaths.
  • Despite not being a scored level, the player still get point for killing hallucinatory demons.
  • It’s ambiguous exactly how much the Son understands he’s killing his own men and committing suicide.
  • The Demon Dog is a possible reference to Cerberus, a monster of Greek mythology that resembled a dog with three heads, same as the Demon Dog.
  • The song’s name of this level, «Fahkeet», is a play on well-known phrase «fuck it».
  • The use of the Rainbow «bridge» is a reference to the Nordic Bifrost, a burning (fitting due to the firey eyes of the demons and the son’s hallucinations) rainbow that was a bridge between Asgard (Nordic Heaven exclusive to gods) and Midgard (our realm) and is guarded by Heimdallr.
    • The Son going on the bridge to «Asgard» is most likely a joke on how the Son is now «Drug god of Miami»
    • The use of the bridge and the Son’s Russian background maybe a reference to the Varangians, who were Norse (or Vikings) people who settled in the lands of Rus (modern day Belarus, Ukraine and south western Russia)
    • The use of the bridge is also a reference to Dennis Wedin and Jonatan Soderstrom’s Swedish enthicity (Most caucasian modern Swedes are the descendants of the Norse).

Alpha Features[]

NOTE: The alpha version of the editor is incomplete. As such, it is no longer updated and lacks features and bug fixes the beta editor has. Use at your own risk.

  • Selecting Manny Pardo, Jake, Evan, and sometimes The Fans will result in the level completely crashing.
  • A lot of items aren’t finished.
  • Many Items will crash the game, when selected.
  • Many Walls from the games are not available. (ie, white brick walls, or indestructible mirrors/windows)
  • Corner wall textures for the Sewer Walls, Wood Walls, and Movie Set Walls will not be placed.
  • If too many walls are added, the game will crash.
  • Many tiles from both games are also not available.
  • The guns tab does not have any weapons that can be placed.
  • Triggers can not be made. (For example, the elevator explosion in Casualties, or the «Get the Girl» objective scene in Final Cut)

Biker, Jacket and H.M. Hammarin are unusable.

Lethal knife throws will automatically turn the sprite into a mobster.

  • No outro/intro/sprite editors.
  • No cutscene editor.
  • No campaign editor.

If you use The Pig Butcher, Richter or The Soldier, you won’t be able to finish the level.

Saves made in the alpha build will not carry over to the full version.

  • The floor tiles tend to disappear while using the Rewind function and while renaming the level.
  • Some songs are unlisted, such as iamthekidyouknowhatimean’s Run. Other songs are incorrectly labeled; for example, selecting Jasper Byrne’s Voyager will instead play Carpenter Brut’s Le Perv, and Scattle’s Bloodline is listed as Pursuit.
  • If the player lowers the volume while in a level, the game will crash.
  • Adding doors will occasionally result in a crash.
  • If player replays the level the floor tiles will disappear, leaving only walls, items and enemies.


The dates corresponding with the Ghost Wolves storyline and Jake’s storyline are inconsistent and generally hard to reconcile with or deduce from the events of the games. For these reasons they’re excluded from the game timeline above.


The Waipahu Prison is assaulted by the Ghost Wolves, who kill ~350 men and destroy seven attack helicopters. They then steal an attack helicopter and «nuke» the Russian base.


A Russian controlled base near Midway Atoll is captured by the Ghost Wolves. 10 days later another base is taken over by the Ghost Wolves.


10th — The captured Paradise Resort is taken over by the Ghost Wolves. It is very similar to Stronghold, which takes place in an unnamed Hawaiian resort.


2nd — Jake attends an American pride protest rally which breaks into a riot. Jake kills a Russian woman before returning to his apartment to find a 50 Blessings package containing his Jake Mask.


  • Mid July — The comics re-date Assault as occurring «last week» from Showdown instead of a day prior.
  • 23rd — Jacket is apprehended by police on the morning at Lebedev’s mansion. The filming of his arrest is broadcast during a news report about his series of crimes, which are viewed by Daniels and the Fans.


  • 23rd — The Pig Butcher is shown being filmed while «killing» a store clerk with a hammer on 196th Street.
  • 24th — The Pig Butcher is watching horror movies in his apartment before being told by the Pig Phone to go to 188 63rd Street, where he «kills» a family. Several cameras and boom mics are visible in many comic panels. He returns to his apartment to eat beans and is again told by the Pig Phone to go to 188 66th Street, where he «kills» a group of teenagers. After he does, he removes his mask and is congratulated by the movie crew.


  • 9th — A cargo shipment of Russian prostitutes is discovered by the Miami Port Authority. Ash and Mark express a desire to acquire a police radio.
  • 9th — The Fans are on a patrol around a warehouse district. Ash discovers a warehouse that had its gate lock cut. The Fans decide to investigate and run into a group of masked thieves raiding the warehouse, before being killed by the Fans.

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number[]

Act One: Exposition

  • Down Under (1st Scene; The Fans)
  • Homicide (2nd Scene; Manny Pardo)
  • Hard News (3rd Scene; Jake)
  • Final Cut (4th Scene; Martin Brown)

Act Two: Rising

  • First Trial (5th Scene; Evan Wright)
  • Moving Up (6th Scene; The Fans)
  • No Mercy (7th Scene; The Henchman)
  • Execution (8th Scene; The Fans)

Act Three: Climax

  • Ambush (9th Scene; Beard)
  • Into the Pit (10th Scene; The Fans)
  • Dead Ahead (11th Scene; Manny Pardo)
  • Death Wish (12th Scene; The Fans)

Act Four: Falling

  • Subway (13th Scene; Evan Wright)
  • Stronghold (14th Scene; Beard)
  • Withdrawal (15th Scene; Jake)
  • Casualties (16th Scene; Beard)

Act Five: Intermission

  • First Blood (17th Scene, Richter)
  • Demolition (18th Scene, Richter)
  • House Call (19th Scene, Richter)
  • Release (20th Scene, Richter)

Act Six: Catastrophe

  • Seizure (21st Scene; The Son)
  • Blood Money (22nd Scene; The Son)
  • Caught (23rd Scene; Manny Pardo)
  • Take Over (24th Scene; The Son)

Tagged Locations and Pamphlets[]

The 50 Blessings symbol can be seen in several places throughout Hotline Miami. The symbol appears in:

  • Prelude: The Metro (twice)
  • Chapter 1: No Talk
  • Chapter 7: Neighbors
  • Chapter 8: Push It, the symbol can be seen in the bathroom of Beard’s convenience store. Richter can be seen at the sink.
  • in Jacket’s apartment after Chapter 12: Trauma
  • Chapter 16: in Aubrey’s restaurant in Safehouse
  • Chapter 17: in the bathroom of the casino-arcade in Fun & Games
  • Chapter 19: Resolution

The symbol also appears several times in Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number:

  • The large table in the Fans’ hideout is painted with a pink 50B symbol
  • The phone table in the Fans’ hideout is painted with a green 50B symbol
  • The Attack Van has two pink 50B symbols tagged on it. «Phone Hom» is also crossed out.
  • The symbol appears in Stronghold in the Colonel’s quarters, in an turtle corpse
  • The symbol appears in Casualties in the Colonel’s quarters, in panther blood on the stripes of the US flag.
  • In Subway, the circular symbols of both anarchy and peace are regularly tagged, along with a green 50B symbol on some benches. A red painted symbol is on the train itself.
  • The 50B symbol is tattooed on the Prison Boss
  • A pink, candle-lit symbol appears in the hobo room in the Abyss.


  • No Talk intro, Jacket’s apartment
  • Fun & Games intro, Biker’s apartment
  • Resolution, printed in the sewer
  • Hard News, Jake’s apartment
  • Withdrawal intro, 50B HQ. Withdrawal «successful» outro, being printed in hideout.
  • Release, information table along with several bibles on final stage

50 Blessings symbol in the 1st floor bathroom of Prelude: The Metro

50 Blessings Symbol on the 2nd floor of Prelude: The Metro

50 Blessings symbol on the 1st floor of Chapter 1: No Talk

50 Blessings symbol in the stairwell of Chapter 7: Neighbors

50 Blessings symbol in Jacket’s apartment after Chapter 12: Trauma

50 Blessings symbol at the end of Chapter 19: Resolution

The blonde janitor mentions the name «50 Blessings» at the end of Chapter 19: Resolution

50 Blessings symbol in Beard’s convenience store. Richter is seen at the sink.


За несколько дней до выпуска Hotline Miami разработчики открыли в Майами телефонную линию, на которую любой желающий мог оставить собственное голосовое послание. Некоторые из этих посланий были использованы в официальном трейлере игры, созданном через несколько дней после её выхода.

В ноябре 2012 года для игры вышло дополнение, добавляющее возможность играть при помощи геймпада, а также исправляющее ошибки игры, совершенствующее графику и добавляющее дополнительную главу — ‘Highball’.

В середине декабря 2012 года Devolver Digital сообщили о продаже более 130 000 копий игры за семь недель со времени выпуска. В своём интервью для сайта Eurogamer менеджер компании Грэм Стразерс сообщил, что его «распирает от гордости» за создателей игры, Джонатана Сёдерстрёма и Денниса Уэдина, добавив, что «ему попались довольно талантливые ребята».


«Man, sometimes I hate this city.»

Pardo is consistently portrayed as exhausted and cynical. His dialogue is oriented toward either world weary remarks about the depravity of the press and Miami or awkward attempts at charisma to ease a concerned character or present himself in a better light. He follows the news regularly and is a friend of Evan, a former member of the press. According to Evan, Pardo has a reputation of incompetence and misconduct at the MPD.

Pardo secretly desires fame and to be seen as an action star, and has a bench press and punching bag in his sparse apartment to build his strength, physique and endurance. He wears a leather Mark Gor jacket and is the only character who can execute enemies with guns. In «Homicide» he’s shown to keep a loaded shotgun in his trunk. However, his extreme desire for fame has led him to commit many reprehensible misconducts such as singlehandedly sabotaging the Colombian operation and murdering Tony in cold blood despite pleading with him. He even told his friend, Evan, to stop writing the story about the masked maniac and focus on the Miami Mutilator. Of course, his extreme obsession with fame has caused him to become twisted and led him to become the killer he was supposed to investigate: The Miami Mutilator.

Pardo also has a distinct off-putting void of attributes (perhaps a parody of Jacket being a silent protagonist with a fairly blank apartment, or a reference to the quiet, strangely traitless Driver in Drive). He’s the first Hotline Miami playable character to have a bland vehicle, and his dialogue consists largely of clichés awkwardly trying to emulate a charismatic personality, with the outro to First Trial having him awkwardly attempting to salvage his relationship with Evan, and several scenes featuring him trying to put concerned women at ease with unsuccessfully flirtatious remarks («You too, sweetheart!», «I can see you got the good genes. You’re very pretty.»). His apartment features no possessions whatsoever other than a couch, a bed, a TV, a punching bag, a plant, a magazine stand, and a bench press.

Сюжетные достижения

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
1. Достижение за открытие масок / техник / оружия

Достижения, получаемые за открытие масок фанатов, техник Сына и оружия Солдата.

Достижения заработаются сами по себе во время прохождения сюжетной кампании, независимо от того, как хорошо вы играете.

Разблокируй всех фанатов.
Разблокируй все маски змей.
Разблокируй все виды оружия солдата.
Разблокируй все техники сына.

Thrown Weapons[]

Thrown weapons do not have any melee attack but many will kill upon hit and some have their own execution animations, some will only knock down an enemy rather than kill. Some thrown weapons can only be used once before being lost or broken.

Thrown Weapons:

  • Ninja Star (Hotline Miami weapon)
  • Beer Can (Hotline Miami weapon)
  • Dart (Hotline Miami weapon)
  • Hammer (both games, used as a melee weapon in Hotline Miami 2)
  • Brick (Hotline Miami weapon)
  • Scissors (Hotline Miami weapon)
  • Pot with Water (both games, seen in Level Editor — converts to Pot upon use)
  • Glass Bottle (both games, used as a melee weapon in Hotline Miami 2)
  • Throwing Knife (both games, seen in Level Editor — Exclusive to Biker in Hotline Miami 2)
  • Acid (Hotline Miami 2 Weapon)


Первая часть игры знакомит вас с игровым процессом, а затем сразу же бросает в круговорот событий. Как только вы научитесь управлению, вы начинаете сюжетную линию – в каждой миссии вам поступают телефонные звонки со странными заданиями, которые являются зашифрованными заказами на убийство, а в конце каждой миссии вы отправляетесь в указанное вам заведение, чтобы забрать пиццу, видеокассету или какой-либо еще товар, в котором спрятана плата за заказ. В первой главе прохождение является довольно прямолинейным, хотя не становится от этого менее увлекательным – вы выполняете три заказа на убийство, то есть получаете звонок, выходите из дома, садитесь в машину, приезжаете под указанный адрес, заходите, зачищаете дом от этажа к этажу, выходите, уезжаете, забираете деньги, и миссия заканчивается. Но это только начало.


Сюжет в Hotline Miami подан в виде «субъективного повествования», а отображение реальности меняется в зависимости от самого персонажа игры. В целом сюжет достаточно неоднозначен, а всё написанное ниже лишь попытка наиболее объективно скомпоновать его. Некоторые главы игры поданы вне хронологического порядка. Основной протагонист игры — неизвестный человек, который именуется фанатами как «Джекет» (за студенческую куртку, которую он носит на протяжении игры), либо «Ричард» (по названию первой маски), но ни один из персонажей не называет его по имени. В начале игры ему снится сон, в котором он видит трёх одетых в звериные маски незнакомцев, обсуждающих поступки Джекета и его самого. Джекет просыпается в собственной квартире 3 апреля 1989 года под звук автоответчика. На автоответчике записано сообщение, в котором его просят принять доставленную ему коробку с печеньем и «внимательно прочитать их состав». В коробке он находит звериную маску (называемую в игре как «Ричард»), а также заказ на добычу таинственного чемодана в определённом здании и убийство всех в нём присутствующих. После выполнения заказа Джекет продолжает получать сообщения и следовать даваемым указаниям. В промежутки между окончанием миссии и приездом домой он посещает гастрономы и видеосалоны — в каждом из них он находит одного и того же бородатого продавца, который дружелюбно отдаёт Джекету покупку «за счёт заведения», а также комментирует совершённые главным героем убийства, не подозревая о поступках Джекета. С каждым разом эти визиты обретают всё больше и больше странностей.


Pardo: So, did you find anything?

Evan: Well, no… Nothing substantial at least.

Pardo: See, I told you so. So, we’re good now, right? No more favors.

Evan: Yeah, yeah… No more favors.

Pardo: I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help, buddy.

Evan: Yeah, me too. *SIGH*

Evan: Hey, I found this disk… You know what’s on it?

Pardo: Lemme see… Hmmm. Oh right, I think there was this list of addresses. A bunch of them were linked to the vigilantes. Meeting places, a couple of locations they targeted.

Evan: Mind if I take it with me?

Pardo: Look, I could get into a lot of trouble if I let you do that.

Evan: If you let me borrow it, we’ll call it even, OK? I’ll have it back to you by tomorrow, I promise!

Manny Pardo: You better not lose it, you hear?

Evan: Of course not! … Well, I guess I’ll be heading home now. Thanks for letting me have a look around, man.

Evan: Hi, I’m Evan Wright. I handed in a floppy disk with some documents. Are my printouts ready yet?

Clerk: I’ve got them right here, sir. Is there anything else I can do for you?

Evan: Nah, I’m fine, thanks!

Printout: «…NW 27th Ave…» «NE 101st St…»

Evan: Excuse me, you wouldn’t happen to have any maps of the city?

Clerk: Sorry, sir. I’m afraid we don’t sell maps here. There’s a tourist center a couple of blocks down the street, though.

Evan: All right. Thanks again!

Rooster Hobo: You’re not supposed to be here! We had a deal, didn’t we?

Horse Hobo: We stay in here after dark, and you leave us be! Wasn’t that what you said?

Evan: I’m not sure I-

Giraffe Hobo: Get the hell out of here, now! This is our place, not yours!

Rooster Hobo: Don’t force us to do something we don’t want to!

Бонусные маски

В игре Hotline Miami 2 прохождение немного отличается от того, которое наблюдается в первой части, поэтому если вы играли в сиквел, то вам не стоит его ассоциировать с первой частью игры, здесь все совсем иначе. Например, там есть несколько сюжетных линий со своими масками, и, честно говоря, эти аксессуары там уже не играют столь большого значения. В этой части игры маски очень важны, поэтому стоит уделить время рассмотрению и бонусных масок, которые вам нужно искать при прохождении.

Чарли обеспечивает более частое появление холодного, а не огнестрельного оружия на уровне, Луи позволяет вам маскироваться так, что ваши противники будут видеть вас только вблизи, а Фил – это своего рода шутка, с помощью этой маски вы можете перевести все диалоги в игре на французский язык. Найджел – это еще одна маска, которая усложняет игровой процесс, все клавиши в игре меняются на противоположные, то есть, чтобы пойти вправо, вам нужно будет нажать кнопку «влево», а чтобы выстрелить – на правую кнопку мыши, а не на левую. Эрл позволяет вашему герою выжить после первого выстрела, Джонс делает игру более кровавой, а Карл дает персонажу в начале уровня дрель в качестве оружия ближнего боя. Джейк гарантирует смертельный исход, а не оглушение после броска предмета, а Рихтер дает вашему герою в самом начале уровня огромное преимущество – автомат. Теперь, когда вы знаете о действии всех масок, прохождение игры Hotline Miami станет для вас более простым и увлекательным.


The game received generally positive reviews from critics. It received an aggregated score of 75.90% on GameRankings based on 40 reviews and 76/100 on Metacritic based on 61 reviews.

Danny O’Dwyer from GameSpot gave the game a 9/10, praising its techno and intense soundtrack, entertaining, engaging and challenging gameplay, well-designed controls, striking and vibrant visuals, improved enemy placement, lengthy story, as well as the huge variety of characters, levels and locations. He also praised the game for allowing players to use multiple approaches towards a single objective. However, he criticized the lack of weapon customization. He summarized the game by saying that «This is a confident follow-up which improves upon the original in almost every way. This is a tremendously stylish game which entertains throughout, and delights in forcing you out of your comfort zone.

Chris Carter from Destructoid also awarded the game a 9/10, praising the open-ended gameplay, engrossing story, accessible interface and level-creator, as well as the game for allowing players to utilize creativity and strategy in every level. However, he criticized the poor AI. He summarized the game by saying that «Hotline Miami 2 may not be as «profound» as its predecessor, but it’s still a bloody good time.»

Chloi Rad from IGN gave the game a 8.8/10, praising its high replay value, engaging story, sizable maps, rich characters’ backstory, character-specific abilities, the improved lock-on system as well as the level-design, which demands players a new and more cautious approach towards dangers. However, she criticized the occasionally frustrating levels. She summarized the review by saying that «Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number is a great game and a worthy sequel. It’s more confident in its style, storytelling ability, and level design than the first game.»

Steven Burns from VideoGamer.com gave the game a 7/10, while praising the narrative as well as the brutal violence featured in the game, which he stated «has tread a fine, sophisticated line between titillation, power, and reflection, an integral part of both narrative and mechanics.», he criticized the over-sized maps, as well as the game for being overly difficult, frustrating as enemy attack players where they can’t be seen from the camera angle. and restrictive as the game enforced players to play on certain way very often.



  • 2nd — Richter begins his work with 50 Blessings shortly after they torched his car and threatened his mother for not doing as they say. He assaults a Russian-owned cafe flying USSR flags.
  • 3rd — Jacket begins his work with 50 Blessings and goes to a subway station to collect a briefcase. Jacket throws the briefcase away into a dumpster and kills a homeless man on the way back to his car.
  • 8th — Jacket arrives at an apartment complex inhabited by the Russian mafia and kills all inhabitants.
  • 10th — Richter attacks a well-guarded Russian warehouse of USSR imported weapons, which the Son will later use.
  • 16th — Jacket assaults another apartment building and murders all mobsters inside.
  • 23rd — Richter assaults a Russian apartment.
  • 25th — Jacket attacks a film producer’s villa and rescues a drug-addled young woman. Meanwhile, another masked vigilante known as Jake shaves his head and assaults a news station in the Russian mafia’s pocket. Unlike Richter, he is shown to have 50 Blessings’ newsletter.


  • 5th — Jacket assaults a mafia-owned mansion and an explosion erupts from the second floor.
  • 11th — Jacket performs another hit at a mafia-occupied house.
  • 13th — Biker, having rejected a political hit job from 50 Blessings, follows a lead to the Blue Dragon, a Chinese restaurant, in order to find 50 Blessings and end his affiliation with the group. Meanwhile, under direct supervision of The Janitors, Jacket performs the political hit on the mob-protected Hotel Blue and kills three politicians, dealing a heavy blow to the Russo-American coalition.
  • 16th — Biker attacks a mafia-inhabited casino and arcade.
  • 23rd — Jacket invades an apartment complex before being tasked by 50 Blessings to stop Biker from tracing their calls. He drives to the local telephone company and hits Biker with a golf club, wounding him but failing to kill Biker.
  • 24th — Biker discovers the heart of the operation, finds they’re a national organization with political ties, and flees Miami.
  • 27th — Jacket performs another hit at a night club.
  • 31st — Jacket intercepts a massive cocaine operation before the building is raided by the SWAT team and he narrowly escapes.


  • 3rd — Jake visits the 50 Blessings HQ and finds out from the Manager working there that they are behind the phone call operation. Jake later performs a botched hit on a mafia-run apartment complex used for cooking meth, where he is wounded and taken away to a bath house. Petrov and the VIP Guard attempt to interrogate Jake, but they get no answers from him and shoot him in the head. Later, Jacket invades the bath house and clears it out.
  • 8th — Jacket performs a hit on a mafia-owned office complex, and withstands an attack led by a Russian van driving hitman. When he returns to his home, his girlfriend has been assassinated by Richter, tasked to kill Jacket for his failure to kill Biker. Richter shoots Jacket and places him into a coma, where he relives the past few months in a dream.


  • Unknown Date — Jacket drowsily overhears a conversation about Girlfriend’s death, his own coma, and Richter’s arrest between a nurse and a police officer.
  • 21st — Waking up from his coma, Jacket escapes the hospital he was staying at before the police could question him. He returns home and rests for an indefinite amount of time.
  • Unknown Date — Looking for Richter, Jacket attacks the local police precinct and kills every officer inside, including the station’s chief. Jacket finds and interrogates Richter, discovering that he receives the same phone calls sent out by 50 Blessings, and that his murder of Girlfriend was no personal vendetta in any way. Richter tips Jacket off with the police station containing more information on the case than that of Richter’s own knowledge, and Jacket steals confidential police files on the murders before leaving.
  • 23rd — Jacket follows a police file to the Golden Truckstop, a mafia-run nightclub. He receives the location of the mafia boss’s mansion from the club manager. He brutally murders the club manager on the way out. Then Jacket kills off what is left of the Russian Mafia at The Father’s mansion, mistaking them for the source of the calls, but primarily looking to make himself feel better by killing affluent Russians. He resumes his smoking from Hawaii and tosses the Picture to the wind.
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